Showing posts with label TECHNOLOGY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TECHNOLOGY. Show all posts

17 January, 2024

Indian teen invents gadget that may transform dementia care

Wow, What a clever young teeneger how fantastic is this and obviously has a deep love for his grandmother. I do hope he goes far in his career when he is older. My heart goes out to his grandmother as it does to every single person with dementia or Alzheimers and their families.

 I just pray that there will be abreakthrough in medical research soon. This woman in the article is not much older than me and that scares the hell out of me. Millions of people are suffering as are their loved ones that see the suffering first hand.  

19 December, 2023

A Hidden Pattern in Children's Eyes Can Reveal if They Have Autism

This is the AI version of iridology which maps the entire body and what health conditions a person has.

A study that is centuries old, I had a pregnancy detected by iridology, I was already aware that I was pregnant at the time but it showed up during an appointment for something unrelated.

24 November, 2023

The Yakhchāl: Ancient Ice-Making Machines in the Desert (Video)

Amazing ingenuity dating back to 400BC. They may be seen in modern times as primitive by some but the ancient Persians, the ancient Chinese and many other old cultures had amazing ingenuity and technology that only is surpassed by today’s modern technology. 

So it has taken two thousand years for modern man to get to where we are now. With a quantum leap in the type of technology that we have now. I wonder when  or if we will dip back down into the loss of technology. That would not be a good time to live through for us ordinary people of the world. Let’s hope that it never goes down that path. Astrologers can detect such events on the horizon because they are able to calculate hundreds or thousands of years into the future. That would probably come under horary astrology if one is asking a question. Other than that, following calculations which can be done by the use of ephemerides  or withAI  the years to come. I would imagine that AI will be the common tool to calculate such things. Much as I dislike AI this is one of the useful tools in this technology to guide humanity through the years to come. It will also show us where we must tread very carefully as in its normal way of serving humanity. 

09 July, 2023

Robots say they won't steal jobs, rebel against humans

Interesting location for the event taking place, it reminds me of the story Frankenstein which part of it took place in Switzerland too. Not much of an article but it’s a definite Yeah, Nah for me. I don’t go in for stage managed publicity events that are desperately trying to up sell AI like a used car salesman. The words used are also ambiguous. Even the name SingularityNET that can be interpreted in several ways. Words can convey several different meanings to different people at the same moment as per design here. But nothing is coincidence here, this as you can see is guiding us into the singularity agenda and transhumanism. 

Notice the robots seem mostly female too, this is a subtle hint that women/motherhood is being pushed aside for a new creation that is against nature and creation. I am not meaning as is a biblical sense just the natural world as it co-creates biologically. 

For something to be created and patented it must be adhere to the laws and regulations set out as per the link below.,%2C%20and%20(5)%20enablement.

I did not miss the colours and other symbolism in the top photograph in the article because it stands out like a sore thumb to anyone with eyes that read symbols. That is the first things to look at in a photo or at important events, subtle symbolism is always there. To me it is what I expected to see 

Desdemona. Why use a name that means ill fated? 

Grace is a popular girl’s name in Scotland

Sophia (already mentioned on my blog). As in the goddess and aeon

Genderless Ameca , the skin colour implies gender neutral.

Grey in the tarot cards represents spiritual energy or the presence of spirit. It is also a neutral colour rather bland. As a name, Ameca in one translation can mean gift from god in Jamaican. You can keep this particular gift thanks! 

Interesting fact on the origin of the word Robot,were%20neither%20metallic%20nor%20mechanical.

The Czech play that gave us the word Robot. If you remove spirit from humanity then you get a biological robot without any spirituality and compassion, love and respect for all life and spirituality. Therefore a being that doesn’t value life and individuality.

18 June, 2023

What are phone porting scams, and is there anything you can do about them?

The times we are living in 😳 A warning to older people especially because many older people are not tech savvy. They rely on family members to help them with technology and buying things online or fixing their computers and phones when something goes wrong. 

27 May, 2023

World’s dire future: Students exhibit how culinary scene will look in 26 years

Maybe you should put down the ol’ glass barbecue (crack pipe) 😂

Mobile phones discussed in 1963


Newspaper clippings from 18th April 1963 about mobile phones only taken 25 years. In the early 70’s there was an article in the British newspaper stating that they would be televisions like a picture frame to hang on the wall. I remember my dad telling me this when I was 13. And here we are now a common fixture in our homes and public places. As I said before technology is often already invented 20 years or so before it becomes public. Just look back to the early 20th century for examples such as tv before WW2 but it was only local service in a small part of London and then the war stopped the progress until the 1950’s. 

As you can see Snopes has covered this, and the German technology as we already know was very advanced during WW2 and that’s why Operation Paperclip was vital to the US for the space program. 1954 wall mounted tv

Talk about the Jetsons 😂

Elon Musk's brain implant company Neuralink says it has US approval to begin trials in people

OMG, Seriously?? Do you understand what this actually means?  Musk couldn't give a damn because he won't be borged, he is not stupid. Uncle Klause will be so happy with you Elon.

