Showing posts with label ARTICLES BY ALEX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ARTICLES BY ALEX. Show all posts

11 October, 2023

Hang on to your hat in 2024 it’s going to be rough

 I am starting to do my psychic predictions for the world in 2024 and boy it doesn’t look good. If we thought this year was bad then next year will be much worse. Things are going to kick off early and quickly in very frightening ways. We need to be strong, keep emotions in check and not reactionary, think first and question what one hears or reads in the media. I just want to prepare people giving a heads up on what we will experience next year. I hope to have my predictions up by the end of next week all going well. 

Also my predictions usually run October to October as a general rule. It’s just the way it has happened since I started doing predictions. Remember that the world predictions are separate from the predictions for Australia too. Again it wasn’t intended to be like this, it just happened. I guess spirit wanted a distinct difference between them so I just go with what I feel.

Warm and fuzzy hugs 


24 September, 2023

Alex turns the big 6 0

 I officially turned 60 today what a hoot. Lol, it’s more like the big 6 oh or D’oh! I am now one of the Golden Girls.🤣🤣🤣 I am somewhere between Rose and the granny, Estelle Getty’s character in the Golden Girls on the Richter scale. I had a great day today but I take the age thing as no biggie. It’s just a number to tick off on our to do list as we stumble through life after all. So on with a new chapter of life, with  plenty of spark in me to keep everyone amused for another couple of decades easily. 

I don’t celebrate my birthday in the normal manner I prefer to celebrate nature and the spring season, and I feel lucky to be born in September to enjoy the seasonal change. What is one day compared to a season to celebrate after all? The flowers are beautiful and the birds are singing and there are fresh green leaves on the trees as they awaken from their hibernation. A fresh new world awaits us as every season and invigorates the soul. ❤️

My simple philosophy is just live and enjoy the splendour of nature in its glory, by getting outdoors and breathing in the air. Grounding yourself by standing or sitting in the garden with your bare feet on the ground and feel the earth energy coming up through you. This is what I did first thing this morning and the weather has been perfect. Thank you nature for making this day special. 

I am wondering what lies in store for the next ten years and praying that the years will be kind. After all the truly hard yards have been done. I will do my best to make life as peaceful as possible as I evolve into a wiser person growing older gracefully. Ok, well maybe not that gracefully 🤣🤣 because that just wouldn’t be me. I am more of a politically incorrect individual but with a good heart and a wicked sense of humour. So I think that I am more likely to lean towards being like the granny on the Golden Girls. So let’s see what happens eh? 

12 August, 2023

Visions as I was grounding and attuning myself

A rather weid thing happened to me today as I was grounding and tuning in. While doing my grounding and going through each chakra, I started to see significant places around the world. Starting with the Dome of the Rock with a bright blue sky above. This became noticable as I got to my throat chakra and it really startled me because I don't usually see things like this when tuning in. It is normally shapes, sacred geometry and occasionally colours when I tune in.

I then saw another place  of significance in the northern hemispheir, yet I am struggling to remember what it was, a building of some sort but that is all. After this being shown to me, I saw the Australian Parliament House building and many people rushing towards it. The people were in a state of pannic  and in need of protection from an unseen danger. The sky was bright blue above  Parliament House too. I then saw what looked like a volacano or Mt Fuji in Japan capped with snow.  There was also another volcano seen at another chakra and everything just happened so fast that they all blended into one. I saw shown the NATO symbol which depicts the four cardinal points of direction, I then saw a little boy standing on an observation deck in a big complex, he was looking through a big gallery length window. He turned to look at me and then went back to looking through the window. He was watching an experiment and I had a strong feeling that it was neuclear energy. The boy was very focussed on what he was watching with a serious look on his face. To put an age to the boy I would say perhaps 9 or 10. With a grey woollen jumper and medium brown short hair style of his era and he was wearing shorts. Boys in the old days wore shorts until they were 14 and then into long trousers. I got the feeling that this boy was not a boy in our time, he was in the past, decades ago. To me the time line could have been the 1940's or 50's. I would probably say more the 1950's though. 

As I got to the end of my attuning and grounding I had a feeling of everything shaking and suddenly I saw people runing again to the Australian Parliament building. I then saw what appeared to be a volcanic tremor at the same time though the volcanic activity was triggered by what could have been nuclear energy. This to me implies a massive energy shift happening globally, it did not feel good at all. After that  I was shown a big body of water as in the pacific ocean and a submarine preparing to attack Australia (Western Australia). I felt this was deliberatley targeting Australia and we need to be prepaired for an event in the near future. This does not necessarily mean that we will be physically attacked in Australia but there is a definite shift mentally and emotionally happening on a global level. 

I do feel though that Australia needs to up its coastal defences immediatley as there will be a naval battle whether we like it or not. Air and sea warfare is going to impact Australia in the future. I would say that all four corners of the globe will be affected by war; and the effects will be felt before and after which goes without saying with any war.    

I get a feeling of energy or lay lines connected here and how everything affects humanity emotionally, mentally and physically. It is our chakras that ground us to the earth and this reality. Our emotions are directly linked to the ley lines. All religious buildings are built on ley lines including ancient pagan places of worship going back to the very beginning of human spirituality. 

I will say again,  all war is a failure of humanity!

Copyright, Alex Fulford , 12 August 2023 

27 July, 2023

Baby birds expeced on my veranda again

 Yesterday afternoon I was delighted to see a mother bird, a Silvereye to be precise, making a nest in one of the plants on my back veranda. This is the second time my veranda has been sought after by a mother bird. I absolutley adore little Silvereyes. They are so tiny and chirpy little dears. Yesterday afternoon this little bird was fluttering around preparing her nest with feathers and what looked like dried twigs or dried grass. I have had a sneeky peak in the plant to see what she has brought in to her temporary nest. But I know to keep right away while she is prearing for her babies arrival. 

The problem is trying to water the plants without frightening her away. Especially once the eggs hatch as she might abandon the nest. I also need to keep an eye on miss Ruby just in case she discovers the bird as her barking  may frighten the mother bird away. 

I really enjoyed the last birds on the veranda, however it was quite hot and I was worried about the chicks not surviving the heat due to the lazerlite holding in heat and it was a very hot summer. However they all survived and flew off shortly before Christmas 2018.

The last photo was on 23 December 2018. For some reason I kept thinking it was Blackbirds, D'oh! they were Thrushes.

I will try to get some photos from afar and zoom in as the mother bird sits on her eggs and then see if I can get a phot of the chicks, being careful not to upset the mummy bird.

 Below is the blurb and photo from Wikipedia.


UPDATE: The little bird has relocated she must have felt the nest is not in a safe place because of people constantly passing by and checking the plant. Good luck little mother to be ❤️


26 July, 2023

Spiritual message given in 22 July 2023


Spiritual message given in 22 July 2023

As I started to do the tarot card of the month for August this started to come through.

[Sic] Now getting down to the serious part, we, humanity are in spiritual crisis and needing help with world events. This is a critical time in human history and existence. One step the wrong way and we plunge into the abyss. This is not to the way to go, humanity needs a “correction” in order to function and exist before catastrophe strikes.

Yet few are willing to make the correction. Life is about to change yet again very soon;  if we head in this direction. There are factions of government around the world that are aware of this and are trying hard to avert war and the impending damage to humanity and the planet.

This has nothing to do with the “Green” agenda whatsoever, it is about evolution of the species and averting war at all costs. Money is crumbling as we speak and even though some financial crisis will be averted it is not enough for what we need. Time is drawing clear where the spirit world is watching (drawing closer) afraid of the harshness that will be unleashed soon, yet world leaders cannot agree on anything especially if there is a price tag.

But how do you put a price tag on life, human or other lifeforms? This needs a mother’s touch and a mother’s love. The rays of feminine energy need to reach earth to make a difference, yet the rays of love are too weak to penetrate this world.

Tears in heaven cannot prevent the bloodshed that is to come yet again to this world. Not enough love survives withing humanity due to greed and preoccupation with wealth and preoccupation with the self. Admiration is like a disease that ignores the plight of the soul. This pushes the human spirit to the side where greed, obsession and perversion takes hold.

