17 August, 2022

Air plants guide


 I am a huge fan of air plants and have had a few in recent years but occasionally due to the heat and doing multiple things at a time, sometimes my air plants croak it. I have just treated myself to a couple of new ones this week to keep indoors. So that I can keep an eye on them more.

They make a good gift to give people of all ages.So if you are stuck for an idea for a gift for someone these may just be ideal. Low maintenance and a bit of fun too. 

Here is a guide that I came across to help care for your air plants that I want to share. I will get my head around this and hopefully thanks to this person for making this guide, I may just be more successful in keeping mine alive.

Morrison says 'extraordinary times' justified secret ministries


Trust me, says the man with a very questionable past before he was even in politics. Sure why not, what harm can he possibly do? 🤣🤣🤣 

We we’re heading into the recession before 2020. Read financial articles prior to this. I have even put links on blog posts to show the evidence and psychic predictions before that! 

All political parties have dirt on each other that’s the way it is and also is a way to keep control of these dubious individuals. 

Norway's Prime Minister says killing of celebrity walrus Freya was 'the right decision''


Oh great, find any excuse to euthanasia the poor walrus. There is no need for this wilful destruction of an animal, suitable alternatives can always be found. Does this mean that any animal that is deemed a “safety problem or risk” will be killed? 

I though Norway was progressive and looked after wildlife. Apparently not when it comes to too much power in the hands of barbaric knuckle draggers in positions of power. What about the rest of the walrus? This is their environment being encroached upon by humans. There are many animals going extinct because of human interference and hunting. Humans are the cause of nature being imbalanced, whatever happened to peaceful coexistence? It makes me ashamed to be a human being, seeing the rich and powerful  destroying the world. All animals have rights, they are sentient souls and they have feelings. 

Normal people love animals and love to peacefully coexist with them. Yes we should be careful when interacting with them,for both our well-being, but we need to let them have the right to their natural environment without humans demanding to invade their habitats just for fun. 

16 August, 2022

Tuesday nights laughs


Neil Oliver: It’s hard to tell yourself that you have been taken for a fool but open your eyes


For those that actually bother to read right through my old blog and this one, I have been saying similar for many years but no one wants to know. Well everything is coming home to roost! I warned of this,  I made predictions and here Neil is saying the same. This is NOT a conspiracy theory, just putting it out there. Not so funny now is it, all you that doubted me? 

15 August, 2022

Dreaming of a memorial service for the victims of the Atomic bomb

 Early this morning I had a rather strange dream. It was supposedly in Canberra but absolutely nothing like this city actually looks like. I saw myself in some sort of church with many people attending a memorial service dedicated to all the people that were killed and wounded in Japan when the atomic bombs were dropped. The weather looked winter and grey and the buildings all looked grey too. 

I have never seen a dream like this before and it had a deep effect on me. I noticed my mother was with me and we were with other women kneeling down on the floor with our heads bowed just like how Muslims men pray. But this was only one select group of us praying this way, everyone else was sitting in pews. I saw a black and white film like a news reel of old, playing on a big screen at the front of this church or public building  and a man in the film talking about commemorating the atomic bomb victims. 

Next we got up and left the building talking about the event. Suddenly there was a need to get to the US embassy in town to pass on a message. A man and lady had given us instructions to pass on. There was something about reporting a spy or agent in danger to the American embassy, they needed help, there was  a bit of confusion as to where the embassy was and who to pass on a message to. The woman agent  was connected to blood for some reason but not in a medical sense she was not a nurse and this did not have a medical feeling to her, it more like danger.  She was a special agent like the man was. I would put their ages as in their 30’s and in clothes of the era. 

We tried to give her name to the embassy because she was in danger, and then I was told that she didn’t work in the main building, she was working with blood so she was in a different building next to where we had been. And  the guard was not interested in helping. I have no idea what this is about; but it felt serious as in biological warfare or prevention of  an act of violence as in warfare. One thing that stood out was this dream was  it was in black and white quiet a bit. My dreams are always in full colour. Funnily enough this weekend doing readings I was seeing people in spirit in black and white too, like looking at old photos. 

This dream though was just so unusual and I am still trying to figure it out and I have gaps in remembering what else happened. Tonight though I happened to see the national news and they mentioned a service for the end of the war in the pacific and Japan signing a peace treaty. That just seemed like only one small aspect of my dream, I would say not just was I praying for all those that died or were injured, but something is afoot. As I was trying to prevent something from happening as in an act of violence or terrorism/war. 

The man in the dream was dressed in a suit of the Second World War era too. But I could not keep an eye on him, he disappeared somewhere and it was left to my mother and me to convey the message to the US embassy quickly. We stopped in a supermarket first, as one does, lol. Then taking a shopping trolley we pushed it up a big hilly street like the ones San Francisco is famous for to get to the US embassy. Then cross a road to a big  office block. Which is absolutely nothing like the real US embassy in Canberra and we do not have huge streets going up hill in Canberra either. 

Anyway after  being told the woman did not work in that particular building we turned around and pushed the shopping trolley back down the hill. Somehow we we’re back where we started looking for the other building. Which was actually a couple of doors down. We didn’t get to go in there but instead we were talking to people outside the church or public building that we had the memorial service in as they were all still there outside the building. 

I sure get some bizarre dreams which usually has me combing the internet for dream interpretation websites. This is just one of those dreams that leaves me absolutely stumped on it’s meaning. 

