03 March, 2021

Hottest 2020 Halloween Costume


Wes Penre: VIDEO 231: Q&A SESSION #57


Here are some more Q and A for you to enjoy. I finally got around to buying Not in his Image by John Lamb Lash, and finally making time to get my poor old head in to Gnosticism. I feel it will take me a while to remember things these days, lol. I used to be able to absorb a lot of information but not these days. Still I am not in a hurry.

Look both ways



Lol, That’s up there with, who left the lid off the jar of idiots 🤣🤣🤣



The only  exercise I advocate 🤣🤣🤣 

Government faces test on Australian sovereignty over Port of Darwin Liberal senator warns


Talk about a national embarrassment omfg. What sort of leaders or idiots do we have? This is only one situation of what our leaders are doing. They have no respect for the people of Australia nor any self respect that much is obvious, and we are going to have major problems rectifying this insanity. 

The sheer cheek of Labor MP’s pointing the finger at the Liberals. Remind those Labor morons that it was their party that sold us out every time they were in power from the early 1970’s. Older people remember this and are not stupid like the snowflake generation. Remember the older generations fought to keep our land free. 

Oh yeah and we want our water and farms back too!

Meme: Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes


Even better talk to dead people like I do 🤣🤣

Political correctness training NSW bureaucrats warned not to use husband and wife


Agenda to go, lol. How about NO! People are getting real sick of this bloody agenda. If you have been paying attention to the increments, this is removal of gender, removal of self, removal of everything we know as society. This is to prepare the masses for transhumanism. You snooze you loose, you let it happen you loose.

People power only works if it is approved by the powers that be, don’t forget that. We only get titbits of winning against the powers that be, just enough to keep us from revolting. 

By the way most readers and the general public don’t  even see the colour purple as a coded message along with this. If you want to know why that colour is used then read through my blog, the answer is there.

You can bet your arse this does not fly when dealing with high ranking officials and dignity. No bloody way it is only for the worker drones, we are just insignificant to the bastards that came up with this big brother stick to bash us with. You can get stuffed, I will not be addressed as anything other than Mrs not Ms and I have a husband not a bloody partner. I have never tolerated this shit when I was a public servant many years ago and I am offended by this rubbish. It is classic communism, all be it corporate communism  and make no mistake about that.

What a crap Father's Day

 I am not a fan of either Mother's day, Father's day or any other corporate BS. But this has got to be the worst one my family have ever had, and that is saying something. No, we don't have an easy life, we never have, with health issues and other things going on it is always a struggle.

This one hubby has spent the day in bed very ill and in excruciating pain. He has a raging fever but can't  see the GP tomorrow morning. This on top of multiple health issues and serious abdominal issues. The specialists seem to be rather of the mind set, so sad too bad. We are still waiting so long for the basic tests to be done, ( he had one months ago which turned out to be the wrong  type and unnecessary test ) and then book in for surgery. He could die in the long bloody wait. He has no quality of life.

Canberra has few specialists and especially in the field that my husband needs. It is all about the money, not human lives here. However  if you are in a private health fund they will take you in a flash. Talk about privilege It is not a privilege to be suffering serious illness that could kill you. We just have to suck it up and have no other choice. There is no COVID in Canberra either.

Can you imagine how hard t is to get through life like this? It affects my household on many levels. I am also a carer for an other family member and that takes it out of me .

It has been 9  months of misery and suffering for my family. There are other serious issues going on that I won't go into here on top of this. 

Today it is also the first anniversary of my mother in law's death, which is upsetting for my poor husband, and my mothers 20th anniversary of her death.

I can't visit my father yet again because NSW nursing homes are all back in lockdown two weeks ago. My father is very sad as he can't have any one visit. This did not need to happen. It is caused by bloody selfish people that gave no thought to spreading this virus to all and sundry. Pure evil selfishness.

All this stress and suffering also affects me when I am trying to do readings. Can you possibly imagine the pressure that I work under. That is thirty three years so far with no respite with my husbands long term health and quality of life, and there won't be any either.

It is just suck it up buttercup for both of us. So yeah it has been a crap day yesterday, but hey things have to get done and suck it up. Understandably I get pissed off when others sail through life and everything is roses for them celebrating with family. We have nothing to celebrate.

"Oh I am so proud of my grand children, they are doing this and that", blah blah blah. Guess what I have two that I can never see, due to something evil their father did. Do you know how much that hurts?  That is on our minds at Fathers  day and Mother's day every year.

I have to keep my mouth shut and suck it up. Other family that live interstate have bloody amazing lives. They know what is going on in my life but hey, tough, just suck it up. Being deliberately kept out of the loop on the births of my grand children too. But Hey I am a bloody clairvoyant and I could feel them. I know that one day my granddaughter will come to my door and ask for the truth. She will be given the truth. I also know she is a very gifted clairvoyant too. I knew that years before she was born.

My husband and I just have to suck it up. Yet the thing that pisses me off is  the cheek of family asking me to forgive,  forgive something so evil and unspeakable. I do not do forgiveness for evil. But live with the pain every day of my life. The acts of others with no soul can rip your life apart. 

It was never an easy life to begin with but, the pain and suffering just keeps on coming.

Happy Father's day to those that can have a nice father's day, just remember it is not always a bed of roses for others. It is a bed of thorns that cut deep and never heals.

7 September 202


Northern NSW Koala populations plummets on NSW north coast after 2019-20 bushfires


So heart breaking to lose our beloved animals like this. I will never forget this tragedy as long as I live. I remember full well the Canberra bushfires in 2003 and the loss of life. We were on the list to be evacuated then, but as luck would have it, we were saved. I had two young children and six fur babies.

Friday funnies


Dreaming of painting and interrogation

  had the most freaky dream last night. In this dream  I was in some large building with lots of people. The people looked as if they had lost all hope and were just accepting their lot. They looked drab and nondescript as a whole, no individuality. Even their clothing was rather ordinary and drab.  The building looked like an old high school, and I was aware that we were all standing looking from balconies down into an outdoor court yard. The place was very dimly lit and felt cold. The atmosphere was chilling and people were scared to speak to each other. They just kept on doing what ever tasks they were doing.              