I don't care what the so called benefits are to this, you cannot dress up what a catastophe this will be on anyone that accepts this. Do your homework if you value your soul and your eternal spirit folks. I personally would rather die than suffer this abomination. I can see from checking my stats that people don't seem to want to read this stuff that I have been posting on for a long time on this blog and my old blog. Don't think for one minute that this will ever be stopped because these people will stop an nothing to achieve their goal.

There are no tags or lables on this old blog because I stuffed it up so just go through each month down on the right hand side at the bottom. Yes I have removes many posts because they were controversial. But hey what was contraversial 5 years ago is in our lives now.  

26 May, 2023

The plan

This was just emailed from Wes Penre to his readers. 

This video has been around for a while so we already know the score also this is only a snippet that is deliberately released not the entire goal plan, for that you will need to comb through hours of videos and articles woven through the UN websites, the WHO, the WEF website and possibly many others. Also this technology doesn’t just spring up suddenly they usually have a ten year or twenty year of the technology being existence before it becomes public and then tweak it to the level they want. 

Just watch people breaking their necks to get this, and hey presto you are caught hook line and sinker. Say goodbye to your spirit , soul and your spiritual autonomy you are now living in a digital mainframe. I don’t think the likes of Schwab will have the stupidity to get an implant because they know what it will do to them and also they are not willing to become cyborgs and have their minds linked to a cloud. Which is utterly horrifying to do to anyone, because once it’s done it will not be undone. Meaning you are no longer a divine spiritual creation. You will be cut off from the spirit world permanently, you will also only have knowledge that you are permitted to have. You will be just a drone with the level of knowledge and intelligence that you are designated and nothing more because of your programming. 

21 February, 2023

Japan flying car group makes first manned outdoor flight

Wow, Jetsons move over, Japanese have a new flying car. That would be a yeah-Nah for me. I like tried and true technology. But this is quite an incredible breakthrough in technology. It wasn’t so long ago that drones were invented so who knows what will be next. 

23 December, 2022

Got MilQ? Fake Milk to Replace Dairy and Breast Milk

Well if this doesn’t make you concerned, just carry on with your head in the sand. This will be right through our food chain, just like other nasties that are already there. The Victorian government have scrapped the four year ban on GMO crops in 2008. Look at the  crop life link two links down for further information.

From May 2022 Just look at the  items such as butter, margarine, olive spread, dips etc even frozen chips. It is very hard to avoid canola in foods in Australia and the authorities have known of its toxicity in food for decades. I was certainly aware f it in the 1980's.   

Government PDF GMO's in Australia

02 December, 2022

27 June, 2022

World’s first cyborg’ Dr Peter Scott-Morgan dies aged 64 after motor neurone disease battle

Poor soul, this must have been terrifying for him, but encouraging people to be cyborgs is away from our true spiritual purpose. We are spirit and must return to spirit. Yes the physical body is a trap and endures great suffering. I can understand his wanting to live longer, however where is the quality of life? 

There is a lack of spiritual awareness, and understanding here. That is detrimental to humanity evolving to leave the physical world and the suffering. We are not meant  to be here, in this living hell, literally.

It is heartbreaking to see people going through illness and being unable to help them. I have been here many times with family and friends. It never gets any easier, but death is only a transition to a different reality. However it is how we die and where we go that matters. 

To stay in a cyborg body is not going to give anyone freedom, quiet the opposite and it suppresses spirit and soul so that the spirit can never leave this reality. Transhumanism is a trap, stop and think before you make that fateful mistake. This is not how humans are supposed to evolve. It’s spiritual evolution never technology implanted into us. That’s the ultimate death knell and the loss of any spiritual connection that one has. But that is the agenda being pushed by ignorant people with a vested interest in enslaving humanity permanently. You stop evolving spiritually, however you can nano travel. That again has a dark agenda that most people don’t understand let alone bother to think about. You will have your thoughts based in a cloud to be reprogrammed and be part of a hive mind complex and the loss of individual and independent though. No free will, just programmed to respond and act on command. 

This poor man is free from suffering any longer. He will not be in any pain or suffering now and that is a blessing. We do not experience physical pain in a spirit body, that’s a physical world thing. Our emotions and personality are still intact though when we are in spirit. 

23 June, 2022

Space is crowded, messy and dangerous, says this expert, and it needs better road rules

Maybe they should have thought about this when they started going into space. We teach children not to litter and then adults do this, clearly teaching double standards.This is highly educated adults I might add, that society is told to look up to and respect. 

Such hypocrisy, what happened to responsibility and accountability, this is not setting a good example when at the same time whining about pollution and the BS climate change on earth. 