Neil Oliver: big pharma, the corporations, the state, they’re fostering dependency


It is damn near impossible not to be distracted by all of the current things surrounding us over the past few years and this is how things are going to stay from here on in. These events distract us from focusing on our inner world of spiritual awareness which is detrimental to all of us as a species and as individual spiritual beings. The more we are focused on fear the worse things get for us, our spiritual energy or frequency drops too. Keep that in mind because that’s very important and if that is constantly happening then the physical body becomes ill. 

Let’s not forget your spiritual sovereignty, that is a real thing and they seek to destroy that too.The media will tell you there is no such thing as spiritual sovereignty next, which is the ultimate cardinal sin. But right in line with the fake spirituality  pushed to a percentage of the population. 

Only the ignorant will accept all of the current circumstances that the world is facing presently like they do everything else. The media are there to keep you in line and train you to be self censoring, self criticising and scared of what your peers think of you. If you think other than the approved popular opinions you have problems. Which is straight out of the communist hand book. But hey, you either want to be empowered or disempowered take your pick and run with it! 

What Neil is talking about with regards to hundreds of years ago was the destruction of the goddess religion. The patriarchs saw them as a threat and murdered them all and their followers. What people are not aware of is that aspects of the goddess religion while it went underground, was incorporated into what is now Christianity. Not all of that goddess stuff is nice either, it is naïve to think otherwise. 

Remember there has always been a deliberate imbalance in spiritual matters in this world, it’s designed for polarity and sometimes extreme polarities, and never in humanities favour for a reason.

 When the pendulum swings to extremes we have multi pronged conflict and war. Then at the end of one particular astrological age or cycle and the birthing of a new one, also brings conflict and upheaval.That’s how this world is set up, it won’t change because humanity are not willing to learn how this all works, they leave it to the overlords to dictate because it is easier than being personally accountable for one’s own actions. So they will never be able to change anything, just live in a self perpetuating cycle of ignorance over and over again. With no valuable lessons learned to break out of the encryption that keeps humanity earth bound in misery for eons. 

Nothing on this earth is going to help break that encryption only when one reaches inwards to pure spirit and is sincere in their quest will one succeed in attaining that wisdom to set one’s self free and this is a process that takes many lifetimes until that epiphany occurs. But one does not stop there, as there is much more to learn or remember once in astral. 


Spiritual cleansing in the shower

 This is what I do every day when I have a shower, it is something that anyone can do to stop any negative energy building up in the etheric field. 

I am cleansing my entire body and my entire aura, removing all dis-ease, evil and negativity from my entire body and entire aura. Cleansing my entire body and entire aura and removing all dis-ease evil and negativity. Washing it away down the drain to be transmuted and returned to mother earth. By my will so may it be, and it is so.

I say this three times as this is important when dealing with spiritual energy, as in third time 's the charm, the trinity and three levels of consciousness. Water carries very powerful energy as does our intent. Most metaphysical and spiritual  practitioner's are able to tune in to spirit in the shower or near water because humans are 70% water. Not just does water carry an energy signature and it is a spiritual energy amplifier. This is why some people need to be at the beach or around water to feel energised and grounded.

 It is common for mediums to hear spirit when we are having a shower many psychic people tune themselves in to spirit in the shower each day. But this can cause a problem for other family members and really you should not do this if other people in the house have to share the same shower because it can make the other people dizzy and have unpleasant effects. 

Best to just stick to cleansing your aura in the shower and then ground and tune in to spirit in a different room.  When doing any spiritual meditation and energy work it is very important to gold light the room before and after. People that may be new to the spiritual world need to learn about spiritual and psychic protection and cleansing. These are vital for your well-being and safety. As is closing down the room after you are doing anything of a spiritual one psychic/metaphysical nature. You do not want to leave an energy portal open as this is very dangerous.  Please look at my psychic protection and grounding posts for some methods.

I also have warnings about creating entities and the unintended consequences of things such as Tulpas. Be wise and be safe and stay right away from things that are dangerous such as spells and rituals, because you are dealing with forces much more cunning than you can possibly imagine and they can and will turn on you at any time. Too many people get into danger with meddling with things that they don’t fully understand and are way out of their league. So please stay safe and within safe boundaries. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 

Electricity retailers raise fixed charges to recoup costs after record highs in spot market


Try interviewing someone that is not in your bloody face virtue signaling for a change. Sure we can all try and out-do each other by playing this stupid game of, Oh look I don't use much or any electricity. Yes, there are people like that out there, really! I know some that will even not use a fan or air con in the summer and brag about it.

Why not interview people that  live in a really cold  area like Canberra, Braidwood or other very cold regions like Thredbo, Bombala, Bathurst etc, that are in similar circumstances or worse. Paying private rent or live in a government house. They need a heating system as it’s very cold and in winter it’s often below zero overnight and can be in single digits during the day. Many without the benefit of a working heating system can become very ill in the cold damp winters, contracting bronchial pneumonia and other often fatal illnesses.

This climate change lie is making life damn difficult for ordinary people as it is, but living on welfare (read trying to survive), it’s even more difficult. There are families living like this not just single people, not that that should matter. This is a basic human right to be able to have a warm home in winter and a cool home in summer. This is not a third world country but between the private corporations, governments and this climate change garbage it could drive people to take their own lives just like in Britain, and who is going to be responsible for that while the greedy individuals behind this climate lie are getting rich off the suffering of the public? 