It felt like we were in some form of totalitarian controlled system. The strange thing is we were made to do  some art work. But this artwork was symbolic, many of us were using very dark colours  as we painted  our art work. We were painting some weird sort of art like school kids. I started to paint using gold paint, and some shade of deep blue, like what one seen in medieval art. I noticed my art work was embossed with little symbols. I had also divided my paper into 4 sections, by having a cross in the middle of the thing I was painting, which was made by folding the paper into four squares.  I then noticed that I was also painting over the top of what I had just done, as we all were, talk about in a trance. Just repetition over and over again.

 I then mentioned to the man next to me something about the symbolism in the Monas hieroglyphica, by John Dee, as I pointed to what I had painted. I have no idea how that ties in to this weird dream though. Other than symbols, colours and shapes and their meanings. I noticed a guard come up to us at this point to as both the men either side of me started to copy what I was doing in my painting. One man was removed by these guards.   

There was a slight spiritual feeling to what I was painting, and I am in no way artistic, lol. I  then became aware of people being taken one by one into a room to be tortured and interrogated. The guards actually left the door open, so that we could see what was going on. That was very disturbing, being aware that anyone of us could be next.

I noticed a woman being taken in to the room and put on a table. Her long blond curls hanging over the table as they started to torture her. Meanwhile everyone with me just ignored what was happening. It was as if it was normal and they knew they would be next. This scared the hell out of me for two reasons, A) everyone just accepted it. and B) no one put up a fight.

The people doing the interrogation and torture all seemed like cold and unfeeling members of some strange organisation. They were not actually in a uniform  or anything that I could recognise as a uniform.

For some reason they would not touch me though, as if just trying to psych me out by doing the abuse to everyone else but me to make, perhaps to make me comply or because they were not allowed to touch me, I have no idea. Later I walked past one of the interrogators, and said hello. He just ignored me and walked on by. No emotion on his face just like a robot.  

It just reminds me of what society seems to be doing right now, the I'm alright Jack and no one wants to stop the dreadful changes that are being brought into existence at present. Everyone just looks the other way .

I looked up the meaning of dark blue paint and it suggests  well being in family life and work. I can’t see anything on any dream interpretation websites that can explain the rest of this. However I think it speaks for itself, when observing suffering and the feeling of helplessness in a totalitarian state. 

This has been sitting in draft for a few weeks, I had forgotten all about it.....oops 🤣

Scottish independence plunges amid nationalist brawl between Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond


How to destroy a nation, let the nationalists run the show. Politics is a vulgar business that attracts narcissistic people.

Neil Oliver: There is a pervasive atmosphere in Scotland over people being frightened into silence


I have a lot of respect for this guy, I have been an avid reader of his books and watch all of his historical tv shows. He is a common sense man and calls it as he sees it, very much like myself. I have to agree with what he says here.

It has become very clear to many people, we are heading headlong into a dystopian society world wide if this isn’t held in check. It’s not just what is taking place in Scotland, dangerous changes are taking place world wide.  Have you noticed how much self censoring people are doing over the past few years? 

 This year it is way over the top, and it is not going to slow down or even stop. People are afraid to speak their mind publicly these days. How did that happen in the western world?  Yes, we must have a middle ground of rational and we need it now.  

 People are afraid, to admit who they vote for just as Neil is saying. A classic example is what is happening in the US at present. Even in Australia Liberal voters  keep their heads down. I would hardly call this democratic. Common sense must prevail surely.

When  it comes to a person’s political opinion, we have the right to cherry pick what we want, as Neil says. Who the hell has the right to tell us what we should believe or accept politically, culturally spiritually or in our medical beliefs ? That is not democracy is it? 

Politicians are here to work for us remember? They must be held accountable to the voters, not treat us with distain as they often do. Voting is not compulsory in Scotland, it never has been. So many people avoiding the voting process, does give us a false view of the national mind set, but add to that people being unable to speak their mind. 

As a Scott, I am well aware of our culture, and even though we are a race of live and let live, under the surface there are still religious bigotry  issues.   Unlike some countries, names in Scotland or Ireland tell people what religion you are. Both the given or Christian name as well as the surname. That still has an affect when trying to get along with each other, even down to getting a job, your religion plays a part, I as a young woman  of 19 had experienced that first hand from a religious bigoted man at a job interview. That is something I can’t accept. 

I would be mistaken for a Protestant in Scotland today, however I do not have a religion at all. I was never christened or baptised. I do not want to be tarnished by the toxic energy of religion.

Scottish People can be very opinionated when they are talking to each other, no different to many other countries I am sure. We are a strong and passionate race.  So now this shift is taking place people are afraid to speak out. These are dark days indeed, but only if they are permitted. It looks almost like going back to the days of the reformation and that was horrendous. I would not wish such horror on anyone.

However this is not just about freedom of speech, there is so much more going on and it is world wide, C   O V    I D. is just a convenient vehicle to push the changes. Have you noticed the split in society yet? Pay attention to this, we are emerging into two different worlds right now. 

As I have said in older blog posts, these things are a multi pronged attacks on humanity and our rights, sovereignty within our own nations. That word SOVEREIGNTY, is being used as a weapon by those that seek to take away our freedom. If you can’t see that then you have a problem. The media are branding it communist, leftist, and at the same time it is mentioned in government documents with regards to a nations and its people. So it can be very confusing for some people trying to understand what sovereignty actually means and to whom. 

 The use of the wording “sovereign citizens “ is not as in the meaning of the people protected by the law of the country. No, this sovereign citizens as in the way used by protestors is actually communist or leftist. It has no legal bearing at all and if you google the origins of this sovereignty issue you will see that. This is very wrong and very dangerous, playing into the hands of people that are a threat to our way of life. It’s just not on!

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement  (scroll down to the bottom and click on the other things such as straw man etc, just don’t get involved in this BS, just read it for an understanding only)

Neil is so right on the money when he mentioned religion and politics as being swept under the carpet in Scotland. Scotland has always been a political country, just read our history. It is passionate and bloody. This is just within Christianity too. The royals and the church  set the ball rolling hundreds of years ago, fighting amongst themselves over Catholicism and Protestantism. These were often extremely violent situations and still within our living history and memories. But this issue is not just about Scotland. No this is just the litmus test to spread worldwide.

Australia has a similar hate crime laws, which are under review at present. I think it is still going through parliament. These laws could open up a can of worms if not done sensibly. I somehow doubt sensibility comes into the equation though.



