18 February, 2024

Tarot Card Of The Month: March 2024, The Moon


                        Sign; Cancer    Planet The Moon  Element: Water
Meaning: Illusion, Deception, Wrong Impressions, Avoidance, Fear, Imagination, Bewilderment

This card is ruled by Cancer and the ruling planet the Moon which are the domain of the 4th House of the zodiac. 

The month of March itself is ruled by Pisces and the planet Neptune up to the 20th March, which then changes over to Aries ruled  by Mars which is on  the ascendant and the 1st house of the zodiac.

The sign of Cancer and the Moon signify the nurturing urge and domestic life. The nice warm and fuzzy stuff. The Moon represents the feminine principles as in mother, daughter and women in general.

As we know the Moon controls the tidal phases, but also receptivity, reflex actions, fluctuation and change. 

March also has a few things to note. The first thing I want to point out is the Solar Eclipse on 8th March  at 18.18':29" (taken from my Ephemeris) and a new Moon. The Vernal Equinox that starts on the 20th of March heralding the end of summer and the commencement of Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and the reverse in the Northern Hemisphere. We have a New Moon on 10th March at 9.02 am, sitting at 20 degrees Pisces 17' 

Then the Full Moon on 25 March at 7.01am which is also a Total Lunar Eclipse. (Worm Moon) 

The Worm Full Moon is seasonal, as the earth warms up and new life begins and plants spring back into life from their winter dormancy.   https://www.almanac.com/content/full-moon-march

I must admit that I love the Moon, it is romantic and a big beautiful Pearl to me. I love Pearls and always wear them as a ring, earrings or a necklace 💖

The Moon is where we find emotional ups and downs, illusion Vs reality, as in Lunar syndrome  with its effect on humanity's psyche.  The Full Moon will be in Libra on the 25th March and on the Ascendant. Which is the line between Pisces and Aries on the zodiac wheel at zero degrees. I must also mention the dreaded Ides of March falls on Friday 15th March. Cancel the day for lack of interest, lol. I noticed not everyone agrees on this date, I have seen it covers the 15th to the 17th on the internet this depends on ancient calendars though. I will stick to the 15th because that is the hot favourite aligned to that fateful day. 

So we see the flavour of the month of March as each planet transits through the  month affecting us in many different ways. Which I find very interesting as well as important in observing the human experience in all its forms. March will be a month of emotions and great sensitivity for all of us.

We must remember that the month of March starts off with Pisces energy up to the 20th March, ruled by the planet Neptune (water/deception/illusion) affecting humanity. These are highly emotional and exceptional times which we are experiencing. Deception, as I have already pointed out in my psychic predictions for 2024 is the theme of this year. Which is pretty obvious to many people already, and ordinary people do not know where they really stand. All they know is that everyone is on edge, suffering in many ways and reactive.  Whether they are presented with the truth or deception and lies, understandably makes people very confused and emotional.

We must step back emotionally speaking to gain some perspective. Because many are baying for blood and this is highly dangerous. People have been deliberately lead by the nose to react certain ways by evil individuals in powerful positions which are often hidden from view, to serve an agenda that is not conducive to peace and harmony for anyone. 

This is deliberately calculated for a reaction. Looking back at the Astrological implications of Pisces, this sign rules the 12th house of the zodiac. This is a house is the last of three  houses of endings (death of something) this house is about imposing limitations, frustrations, illusions, delusions , spirituality, ideals, maritime matters, mystique, glamour, entertainment (movies, stage, music).

It covers the things in life that we take for granted without questioning. That is something to ponder on. Fog, Alcohol, drugs and addiction, trances and hypnosis are all ruled by Neptune. Abnormalities are part of this theme too. The energy and actions of Neptune are subtle, gradual and insidious, and where you find Neptune in a zodiac chart it is where you deceive yourself and others. It also signifies the "ideals", think dictators and fanaticism. Neptune has a cycle of 165 years cycle. 

For March 2024 the planets to remember are The Moon, Neptune, Mars, and that other bad boy Pluto.

Pluto is going to be around for the rest of our lives, in various ways, in fact for the next 248 years. That nasty break down, rebuild and transformation, affecting all aspects of humanity and the planet. 

As Pisces rules part March (1st to 20th) before handing over to Aries from 21st March, the key word to remember with Pisces is Understanding and the key phrase is "I Believe", I personally would include the word naivety here as there is a strong feeling of naivety involved.

Pisces is a water sign and a mutable sign, so it is flexible and goes along with everyone to be friendly.  Pisces is intuitive, sensitive, emotional, compassionate and sacrificing. So one must be very careful about trust and truth versus lies, deception and  devious willful acts of others, especially when it comes to world events and finances. 

Pisces can be timid, melancholy, procrastinating, impractical and sometimes lazy. Procrastinating helps no one. Not in our current times as that would be a big mistake and costly. He who hesitates is lost!