The US is a classic example of spiritual decline with warfare, fame and focus on the self. Focus should be on helping others, focus should be on forgiveness of debt (spiritual or financial?) and power. Humanity will not survive unless urgent correction of the soul, spirit and mind are made.

This year alone death has taken over as the topic of news in this world. Not the focus of the rich and powerful damaging this world through greed, domination, and strife. This balance is way out of control. I doubt is can ever be corrected. Time is too short as it is yet nobody is interested that has the power to correct anything.

We pay a huge price in blood for the deeds of the few. This is the way of this world, but it was never to be the intention. Only when consciousness fell did this occur. Now the price of salvation is neigh impossible. This is not the message we want to hear or see played out, but it is played out globally for all.

I am sorry the vessel has been chosen to give the message to the world, but it is. This was in the contract when she incarnated, we love her dearly and forgive her sins.

Wow, we never thought this message would need to be given, forgive us all for what you receive. This is not our doing but the lords of time have had enough!

Don’t print this Alex, this is doom. Report carefully we will assist you, Alison (my daughter in spirit).

The card of the month is sweet and lovely, but do not show the world the gloom.Show them this instead. France will kick it up a notch with rioting uncontrolled, Macron has no idea how to deal with this. His time is almost over to serve, elections will be called sooner. He will step down.

The world is in turmoil yes, but it will recover. War is inevitable yet not final, we know survival will come, but you must go through with war and build a new world. This is the rules of this planet, war will come and war will go. What is left begins anew in cycles from the smallest ant to the biggest bridge. But that bridge must have support, you see this all through history. We do survive in spirit and soul and body, but not in hate and anger!

You must strive to protect what life you have because soon there won’t be a choice. So, act now and preserve all that flesh has to offer the soul. Money or gold does not help the soul nor does food, but you need food to survive in a world of greed.

We leave you now to your own devices, this message has been delivered.


NOTE: What am I to make of this? 

UPDATE: 21 October 2023. I found the original paper of this today, and I can't help wondering if this was a trickster spirit or entity. When I get messages while doing predictions, tarot card of the month etc. I sometimes just automatically zone out so to speak and the message comes through, I don't think the words that I write, it just happens. Now I usually assume that it comes via my higher self but there are times like this that I truly wonder what is really controlling psychic people.  I am aware that relatives work with me because I can see them but then things come through and it leaves me wondering who or what else is communicating with me.

I also find this disturbingly hypocritical because humanity doe not really have free will we are programmed prior to incarnating. Reincarnation is not to humanities benefit and never was. To understand this read article by John Lamb Lash, Cameron Day, Anton Parks and Wes Penre. That is just some of the researchers that are writting on what is really controlling human consciousness and this reality. These people provide a bibliography of their research that is verifiable.

12 July, 2023

How bizarre is this?

 I am just lying in bed scrolling through my blog stats and Alice Cooper’s face suddenly appears in my head. I don’t even listen to his music. But I jumped on to google news and this article was just posted, (the top article). 

No idea why he popped into my head, music is definitely not my primary focus. I don’t listen to modern music very often either, and it is certainly not my first choice and definitely not metal or hard rock. 

Look up on the black header and see the time (24 minutes ago), I read the article and then thought I might as well post it here, lol. 

05 July, 2023

A breakthrough in my Astrology studies

 Yesterday I made a bit of a breakthrough in studying astrology. I now realise that I should have taken the plunge many years ago. Because I was under the false assumption that it would be too difficult for me to learn and I had never bought or even looked at a basic book on learning about astrology. 

Having dyscalculia and other learning difficulties I automatically assumed that there would be no possible way that I would be able to do this. I was wrong I have made progress, I understand what I am learning and I am very passionate about the subject. I’m so glad that I took the plunge into this subject. I just wish that I had done so twenty or even forty years ago. But everything comes down to timing. And when the student is ready the teacher appears.

I actually put off learning the Tarot cards out of fear for twenty years and a lack of faith in myself. But when I have a gift that is to be shared with humanity out of unconditional love then events are put into place by spirit to give one the courage and faith to be able to have confidence and courage to be able to carry out the mission and purpose for being given these gifts or abilities.

For a few months I have been anxious and fearful because of my fears of not being good enough to do this  calling. Having grown up as a child that was treated as a joke or a failure; life has never been easy for me.

My sibling sailed through life and was the favourite where I was seen as a joke. Well I have kept my faith in spirit and have always tried to be a good person and now I look back at from the moment that I picked up first deck of Tarot cards to where I am today and think well I managed to do this all on my own.

That was because I felt so strongly about the Tarot cards and understood that this is a spiritual journey and calling to help others. It’s not about me and never has been, it’s about humanity and spirit within humanity. Astrology is also part of the calling. I just didn’t know that until I started getting a strong pull towards it. The team behind me in spirit helping me every step of the way. I have no idea what will happen with all of this and turning 60 in a few weeks I think to myself why at this age? Other people are retiring and here I am moving into this.

I understand that I am merely a tool for spirit to help others and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity. But again why me and why when I am getting old and having health problems. 

I guess the thing to do is just get on with it and don’t overthink everything as I normally do. If one person benefits from this then it is worth it. I do get great happiness out of helping others and seeing them happy. I know what it feels like to be unhappy and depressed, but to bring happiness and hope to someone is in itself a gift. I feel joy to see happiness in others. 

So I pray that my studies will provide that opportunity to give to humanity and also prove to myself that I must have faith and confidence in myself, not to be put of by naysayers and just do what I am here for. I am getting much happiness in learning and will enjoy explaining and demystifying astrology to people in the future. One thing I keep in mind is, if I can do this then anyone can. If you have learning difficulties like I do then you will understand where I am coming from. 

You have to develop faith in yourself because nobody will give you the faith and trust you need, you must do it for yourself. Do not give in because others think it's a waste of time or you won't be any good at it. Please be courageous enough to live on your own terms and carry out your life’s mission. 

I now understand the dream that I had when the old men saluted me. I was baffled by the dream and it had me worried for the future.

So if you feel a pull towards a particular form of employment or anything else then listen to your heart and give it a try.

Warm and fuzzy hugs


30 June, 2023

Do we have to be reactionary?

 Rather than being reactionary in the negative about another person’s opinions, comments or actions. Step back from the situation and look at what your response is. Is your response justified or perhaps you may have misinterpreted the comment or actions. Are you taking on the energy of a person that is perceived as negative?  Can you pull back on your emotions and not engage negatively in the situation, to not be caught up in the cycle? 

Think about what benefits you by not responding with anger. How hard is it in a split second to just refocus your response; to de-escalate your emotions and response to something that you normally would be  quick to anger? Set the intention of retraining yourself to think about how to respond to something that might provoke a negative emotional reaction.

This takes great effort and deliberate control over your instinctual response not to inflame yourself. Perhaps you are being lead to react to a situation in a hostile way, not for your benefit but for others to provoke a hostile response. Either way; being non reactive it is something that an individual must learn to do in order to have a more healthy mindset. Think first about what you hear or see, and then formulate a response that does not reflect poorly upon yourself. Over thinking the issue is also something that must be addressed, because to dwell on the issue may cause you to go into an unhealthy mindset and this doesn’t benefit you one bit. 

From a mental health perspective as well as one’s general health, anger is an unhealthy energy to create within yourself. No matter what the source of anger or upset is, it never benefits you. It may benefit others to see you upset and therefore not just is your negative emotions causing you distress but the others may enjoy seeing you hurt. Your distressed energy feeds egos but starves you of emotional nourishment and spiritual growth. 

One must be forever mindful of the power and effect of strong emotions and the harmful unintended effects within us. Reactionary mindsets are distracted mindsets, unable to quickly assess the moment and maintain a dignified equilibrium. Practicing serenity and calm confidence does not always come naturally for many people, however it can be achieved through meditation and focus on calm logic. A wise person is rarely in distress, they exude calm confidence and rationale when faced with negative challenges. 