Make these rich bastards comply with their restrictions that are forced on the public, take away their cars, their electricity, private jets, yachts etc. Make them live for a year at minimum in the exact same circumstances as people that are doing it tough financially, mentally and trying to eat healthy. It is almost impossible to survive and be healthy. You will also find these people that are struggling are also on medication which sometimes is not on the PBS and is much needed. Not all equivalent medication does the same job as drugs that are not on the PBS either especially antidepressants and medication for bipolar disorder or schizophrenia there are marked differences between alternative medications with unwanted side effects or they are just not as effective which adds to the problems of day to day living or survival.

Why not take all of these things into consideration when writing an article like this for the true human impact on the lives of people. I know people in terrible circumstances much worse than what is printed in this rubbish article. Why didn’t they do a deeper report on how the cost of living as well as the electricity cost affects her as her well-being? I will tell you why, it’s because it will open up a floodgate of problems for the media and the government. 

One person’s experience is not enough for the message to get across either. How much of a person’s life savings is eaten up by paying energy bills, food and medicine and every day living? Remember that many people rely only of a government benefit or pension and have no other income or money in the bank at all.

There is so much more to existence than paying for electricity. Electricity  does not need to be so expensive it is only because of corporate greed. On top of this the political drive there is also a drive to stop people using gas so they put the price up. Again a money grab for their energy buddies and I am pretty sure they will be well compensated when all gas appliances are phased out. 

The screws keep tightening on daily life for most of us and they will not ease. That is not the intention and never has been. Many people are well aware of the agenda to reduce the world population and Bill Gates, bless his black shriveled up little heart; keeps reminding us of this agenda. Humans are hell bent on a race to the bottom at present and it is not going to let up any time soon.   



Lol, are they reading my blog?  But it’s not just renters that are affected What about people with a mortgage too and raising a family or elderly people. Australian houses are poorly built and always have been. If our country wasn’t so insular they would look to Europeans for how to build better houses, but the price of housing would go up drastically because the industry is so bloody corrupt including the banking industry that drives this. Double glazing is a new concept in Australia  but has been in Europe since the late late Victorian times but not fully until 1960’s or early 70’s. I remember my gran’s council house being fitted with double glazing in the mid 70’s. That house was built in the 1930’s. And was double bricked with a fireplace in every room. My other gran moved into a council flat around 1972 or 73 which was newly built and it was double glazed with ducted heating. The building being double bricked too by law. 

World health organisation (WHO) recommends the minimum heat in a houses should be 18 degrees. Hmmm what about that bullshit carbon footprint then? Hypocritical and to have a house this warm is out of the price range for many home owners too in Australia, and especially in cold regions. 

Currently we are being told to reduce our electricity usage too. Many of us don’t have the luxury of choice either. Just think how expensive it is when you can’t afford to heat your home regardless of being a person with a mortgage, own your home outright or rent. Not everyone has a well paying job or a regular decent income. Again this article is cherry picked to a few people and very slanted such is modern journalism with an agenda. If you are lucky enough to have solar panels you still need to fork out for batteries if you want to store the power. 

14 August, 2022

Getting Your Eyes Checked Could Help Prevent This 'Silent Killer' From Striking


It’s called Iridology, it has been used by naturopaths for decades and dates back centuries. It’s the ignorance of the medical industry that is the problem. Doctors should be taught this and they would be able to detect illness as the first symptoms appear. 

Back in 1989 I went to see a biochemist in Parramatta, NSW for a health issue and he used iridology and correctly picked up my pregnancy along with my health problems.The eyes are not just a window to the soul, they are a map of the human body. In iridology the iris is split into two levels in relation to the body. Generally the upper part of the iris covers the upper half of the body and the lower half covers the lower part of the body. The left eye relates to the left hand side of the body and the right eye to the right side of the body.

Have a look on Google images for iridology charts and then zoom in on the chart. It is complex and you need proper training to make a diagnosis, however this is not the only means of examining a person’s health in natural health therapies. It is only one diagnostic tool used. Also black dots, dark brown or orangey brown colour in the iris is a sign of significant health problems as are honeycomb shapes in the iris as is the white floss effect that is often seen in regards to illness. 

When I started dating my husband he had a major gastrointestinal disease and his eyes were showing the signs of his illness and as he was recovering from surgery I was able to point out the changes in his irises and watch them change over the months. 





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Clinical Trial Restored Sight to 20 People With Corneas Made From An Unlikely Source HEALTH 14 August 2022


This is good news on a very personal level for me. Having a family member with Cornea keratoconus in both eyes and one day will need surgery on both eyes. Hopefully restoring sight to one eye. 

The RiotACT: Canberra Airport incident


This is quite a surprise as Canberra is usually rather quiet apart from general crime. I will update this when more information is released. 


12 August, 2022

Robert Sepehr: All seeing eye of the ancient giants


For those with an enquiring mind and willing to think outside of the official narrative of what history is.

'It's got to breaking point': Australians warned bulk-billing system at risk of collapse


It’s not just in Australia that’s medical system is collapsing it’s around the Western world. Crash it then privatise it. It’s all about money. I have known this was coming before I started working as a clairvoyant. 

I could feel it coming just the same as the world financial situation, these are not accidental circumstances they are deliberately done. There is no such thing as an accident, it is cause and effect, plain and simple.

Why has it taken so long for this issue to be taken seriously by the media and the public? By the public  not writing to their federal members of parliament and taking to the streets in protest against the negligence for at least three decades.  Also the federal government cannot sit back and do nothing after decades of dereliction of responsibility and giving us nothing but lip service. How much negligence and cut backs are acceptable for the public before they get angry enough to  protest? She’ll be right mate, is the typical response from Joe Public unless their loved ones have died due to an atrocious health system and indifference. 