The Lies Behind Lab-Cultured Fake Meat

I have been aware of animals leaving this reality in large amounts on a spiritual level for a few years. It’s a very sad and depressing situation. Knowing that for many of them their time is almost up. Factor in domestic pets, or as I prefer to call them fur children. I can’t imagine a world with so few animals it’s unnatural and against the laws of nature and spirit. 

There have  been many  funny little tell tale signs along the way even from a psychic perspective that point to a decline in animals, but this is not the first time in the earth’s history that there have been vast clearance’s of wildlife or homo sapiens. Great resets are part of the real history of our reality, this is but another one. How different this time is anyone’s guess, but this is a graduated event not just one day suddenly every animal disappears. Watch the signs and learn. 

A simple but practical way of reducing the amount of pets is the compulsory desexing of all cats and dogs unless they are used for breeding. So eventually there will be far fewer dogs and cats in perhaps say twenty years from now. It’s highly plausible if the desexing is compulsory globally. Responsible people do the right thing and have their fur babies desexed, myself included. Also if people can’t afford to have a cat or dog then less will be available. 

There has been a mass culling of farm animals in the US under various “circumstances” and the big push for veganism. That veganism, is  Marxism on steroids, it has all the usual signs and there is a very harsh push on the public to accept this. The same ploy puts the guilt trip on people. Pitting people against each other, ideology that is so forceful and the rabid fanatics that endorse the push making us submit to the push through intimidation. 

 You know that my body, my choice rhetoric, it’s a one way street. It doesn’t include all of our rights to real nutrition from real food. No it’s the opposite because it is a corporate-political agenda. There is big money riding on it. Veganism is very bad for neural development and dumbs the person down. Resulting in lower intelligence, brain shrinkage and the lack of critical thinking. A Vegetarian diet though is fine as long as we have real food and not man made food. Kissinger must be so proud of his 1973 quote, control the food and you control the people. He should have had that copyrighted, it would have made him even more rich due to many people using his famous quote. His dreams are coming true in ways that most people have never thought of, patented  Frankenfood. We’re loving it 🤢 

Now the artificial meat and artificiality inflating the price of real meat, fruit and vegetables at present is all too obvious for those that are paying attention. There is no real shortage of food, it’s being withheld. Even if you are aware of this, it makes no difference because the cost of real food could put it out of your budget regardless.

Violating our basic human rights to be able to eat normal healthy food. Remember this is corporations doing this so they can get away with things that the government can’t. Add the emotional guilt trip on top of the financial inability to access real food. No doctors or nutritionists will dare step out of line and speak out publicly because they are either afraid of losing their job or they are believing the lies. 

Big corporations are driving this agenda and take a look the vast tracts of land bought up by Bill Gates, that should have alarm bell ringing. Then take a look at the queen and how much land all over the world that she owns. Then people that we don’t know about that own vast tracts of real estate, foreign investors that take advantage of the opportunity. It is so unfair that individuals or corporations can own so much land or real estate and others have nothing. But that is the dualistic reality of this world. 

Land to grow crops and land to feed animals is shrinking now because so much is private property. It doesn’t look good for the future, but who knows what war will bring. How many investors will lose their land or businesses have land confiscated. Anything is possible. 

The way things are going this will go nicely with transhumanism, you can’t call this living. It’s a nightmare of epic proportions. Next time you buy food from a chain fast food outlet keep this in mind. This situation will not be stopped unless the masses get off their dumb arses and say NO. 

Just imagine feeding this to your children or grandchildren knowing what it is, and the harm that will be done. This is a nightmare beyond belief, but spare a thought for the suffering animals. They too have feelings and to be butchered is horrendous. I have only been eating meat fro two years at present after being a very strict vegetarian for spiritual reasons. I still struggle with the thought of how animals are killed and especially baby animals. That just is not right, it is cruel they way animals are “processed “ for human consumption. But this reality is not a very nice place especially from a spiritual standpoint, being one step up from the demonic realm. 

We seem damned if we do and damned if we don’t. This reality is heavily geared against humanity and the animals too. Individuals must look into their hearts for guidance and do the best that they can under the limited circumstances of what we think is free will. That’s an illusion right there, because there isn’t any, we just have to try hard to be honest and good, living from the heart. Boy that is a very difficult thing to do every moment of our lives. 

One final thing I want to say is I don’t put much trust in the people that put the article together, but I do know from a clairvoyant perspective this world is changed and things will never return to what was in our lives. It is starting to look like science fiction and no one in authority is going to stop this train wreck. 

I might go eat a bacon sarny (sandwich) after all that. Make sure you that you watch the video by Awaken with JP, Shocking Biden allegations. Not actually about him but at 6.48, we don’t just have to worry about what is being done to our food but Eugenicists, it’s all interrelated. 

18 June, 2022

PDF: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite   You can still buy this in paperback or hardback if...