04 July, 2024

French ‘Excalibur’ vanishes after 1300 years


There must have been a few people involved to pull this off, perhaps they abseiled down to the sword. No doubt it is a political stunt to provoke a national outrage with the French elections at present. A sword embedded in rock for hundreds of years would not last the ravages of time due to rusting unless it was made using a technique to prevent corrosion. 

All that aside who doesn't love a bit of mythology and hopefully the sword will be returned soon and not into the hands of a collector. 




                                          Swords of the era in Western and Northern Europe. 

02 July, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session #1 July 2024



It can only happen if people don't man up and grow a pair! 

Boomerang not Bumerang!! Spell Check is a great tool, just saying.

What Wes does't mention is when we are in our physical body we are dead. We are entombed, think about the term, "as above and so is below". Literally speaking, in our third dimensional world we think we are alive, while on earth  and when we are dead and in spirit we are upstairs in a higher world we call heaven. Yet, when those in spirit think of us, they see us as being dead. 

There is no up or down per say, we are talking dimensional frequencies that rise and fall on a scale. That puts a different spin on things entirely. Some frequencies are dense realities and the higher the frequency the lighter and less density there is. Then there are positive and negative variations of each dimension.   

Q4 is pie in the sky theory. If you get entangled in a group of souls how easy is it to disentangle from that group? Think about when a person has entity attachments, they can't always be moved without help, I have witnessed this myself. Then it has also been said that there are also people that after death find it difficult to leave their bodies and they also need help leaving their bodies. 

Tough new laws to protect retail workers in Western Australia come into effect


Well this looks like that changing of the guard that I have mentioned in the past, where the end of politically correct laws that are weak and ineffective are now on the turn. The old problem, reaction, solution game moves the other direction, or so it seems.   

However I am rather skeptical on this being enforced correctly though because the people committing the violence do not have the money to pay the fines, which then could become a "mandatory" sentence. Then that depends on how good the solicitor is at playing the mental health card and poor perpetrator, it's not their fault BS to get a lighter sentence. Notice the wording "up to", that does not mean they will get 10 years. 

Get the laws that are there enforced for violent  crime. The premier and the government need to man up and insist that the laws are applied properly by the magistrates. Assault is assault, there is no excuse for any violent behaviour whatsoever, so stop making excuses for violent people and man up and apply the law.

 Domestic violence gets less jail time, that is if the perp actually goes to jail, so what is going to be done there? Its insulting for us women that we are not protected. 

Western Australia and Queensland seem to be the worst states for violent crime because of the court system, and criminals get the upper hand. Because they know how lenient the magistrates are. 

French ‘Excalibur’ vanishes after 1300 years

  https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/french-excalibur-vanishes-after-1300-years/news-story/c08997d1cfac28a14f7da0bb0bc565f5 There mu...