You the public vote for the government that you want again and again yet don’t hold them accountable for this deliberately done, systematic destruction of the public health system. One or two voices out of 26 million can do nothing to get the government’s attention and a reaction. It takes everyone to stand up and demand the government to fix things. How many decades do you want to wait to see change? We are now out of time.

It’s your fault and your call Joe public, for being lazy arsed idiots for the past thirty years of negligence. You saw this happening and let it slide. Do you have any idea how long it will take to rebuild the system? Put it this way I am almost 60 and I don’t expect the system to be satisfactory until I am dying of old age in my 80’s. 

Just think what will happen in the next handful of years, war and destruction being not far off, how the hell do you think that you are going to get medical treatment if we are in a situation like Ukraine is right now. Australia can’t cope with that sort of situation, never mind Sydney being hit with a massive civil disaster with a poor road network in the inner city to move traffic freely in times of disaster. But never mind she’ll be right mate! The dumbest words ever uttered by a lazy people who are partially responsible for letting their elected government to wilfully destroy the country; election after election from the 1980’s onwards. 

Then you wonder why you can’t get in to see your doctor and blame the virus for GP’s being burned out and resigning or suiciding. No they have broken down because of a collapsing medical system that was happening long before the virus hit. That virus was the straw that broke the camel’s back and showed up the complete failure of our government to be able to run the country and not be influenced by big corporations that want them to privatise the public medical system, to please them and make them billions of dollars richer. Our lives are measured in dollars and cents and nothing more. The public health system is a clear example of that fact. But hey just keep saying, She’ll be right mate. 

When they say your loved ones keep dying because nobody stood up to fight for our public health care system and also letting down the hard working doctors and nurses that put their very lives on the line, in a deliberately failed medical system year after year. That the public feel is their right entitlement to make that doctor or nurse stay at their post until they can’t cope any longer and take their own lives. And you wonder why the GP’s are now stopping bulk billing so that they can pay the wages of their employees. 

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/imj.13717 Doctor suicides.

Veterinarians are also an extremely high suicide risk in Australia at present and we have a severe shortage of them at present. It takes many years to train veterinarians and it is a lot harder to pass the training to be a vet than it is to be a GP. 

https://www.ava.com.au/member-services/vethealth/suicide/ Four times higher in risk of suicide than the rest of the population in Australia. Canberra at present has a big shortage of both GP’s and Vets. 


One vet per week. Think about that, these are the most loving people and they love every fur baby that comes to them unconditionally, and care about saving our furry loved ones. 

11 August, 2022

A cats birthday dream

 Last night I had one of those weird dreams. In the dream it was our cat Slinky’s birthday. Slinky actually  passed away a few years ago, but his birthday was around this time of year along with his doggie brother Gromit’s birthday. In this dream I had sprinkled a lot of gold glitter on Slinky’s back to celebrate his birthday and I had given him a big red cat toy which looked like a macramé dream catcher with a red feather on the end for him to play with. 

Suddenly Ruby appeared and frightened poor Slinky and he ran off. I was upset because Ruby had frightened Slinky, eventually he came back to me and I felt so happy to have him back. 

Glitter is a good symbol in dreams as is the colour gold. But I woke up with a mixture of feelings, I ended the dream not really knowing what it was all about, I miss my beloved Slinky and I am puzzled having no clue what it all means. All day I have been thinking of him and the wonderful joy he brought to my family. My son had good taste in picking Slinky to be his cat. Slinky was no ordinary kitty there was something very special about him. He was so loving and gentle with an aura of great wisdom around him. 

I guess he was just visiting me and letting me know he is still around, aware that his birthday is this time of year. As we used to do birthdays for our fur babies by giving them special treats to share on each of their birthdays. 

NRL icon Paul Green dead at 49


RIP dear man. Such a terrible tragedy if only he could have told someone during those critical last moments. The support and uplift that people need when life gets too much can never be underestimated. Please speak up when you are so low that you can’t see any way out of this.

I have seen one of my loved ones here many a time and part of the reason that I live in permanent fight or flight mode. Friends were thin on the ground at the critical moments  for my loved one too. That I shall never forgive. So this terrible loss has a deep meaning to me.  I don’t know the circumstances around Paul’s passing but I understand the sorrow he had. There would have been some sign, no matter how slight, but not everyone is able to detect the subtle signs. 

My heart goes out to Paul and his family at this point in time. Healing will take a long time for Paul and his family and they must be allowed the privacy to grieve out of the public eye. May Paul find the comfort and peace that he needs and his family too. 

Stop worrying about what others think of you


Stop worrying about what others think of you. It’s what you think of yourself that matters.

The more you focus on the negative opinions of others you, your vibrational frequency drops.

With loving tender care and self-respect your frequency rises. This is where to put your focus.

Photo is the property of Alex Fulford©

10 August, 2022

09 August, 2022

Olivia Newton-John dies aged 73


RIP Olivia. 🤗🤗🤗 I just woke up to this news a few minutes ago. What a shocking tragedy, this poor woman was hounded by this horrible disease since 1992 talk about the grim reaper chasing you. The poor soul never stood a chance but she lead a very good life. The world is left without her special love and inner glow. 

08 August, 2022

International Cat Day

                                              Slinky cat, you are such a sexy boy 

 Love cats 😻😻😻😻😻😻I miss my cats dearly. I am still adjusting to a cat free home but as soon as Ruby shows signs of not bothering with cats I will get a couple of rescue kitties. 