Interesting reading, however one must remember apart from our  third dimensional world actually being hell (the under world) It is locked and we do not really have much freewill at all. I feel since Wes has got into Gnosticism he tends to forget or gloss over these vital facts.

I keep saying humanity is programmed only to evolve so far and then we crash and burn as a civilisation. Think of astrological cycles as an example. At present this crash and burn cycle is in progress.  There is also very little scope to awaken from this augmented reality. Very few people each cycle of millions of years  will actually do this. This is vital in understanding our way out of this reality, we cannot waken others, it is not our place to do so. The individual must awaken and set a path of discovery through out their life. It is definitely not an easy task and that is why very few manage to exit.

Many spiritual guru's over the centuries had no real idea of what was happening or understood this is a controlled and closed matrix  (augmented reality) in the way that we can understand.  They believed what they were told, and the channelled information came from within this matrix construct by archonic beings with a vested interest in keeping us here and unaware. Never to know we were far more spiritually advanced than these beings.

People are seeking a leader right now

  People are lost at present and they are looking for answers and the are looking for a leader. Due to the extraordinary situation the world is in at present, many people are extremely vulnerable to suggestion and right  now is a time to be very careful and trust no one. 

But, and this is a big but, with all the anti lock-down protests going on around the world right now, people need to be careful, I feel this is not what people think it is. They need to stop and think, they must question what they want to achieve  and also watch out for whom ever steps out of the shadows to “lead the masses”  in protest to the lock-down. 

This is a well stage-managed situation, it didn't just spring up from no where, think BLM and you may be closer to the mark. Things come into being because they are created for a reason. Divide and conquer, left wing, right wing, same bloody bird. Same game being played on the masses.

These protests must have an individual that kicked all of this off. Who and what are they, is this a deep state creation or communists? What are their true intentions?  Following the pied piper is never a safe or smart thing to do. 

To wait and watch is more prudent right now. This feels like factions at play here, after all life on earth is like a chessboard, dualistic. We don’t have to take a side. So approach with caution, I feel something ill is in the wind. So be warned and be careful. We have no idea what will come out of the shadows, but I feel it is an ill wind. 

The credit card debt trap


Very important reading in this document. Please read it all the way through. You will see the Australian Labour Party are a bunch of ratbags that should never be trusted. The supposed party for the working class is total bs.

Notice the mention of the Lima declaration under the ALP  leadership. But yeah the working class can kiss my ass, is the motto of the ALP.

https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp9900/2000RP21  I tacked this on for some more interesting reading, mostly under the ALP leadership.

Anthony Albanese warns China’s influence is growing and is threatening Australia’s national interest


Australia is well known for having weak men in politics in the past 30 years. They lack backbone, ethics,  morals and strength of character. How can we the people have any respect for weak men to lead us?  Weak men only have one use in politics, to be manipulated and controlled.

China has no respect for us, especially our leaders because they know they are weak. Our leaders have bowed down to pressure at the drop of a hat for many years. Let’s see how Albanese can cope, he has never had to face off  with the big boys yet.  Looks like he is trying hard to get attention here. The public have been well aware of the danger China poses for many years, but suddenly this pipsqueak is saying we are in danger, lol. Do ya think Tony 😂😂

Labor always have been pro China and are responsible for many of Australia’s problems dating back to the Whitlam era. But no one will call the Labor party out for it. Just look back to treaties and agreements signed by them going back to the early 1970’s  you will see the damage they have done to our industry.

They can stick their little red book of communism where the sun doesn’t shine. But having said that the Liberals have jumped on the bandwagon in recent years too. Selling off  our assets, our water, farms etc.

Maybe if we had honest, moral and ethical politicians that stood up for Australia we would not be such an embarrassment today. I have watched my beloved adopted country go downhill as I grew up and it saddens me to see it sold off to anyone for 40 bits of silver.

Tony knows damn well Whitlam  ( a well known communist) screwed us over back  in the early 70's, so who is he trying to fool? Trade agreements Tony? What about the ones you commy bastards signed off on in the 70’s calling it free trade? 

Thanks to the federal Labor government, we are in the crap we are in. They set the ball in motion all those years ago. Belt and road pfft,  it wouldn’t be possible without Labor politicians. The last laugh is on Albanese because the party will implode in a few years as I have  predicted in the past. Sort your party out like a good boy Tony, you can’t control your creatures.

I have seen the Australian Labor party’s implosion in the cards a long time ago, but hey just call me Cassandra 😂😂 

https://www.australianconservativecoalition.com/the-lima-declaration This is why I will never vote for the ALP, not that we can trust or have any faith in any other party. I hold all politicians in contempt. None of them care about ordinary people and our rights.

Soros DA Diana Becton Requires Officers Consider Whether a Looter “Needed” Stolen Goods Before Charging


WOW, Just wow, This is the communist influence on America. I am a firm believer in the death penalty for criminals such as terrorism and violent crimes. I am also in favour of the death penalty for high treason  and as far as I am concerned this is treason against the American people. It must not be tolerated.

But as I have said in other posts, people have allowed all this stuff to happen. You will have to fight to regain your country and to the death, because you allowed this. I have no time for cowards, snowflakes and lefties, they are the very people that allowed this to happen over many years. They too are the enemy of freedom loving Americans. Now Americans are shit scared to admit they vote republican. What is wrong with this picture? 

Australia’s costly wattle logo ditched after unflattering comparisons to the coronavirus


Yay it’s been dumped 

Happy international Dogs day


Happy international dogs day to all the beautiful doggies in the world 🐶🐶🐶

A cave in France changes what we thought we knew about Neanderthals


Studies have proven these people were intelligent beings and most likely inter bread with Homo sapien sapiens, (thinking human). This site would have been for spiritual or religious practices. All humanoids have an inbuilt sense of spirit or god within them. 

The trouble is the more “advanced “ humans think they are, the further away from their spiritual side and the separated from spirit they become. What do scientists care about spirituality in ancient history? Most are so far removed from spirit they would never accept these beings had a spiritual side to them. 

Now I am not saying that I know anything about the Neanderthals, but being humanoid of course they have a spiritual side. It is programmed into their DNA just like it is with us, with the god spark or divine essence. 

We also need to know at what point Neanderthals merged with us homo sapien sapiens. Many of us, especially in the Celtic race ,have the short stalky build with the short necks, and reddish hair like the Neanderthals.