Aries on the other hand is a Cardinal sign meaning, power, dynamic action and a born leader. Aries is confident, its key phrase is I am, and the key word activity, because it is the first house of the zodiac. It is a house of life and beginnings therefore it must be able to demonstrate action and leadership to show the way forward.

Its meaning are courageous, pioneering, originality, eagar, independant, executive, quick and impulsive.

 Negatively Aries, can be domineering, quick tempered, violent (Mars energy), intolerant, hasty and arrogant. Though it often lacks the follow through.   

What we are seeing here is strong emotional and deceptive energy in March. Please keep your guard up, accept nothing at face value. Do not be quick to jump into any agreements or contracts, do not pick sides in any form of conflict, whether it is current world affairs or among friends, family and colleagues. Find out the full facts on both sides, avoid jumping to conclusions or live to regret is.   

Warning, take care with transactions of money and finance scams, and funding availability. Do not part with your cash under any circumstances. Hold off until you check the background details. There are sharks out there ready to fleece you so think first. You snooze you lose!

Deception as I repeatedly warn starting with my psychic predictions for 2024 is the theme for 2024. So don't be a goose. As the old saying goes, you don't have to have a long neck to be a goose.

That Neptune energy combined with the Moon is powerful. Health wise Neptune affects the spinal column, nerve fibres, feet, the pineal gland; which affects one's psychic abilities, Telepathic functions, white corpuscles of the blood and kinaesthetic functions. 

Neptune represents the escapist urge or taking the easy way out. Which governs the South Node of the Moon ( the Imum Coeli or IC in the zodiac wheel  in the 4th House). It is Karmic in nature.

So the Moon card ties in with March as a warning to all of us. to smarten up fast. Ukraine/Russia and France are prominent in March as the big springtime push begins and things get uglier. Illegal activities around the water, the sea, military, terrorism, pirates and refugees are all in the frame in March. This of course was to be expected as it is an ongoing problem which isn't going away  any time soon, more like an escalation, as astrology and the Tarot indicate. 

Coastlines need to be beefed up with much better security, mind you, it’s a bit late in the day now isn't it!

This covers Asia, Europe, the Middle East, UK, Australia. Keep an eye on  Antarctica as well as the Atlantic ocean. North and South, or Air, Land and Sea strife and deception just for  change. 😐

Looking back at the tarot card, The two pillars or towers  in the care remind me of military Pillboxes, (young people may not be familiar with these). These were made of concrete and had slits to look through and fire a gun at the approaching enemy  from. First used in WW1.


Notice though the towers as looking straight forward to the water or coastline. To fend of an attack from the sea, the Crayfish, a creature that lives at the bottom of the sea. (notice the element of water theme again). One must ask what is that threat from the sea (subconscious)? Is it real, is it illusionary? Who is the target of the assault? The west is. There is an agenda to destabilise the western democracy and some of that threat comes from a trojan horse within the powerful western nations themselves, not only external forces. There is not a simple answer here, because there are multiple agendas at play and for multiple reasons. I can tell you that this situation is intensifying and many distractions are in place so that the general public are confused and unsure and unable to focus on the reality and gravity of the implications.

 Nor can they see the clear and present danger they face in their homelands. They haven't even thought about who is actually protecting their homeland if there are two or three fronts currently being fought. 

No real thought of who is this coming in the back door unseen. Well actually they are being seen but the illusion presented prevents most people from thinking rationally and objectively. Neptune/Moon deception guarantees that nothing is what it seems as the illusion is so powerful in influence and has an emotional effect on the masses. 

The fuse of this ticking time bomb was lit years ago in the west with a slow burning fuse. Nobody in the west is prepared for the inevitable repercussion and the UK government has foolishly been caught with their proverbial pants down, big time. Yes, Minister meets Fawlty Towers! 

The wolf and the domestic dog are howling at the Moon here. The dog is the one that warns us of danger, the wolf is the danger. The dog represents faithfulness which also warns man of danger although, a problem is often said to dog a person, such as depression and anxiety. The dog is also man's best friend for a reason. The wolf shows us deviousness and cunning, with a ravenous appetite.

So this tells me there are powerful people in this world, whom no matter what they have are never satisfied. They are greedy, cunning and wicked,  and prey on ordinary humans because life means absolutely nothing to them. Nothing will keep this type of person in check.  These people use deception just like we breathe oxygen. 

There is a lot of blue in the Moon card as I study the images. That blue implies intelligence, a cool and calculating  mind and actions. Nothing is an accident, this is careful planning.  We are dealing with authority and deceptions played out on our minds (hearts and minds operation) Except it is all based on lies and outright deception. The past keeps repeating and nobody is paying attention again. Those that are aware have to remain silent of be punished. Looking at the Moon overshadowing the Sun in the card we are being shown in the plain light of day what is happening. 