                                                        Garfield our ginger ninja 


                                             Miss Daisy 

                                                    Miss Daisy with her kittens Pip and Pop

Photos are property of Alex Fulford ©

07 August, 2022

The RIOTACT: Suspended Canberra Hospital specialist sues ACT Government for damages


This is an absolute disgrace and it reflects very badly on the management of the hospital, this has gone on for years. It’s not just the staff being mistreated it is also patients. The abuse towards women especially is bad. This is what to expect if you have people with big egos and the lack of manners. 

One would assume that interpersonal skills were taught from the moment a medical student or trainee nurse starts their education and training that this is ingrained into them as part of their training and a knowledge of what constitutes abuse and harassment in the workplace and against patients. 

If you want to be treated with respect then treat those around you with respect. Just because you are a doctor or management doesn’t exclude you from treating other human beings with dignity and respect. Otherwise you may be put in the position of earning respect the hard way.  

06 August, 2022

RIP Judy Durham: We will miss her dearly': Tributes flow for The Seekers lead singer Judith Durham


Wow, I can’t believe such an Australian icon has left this world. RIP Judy, you helped put Australia on the map in such a wholesome way. Our nation is heartbroken to lose such a precious soul. 

Spirituality cannot be learned from a book

Spirituality cannot be learned from a book or taught in a classroom. It is a knowing from deep within us. Only to be realised when the time is right for the individual soul and being. It is carefully guarded until our vibrational frequency is high enough for us to feel it, know it and breathe it.

Did you know that the human body vibrates at 62 -78 MHz

The Human brain vibrates at 62-90 MHz (normal frequency is 62 MHz)

The Human heart 67-70 MHz

Disease starts at 58 MHz

The universe vibrates at 432 MHz

The frequency of the "gods" is MHz 963 which is the pineal gland activator 

Essential oils: Idaho spruce  520 MHz 

Rose 320 MHz 

Frankincense 147 MHz 

photo is property of Alex Fulford ©

31 July, 2022

Record numbers of pet dogs being given up in Victoria as fewer owners adopt


This just sickens me reading this. Man’s best friend dumped because it’s all too hard for some people. Lockdown pets, all fine and dandy until they are no longer useful. Pets are a life long responsibility, you fail as a human being, if you just dump the pets as soon as they’re no longer convenient. This is a form of animal abuse as far as I am concerned. These people should never be allowed to have pets in the future if this is what they do. Most of these dogs will be destroyed because of these selfish people, I can’t bring my self to call them humans. 

These dogs don’t understand why humans took them into their homes when lockdown happened and then suddenly dump them when lockdown is over. To be brutally honest, I expected this to happen sooner knowing the nature of some people. This  is an absolutely callous act. It just reinforces my disgust in humanity, because just underneath the surface in some areas of  humanity lies a dark base and uncaring mindset  that can just reject a beautiful and innocent sentient being that offers pure unconditional love. 

Having fur babies as I prefer to call pets, is a privilege not a right. If you can’t commit  to years of caring for a fur baby then don’t buy one. The amount of animals that are destroyed each year is a disgrace and humanity has a lot to answer to given that we are supposedly the carers and custodians of this earth. 

Australia’s inflation rate in the Great Depression 1929-30and the hardships


I remember learning this in high school history back in 1979 and how bad life was in Australia. People tend to forget the absolute misery this caused. It gets glossed over conveniently, but people my age had loved ones that lived through this or were born around this time. The welfare system was not like we have now. Our welfare may not be perfect but it’s better that nothing and can be the difference between starving and being homeless for some families. 

I remember hearing people talking of not having any shoes during the Great Depression. Or filling them with cardboard to cover holes in the soles. The shoes back then had leather soles not the synthetic garbage we have today. Some people had to use kipper tins tied to their feet in  Australian 


This is 28th July 2022, and this article cuts out the Great Depression’s effect on Australia. Now after reading this click on the links below. I am try to draw a comparison here for people to understand the difference from then to current times. 


This also puts things into perspective for people today, life back then was a living hell for many people and only to head into the misery of ww2. I pray that we never go through this because many will not be able to cope. 

This article in the news at present cuts out the Great Depression’s effect on Australia. It is totally relevant though. (Note: see the reference to the city of London, it is a corporation )


History puts things in perspective for us, and older people like me actually knew people including family that endured this suffering. In living memory for me having grand parents born in the late 1890’s and early 1900’s on one side and the other grandparents born in the 1910’s. I heard many stories of hardship and illness of those days. Our lives these days do have some similarities but not to the same levels for most of us in western nations. 

Reading this please keep in mind the population of Australia was very small at 6.6 million, as of 2020 it is 25.69 million for the size of the continent; but much of the land is uninhabitable due to it being desert where nothing survives. 

The mention of the mostly unknown fact about London here is reference to the City of London incorporated,  the city of London being a corporation. London is more powerful than people realise and even the American government looks to the city of London as the main power centre for world affairs. 


In relative comparison to 2022, please read this. From a modern perspective in our life time, Australia did not have the same comfortable living standards that British people were accustomed to until the mid 1970’s. Life here was vastly different up to that point including worker’s rights. 

30 July, 2022

Gardening with a vengeance

 The past few days have been productive in the garden. I have had a few sporadic moments of getting stuck into getting rid of things that have been a nuisance in the garden. Japanese Irises and more ivy, ivy the bane of my life grrr. The japanese irises though had been left to multiply for years and became floppy and unattractive looking. So yesterday and today, in between other things that I had to do, I got into the garden and started ripping them out. Some were really in deep and it took a lot of energy to pull them out. 