H.M.S Pinafore | Guy Noble and WASO


I love this guy, no pun intended. I loved listening to his show on ABC Classic FM over many years.
He always made me laugh.  Even better with G and S set to a modern world event 😆

Wes Penre: VIDEO 230: Q&A SESSION #56


Some very interesting Q and A's here peeps. 

When you want to go on a vacation


 This is vacation 2020😂😂 just position the handle near something to make it look real 😂😂

Dead girl 12 wakes while family clean her body for burial


I read this last night, what a heart breaking thing to happen. She is so young and I can just imagine the trauma this would cause her family. This morning an other such case was in the news, this one in the US with a 20  year old woman. Such unusual situations and within 24  hours of the first story breaking. 


The 1940s House (Complete Series) - Channel 4 (U.K.)


This is a very interesting show. I watched it the first time it was on tv. I can relate to much of this as my parents were born just before WW2. I learned so much from them and my grandparents over the years by actually asking questions.  I always had an interest in what previous generations did in everyday life. So I can truly appreciate this show.

If you are paying attention to what is  currently in the media at present world wide, they are pushing no waste of food. There is a push to conserve everything. I have seen this on Facebook adverts by the government in Australia and on tv.  The government is already starting to tell us to prepare for food shortages coming. We have already had the experience with toilet roll. Remember  the shocking behaviour of  people fighting over toilet roll?

So it is wise to pay attention to what is happening at present and take stock of this. Are you aware of the American farmers having to kill thousands of cattle?  I find  animals being destroyed very distressing.


You need to know about this, and there are issues going on in Australia at present too. After our bushfires and the devastating loss of animals as well as forests and homes. It may take us a while to get back on our feet. We need to stop being wasteful and have a look at how to make do with less.

This video may be helpful to those that have never had to experience shortages. It is quite an eye opener. If you find this interesting please look at the 1900's house on YouTube too, boy those were tough days without any luxuries.

Food rationing and other rationing in Britain up to 1954. 

Momma, I just killed a mouse


Konspiracy constipation, I haven't given a crap for a while

 I am just so over the whole K on s pir acy thing. I have had all that I can take of the crap. Yes, some of it is very real. But I just do not want to be bothered by it anymore.  I am "k on s pi racy constipated", I do not given a shit about it. I am well and truly over caring anymore. 

I am getting this stuff sent to me by well meaning people, but hey, I have been reading up on this since the 1990's it is not new to me. What you know, I already know.  OK!  Don't preach to me when you didn't want to know in the past when I told you all of this.

I also am much more aware on a psychic level, with visions, predictions etc. If you had actually bothered to ask me questions via Facebook or even read the stuff on my blog, you wouldn't be pissing me off right now. You would know that I am fully aware of "everything" and I mean everything.

To dwell on this is not healthy, I am not investing my energy in this a moment longer. Everyone is feeding each others fears and anxieties. Stop and think about that if you will. Who's interest does this serve? It sure isn't ours.

Living in a state of anxiety is not good for us and affects us mentally and physically. But not just that it also affects us on an energetic or psychic level, scattering our energy, thus dropping  our vibrational frequency. The powers that be are all too aware of this, from the beginning of the theosophy movement at least. These leaders are quite au fait with this energy manipulation through their own  secret societies, such as Fr ee    ma  son ry etc.

Those that originally promoted K on sp ir aci es in the first place, benefit from this of course. It is a game for Christ sake! Can't you see we are being played with, by both sides? DIVIDE AND CONQUER, just like a game of chess. This is a world of polarities/ duality. Look at a chess board, is it not dualistic? A wee clue right there from a damn fine game.

More precisely these people are feeding off our  energy or loosh, energy vampires or energy harvesting on a spiritual level. There are also entities that feed from this loosh, and that is what keeps them alive. They need stress, fear etc to live on. But I really don't care anymore. It is not my problem, it's yours humanity! 

News flash, yes, The world heading into  a     n   e    w     w   o  r   l d    o   r  d er.  We were told so many times by the media which is in line with cosmic law, so the spiritual guru's tell us. The masses chose to accept this by doing nothing other than attack the messenger as per instructions by M   S M. The masses have accepted the programming.  Most have not even noticed the trial run exercises world wide.

But, I am just too over this and the whole drama. I do not want this in my life at all. I want peace and quite in my life. This is not conducive to peace and harmony in my life. 

I am fed up with people bombarding me with all the crap about C  D  1 9. I know all about it. I now have had such a gut full and no longer care. Wear a mask or don't wear a mask. I don't give a damn. I know the world economy is collapsing.

Christ, I have predicted the economic collapse and saw this way back in 2005, but as I have said in other posts, when my first child was born in 1989, I had a knowing and vision of the world heading back to suffering like back in WW1 ( economically, lack of food, poverty and war), that feeling is something one cannot forget once experienced. So I have known what has to come since 1989, I was 26 years old then.

I am trying to get through my life without all of this crap.  I don't care anymore, it's information overload. I choose to focus on my spiritual well being as well as caring for my family.

 I choose no  part of what is going on with humanity. I choose my spiritual welfare.

The gaps between words is for a reason I am sure you know why 


Nap and a vision

I had a rather interesting experience this afternoon, I lay on my bed for a nap as I didn’t sleep well last night due to Ruby, our dog being sick through the night.

So after my last reading I thought I would try and get a little nap. Not something I can normally do, as my mind is way to active during the day.

But as I closed my eyes, I saw myself lying on a bed with a bright magenta coloured ethereal  cover over me. The funny thing is it reminded me of the tarot card the 4 of swords. Which is about resting, contemplating, recovery and choosing the right time to act. Also being in a fair and balanced mindset.

The magenta colour is very spiritual and is about body, mind and spirit. Also letting me know there is some protection around me. I need that at present too.

It took me by surprise as it has felt like the spirit world has not been there for me for a long time. When I ask for help there has often been silence especially when very serious things have happened in my family. When ever I have prayed for others though, boom the help is given. 

I have never been a selfish person, it is not in my nature, but my family have gone through a living hell over the past seven to ten years. That protection that I prayed for was not there.

I have no idea why, but we have survived, just. So today experiencing this vision has given me some hope and faith that had left me years ago, but I just had to keep going. There was no other choice.

