03 March, 2021

Political correctness training NSW bureaucrats warned not to use husband and wife


Agenda to go, lol. How about NO! People are getting real sick of this bloody agenda. If you have been paying attention to the increments, this is removal of gender, removal of self, removal of everything we know as society. This is to prepare the masses for transhumanism. You snooze you loose, you let it happen you loose.

People power only works if it is approved by the powers that be, don’t forget that. We only get titbits of winning against the powers that be, just enough to keep us from revolting. 

By the way most readers and the general public don’t  even see the colour purple as a coded message along with this. If you want to know why that colour is used then read through my blog, the answer is there.

You can bet your arse this does not fly when dealing with high ranking officials and dignity. No bloody way it is only for the worker drones, we are just insignificant to the bastards that came up with this big brother stick to bash us with. You can get stuffed, I will not be addressed as anything other than Mrs not Ms and I have a husband not a bloody partner. I have never tolerated this shit when I was a public servant many years ago and I am offended by this rubbish. It is classic communism, all be it corporate communism  and make no mistake about that.

Christmas Humour