Simplifying the garden has not been as easy as I had hoped. I have to tackle it in short bursts or I end up sore and out of action for a few days. But when I get the gardening bug I just have to get out there and do something. Taking advantage of the weather too. Mind you this morning was minus 6.6 degrees, so I waited until it was warmer before getting out there. Three trash packs full of green waste over the past three days and there is still work to do. Hubby ripped out some overgrown potato jasmine that was growing up the side of the garage on a trellis, and we discovered some young bulbs that were planted years ago with some hellebores. The potato jasmine had covered these and what could be blue bells coming up. 

I need to rethink what I want to do for a low maintenance garden with a sort of natural feel, using masses of scented violets, hellebores and agapanthus. Springtime bulbs with blue bells, snowdrops, daffodils, hyacinths and jonquils, muscari or grape hyacinths all naturalising. Simple flowers that are appealing to the eye and smell divine. 

It hasn’t always been successful through the years, so I give plants a chance to grow and look good but if it doesn’t work then out it comes, free to a good home for a neighbour. It’s been a learning curve for me for sure. Learning  from scratch and trial and error, I missed my vocation as a horticulturist but ended up as a clairvoyant lol. No matter, I still love the pleasure of gardening and on my terms. I am not one to stick to the rules in gardening. Now that old age is creeping up on hubby and me, I mean to keep the hard work out of the equation too as neither of us have the health.

 I have a nice patch in the upper part of the garden that I am trying to make a romantic statement piece using Cosmos, Babies Breath and Roses as the back bones, and Amaryllis, Nerines and Agapanthus in season. Hopefully a splash of Love in a mist and blue Cornflowers and Queen Anne’s Lace in season too. It sounds nice, but ambitious though. I am a stickler for cottage gardening, but in the Australian climate it is not always possible due to the heat and water consumption must be rationed. So I have to fudge it somehow to make a dreamy looking garden. Something that makes you just want to stay there all day and ignore the world. Bliss to me is an entire day of sitting in the garden and doing absolutely nothing all day.

Springtime is just six weeks away and I am looking forward to seeing flowers in bloom again along with a visit to Tulip Tops garden just outside of Canberra for my yearly visit. That place fills me with joy seeing the brilliant mass displays of colour and the delightful classical music played through speakers in the trees as one wanders around taking in the sights and sounds of spring. 

I come home exhilarated and want to recreate a miniature version of Tulip Tops in my garden. And just immerse myself in a dreamy private heaven of my own. Maybe one day I will get to do that but in the meantime a garden evolution is in progress, emerging into who knows what. I just hope that I get it right and get to enjoy time doing nothing other than sitting there enjoying the view and serenity sipping a cold glass of cordial or a lovely cup of tea. Just delightful and a perfect way to unwind. 

29 July, 2022

Bernard Cribbins: a warm, kindly titan of children’s entertainment


RIP Bernard, one of my all time favourite actors whom I remember from the wonderful film The Railway Children. 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called out for tone deaf Vogue cover shoot amid war


Wow, this is highly inappropriate given the situation in Ukraine. What the hell are they thinking? More to the point how much were they paid? There are people dying over there, people have lost everything and they’re doing this as if it is all about them. What could these two possibly know of losing family, everything that they own and being homeless? They live in luxury for heaven’s sake a life of privilege. 

You have lost my respect and if this couple were paid for this, then they should donate it to charity to help the people in need. 

Australia records fastest rise in inflation since introduction of GST


Here we are, just as I have pointed out for quite a while now. I am so worried in case we hit hyper inflation like the Great Depression. This has already happened in Turkey unfortunately, but how safe are all of us really? 

Looking through my posts over the years my warnings have been sadly correct. But remember when I mentioned everything on this earth goes in cycles no matter what it is, positive and negative polarities.  This reality is geared to upheaval and war, poverty and suffering. It is impossible to avoid these things, but then the cycles go the other way and there is abundance. At present we’re in a downward cycle and this will take a few decades to come through. But it is a gradual buildup, then we hit the middle of the road and then we start coming out the other end. 

So right now please be careful and don’t take risks with your finances or taking out a mortgage that is huge because then you will end up in trouble. Keep your spending under control, you don’t need the big holidays you need to put food on the table and pay your bills until things get better. Priorities not luxuries are the order of the day now. 

Just look back to the early 20th century, there was a recession before World War One, then mass unemployment after that war. Homeless soldiers that had returned from the war, into poverty that continued in the 1920’s and 1930’s then straight into World War Two. It took years to recover from that and then the 1960’s and 1970’s with more high unemployment and moving industry off shore from western countries to China and other places that cheap labour could be found. 

Here we are in the early 2020’s now and we have been having issues for a while and of course the wars playing out around the world sporadically. 

So we are currently repeating that cycle, yes things are different nowadays because we have modern technology, a welfare system that didn’t exist back in the early 20th century. We are lucky in some ways but there is still real pain and suffering for many people. 

Oops, this has been in draft for two days, I thought I had posted it. 

JP reacts to Tucker Carlson’s epic breakdown of the Green new deal


Listen to this video right through, this should be listed to on YouTube because then you can read the comments. Yes there may be some dumb ones, but look for the intelligent ones and take it onboard.

They live amongst us 😆 “The world  will be gone in 12 years if we don’t address climate change”. What ever she is on cut the dosage. She talks like a child and then goes into a rabid rant like a child. Hardly an articulate or mature adult. Notice how she bangs her fist as she speaks, that is her trying to take control and insisting that she is listened to and obeyed. Programming for idiots 101.