The key to being less reactive and more relaxed is through practicing mindfulness, wisdom and self discipline. Be your own little Buddha by going within regularly to observe your thoughts and feelings honestly, seek the higher wisdom from within. From a place of grace and stillness to live in accordance with your inner peace and harmony. This is the challenge, we must strive for by mindful attention to our inner world. Learn to bring forth that confidence and wisdom into daily life to guide you through moments where you may normally feel anger towards others and hold the calmness, giving yourself time to be composed without the usual instinctive reactionary instinct.

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 

21 June, 2023

Tarot Card of The Month: July 2023, The Wheel of Fortune


July looks to be a very important month. A life changing or life altering destiny changing month for the enitre world.  I feel a lot of this is legal changes that are very serious and possibly grave for many people. Science is also affected somehow, that could be in such areas as physics, boilogy and genetics.

Now starting with the card number, the number one stands for the originator, creation,the birthing of someone or something, originality, novice, beginings, standing out from others, creativity, individuality, leadership, force, spiritual forces, 

The zero is the force of the universe, embryo,  the egg, as in new life

The number 10 represents wholeness, consumation, denouncement, completion, permanence, karma, responsibilities, renewals, community, reaping and harvesting, realization, preperation for a new cycle, extremes, decay, amplification.

This is dynamic action so keep alert and watch, this covers a lifetime or an era.  Remember that I said in the 2023 psychic predictions this is the dawn of a new era? This is it officially beginning, watch carefully everything that is happening right now. I feel there are very serious consequences for humanity here. 

July is the seventh month of the calandar year, it is the 4th house in astrology flat wheel, of which the zodiac sign is Cancer and the ruling planet is the Moon. Cancer is a cardinal sign and it is Angular ( as in the three qualities; angular, suceedent and cadent).  Keep this in mind, because the tarot cards are powerful and have astrology embeded in every card in the deck for a reason. Angular means it is a house of action.

The fourth house of the zodiac relates to the self, it's emotional, nurturing and focuses on domestic life. The key phrase is; I feel, its key word is devotion. It is also a water sign, meaning ruled by the element of water.  

The moon rules emotions, the  feminine principle, intuition, instincts, moods, tides, phases (phases of the lunar cycles), receptivity, fluctuations, habit patterns, feelings, reflex actions. Now think of Ukraine, China, Africa (Uganda), the US, tensions especially. This is very emotional and confrontational happenings.

The moon covers personal interests, desires, needs, magnetism, growth, (I pick up Ron deSantis here). The need to touch (tactile), impressionability and consciousness. The moon rules liquids, so think petrol, chemicals, water, alcohol being in the news in different ways, such as with water the military and especialy navy and airforce or naval aircrafts.

The moon also rules sailing, brewing, nursing ( blood and body fluids), trades people and the general public. Remember the human body is 70% water, we are emotional beings, so watch out for emotions being high as in anger and volatility 

Now as for the tarot card of the month (TCOM) The clouds on this card have parted showing a bright blue sky, That blue connects to human consciousness, the heart chakra and emotions. It is a healing colour and it also represents authority too. Notice the strange read deamon looking being at the bottom of the wheel. He is called the Hermanubis or a Jackle, behind him is a snake or  serpant. The wheel is moving fast in this card, it shows the four cardinal points of direction, just like the astrology flat wheel. Notice that as I started the TCOM I brought in the 4th house of the zodiac? That is always in the tarot cards as Arthur Waite intended, so it is doubly emphasised here to start with.

July looks like an interesting month of contradictions; among the changes are health, science, aviation, air travel and welfare, emotions of the masses are very stressed also. Despite it being summer in the northern hemisphere and happiness is indicated, it is only to a point. People are feeling the pinch of the cost of living in many ways. Not just financially but emotionally too, such as domestic violence, mental helath decline, violent crimes are on the rise.

I hear the word "retaliation " in regards to things in the US, the UK, parts of Europe, India, South East Asia, China and Africa. Tensions are rising under the surface and about to escalate.

There is something lurking in the shadows, so please be very alert. I feel there are three shocks in store for all of us, in health, (globaly), and finance. Fasten your seat-belts because it could be rather bumpy.

I am being drawn to Ukraine by my guides, there seems to be an uninended escalation being carried out. A shock announcement relating to water, gas and nuclear power. People are on edge and don't know what to do or what to believe. I also feel something causing delays or problems with food deliveries, availability  and afordability. Stay with this because it may affect everyone! This feels very politically motivated and possibly to do with trade agreement issues, mind games and brinksmanship games employed.

This on top of price hikes, the governments need to take drastic action to stop this getting out of hand, because it may well spiral out of control. The blame rests on one particular group on a global scale, yet they play the blame game on factions or opposing sides. This in fact is quite illusionary because this group controls both sides or factions. I am being shown an old grey haired man with glasses, he is strictly  about money, power over others and he is a very angry natured person despite his luxurious family background. This man frequently uses fear and intimidation on those beneath him." His time will come" is what I hear from my guides.

This is not in his favour though; I feel people around him feel he has gone too far and are warning him. This time they will step in and make him reconsider his actions, because they will be explosive if allowed to be put into action. Resulting in a huge backfire of power. This old man no longer cares though, he feels he has nothing to lose.

Laws are changing, new laws are being drawn up, and this is exactly the New Dawn of the era that I spoke of when I did my psychic predictions in October last year. This is a tyranny that is dawning!

People refused to heed the global warnings put out by experts. This is now the price of ignoring those warnings, it is divisive and cutting. This is a social divide, very sadly, it is a divide so grossly uneven and polarising for every man, woman and child. This is only the start. It covers both the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. A dark feeling comes over me as I look at the card the more I look at that red deamon or Hermanubis, I feel he is moving into an upswing out of the shadows. This represents the dark side of humanity emerging again.

The serpent or snake represents spiritual wisdom, yet here it seems to be lagging behind, suppressed as  the dark energy rises. This is not a good change, and it will take about three years to feel the full effect of this destructive influence on humanity. I get the feeling of an "OMG, what have we done?"

But, this is not the fault of ordinary people here. This is the fault of those that set the trap for all of us.

Those that call the shots, you may refer to them as Overlords, yet that is too kind a word to use for these monstrous individuals. They have a dark and deep seated hatred of humanity as a whole and for all life on earth. Yet people refuse to see the reality until it is way too late.

The harm unleashed is beyond the wild expectations of even these insatiable individuals. Not satisfied with two horrific world wars. This one will be too horrible for words, and in  three years time the world will be in great pearl again. "Pity those that survive! Yet uphold the blame on those that designed this in Paris."

This is the words used by my guides as I am working on this card and these are the guides that are also helping me with my astrology lessons. I am also informed that my TCOM will change very soon on a deeper level for my spiritual understanding within me to be able to teach.  I feel that may be as in teach myself deeper spiritual gnosis. Not nessessarily to teach the public, but who knows to be honest. I have no idea of where this is all taking me, I just go with the flow.

Take great care of each other, and hold love and compassion in your hearts for all life.

Warm and Fuzzy hugs


PS: The full moon is on 3 July and it’s a Super Moon or Buck Moon.

All TCOM posts use Mary Greer’s book , 21ways to read Tarot and my own knowledge/intuition, for the astrology I use the books by Marion March and Joan McEvers , The only way to learn Astrology. Which is a set of 6 books. My sprit guide for Astrology, Elaine and the current team that are working with me from now on are present constantly. I feel Elaine’s energy and see her hair as soon as I pick up my cards to work in recent months. Much gratitude to Elaine and the team. Xxxx

28 April, 2023

This world needs peace above all else

 This world desperately needs peace, love and compassion above all else right now. Society is ripped apart, belief systems are broken and disrespected. Peace, harmony and tolerance is but a burned up old rag at the end of a flagpole. Our collective survival as a species is in doubt and our spiritual survival is in even greater danger. 