At present my husband is ill and waiting for surgery, and thanks to this rotten virus, it is going to be an even longer wait. It is very hard seeing you spouse in chronic pain and can’t do anything to help.

I just want the universe to cut him some slack for once, after 33 years of serious health issues, it becomes soul destroying and one just loses all hope. So hopefully this vision is the long awaited answer to our prayers. We are not the sort of people that ask for anything in life other that to just have a normal life.

So I hope something good comes our way. Healing would be great.


Originally posted 13 August 2020

Tarot card of the month, September 2020: Page of Cups


Emotions, Love, Intimacy

Here I am early again with the Tarot card of the month. For some reason I have been itching to do this card for a few days. I think I know why, there is going to be a burst of activity in September.

As I pick up the card,  I hear the word naivety. This is young people throwing caution to the wind. Foolishly yet again, I see irresponsible behaviour in the spot light again. Rebellious youth, which feels like the east coast of Australia, in places such as Sydney, Melbourne and Queensland (Brisbane or the Gold Coast). this is because the weather is warming up again. The authorities will have their hands full again. Queensland police will be kept busy again. This is young people defying public orders.

The people will not go quietly and I see some sort of shake up, which will involve harsher new laws and punishments.  I do not see this virus stopping any time soon, in fact I do feel it will be with us perhaps in to next year.

I do not see much in the way of travel, I also feel that when overseas travel is permitted it will be only in small numbers, and will depend on the destination. I feel many places will be closed of for at least a year or two at this stage as changes are put in place. This is a deliberate thing to stop people travelling.

I do not feel this restricted travel is about the virus really, it is about control. 

As I look at the cup or chalice in the right hand of this youth/ page there is a surprise afoot for us, not sure what it is, but I do not see it as a positive thing. It feels more illusionary. 
The wool being pulled over our eyes, so stay vigilant, this is the government world wide involved, I feel it is more deception afoot.
Pay attention to money and finance in the news also, there seems to be lies or smoke screens around this and we must be vigilant. Try not to get caught up in the conspiracy stuff. Yes there may be a little truth but there is a hell of a lot of lies too.  Read the signs.

I may update this as it is a bit early in the month so tomorrow I may have a bit more time to look into this.
To be honest I am now of the opinion this “virus “ is not going away this year. We just have to keep an eye on the situation and not do anything stupid. 
Yup it has started already 

If you look at the photos you will not see any social distancing. Is it any wonder that millennial's are called the death wish generation. They are selfish and egotistical of all generations. But their great chastisement is still to come. Then they will know what their great grand parents suffered. The time has not arrived yet but it will in a few years time. These people will not know how to survive war.

Ordinary Seaman Teddy Sheehan awarded the Victoria Cross medal


Finally this poor soul is getting the respect he rightfully deserves. He was a very young and brave man. I found it despicable the government and the queen had to be shamed into action so many years after this poor soul’s death.

At least this will give his family some closure and healing. 

Social distance bar fight


Good old Hale and Pace, so apt for the current situation. 

12 August 202

My cat got covered in flour


New Corporate problems


Yeah, I just call it as I see it 😂😂 See there is an upside to the pandemic, we have a whole new level of mems and humour 👍😛😅

When arranging a Skype reading with Alex

  Hi peeps

Just a heads up, when arranging a Skype reading with me it is best that you send me a friend request on Skype. I am finding all too often there are thousands of people with the same name 😮 or sometimes the client has a totally different name on Skype. That makes it impossible for me to send you a friend request. 

I usually ask my client via email to send me a friend request as soon as contact is made and provide my Skype address in the email,  but it is also on my email signature, as well as on my website, Facebook page and blog. This is to be more time efficient. 😀

Not every one is familiar with how to use Skype, so I like people to download the free app  a day before the reading, and play around with it to get the feel of it. It is a wonderful tool to use, which includes an "ECHO SOUND TEST". This is a tool that lets you practice and even record and play back as well as adjusting the volume to a level that you like. 😀 Pretty nifty huh!

One hiccup I have found though is when people download it to a phone then walk about during the consult, the call can be a bit fragmented because the signal can drop in and out. You  really need to sit still or the reception is not too good. That is why it is much better on a pc or similar device.💡

The record facility is there so you can download your reading/ conversation to play back later. The Skype app will only hold the recording for 30 days and then deletes it. So you need to download it to your device after the call ends. You also have the choice of voice only or camera to see each other.  To access the record facility just click or tap on the lower right hand side of your screen and the icons will pop up.😀

I do not use other platforms other than Skype, as I do not trust the security of other social media platforms such as Zoom, which does not have a good reputation for security.  Any hoo thank you for taking the time to read this.


Originally posted on 11 August 2020, and guess what? Only 18 people bothered to read this according to my stats! And yes the message still isn't getting through to many in 2021. Despite the fact that this notice is in every confirmation email sent to every client. it is deemed read if the email is sent.

International cat day

Hey yeah, I am good with that 👍😻😻😻

Bill Gates Thinks There are Too Many Africans/Calls for Population Control


This article is from October 2018. Think about that two years before this virus was released.
Who the hell made him god over peoples lives and in a foreign country how dare he. This guy is a monster and a eugenicist to boot.

Our world is changing and not for the better as we can see from events in this year alone. The groundwork was already in the pipeline.  

Dept Justice: Harvard University professor and two Chinese nationals charged in three separate China related cases


I didn’t see this in the news, I must have missed it. I had a person on my work Facebook page send me the news video of this last night. So I  jumped on to Google to search this and it actually came out in January 28, 2020. Right when our bush fires were happening so I would have missed this at the time.

Conspiracy theories that are absolutely bonkers

 https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/12128349/crackpot-conspiracy-theory-metal-strips-face-masks-5g-antennas/  Don’t laugh, some people actually believe this and there is an other one about thermometers that scan your temperature damage the pineal gland.  Personally I prefer proper scientific research to new age and whacky out there bullshit. 

Never take what you read on Facebook as reputable information, use your brain and look things up on line rather than look stupid. 
As a clairvoyant I depend on my pineal gland to work, do you think that I am worried about getting my temperature taken? Nah, I can always get the vet to do it though 😂😂😂🐈 I just have to grab my ankles first and hope the thermometer is warm 😂😂😂

Do not resuscitate


On point Smudge 😆

Using the Defibrillator


Phase one again!