Time these individuals were deplatformed because they are a danger to society world wide. This is anti humanity and like most things that greens come out with is absolute rubbish, but not just that it is dangerous. This is what is pumped into the minds of vulnerable young people at university and they have no real world experience, they were never taught the real facts. Leftists control all universities and the narrative which creates a flow on effect that we are being forced to accept as truth. We are talking paid goons to push an anti humanity agenda by very rich sociopaths, hell bent on destruction while making millions of dollars at our expense, and no one is going to stop them. 

How did it get to this? When world politicians are bending over backwards to please these idiots? There must be a threat made to them if they don’t comply with the agenda. Oh yes,  the destruction of their nation’s economy, but they are going to do that either way. 😳 Sounds similar to the way communism was pushed in the early 20th century by the very same cabal. (Think of the Russian revolution designed in the good old US of A).

The public are not bound by this unless they are seriously stupid and naïve. How dare a bank or even the UN, the WHO, WEF, or any NGO dictate to anyone let alone a sovereign country, they are not a government, they have no actual legal authority over foreign governments and their people. So tell me where is the outrage from the general public world wide? Your country could be next, it’s only a matter of when. 

None of these lefty green bastards will admit that they are wrong either, so it is wilful abuse and tyranny over the world. If that doesn’t scream out human rights abuse and planned genocide then I don’t know what does. Oh and by the way the definition of human rights is currently being redefined along with war crimes definition. How are you liking that one?  

Keep in mind all the farmers that have been paid not to grow crops and get rid of cattle, sheep and pigs in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and now spreading through Europe.This is orchestrated and the so called food shortages that are getting blamed on the war in Ukraine and covid. 

NO! This was pre planned long before covid and the war in Ukraine so don’t be so naïve. Behind the scenes are the priest class, very high ranking Freemasons, including the royals of Britain , the Vatican and other secret societies all involved in this. Things like this are well orchestrated over many years. 

The Northern hemisphere we are being told will experience power cuts and rationed gas this coming winter as we are seeing in the media. Yet they put all of the blame on Russia. Sure the Russian government are dodgy and commit crimes but so does the US and the west. The thought of freezing to death and starvation in the Northern hemisphere is terrifying, while in the Southern Hemisphere we will have high temperatures, as usual in summer, will there be  power outages and food shortages?

We are all being groomed to have a massive drop in living standards and not one politician will put their neck out to stop this. Oh, and keep in mind while this plays out there is war on the horizon again it’s orchestrated by your secret societies, the Vatican, governments, especially the US government because they control much in the world, however it’s actually a screen to hide the real evil that drives this monstrosity; the base of which is the city of London incorporated.

The mention of Trump here is interesting, remember he is a 33rd degree Scottish Rites Freemason just like George W Bush, also and there are two main factions fighting each other for power. We are just collateral to them, our lives only matter when we are needed as cannon fodder for their wars. 
One thing that we do need to know is, who is the puppet master behind Schwab? He will have someone behind him to have such power, they all do. 

So will we have a new Nuremberg trial when “Amerika” is down on its knees  like other sovereign countries that they have destroyed? Do you have 30 years of life left in you to see what the world will be like after this? The real question is will you be permitted to live? That is what it comes down to.

You had better get used to this because they won’t be stopping until the desired results are achieved.
The Georgia guide stones by the way were partially blown up on July 6, 2022, but not completely destroyed. They were then removed from the site. The stones informed us of a proposed world population cull to keep the population under 500,000, 000. Someone is playing god and dictating to the masses not just that there is a metaphysical component to the GGS and that has the hall mark of a secret society.
This is no stupid conspiracy theory either, why is there no public proof of who is actually behind the Georgia guide stones either ? Just read the news and you can see it for yourself. Just keep this in mind when you have power outages, no food, no fuel to get to work, no ability to travel independently.

The voting habits in the US affect the whole world whether one is aware of this or not. That being due to the power they have in the world, but I’ve got to admit I would rather them than China or Russia being the top dog. Even though US government has a long history of destabilising other countries on a whim for over a hundred years and the world just accepts this. But again so does Russia and China so it’s just the scary reality we live with. 

It’s the ordinary people that matter regardless of where we live in the world and our voices matter. We are loving and caring individuals, we are horrified at the very thought of hunger, and famine, we are horrified at any suffering of innocent people. The natural response of a decent human being is the desire to help people in need. So this agenda is the total opposite of what it means to be human. Pushing the climate change narrative is causing mass poverty, suffering and death. That is so against the ethics of humanity. 
Those that aided and abetted this climate change garbage are just as guilty of crimes against humanity as those that indoctrinated them in the first place and will shoulder the blame collectively. 

As I have said in various blog posts and psychic predictions. We are heading into the modern equivalent of the great depression. It started before covid hit. But the mainstream media keeps under reporting this. I have blog post’s showing the media saying we are in a recession, but in truth it is shaping up to be a depression. 

One thing that I do notice in JP’s video is the use of Red and Blue, symbols of Freemasons and politics right and left. Then at least twice he flashed the Baphomet hand signals, of which there are a few versions. That is a satanic hand sign and it is thousands of years old. Yes you will see it heavy metal music, you will see it being used in sign language thanks to Helen Keller but did you know that her family were deeply entrenched in the occult, and that was a subtle sign of their power and influence. Mainstream media downplay this, they say it is the sign for I love you. Bullshit! It is satanic and always has been, the masses are just spiritually unaware.