How does a supposedly enlightened species get it so wrong again and again we wonder. Right now in modern history we are right back to hitting the reset button on the human race. Not one person can really say they are truly spiritually advanced or even as a member of the human species; have any of us made it to the pinnacle of what a human being is supposed to be. How many times do we have to go through the process of birth and death before we as a species can even begin to be what the original human beings were supposed to be? 

Things will not change unless there is an evolutionary change within the entire species at a spiritual level. Animals don’t wipe out an entire species or several species like we do. It is sad that we find ourselves back at the same point yet again, it feels like we are preparing for our own funerals yet again. 

I yearn for a great spiritual awakening for humanity and for all life but I do not believe that humanity are ever going to be able to transcend to that spiritual pinnacle unfortunately because they hold on to three dimensional thinking which is destructive and limiting all potential that the soul can achieve.

The frequency in the third dimension is way too low and a negative for humanity to be able to make that leap to higher levels of spiritual consciousness. Hence the repetitive cycle and destruction in a never ending suffering. Humanity needs to leave this reality once and for all to even begin to heal itself and evolve. 

23 April, 2023

Astrology in a teacup


I love this tea cup from T2 my dear husband bought me this cup months ago just as I was starting my Astrology studies. As soon as I saw it, it just said; perfect for Astrology. I see the stars and the universe in this pattern. The pattern is called Moroccan and I find it enchanting in blue. Lately I have been attracted to the colour blue in clothes and seeing this cup it just seemed perfect. My husband just seems to intuitivley know what to buy me at random moments too. We are both dual star signs too so that synchronicity is strong. 
Being a big lover of tea I love cups and teapots. They are just so personal and intimate. Just perfect to relax the mind body and spirit in higher esoteric journies. The Kaleidoscope pattern with stars is a powerful and transcendant pattern that I can slip into energetically. So it is aim for the stars for me on an esoteric level.
If you are interested, T2 has the pattern in a few colours. 

21 April, 2023

Tarot card of the month: May 2023, The Star


As I picked this card, I went huh? My mind was blank and I thought what the hell am I supposed to make of this card. Well as I started to look at the card and my pen or scribbling stick in hand , lol. My  guides started to inform me. Just as well cause I had nothing to quote Seinfeld, I got nothing!

Card number 27 of the Major Arcana, The Star. One big bright golden yellow star surrounded by seven white smaller stars. Notice there is one white star that is not sitting in the grouping. It is sitting on the left and almost touching the mountain in the distance.

No clouds in the sky, there is a tree on the right hand side of the card behind the woman. The tree has three distinctive branches and a bird sitting on the branch closest to the woman. The woman kneels at the edge of the water, and there is one foot resting on top of the water. It is not immersed in the water as in immersed in consciousness, the knee of her other leg is on the fertile green grass as in being grounded.  

As we see the woman appears to be pouring water into the pond or body of water and also is pouring water onto the ground as if she is feeding the grass to keep it hydrated, so that it doesn't die.

This is Aquarius the water bearer of the zodiac sign which is ruled by Uranus. Aquarius being an air sign and as fixed sign which in astrological terms is succedent and covers the 11th house in the zodiac.

So basically what the whole thing is warning us of is sudden surprises and situations that may be beyond our control.  This card shows us concentrated energy to create balance, mental force and concentration. I think these are key words for the month of May; to bear in mind too. 

The element of water represents the unconscious mind, Uranus represents the unexpected in this reading, please be aware that Uranus also covers sudden and unexpected violence.  But here in this card I feel this is connected to concentrated power spreading throughout the world. I feel this is connected to globalism, the EU  (the stars), WEF, NATO/UN and power spreading. I feel the expansion of authority, power and global politics. Financial power reshaping our world is currently taking place.

I also feel a careless waste of money and resources under one authority. Notice how big the woman is in this card, she dominates the card. Notice the flowers in the grass, 10 of them sitting at gapped  intervals. yet behind the woman is a cluster of flowers. To me these flowers are countries around the world. Which ones are benefitting here? Which ones are protected and which ones are left to decay? This can be reversed too because the 10 flowers or countries sitting individually could also be seen as being under control and their very survival depends on the woman depicted on the card. In other words under the firm control of a super power or globalist cabal dictatorship. See the picture and perspective?

This card also tells me of a cycle playing out globally. But this cycle is like a magic trick involving sleight of hand.  Just look at the water pouring from the jugs; is this an illusion being performed? Does the water come from the pond or body of water in the foreground or from another unseen source? This must be considered as it could be something being added to the mix so to speak.

Nothing is fully explained because to do so will reveal the deception. Notice the bird upon the tree branch, the bird is a messenger from up high. In the tarot birds are always messengers and that includes from spirit. Here though this is a physical world messenger from a lofty position of power; giving orders to the body below to carry out the instructions given. This is thinking outside the box, but only to a point. I now direct you to the lush green lands, fertile and lush productive lands full of abundance.

To supply great abundance to the entire world, yet this fair maiden has all the power to control this land, who will she bless and who will she deny? All is not clear, because what you see in front of you is clearly not what you think it is. Who actually benefits and who doesn't? The have's or the have not's?

I can tell you that the have not's are us ordinary people the general population of the world. This is a new evolution of sorts and the world is forever changed, there is no going back to life as it was pre 2020. We see before us a carefully measured world. There is a mathematical feel looking at the numbers but more precisely it is numerology involved because each individual number has a positive as well as a negative meaning and operates on a vibrational frequency of its own. 

I see the numbers 1,2, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 27 as I scutinise the card.1 big yellow golden star, 6 white stars in a formation plus 1 white star out of formation. Together makes 7 white stars. The card number is 27 and you can add the 2 and the 7 and in numerology it is 9. 10 flowers in sporadic gaps, 1 woman, 1 bird, 1 tree, 1 mountain, 2 jugs of water, 3 lot of water (trinity or body mind and spirit),  1 vast green landscape. It looks like an inventory broken down like that, or assets. 

Now to me the woman represents a global power  or cabal. Under a quasi spiritual belief system she is seen as a particular goddess, that we are not privy to know about as the masses are seen as profane. I will leave it at that as I don't feel the deeper esoteric stuff should be brought into this, it’s only just an observation that strikes me. 

May will be a month of gathering, harvesting and manifesting for many, it is time to grow up and open ones eyes and stay vigilant because something big is transpiring. This month it starts being rolled out slowly, I am particularly feeling the last two weeks of May here. Watch for sudden announcements and  warnings in the media. But I stress; do nothing, just watch and stay safe. The time is to be used wisely and prepare. Intuitive people will know what to do and stay safe, gather what you can and hunker down in place. Something big and shocking is coming. At this stage that is all that spirit is telling me, but it is on!

I feel travel is connected to this, movement of people is important. People could be drawn to take sides here. My advice is do not take sides, just watch and wait then you will be better informed and safe. That is all that I am being given at this stage.

Warm and fuzzy hugs


PS, I am in the dark as much as anyone as I am being given this information. I feel though that we need to make sure we have food and resources to tide us over. The clue here is monetary as in a financial crisis and not by accident. You can look through both my blogs on the financial crisis, to me I see it as a revolving door where financial crises are rolled out reversed and rolled out again, sleight of hand! 

You can find the tag for Tarot card of the month at the bottom on the right hand side of my blog as well as my psychic predictions. 

UPDATE: Movement of people 

24 March, 2023

Cross brained and learning disabilities

Please read each link in this post as each has interesting information about mixed-handedness, these individuals make up just 1% of the world population. I was thinking about this subject this morning; because I am one of these people and tick all the boxes. 

Schizophrenia can actually be ASD, as they can appear to have similar  traits and a person can be incorrectly diagnosed as Schitzophrenic when they are actually on the ASD spectrum.

This has had a major impact on my life from starting school onwards. I was never diagnosed because my mother was never interested in finding out, it was all about her, she was a Leo born in the year of the Tiger. Which means a strong willed and domineering person with a strong need for control; I on the other hand am a Libra on the cusp of Virgo born in the year of the Rabbit and therefore not compatible energy. I was constantly moved from school to school on a 12 month basis from when I started school to when I left. I  do remember very clearly the learning problems that I had when learning to read and write. Maths and arithmetic, I just couldn’t do at all. At the age of 10 and having already lived in 6 different houses and 4 schools; it was overseas on a parental whim, which turned out to be on a regular basis. 

