02 June, 2024

Single older women living in converted tiny homes, cabins at caravan parks amid housing crisis


This is something that really bugs me, and it's the frightening reality for more and more people because our lazy Australian government over decades would not keep up with the demand for affordable housing for people on low incomes. This is a national disgrace, as far as I am concerned. Men, women and children are all entitled to affordable health care and a safe warm roof over their heads as a priority. 

The government deliberately buck passed on this housing shortage for over 30 years allowing it to get out of hand, and then taking in too many newcomers at a rate that the government is unable to cope with. We won't see any improvement any time soon either. This situation could happen to your parents or grandparents who are struggling financially after working all their lives and paying their taxes. How fair is that; when you have contributed to the country all your working life? 

Many women do not even have superannuation to support them either, and if they are lucky to get a little casual job to be able to afford food as well as pay their rent and utility bills, that is as far as the money stretches. Not just that older people also have health problems that may affect them working due to chronic pain etc, but force themselves to do part time work just to keep a roof over their heads. I know women in that situation.

Housing must be made a priority for elderly and the disabled, and the housing must be in areas near amenities such as public transport, medical care and shops. Not all elderly people drive, especially women and these realities must be factored in to building new houses and apartments. 

People on their own also benefit from having a pet for companionship. It is good for one's mental health and general wellbeing. Not just that, there are foster groups that will give you pet food for a pet that you agree to foster because there are so many fur babies needing a forever home.  So that is something to think about when thinking about the homeless and those that are lucky to get accomodation. 

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