I am thinking of getting this on my car whaddya thing? 😀😎

A Shin Dig


Spiritual healing (joke)

 Went to see a spiritual healer last night,.....what a load of rubbish,

even the guy in the wheelchair got up and walked out.


Wes Penre: Gnostic musings 4: SPIRIT VS. SOUL–WHICH GOES WHERE?


Interesting, read the comments below the article too.

Is Black Lives Matter a Marxist Movement?


Does a bear poop in the woods? Is the pope a catholic?  Typically the employment of gullible people to push the agenda. Then kick them to the kerb when the object of the exercise is complete. 

People react first, then  think after the fact and this is something these individuals are very aware of and take advantage of for their agenda. It’s so easy to manipulate the gullible. Yes, people are hopping on line now to read more and become better informed, but more people need to be doing so, to help stop this movement in its tracks.

I am all for helping those in need regardless of ethnicity, race or religion. All  those in need, need a hand up, should be part of every culture,  in order to have a better world.  But being used by the hands of evil, hell no! 

I also find this organization  offensive to intelligent people regardless of their racial background. I commend African Americans that have called them out for the trouble makers they are. Look at the horrible things that happened in the US; burning, killing, looting and generally acting like animals. This leads to the wilful destruction of society, which is a common communist trick. Communism is a disease of the soul and needs to be stopped. 

I would not call myself politically aware, but I know bullshit when I smell it. People are entitled to know the full background of all of these people, that are  running this organisation and who their controllers are, there is no bloody way they don’t have a controller or handler. Yes there is video evidence of these people admitting to being trained Marxists, but no where will they say so on BLM  social media, why is that I wonder?  That is dishonest and withholding important and relevant information from the masses that they want to gain influence over.  

This article in the link has links for further information, if you are interested in doing further reading. Also click on the blue highlighted words in the body of the article. 



I still maintain it is not wise to take this as 100% truth and  suggest that people read the entire Wes Penre Papers and other writers work on the soul trap and the truth of human origins. I still feel the Sophia is still not to be trusted. Anything that is received here in the third dimension is usually lies and half truths. 

Not worth the paper it is written on. We have no real proof as no one can come back to tell us once they reach the Pleroma or the 8th heaven/ dimension. Err on the side of caution! I feel there is a vested interest in gaining our trust. Trust is often pure folly. 

Tarot card of the month: Three of swords , August 2020


Betrayal, Heartbreak, deception, loneliness  

Three of swords is not a happy little card and it indicates things are not going well. Gee there is a surprise....not! We are not sitting in a good position at present and it is looking to get worse.

Many people are aware that things in the world are not as we are being told. This card highlights that and much more. It looks like the wool is pulled down further over our eyes as time goes on. This is clearly not a good sign. It is for want of a better term, blind comfort to some that choose not to see what is happening around them. This can be on a personal level and well as on a world wide level.

I am intending this as a world wide issue though.  Reality is hitting home to many but so is anger and fear of the unknown. People do not know who to trust or who to turn to. This is due to the lies and manipulation of fats in the political world and how it flows on to the population in issues such as COVID 19, BLM, Unemployment,  the financial situation world wide and its flow on effect to the ordinary person trying to find work, pay bills, rent or mortgage etc.

We have the outright deception of world leaders and the US election looming which generated more lies and deception from both sides. We have the Epstein case  that is causing more smokescreens and deception. 

In between this are the ordinary people struggling to survive, the vulnerable and the poor, disabled the homeless etc. Their world is a frightening place and they see no hope in sight. One must be realistic here and not sugar coast any of this, because there is a message here for all of humanity. All is NOT right and never was. It is now coming to light and we are in a very bad situation that is only going to get worse from here on in.

This was allowed to happen, this is not accidental, none of this needed to happen. It was made to happen. This affects every person on the planet one way or an other.

now looking at the number three, that is an important number in numerology and for humanity on a spiritual level. Three stands for  idealism, higher education, foreign travel, mind, body & spirit  Trinity, expansion and movement It vibrates to the planet Jupiter.

Now as we can see COVID 19 has affected Education, especially higher education and overseas students , movement (travel to and from work, visiting people,/family overseas travel, transport import export etc.)

The three of swords covers the Autumn/fall in the Northern hemisphere    and Spring in the Southern hemisphere. The Three of swords covers 3 October to 12 October, so expect news then as the weather changes. I do not get a very good feeling with this. I feel a build up of tension in the Northern hemisphere and anger. That may be due to the US elections getting closer and nasty things will be happening in the media and in the streets. My advice is keep right away from it.

This seems like a game changer event so anything can happen. I get the feeling of violence erupting again and feel it comes from the Democrat team to sway the voters. Voters will not be swayed by anyone, they know who they want as president. I do feel Trump needs to boost his security with the lead up to the election day. He must not play it cool and brave or he may be in for a nasty shock.

He thinks he knows the score but he doesn't, I do feel there is a strong element of danger too his person and staff. He must beef up security, I would start it now if I were him.

I see Australians being rather worried about money, job security and when this COVID is going to go away. That virus is not going to go away. I feel it will just be lurking around and from time to time people will become infected just like the flu season. We just have to live with it.

People in Australia seem to have a different mood than the Northern hemisphere people, perhaps it is because we have more sunshine but they seem to give off a different vibe.

August though will be chilly in Australia as we hit the last month of winter and people will be glad when spring comes. on the other side of the planet that spells gloom. Winter is about to start and people head back indoors shortly. I feel a last minute of frolicking in the sun will be a must for many people. England especially, they really crave the warmth and sunshine as many do not get enough sunshine, which is not good for the human body.

Watch out for Boris Johnson making some flabbergasting statements. The public either laugh and think, " is he for real" or they become very angry, depending on the comments he makes.  One thing is for sure, he comes from the same gene pool as Trump, Oh dear!

The 11th Commandment


Looking like a Hamster

 Well this week has been a world of pain for me. Last Thursday morning, I went to the dentist to get a back tooth pulled, it was long over due. I thought it would be a piece of cake, pardon the pun.  I got in the chair and had three injections to kill the pain, but everything went south from that.

I was is so much pain the dentist had to stop the extraction , the tooth had only budged a smidgen but that pain OMG . I have massive roots in my teeth and this one is a hum dinger. 