I was just expected to fit in, I was told that “I will settle in” to my new school, yet the school curriculum was different when moving to Australia and at the opposite end of the school year and a two month gap between leaving my old school and enrolling in the new school due to several things happening such as the packing up of our household items, staying with a grand parent until it was time to leave the country and then arrive in the next country find a house and then a school. Now my father was not in the military at this stage, he was a civilian. No reason was ever given for the constant move of houses. I was a child so there was no reason to tell me anything. 

In my primary school years especially, I was labelled thick by my parents. I was repeatedly told that I would never amount to much and end up sweeping the streets or cleaning toilets by my parents ( that is the sanitised version of what was said by my father, he didn’t do compassion). Positive reinforcement was never a thing in my family. My mother always told me that " I was nothing but trouble and even before I was even born" which was always emphasised. In reality the problem was her; not me but I was the one that was the scapegoat. 

My mother would become homesick and insisted on returning to Scotland, however even there, there was the constant move of house. So guess how difficult this made settling in to school and obtaining assistance, not to mention making friends and then suddenly losing them because my mother wanted to move house again. She had decorated the house, and then suddenly she wanted to move again.   Sounds normal…not! 

Not once in all of this fiasco did my parents ever think that I had a real learning disability. I was a premature baby also but destined to be a number 6 birth number, because the day that I was due to be born and the actual day that I was born on are both a number 6 in numerology. Which is common for spiritual awakening and psychic abilities.

As for the mixed hand characteristics; I connect to spirit and mediumship by my right ear (clairaudient). I use my right eye in particular when looking on a psychic level (clairvoyance) my left hand is my powerful hand when doing spiritual healing. The left side of the body is feminine energy. I use a computer mouse left handed and just can't use my right hand, to do so just does my head in. I fold sheets the left handed way which drove my mum nuts if I was helping her. I like things in my office left handed. In the kitchen I originally had a dual sink and drying rack so I had my sink set left handed with the draining rack on the left until my kitchen was upgraded in 2003, now it's right handed. 

Life has never been easy for me and even now I struggle with the lifelong effects of an abusive family background from childhood and early adulthood. I was a very talkative child but never aggressive or disruptive, I did spend most of my time alone through childhood. Coming from a very strict family any misbehaviour would not be tolerated. I lived in absolute fear of my mum. My crime in life  was learning difficulties and being a bit dreamy as focus and concentration was a problem; I was very, very aware of my shortcomings. It is not something that one forgets when there is a constant reminder and being constantly criticised and compared to others. Why can’t I be like so and so or your cousin? Really!! 

 My career was dictated to me by my mother, again it’s about her. Her failure in not working in an office, not mine.  She was very talented in dress making and tailoring, she could knit anything too. You name is she could make it; she was also highly opinionated in just about everything you cared to mention and extremely argumentative. Me on the other hand I can't sew or knit. I have tried but can't. I would love to crochet, I am trying to learn it, and I am left handed when I do pick up the crochet needle. 

Roll on to married life and raising my children and moving interstate. After her death my life blossomed when I decided to pursue my psychic abilities and take a spiritual path. Away from  negative influences I immersed myself into learning about my abilities. I am a voracious reader and always have been; on different subjects because I am a naturally curious person. I derive great pleasure from reading as well as nature and fur babies. 

I tick the boxes for dyslexia and dyscalculia, ADD, and ASD. Yet here I am as a fully functioning clairvoyant medium with a very strong client base and known for highly successful psychic predictions over several years. With a client base that includes diplomats, an opera singer, people that work in parliament, medical professionals, solicitors, the military, the media, authors, the arts and many other people and it gives me great pleasure to be able to bring happiness to others; especially those that have suffered.

These days though I realise that I did amount to something. I am a human being, I am a wife and a mother, I have a purpose on this earth. I have helped many people in dire times and animals too. I matter, just like every single person that has these learning disabilities. I have self respect and I know my worth as a member of the human race. I know my value spiritually; in the service to humanity, the animals and spirit. I would say; that this is not someone who is a failure that wouldn’t amount to much. 

Children are often born with harsh life realities such as illness, disabilities and other difficulties. They can rise above some of these challenges and difficulties and become something;  that others have no way of knowing is possible, if given the opportunity and encouragement from parents and teachers. Don’t write these children off, help them, insist on assessments and the best help that they can get with their education and social skills. Children need a rich variety of interests especially involving them in nature to connect with their environment. They need parents to believe in them, have patience and understanding. 

Children with disabilities see the world differently and react differently to their surroundings. These children are also sensetive to energy changes (vibrational frequencies) hence they can sometimes be on a different mental plane to others which is the right side of the brain functioning. Non psychic people simply do not take this into consideration or even know that this is possible.

 The last thing that a parent should do is criticise and belittle their children. That damage lasts a lifetime and has a flow on effect if a person is not mindful and is determined not to repeat the mistakes of their parents. 

Cycles do have an ending if they are strived for. It is a wise person that acknowledges the fact and takes steps to bring about a conclusion to a repetitive negative cycle. Be that adult that takes the right steps to break negative cycles, if not for your own sake then do it for the childrens sake.

UPDATE: 23 March 2023; A bit late for many sufferers especially women and girls but let’s remember boys and men are still included in this. Women of my generation and those older than me were only expected to get married and breed. We didn’t matter, even female teachers had that opinion; how insulting and condescending is that? The privilege of education for female teachers. Parents were not really interested in helping girls either because this is a patriarchal society and females are just going to leave school and get married, perpetually keeping the cycle going.

I would say there would be other combinations of disabilities that went unchecked in girls too; such as dyslexia and its sibling dyscalculia,  anxiety /depression, autism and in some cases PTSD. The damage is done  to older women; and this limited the career or work choices available for girls and women to retail, hospitality, cleaners, factory workers or assistance jobs, office support roles but not always well paying jobs or jobs that would give them self respect or respect from society in general. Basically these women and girls were invisible; in menial jobs most of their working lives. Limiting their ability to save money and the opportunity to own their own homes and have a decent income to retire on.,between%20dyslexia%20and%20mixed%2Dhandedness.

Reading this I noticed the low birth weight, I was a 5lb baby and premature. Read the comments in this blog post. 

09 March, 2023

Poem: That wee girl from Scotland


Walking to a new school, the spring breeze and smell of rain on the earth. Stirring emotions and curiosity, the dried leaves on the footpath mingle with dried dirt. Chattering of children and scuffling feet. A vision of the past, the echoing of history of what once was adds to the mystery. The air seems electric but wait, what does all this mean?

A shy child suddenly filled with fear, what will become of me? An act of fate suddenly intervenes. Another day another school, this one feels different, is it welcoming? Ah it’s ok I feel safe.

New faces, new memories, new bonds. School life is a new learning experience, mysteries abound. Fascination and curiosity combined tantalising the senses of new bounds. Push open the door and come inside. Welcome chum; come one come all, come see this great mystery of what school is about.

Forget what you thought and embrace the new, a students life begins anew. Eager for wisdom and eager for love; a small child in a world above others trembles in fear. What if they don’t like me, what will I do?

About face and run like the wind. Start again and finally fit in. This time it’s marvellous, who would have dreamed that the little girl who wrote this was about to begin; her journey to the future with a quiet din.

Off she went singing in her head to her tune, that girl from nowhere who struggled to begin; has now grounded her foundations of where to begin. It took a long time coming, but when she began she wouldn’t shut up with that terrible din. Of non stop nonsense; oh where to begin. So much is new to me; where to fit in, so much I don’t know but somehow must cram in the knowledge of a lifetime; and a silent guide that comes from within. Who would have thunk that this girl would ever begin; to shape her world from deep down within her, a spiritual calling was about to begin.