This is some western powers here and the Moon is suppressing the light of truth, this is not motherly protective love here, far from it. The Sun is a life giver and nothing survives without the golden rays of our sun. We become derepressed and even ill without natural sunlight. Life is unsustainable without that life giving force.  The Moon is generally a positive quality of astrology and the tarot. It is loving feminine energy and a nurturing protective force of good, the warm and fuzzy stuff.  The Sun is also male energy which is active and aggressive energy. 

What we are witnessing though is madness and the destructive negative energy expressed. It is against peace, harmony and stability. This is the descent into the madness and instability of the underworld playing out. So we have a very long road ahead of us, which is depressing to most people. They are suffering financially, emotionally, psychologically and the threat of perhaps being homeless,  as the terrible threat of war creeps closer into the west. 

Joy seems to have been suppressed as the shadow of the Moon looms over the Sun. Notice the Moon has its eyes closed. Avoiding reality under it's watchful gaze. Insanity seems to be everywhere, especially in politics as politicians drag us into pain and suffering driving us into a wider social divide. Everything old is new again like the poverty pre WW1.  The social divide is long and widening between the dog and the wolf. They are enemies for a valid reason, by which now is rather obvious.

Mental health issues are highlighted in March and with all this symbolism it is perfectly understood why. The water theme started back in January this year and is a continuation of a cycle with human consciousness which has been deeply affected because life is so far out of kilter. That people no longer trust one another and have been manipulated to be at each other's throats by design. 

Please keep in mind the physical reality that we live in is one of polarities  in all things and always will be. That was always the intention from its creation. The seeds that were planted in the public psyche over at least two decades ago are actually much, much longer. The roots of the current  situation took place in the 1970's and perhaps  even the 1930's. Things take time to grow and manifest, but in the past ten years things have grown to monsterous levels.

We can thank western big business and corrupt politicians and very evil individuals so powerful and seemingly unstoppable for this mess that we are in. Nobody has really made any attempt to stop this evil in its tracks, because money and power is more important than all life itself. It is the west that wants to reduce the world population, factions with a leftist and eugenics leaning.  

The propaganda was seeded way back and is now in its third generation of destabilisation. The social divide like other divisions is multi pronged. 

Please keep your emotions in check this month or you will regret it. Dirty tricks are being played by Russia's Putin on the west and Putin is in panic mode. All eyes are on him and he is very hot under the collar and will lash out irrationally as usual. This can be advantageous to the west,  and NATO may ensnare Russia in a trap. Keep an eye on France too, as dirty tricks by the French government are likely along with questionable deals with

 Ukraine. https://psychictarotreadingwithalexfulford.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-new-us-republican-party-president.html   (NOTE: please read this link where I say NATO will cross the Russian border)

Things are now moving to the next level in the push against Russia from the west. Agreements and contracts are upgraded, Something unfactored is signified by the Crayfish in the card, as he climbs out of the water. This is a hidden threat that lurks in the shadows, as the dog and wolf are not watching the water, they are distracted by an illusion. This implies a nation or a person that presents themself as an ally but is nothing of the sort.  This individual or nation was never an ally, this is business and war as usual nothing more. 

Keep your enemies close is the old saying, yes because you can easily throw a knife or stab at close quarters. The Ides of March is on Friday, 15th. It might be a good day to stay home and eat chocolate. 

Well I did not expect such a long  Tarot Card of the Month. Astrology added to this makes it longer, but also interesting. As I am on my journey of learning this science, I like to share what I am learning with anyone that reads this blog. It may be very useful for you, and perhaps you may want to learn astrology.

It is a highly beneficial thing to learn even from the first book of astrology in the series ( The only way to learn Astrology by Marion March and Joan McEvers) one can glean an understanding of how planets, signs and houses  affect humanity and all things in our world. 

It may help us avoid disasters if we are wiser on how to use astrology, even on such things as healthcare. You would be surprised what one can learn about ones health.  

No matter where you live in this crazy world, please stay safe, don't poke the bear, and look after your loved ones. Warm and fuzzy hugs to everyone. 

NOTE: The Equinox is not set on a particular day, and it varies from northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere too. this year it's 19 March according to some records or 20th march. The date can vary between 19th and 21st annually and by hemisphere. https://www.almanac.com/content/first-day-spring-vernal-equinox

Also today, 3/3/24 I added the link from my post about the US elections and the world in 2025 because it mentions Nato and Russia.



Antarctica. This was posted at 15.30pm today 19/2/25 in the news. I have had a strong feeling for a while now that the air bridge between Australia (Tasmania) will be breached in war. We need to put protection on our southern borders. Yes it’s expensive but do you want to waken up one morning to find we are invaded? It’s inevitable, smart thinking and preventative measures must be taken. 


Read my comment about the Arctic and Antarctica. Right near the middle of my Updates I commented on the risk of China invading Australia via the Antarctica to Australia air bridge. 


Illegal activities connected to water, as we expected.

UPDATE: The Philippines coast guard says crew hurt as ship damaged in collision with Chinese coastguard.


Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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