I was told I will need a dental surgeon, as this is risky. So I rang the surgeon for an emergency appointment, which I was lucky to get one at Thursday lunchtime. I was booked in for the removal on 27th July. In the mean time the side of my face is swollen, and I look like a Hamster
I have antibiotics and very strong painkillers to help until next Monday.  

So I am unable to do readings and have a list of clients waiting for me to recover. What a bummer huh!

Wes Penre: Gnostic musings 2 the singularity deception


Poor little Miss Daisy is sick

 It never rains but it pours, poor Miss Daisy our elderly Russian Blue has been sneezing blood.

We have had her at the vet and she has had two weeks worth of antibiotics, and still she keeps sneezing blood. It is not as severe but there is still a very fine mist of pink fresh blood.

I am glad to say there is no tumour or anything like that or it would be a hell of a lot worse. She is now on week three of a new stronger type of antibiotics. Daisy or Empress Mouse-Dolly still has an appetite and even thought she is not a big eater these days she is looking good as she will be 17 years old in September, so she is still sprightly and can hold her own against her little fur sister Miss Ruby and often gives her the rounds of the kitchen when she deserves it.

Daisy can still orbit the house in the small hours of the morning or present herself at my bedroom door early in the morning to insist that mummy gets out of bed and wait on her. We now can stop worrying after this weeks vet check. as Daisy has gained some weight and her blood pressure is back to normal in the past week. Having hyperthyroidism she needs constant checking and her medication has been increased. Sadly she has early stage kidney disease , not that this slows her down at all. She seems to be a robust little girl and bounces back from any ailment. That's not bad considering her advanced age. 

15 July 2020

Pulp Fiction with a Cat


Aww just like my late Tolstoy. I miss him so much.

Wes Penre: VIDEO 228: Q&A SESSION #54


I do not accept the crap called Indigo, crystal and rainbow children. I used to believe in Indigo children many years ago, but only from reading stupid new age books and the spiritual community.  Just think of the fortune rolling in from these books, Ka-Ching. Everybody starts to hang on every word from so called experts, that have no spirituality at all, no they are experts on marketing a product. This I find sickening and unacceptable.

I realised, as I read up on it more, it was all rubbish.  Not to mention the " wanna be" parents, tag their children as these so-called special children, most of them are spoiled little brats with self important parents with an ego screaming out, look at me.

I accept very little in so called spiritual teachings as most of it is made up, to serve an agenda, and to make money, enslave people to a way of thinking.

My spirituality is not for others, it is my personal beliefs only. I do not mix with others these days, for one simple reason. I find humanity is going insane and unpredictably violent.

I also do not accept the so called seven heavens, they are part of an evil construct that still enslave all beings. Not just that we have absolutely no proof that spiritually awakened humans that have come here  from higher realities do not have their minds erased and reprogrammed, like the rest of us here. Trusting anyone that tells you they are an awakened soul is like trusting a used car salesman. A being put into our dimension still has an ego, as do the beings all the way up to the pleroma, otherwise they would not be creators.

I have no desire to be a creator of other lives, what the hell right do I or anyone else have to do this? Not to mention the created beings going through suffering. I will not participate in such a thing. I would rather be destroyed, of my own volition.

How do we really know if Sophia can be trusted?  From what I have read, she may be an imperfect being herself, and possesses an ego. Is it not an ego that caused her to create without her so called consort?

How do we know she is not insane like her evil and imperfect son; the demiurge? We only have the word of  long departed people, that cannot prove one way or the other, any of what is written in ancient texts. For example just take a look at how often the bible was rewritten and information removed. Up to the king James version, and he called the shots on his spin on things. Thanks but no thanks, I will rely on my own soul and spirit to guide me, I need no other "expert Gnostic"  or any other human or non physical being telling me anything.

I can only say the benefit of knowing about the soul trap and the entire matrix control system is the only thing that was  important and unknown information to me. But from early childhood; I was aware this is my last time here and have stuck to that intention all my life, just from a clairsentient or claircognisant level alone.

Keep it simple, keep it honest and listen to my soul and spirit, is my own personal rule to live by. I do not trust the Orion or 8th and 9th realms thanks. I feel they are not what we think they are. It pays to be very wary and cautious in these things, listen to your own intuition.  As Wes says, do not just take his word for truth either. 

I would never have the audacity to claim that I am an expert on anything. I can only say I am aware of something, or that I have experienced something. Nothing more and I try to be very careful with what I say. I am not perfect, but I try to live a peaceful and honest life.

Merging with Sophia, it makes me wonder; if all human thoughts were to merge with Sophia, would this make her mind be affected due to all our trauma? Billions of minds absorbed into one.

I have to sit on the fence on merging with Sophia, only in spirit can I understand, but there, how long that takes for this knowledge to return is the big question. I am  rather concerned that Wes tells us the soul stays in Orion and the spirit goes to the pleroma.

What does that do if a soul no longer has spirit attached?  We have no way of knowing, Is it not best for the soul to be dissolved? After all it is artificial too and has an ego, but more to the point what sort of behaviour and mind set will that be for all of those souls existing in Orion? Are they a group mind complex or do they have individual thoughts and their own autonomy? 

In the realms below this they from my understanding don't have free will and we do not have free will. We seem to be programmed and act accordingly. But may be I misunderstand this. It does pay to be cautious and not accept anything that is presented as truth straight away. We humans do have epiphanies and sometimes they arrive late, so it pays to be reserved.


And the COVID 19 Shit storm continues


Back to homeschool, pass the valium please!

We know it has crossed the border you moron, we have several people in Canberra that are infected, Thanks for the screw up and sending us backwards. 

Yet again a mad rush to get over the border with infections, I have a friend on the border that says it is business as usual with shoppers not social distancing, but it is exactly the same in Canberra. People just won't do as they are told. So lay the smack down on them and give them much higher fines. Get the message through to these people, to toe the line or else!

They are just refusing to obey the law so perhaps they need the jackboot of authority, to make them comply.  I don't have a problem with that, I have a very ill husband with very poor immunity. You spread that virus to him and the bloody gloves are off!

Our leaders seem to be incompetent to follow uniform laws both at federal and state/territory level. People are slipping under the radar and avoiding being tested getting off aircraft or what ever transport they have used. Just take a look through the news on line and you will see this.