Off she went to the post in a flash, this witty little girl with a moment of flash, inspiration that pulled her this way and that, up to then she thought she’d fall flat. But surprise upon surprise she did it by Jove she proved to others there was plenty of hope. For someone that suffered and thought she’d never fit in the wee girl from Scotland has at last come to her own, self realisation at a moments whim. She picked up her cards and let it begin. 

Then lo and behold she is off again on a new translation of where to begin. What the hell am I doing, I don’t know where to begin. Just listen to your guide; I’m sure you’ll fit in. Just bear a moment and then to begin; the new chapter of life is about to begin, a new inspiration when you though your done in. Get off your arse girl you’re about to begin. So pull back the curtain and let us begin, there isn’t much time so now you begin, that little girl from Scotland that couldn’t fit in.

You made it this far yet you didn’t give in, so get off your arse we’re about to begin. I see your eyes light up, you’re about to begin the biggest journey in life, just when you thought you’d never fit in. Welcome aboard, your journeys begun, the little girl from Scotland who didn’t fit in. Blast you; that you didn’t show me how, how on earth was I ever to fit in, in a world of misfits where no one fits in.

You weren’t meant to. But gees, you’d better get moving your about to begin. So get of your arse you're about to begin. Tell one tell all you’re about to begin. If you don’t believe; then just give in. But that little girl is going to fit in, come hell or high water, she’s about to begin. Come one come all, the team are awaiting your final call. Addendum be damned, come one come all, she’s about to begin. A chuckle from spirit and off she goes knowing full well that some will oppose. Undaunted on and on she goes to the dizzying heights that nobody knows. Take a bow and a curtsy to all in the wings, god only knows how in hell she did it so well. Well bugger me she says, I did it so well. That wee Scottish lassie we know so well.

Her funeral will be remembered as one with a swell; of faces that knew her so well, that wee Scottish girl that we all knew so well. Blessings upon her she’s shy to admit, she feels she doesn’t deserve it, but we know her so well. That wee girl from Scotland that we all love so well, now get off your arse and do what we tell, that wee girl from Scotland that we all love so well. 

Copyright ©️ Alex Fulford, March 2023


Note: I am no poet, but this was just channelled to me this morning by my guides to give me a message not to give up. The words used are not words that I use. Things have been difficult of late. But suddenly this was given to me, virtually word for word. I see a group in spirit and they are in a very humorous mood so the message is received loud and clear.

Fronting this team were Elaine, my spirit teacher for learning astrology who was related to me via marriage though we never met in the flesh as she had passed before the marriage took place, and a man in a dark suit I feel he is a poet, but not identified. 

Update: I realised that I didn’t mention the man placed his brownish coloured felt hat like a fedora hat on what looked like a table. This was like his calling card. No, I don’t believe it was Banjo Paterson. I honestly don’t know who this man is. My maiden name is Paterson though, and Banjo Paterson’s ancestors come from the same region in Scotland but this is a very common surname in Scotland. That is as far as the connection goes and  my love for his poetry. I have a feeling that this man is Elaine's husband. I did meet him in this lifetime but he was quite old when I knew him  and is of Scottish ancestry.   I have seen Elaine's husband in spirit as how I knew him; when visiting my father at his house shortly before he went into his nursing home. 

24 January, 2023

Agapanthus Blues

Bright blue summer skies and bright blue Agapanthus in a lush green bed. This is the feel of summer in an Australian garden; a tranquil oasis to drop one's cares and just soak in the moment of pure bliss. Breathing in the tranquillity and exhaling the tensions from one's body, mind and spirit. To reach that mental state of bliss. A moment of serenity and ecstasy; ever so delicate, let nothing disturb this bliss.

Linger a moment longer; what does it matter. While encapsulated in that feeling of sheer delight and ease of spirit. The gardeners paradise is sacred, the moment tender and joyful. A butterfly floats gently above the flowers; a day is eternal to this delicate creation. It reminds one of how fleeting time is. All too soon the moment is over and summer is at an end; please linger a bit longer before winter comes and takes our joy; of moments in the garden sipping tea without a care.

Savour these precious moments remembering the fragrances of summer and watching the sun sink into the golden sunset and the hum of bees no longer. Savour the moment of  bright blue skies and even brighter blue Agapanthus until summer takes a bow. The nights draw cooler and darker as nature turns to rest in the garden of  Australia; the paradise of gardeners and the innocence of childhood that we know and love the best. 

Copyright Alex Fulford January 2023


07 January, 2023

Seeing a Scottish soldier in spirit

 Over the past two or three days I have been seeing a world war 1 Scottish soldier in spirit. He has popped  up at random times such as when I have been in bed or getting out of bed in the morning, including when I was in the shower this morning. He is wearing a Glengarry hat with the red and white chequered or diced pattern head band; which some Scottish military regiments wear as part of their uniforms, some wear a Tam O’ Shanter style hat. 

At first I wondered if the soldier was something to do with an old Scottish school friend as her father was in the army as a career soldier. Then as the soldier came into frame more, I noticed his kilt was a red and green tartan and a military sporn over his kilt. The sporn had white on it no doubt it was tassels as I said the vision was very quick and not all clear. I was not able to see the tartan clearly as it happened so fast but I was aware of the colours red and green. I sometimes only get a split second look at the person from head to toe in spirit,  I did also notice he was wearing white or very light coloured gaiters which some Scottish regiments still wear. 

I also could see him in what could have been a trench, and he seemed to be loading a shell into a field gun. This man is letting me know that he is around me in spirit at present as a guardian, so I can rule out him as trying to communicate something to my friend. I can’t get a name at this stage, perhaps I might later. I have not had anyone come through for me personally for a while other than my paternal grandfather; who has popped in recently but not saying anything, though I am aware why he is visiting me. Something must be happening in the spirit world for this to be happening, I will just have to wait and see what happens in the near future. 

Above is a traditional Glengarry, similar to what the soldier in spirit was wearing. 

This is the photo is the closest that I can find online; to show what the soldier looked like in uniform. However I don’t think he wore a white belt, just the jacket and I could not see any rank or anything else to inform me of his regiment or anything important. 

18 December, 2022

It took over 30 years to happen!

I often tell clients give things time to happen and don't get a reading any sooner that three to six months. That is unless you want a different person to do a reading; to see if they say the same thing. It does take time for things to happen, life cannot be rushed. I had just that experience a few of days ago. At present my laundry is getting retiled by my husband a bit at a time due to his health restrictions and disabilities. So on Thursday disaster struck in my laundry and I was absolutely livid.

Hubby had not put the drain hose from my washing machine back into the drainage hole at the side of the laundry tub. I hadn't noticed until happened to walk in to the laundry only to be met with a tsunami of water being released from the washing machine all over the floor and into the hallway.

This house for some stupid reason does not have a floor drain in the laundry. The bathroom didn't have one either until our bathroom renovation was completed last month and the original bath tub didn't even have an overflow drain. I have never seen this in a house in Australia before. It should be a standard safety measure in a house or an apartment; at least it has been in any place that I lived in in Sydney. This house was built in 1974 and I have lived in houses or apartments older than that; that had a drain in the floor in both the bathroom and laundry obviously for allowing flood water to escape.  

Anyway this flood in my laundry I was told about in a tarot reading in Sydney over 35 years ago! Some things do take many years to come about, and this is the second long term thing that has happened in the past few years. I vaguely remember being told something else that I was told before I got married and that only happened after 20 something years.

Flooding is not the sort of thing that one looks forward to happening either; I am just glad it is over and done with now. Mopping up so much water took almost every damn towel that I own and then put them through the washing machine after that. Not a happy camper, the rain came along and it took almost two days to dry the towels.  Some things are just sent to try our patience grrr!!

I am glad of one thing, hubby put a painted membrane cover on the wooden floor boards a few days before the flooding or it would be days or weeks before the tiles were laid. Due to his health problems he has to take it very slowly so a few tiles at a time and then rest. I had the laundry from hell for 28 years because it is an old house and all the tiles had lifted. The adhesive that was used in the 70's is not as good as what is around today so it had all dried out to dust so my floor and wall tiles were falling off or lifting.  I have had an ugly, cramped laundry for quite a few years and if anyone was visiting me; I didn't want them to see the horrible thing that is my laundry.  Now it is going to have a new lease of life; but meh, it's still small. At least I can clean it easily clean it once the job is done. 