There is no way people in the media don’t know this at high levels because many of them are Freemasons. 
Why else do your news channels use symbology stating the fact? They know that the uninitiated have no idea and it means nothing to them, so it is ignored by the masses. After all many are only interested in sport and unreality TV. 

For those that are unaware the world leaders and their puppet masters speak what we call the Hegelian  dialect, which basically is reverse speak. So when they say something, they actually mean the exact opposite. 

JP feels uncomfortable about what his country is doing to the world, but this is not his fault and there will be many people who feel the same way. This is not the fault of ordinary people though, no the have just been gullible and naïve. But corporations and the US governments are responsible for overthrowing other sovereign  nations and leaving millions of people dead, disabled, homeless or refugees pushed from one refugee camp to another for many years. Yes, things will come home to ROOST, just like my predictions for 2022 have said, so be it!

The land of greed destroys other cultures and replacing them with profanity and mass poverty. Don’t ignore the facts, they speak for themselves and plenty people around the world are holding evidence to prove this. What is shocking is the innocent people of any country that are the unfortunate victims of what is coming home to roost.
Recent recession articles in the mainstream news. 


28 July, 2022

Family of five-year-old Rozalia Spadafora, who died at Canberra Hospital, speaks out


Another disgrace from the Canberra hospital. Another reason for invoking Ryan’s Rule, things should have been escalated. Absolutely horrific, this hospital is like a second rate hospital and nothing changes. 

You vote labor this is what you get! Twenty years of screw ups. If the public are so keen on having a labor government this will keep happening. 

Update: This was on tv tonight on A current affairs, not once did I hear them mention your right to ask for the medical advocate at the Canberra hospital. Why not? This is every patient’s basic right is a hospital if you are unhappy with the way you or your loved one is being treated and that includes hospital in the home. Learn your rights please don’t be afraid to be heard and demand proper medical care and answers. A life may well hang in the balance, speaking from personal experience!

27 July, 2022

Awaken with JP: Our plan is more obvious than ever


Monkeying around


Is there a cure for monkeypox?

Quote: There is not a cure for monkeypox, but there doesn’t really need to be, Dr. Schaffner says. “For the most part, this is a self-limiting infection and all of these lesions resolve over a period of two to four weeks,” he says. “Most people recover without specific therapy.”  This is a quote from the news article. Screen shot the page for future reference in case this is redacted.


Can children be vaccinated for this? Hmm do you trust it?


https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/BAVARIAN-NORDIC-A-S-1412846/company/ please read through the listing 

Blackrock Funds Advisors are investors as are Vanguard Group, Allianz Global.

The link below is from 24 September 2019, don’t you find that interesting? Weeks away from the covid outbreak. There wasn’t any “outbreak” of monkey pox until May 2022 how bizarre. 


Note: “ Monkeypox does not occur naturally in the US” 

Well it looks like more of the same BS being peddled and I guess people are now starting to sit up and say, hey wait a minute something is not right here. It is going to take a hell of a lot of propaganda and scare tactics to get Joe Public to fall for this fairy tale. When the powers that be in the WHO, the Americans and their cohorts are involved in this latest money spinner and have told us to expect more viruses in the future, sure there will be, because they are making them. 

They have been working on this for years. It is not as infectious as smallpox as they keep pointing out too. Unless they have either genetically altered it or they have something gnarly in the vax like graphite oxide which is supposedly in the covid vax too. A highly toxic substance that experts have warned, no matter how small the amount is, it is deadly. But that’s not the only dangerous substance in these vax. And that’s why we are not being shown to entire list of ingredients. All hell would break out if and when it becomes public knowledge. 


Quote from the article.

Our most abundant shot, ACAM2000, contains an active virus, related to smallpox, that can replicate inside human cells; “if you vaccinated a million people, you might result in more disease,” says Mark Slifka, a vaccinologist at Oregon Health & Science University, “than you would get from the monkeypox outbreak itself.”

Because ACAM2000 contains an active virus, it may be especially risky for infants or people who are pregnant, immunocompromised, or living with HIV. The shot also comes with a small but notable risk of heart inflammation, or myocarditis, and its documentation warns of other serious side effects, including blindness, spreading the vaccine virus to others, and even death. 

Stop and think about this risk from the vaccine, this is the experts telling us this. Oh and by the way “  people that are pregnant ” are called women. 

You bet your ass that people are not going to rush out for this one. 

New studies bolster theory that virus causing COVID-19 emerged from Wuhan market


Just watch China hit the roof again with this old football….any minute now 🤣🤣🤣 Wet market my arse, try laboratory.

How about investigating the yanks too then because they are not innocent in this either. 

Now the Yanks are pushing the Monkeypox vaccine too, Ka-Ching$$ 🤬🤑 Just coincidentally having them on standby since 2019. Get used to it because it ain’t going to stop. 

Fanny Smith: The 'genocide survivor' whose voice will echo through the ages


I have much respect for this truly amazing woman and the suffering that she had endured all through her childhood. Nothing; can justify this evil and nothing can ever compensate the aboriginal peoples that have suffered horrendously at the hands of  true evil disguised as Christianity and white colonialism. I can totally understand the anger and distrust up to present day. No human being is superior to any other human being full stop. This world will never change because humans keep doing the same things over and over again somewhere in the world. 

This woman had amazing strength within her and has come through such adversity that we today cannot fathom. That strength of character will be forever in her family as time marches on. Hopefully keeping the aboriginal spirituality alive to be passed on because that connection to spirit is vital and must never be lost.

Scotland’s People: Forenames