No, it is not a bloody hoax that virus is real, and vulnerable people are dying. Yes results have been deliberately muddied for a political agenda. But the virus is real and is mutating.

It is not going to go away, especially if morons do not observe civilised hygiene practices and social distancing. How bloody hard is it to wash yourself, wash hands after going to the toilet? Touching  objects in shops or public places spreads infection. 

Cough into your arm and not on to people or objects. Hand sanitiser is widely available so there is no bloody excuse. There are plenty face masks in the shops too, they are single use only for a reason, so bloody learn how to use them. Home made masks are not effective as bacteria is measured in microns that penetrate home made masks. Google  what the microns are and how a mask actually works.

People are just filthy pigs. I am sick of it and worrying if my husband catches something, my own immune system is not the best either. I am just so sick of selfish people, it is all about them, and no thoughts given to others.    

Now with the schools in  Victoria having to go back to online teaching, this will cause more hardship for families. A parent needs to be home from work to care for the children. That means loss of income again. What about these families paying mortgages or rent? This will cause the families more financial hardship because they won’t be able to keep up loan repayments etc. This is really selfish of those that refuse to obey the law and self isolate when infected. They should be charged by the police and the health department for spreading the virus. 

Sure some people may not know they have the virus, but as is human nature, there are selfish people that just don’t care and will deliberately spread this virus. Now just watch the big rush at the borders again by the usual idiots again.

I only got to see my father in his nursing home last Tuesday, I could only get 30 minutes with him, because we had a long interstate drive, and he is exhausted after a few minutes of talking. He had still to have lunch and so we left him to make sure he got his lunch at 12.00 as usual. Then the long drive home. I had not been able to see my dad for months due to the bushfires and then he was in hard lockdown and still is. 
So when this carry on with COVID-19 starting to return to what it was, you can bet your ass that I am angry. I don’t know when I can see my dad again. At almost 84, it is down to luck if he survives all of this bullshit, and I have to make appointments to see him, hoping  that it won’t be cancelled. The nursing home are currently debating stopping visiting. 

So yes I am very upset, I have no other family and to lose my dad will be unbearable for me. Not to mention a sick husband that I am trying to keep COVID free and waiting for urgent surgery. A waiting list that we have no idea how long it is and are very aware that many people are awaiting vital and urgent surgery. This is quite a stress on us, and so far it has been six months of a wait. 

UPDATE: It is now found the virus that was detected in Casula in Western Sydney has now been found in Picton in country NSW, this is not far from my father’s nursing home. You bet I am worried.


Face coverings


Janey Godley doing her impersonation of Scotland's first minister Nicola Sturgeon.

Comedy clubs

 Read the funny comments. Must admit I am no fan of the Scottish nationalists.

Esoteric symbolism of the confederate flag


Very interesting reading 

NSW coronavirus breach as passengers from Melbourne not screened


Here we go again. WHY? Someone’s head should roll for this.
8 July 2020

Three COVID-19 cases emerge in ACT linked to Victoria


Pffft  we have a compliance plan yeah right. You couldn't run a chook raffle, idiots.

All I can say is I am disgusted. It is time for Andrew Barr, the useless as an arse pocket in a singlet Chief Minister of the ACT and  Chairman Dan Andrews the commy ass-clown that pretends to run the state of Victoria to fall on their swords. They are clearly unfit to run their territory and state.

Enough is enough! You are incompetent, you let a communist outfit run roughshod over the good people people of Australia  and cause an new outbreak.  This is a  selfish and evil agenda right here and people are seeing through it. 

We are sick of this  and it is high time all of these leaders, and their sycophants are removed from the stage. The damage or death to human life is unacceptable. Everyone with a brain knows full well that Andrews is a bloody communist nutcase with a dangerous manifesto. But hey, you voted for him lower working class Labor mentality. You have no right to force this on the rest of Australia.

Explain why a communist bloody agenda is more important that stopping a deadly virus!

Explain that to the people in hard lockdown in the middle of Melbourne right now!

Explain why people were allowed so long to get over the border from Victoria, yet again to infect others interstate again in NSW and now the ACT.

Explain why you let infected people into Canberra again!  If people cannot see an agenda being played out then there is something wrong with their heads. This is deliberate it is not accidental.

Explain why 11 people last week flew from Melbourne to Sydney and were not put into quarantine!

 https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/virus-fail-at-sydney-airport-sees-passengers-from-melbourne-disembark-without-screening/news-story/87e175fcae9f49f52a5bfc24068a7bca   and this week, this crap.

Passengers flying from Melbourne to Sydney on a Jetstar flight on Tuesday night were able to disembark without a health screening.

Now watch the bullshit fly!  This is an agenda make no mistake about that.
Also the ANU now wants to bring in more overseas students this month too, WHY? Follow the money trail as usual. Never mind infecting the community when money is at steak. Got to love a compromised government.



Just remember one thing, when the agenda is achieved the ordinary people that naively and trustingly helped in the protests are kicked to the kerb, and the virus spread with them.  How insulting is that when we want a peaceful world and a virus free world. 

Their only purpose was only to make up numbers to rile up society until it gives in and spread the virus. Classic communist tactic. Why don't you speak to people that lived through communism in Europe and other  Communist countries, they can educate you in the cold reality. I know many people that have lived through this and those that fought against Communism. 

The west is being rebuilt as we speak to bring in soft Corporate Marxism into being right now. I hope you enjoy it! 

Remember the right to travel is being messed with here too. No, I am not saying the virus is fake, it is very real and man made. Those that do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Remember the deaths that have happened both in this virus and the prevention of the spread of an other deadly disease, communism. These are both linked make no mistake about that. 

Fear is a very powerful tool, which has been uses on us since time began, but right now world wide this is the biggest fear tool. Just google or check social media platforms to see how many medical experts are speaking out about this virus and also the erosion of our rights at present. When this virus ends there will be a new world as they, the WHO/UN, and the world Cabal keep telling us. Morons have helped spread this disease and fell right into the hands of our incompetent leaders and oppressors. 

 Minister  Hazzard saying a" NEW WORLD ORDER" script is working well folks.



The word Kenoma is interesting, in Scotland we use the word ken, as in to know something. So the word Kenoma implies knowledge/ wisdom in the spiritual universe.

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 3 September 2024

  https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/QA-Session-3-September-2024.pdf   I am not into the flat earth beliefs, but when Wes...