25 October, 2022

Psychic predictions for Australia in 2023

NOTE: Because I do my predictions in October every year please take it from the day published to the following October. I don’t know why I always end up doing them in October, it’s just the way it turned out over the years so I just keep going with it until upstairs says otherwise. 

Welcome to the 2023 psychic predictions for Australia. As I start the predictions I hear the name Anna Bligh. Expect to hear her name in the news. I see a flash of blue light as I look down at the cards. Blue is connected to the throat chakra, some of the meanings for the colour  are: calming, communication, healing, intellect,  the mind, intuition, loyalty, peace and wisdom. Blue is also associated with the military and authority.

Politics reaches a major turning point next year, I get the feeling of the government or the Prime Minister being elevated or lifted up, recognised for something. There may be some success around March 2023 related to the floods and infrastructure recovery.  Australia is showing more independence and leadership in 2023. Hard work is indicated financially speaking. The government may have to yet again step up to help people in hardship. Be that with welfare increases or disaster victims or both, they all need this help regardless. The government is trying to budget wisely and the nations finances seem to be in good hands as there is a dark haired man that is very capable involved, not necessarily the treasurer.

 Now the Australian government must take note here, and not accept overseas advice on how to handle our economy or it will spell disaster. The advice offered is definitely not in our best interests and this is a deliberate act to cause Australia to suffer, so much for trusting your friends. With the dawning of this new age Australia is affected and  not always in a good way. The moon card warns me of deception and illusion afoot, so all communication must be examined. There is a hidden agenda involved which will impact Australia in a negative way. This is much much bigger than Climate Change issues. He who drops the ball on this one is a fool because the damage done will be long-term financial harm. Heed the warning, a wise leader is lacking! (this is the words that I hear)

Australia really cannot afford to send so much money overseas at present due to our own civil disaster recovery and other very important issues such as repairing our roads, many of which have been very badly damaged by the flooding and very poor maintenance by contractors over the years. Australia being such a large country depends on good roads to reach rural communities . We cannot let roads fall into disrepair like they have been because this creates multiple problems from one careless act.

I see our taxes going to fund other countries or regions such as Ukraine and the Asian Pacific that would vastly assist or own infrastructure right now. There are others that can step up to help while we recover from three years of disaster. The lack of money impacts our health system, welfare and education systems, infrastructure recovery and the ambulance services to name the most pressing ones.

Our nations coffers are being plundered due to international influences that ignore our plight. This is international blackmail by powerful leaders and the likes of the UN and WEF. Let others step up and do their share. Australia only has a small population to cover a large landmass that needs to be kept in good repair for transport etc. 

I feel overseas workers will be in high demand next year for the assistance of rebuilding as well as aged care and healthcare. There will be more enthusiasm next year too in both work and money matters. People will be rallying round to help where it's needed. I feel younger people will step up to get things going again and this is hard work. These people have youth on their side to get things done. Alert minds and bodies. Talk about all fired up and ready to go. They are creative and ambitious, showing the older people what they are made of, well done!

These young people have not lived through world wars and the great depression like their ancestors growing up with those hardships, but they have their own. Every generation is different.

Mr Albanese has a challenge in 2023, something very important to announce this feels like the economy as well as the skills shortages. He wants to implement changes however selling this to others in government may be a challenge, especially with Penny Wong. She criticizes everything. Let her step up and see what a screw up she will make of it then!. 

As we know 2023 will be a hard year financially, while money is doled out to some, others seem neglected. Not getting enough to make life better. We are also at the dawn of a new era as well as going through hardship for a while at least.

Tourism will help the rural economy in coastal areas and other popular tourist areas. Regional areas need a plug to attract more tourists. 

Michaela Cash comes up in the news for some reason, I am just given her name but nothing else. There is also a light haired female politician in the news, who is very focused on one issue. She is very authoritative, direct and to the point, what she wants she will fight for; because she is very stubborn and holds her ground.  This woman is connected to Queensland politics, she has short or shoulder length hair and a tanned complexion, reminding me of Julie Bishop.

This summer is about steering the country through hardships, February is an important month with the possibility of a financial turning point. This in no way means hard times are over, it's a breathing space.

Teamwork will be needed from every industry to pull us through as a team. I see meetings with big business with the prime minister to help overcome our shortages and build up industry again both on the homefront and in Asia. The Asian pacific will be looked after and will benefit from Australian companies. China will not like this so expect a backlash and possible sabotage.

There is an air of happiness and new beginnings for some. New School changes, This feels like children that are starting school for the first time are going to do it a bit differently than how it used to be done.

This might include the enrolment process or the way children are taught, this affects kindergarten and year one children and perhaps preschoolers. Don't rule out part time or split classes allowing parents time to drop off and pick up children between work shifts. I feel this affects NSW only at this stage.  This will be popular among many parents.

Juggling finances and changes in lifestyle is in the spotlight. Trying to maintain a standard of living like we used to have will not be easy for many people. Expect some ideas and tips on how to save a little and economize. Old ideas come back such as tips from grandma to help solve the dollar shrinkage. Knitting and sewing, cooking with less etc.

An older woman in public life will step up to help others. She is a practical and down to earth woman in her approach. Very focused on helping others, bless her. The whole thing feels like advice for families doing it tough. Good sound advice with common sense on how to make do with less, but tailored to a modern world. Sounds like Ita Buttrose  coming to the rescue.

The ambulance service is back in the news again but this time it is to do with injecting more funding and more staff. Please remember it takes a while to train new ambulance officers so please be patient. This is an extremally stressful job with a very high burnout rate too. 

Possible private funded ambulances or sponsored perhaps by health funds? Medical issues are in the news, funding is still tight though. Upgrades of hospitals but not much increase of staff, more on that in a moment though. I do feel there will be more female to male new doctors graduating in 2023. 

Natural therapies and psychology are in the news, it looks like 2023 will be the start of focusing on healing in Australia but not in the traditional ways. More like a combination of traditional and complimentary therapies. This is to try to boost the public health system.

The more that I look at the cards I see that Australia is definitely heading into a major turning point in 2023. Destiny you may say, this is a very significant change. Australia is seen by many as a land of money and opportunity; which makes it attractive to other countries; that seek to take advantage of our generosity. This is worth keeping an eye on because it is a financial scam, trying to rob Australia and it's people of their money. Beware! Our assets are highly desirable to others.

The government needs to think wisely on this and also not allow foreign ownership  as this is a foolish move in current times. Keep business under strict control for the foreseeable future. No foreign ownership by anyone especially utilities and farmland. Change the laws now or regret it later, this has never benefited Australia at all only served as a form of external control over us.  Under current laws it may be difficult to make the changes needed so this must be examined carefully.  Australian farms and business interests need protecting. 

I see new laws in defence coming as well as criminal and general laws. Some people may feel that the Prime Minister is out of his depth in regards to world affairs and homeland security. However he must be very careful on the world stage because he does not want to upset anyone, he is not stupid and he also has advisors around him to keep him right. He will also speak up for Australia. 

As the government tries to paint a positive spin on things; there is strong focus on the environment. This is an area that will drain huge finances from the nation, act in haste repent at leisure. This is bowing down to the greedy cabal of climate scammers and pressuring nations to sign up for a scam that will drain money and resources by design, lining the pockets of the criminal elite. Time will bear the cold harsh truth on this one but don't expect an apology or the money back. It will be gone and we will be made to look like fools. 

Roadworks will be a thorny issue all year as we struggle to rebuild our roads. This is going to take time unfortunately. Add  bureaucracy to the frustration here as they are always the fly in the ointment. 

I see new technology coming out involving some new sort of rubber material made from recycled materials. this will be tried in rural areas perhaps to strengthen roads. I hope it is successful.

There will be financial sacrifices in 2023 as we have a tight budget. We must get into the mind set of thinking, "Do I have enough money  to pay my rent or for loan repayments" Keeping the roof over our heads as well as trying to keep our health in hard times. Going to the doctor will be more expensive. Luckily Canberra has walk in government health clinics. I don't know about other states and territories. So you will need to check out what your state has such as going to the local hospital or a pharmacy practitioner etc. 

The Australian government needs to be more wary of the United Nations and not be afraid to say no to them. Add the WEF to that too. Otherwise if Australia is not careful they could hit rock bottom because these agencies work like a big vacuum cleaner and drain funds. That money goes into a black hole and take a look at the list of big corporations that are on the website if the WEF. Its a get rich quick NWO scam that people are sick to death of. These fat cats are unelected dictators with power. They are not a government and have no authority, so Mr Albanese must think logically before parting with tax payers money.

How do we defend our nation in  the coming war in the next couple of years? If there is insufficient money in the defence kitty and trying to feed and care for the nation at the same time; it is going to be a futile exercise. 

Defence is in the news with a possible new defence chief. This could even be a post created like the Space Force. I feel water connected to this position. Travel and defence are connected which will be for Ukraine. Deploying military personnel  over to Europe to assist in logistics, training and or maintenance rolls such as the maintenance of vehicles and equipment. 

I am drawn to the queen of wands now, with a stabilizing influence based on love, logic and harmony.This is a woman with light coloured hair trying to make her voice heard. This feels like Camilla the queen consort in regards to Ukraine which could end up as a disappointment with only small gains. I have no idea why this shows up in Australian predictions. Unless it is an Australian woman.

As I said earlier Climate Change will be in the news again with small gains. Agreements signed. But be very careful here because there is betrayal (3 of swords) in the wind for Australia. We are being played for fools. There is a woman playing a key role in this as a spokes person, talking up the benefits when in reality there are none. How much of a kick back is she getting? She is getting paid to do this. She is either a well meaning fool or otherwise, but she is being rewarded.

 On a nice note I see a little blond haired boy with a big sunny smile. I see children enjoying ice blocks and fruit this summer. Beaches will be full so keep an eye on children as they have fun in the sun.

Supermarkets are back in the news, this feels strange because it feels like a merger of some sort. Not only price increases but merging of brands or the stores themselves in some way. This may upset and divide some people.

New Zealand is in our news as the  incoming New Zealand Prime Minister wants to do some fence mending with Australia, this will be accepted with open arms and will benefit both nations. Lessons are learned from the past leadership. Moving on and a win- win for all of us  😁

Cyber security issues again, oh dear! 

I also see another nation trying to pull the wool over our eyes, mixed communication involved so Mr Albanese has to think fast and very carefully. The issue could be very bad for our sovereignty. So Mr A will be on the ball with his advisors. I do feel that he has a tip off about this serious matter. This will anger China as they see it as a snub. No, it is called not being made a fool of! Respect other people and their boundaries. 

 China  will be playing mind games with Australia so get used to it. There is a connection to  the military and water with this, I would say territorial issues. Our territory must be protected at all costs and tensions are rising. Caution is the key word.    

The government will make major decisions in relation to homeland security, Cyber crime and espionage are indicated and must be dealt with properly. Update the laws accordingly. It's no easy task but it must be dealt with quickly for our own good. 

Banking is a target (cyber attack)yet again great caution has to be taken as hacking is on the agenda by state sponsored actors. 

Agriculture bounces back in the warm weather with bountiful crops. I feel this is the end of our run of bad luck at last, 2019 was the year that started our bad luck and 2023 will be an end to that. 😀

One final thing is keep an eye on the environment. Nature must not be politicized, I feel there are factions that wish to stop ordinary people enjoying the countryside. This is a political stunt and must not be tolerated. To say that people will destroy the land and environment is absolute rubbish. The land belongs to all of us. It goes through transformations with the universal cycles. Keep the quack politics and dictatorial  control out of our lives, it has no place in Australia.  

Thank you for taking the time to read my predictions, you all mean a lot to me. Please enjoy the upcoming festive season and summer. I wish everyone all the very best that life has to offer you.

Blessings to all and warm and fuzzy hugs


Copyright Alex Fulford, October 2022 

Please click on the link to see the 2023 psychic predictions for the world


UPDATE: Wow, I didn’t expect this so soon. 26th  October, Australia to send troops to train Ukrainian soldiers. Just one thing though, why do they need to train soldiers their own army can do that. This only came up on my Google news this morning as I woke up.

UPDATE: Michaelia Cash

20 March , Michaelia Cash on 2003 invasion of Iraq in the link below. Hmmm didn’t the US put Saddam in power in the first place and then couldn’t control him? Oops !

UPDATE: Cybercrime, Defence department hacked. As I have said in other psychic predictions in recent years, spend the damn money on protecting our government websites or be sorry. Cheap and nasty is what the government usually invests in with no clue on how things really work. Put competent people in charge not morons and buy the best state of the art technology. Any ministers that skimp on technology and cyber protection should be held responsible for this and removed from the post for incompetence. If you pay peanuts you get monkeys, ministers included! How many times must I waste time warning people?

UPDATE: Australia stepping up in world leadership with five eyes. They must not drop the ball on this.

UPDATE: Cybercrime, our government is not acting fast enough to these threats.

New laws on cybercrime and security

UPDATE: February 27. Cyber Security, Federal government to rewrite cyber laws.

UPDATE: Health, this could end bulk billing and therefore cost people more to see a doctor.   NSW pharmacies given increased power to authorise repeat scripts. 

January 23: Shake up for Medicare, I don’t think this will go far enough to improve patient care or the shortage of doctors.

Medicare: going to the doctor costing you more money. 3 February, Government hesitant on increasing the rebate to doctors which in turn means people may not be able to afford to see a doctor. This under a Labor government! Let’s see what happens, hopefully common sense will prevail because doctors may just quit their jobs and we have a terrible shortage as it is due to government negligence.

UPDATE: Free preschool for four year olds in NSW in 2023.

UPDATE: Ambulance service

UPDATE: welfare, money doled out to some but not others.

UPDATE: Skilled migrants for health and education coming

UPDATE: Foreign ownership

This is from 2019 on my old blog, read the news article on foreign ownership!

UPDATE: Australian supermarkets 

January 15th

UPDATE: Stretching the dollars. How to stretch out a meal. Expect ore of this to help people feed themselves and their families.

UPDATE: Schools with shorter hours and split times to start and finish. This looks ridiculous to be frank. How many kids will use the time to study really?

UPDATE: 6 March, Welfare recipients increase in payments. Not much but better than nothing.

UPDATE: 5 May, welfare increase again for cost of living adjustment

UPDATE: Supermarkets in Australia, I don’t know if I should include this or not. However they are all onboard.

UPDATE: 13 March, Water, defence. This is still in the early stage of the prediction, as you can see there is more to come.

30 years?  We don’t have the luxury of  30 years, you dropped the ball here! by 2027 conflict will be underway. 

UPDATE: Defence / Navy and connection to water, new federal agency for nuclear submarines. Unfortunately there is a paywall on this but you can see part of it.

UPDATE: Aussies being scammed , you snooze you lose folks, it’s that simple.  24/5/23 NEVER do anything on line with banking if you get a phone call. Go into your bank branch immediately. Bear in mind that many banks are closing branches too and this makes getter help a little more difficult. Which must be pointed out to banks, they have our money, it is not theirs so it is on them to do something. 

UPDATE: 22 June, Tougher new laws introduced, but that doesn’t mean that the magistrate will use the full force of the law. As we know from the revolving doors syndrome.

UPDATE: Supermarket merger, turned out to be Kmart and Target merger 25/7/23.

UPDATE: 9 November, Education, school times  Queensland public schools to triple new hours

UPDATE: Supermarkets, Woolworths Big W extending trade into market place to sell furniture etc.

UPDATE: Homeland Security, China, Cyber security etc. Took their damn time over this one. Life your damn game Labor!

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