24 March, 2024

Tarot Card Of The Month: April 2024, 2 of Wands



Sign: Aries,   Element: Fire   Season: Spring time

Wands apply to Springtime  The dates of this card are: 21 March to 31 March and also stability and the mind/intellect. Wands also cover Aries, Cancer and Sagittarius as they are fire signs

Number 2: Duality, Creativity, Parenthood, Sensitivity 

A man (leader) stands on the battlements of his castle looking out at the view in front of him. He is the master of all that he surveys, this is what he controls and in this instance he also wants to control the elements as well as the world.

The scenery before him is lush and fertile, the mountains to his right make me think of Switzerland and its rich abundant lands and lakes. The sky above is grey and the sun is hidden from view, yet despite that, the view is bright and all looks calm. 

The man holds a globe of the world in one hand, implying that he holds great power in his hand. His right hand is actually dominant, looking to the future and  masculine energy, hence his demonstration of male domination and power over the world. To me this represents the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab. The man in the card holds a wand or staff in his left hand (female energy) which is passive energy and alludes to the past.

That staff in his hand has three fresh sprigs of new growth, representing ideas and plans coming into fruition. He has a firm grip or control over this wand, the other wand to his right is fixed to the battlements. Rigid and firmly in place as we can see it is not moving, it's strong and firm. Yes there is new growth on the wand, something is bearing fruit so to speak. He has therefore mastered this task and does not feel that he has to keep his eye on it. 

As I look at the card again, I notice the positioning of the man, he stands precisely between both wands as he firmly grasps the left wand (creative energy). His gaze is fixed in one particular direction, the West. The fact that he is standing not just between the wands but also the battlements, is like standing in the middle of a portal or a doorway. This is not accidental, there are no accidental positions when reading the esoteric symbols in the Tarot. This is a powerful message conveyed to others with esoteric wisdom. The man is facing the sun, which actually illuminates the scenery even though the sky is grey. Sunlight always penetrates clouds. He is esoterically facing "the Light" as the rays hit the portal where he is standing. Darkness must give way to light.

We have just passed the Vernal Equinox on 21 March. Again we see the esoteric reference of the card.

We are sitting at the cusp of the first house of the Zodiac ruled by Aries presently (21/3 to 20/4) Which is ruled by Mars (dynamic action, leadership, power,) The first house of life, in the zodiac so this is the start of something, it is creative, so get ready for changes. By the way the WEF have a meeting on 28-29 April in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia , which is Global Collaboration, Growth and Energy Development. Not a coincidence! We are talking of people who are esoteric masters using the time wisely.

Getting back to the card, the man is grounded and focused in his position, the firm grip on that left wand implies that he has a firm hold on the West, but does he really? That remains to be seen.

Next we notice his clothing, the red hat has an edging that is mimicking a crown and rulership. The man that would be king? Red implies passion, wisdom, aggression, and hot headedness also if you like. I am pretty sure this individual is very hot headed and passionate as a leader. He is more like a leader of a group of people, an NGO, or such like. This man's feet are firmly on the ground and he has solid foundations , but with a fixation of purpose that is worrying. This is a man maintaining his power and authority to control others, make no mistake about that. 

Looking at his clothes, they appear to be bland and boring, but do not let this fool you. Firstly that earthy coloured cloak is hiding his true intentions. Cloaks are about secrecy and what is hidden, as there is secrecy at the root of his powers and purpose. 

 Under that cloak are his "working clothes" where he may blend in with everyone else unnoticed. He has work to do, so he is wearing a working and practical disguise for his skulduggery  Shades of brown represent the earth or earthiness, it may look boring and drab but it's functional for the purpose. and what goes unseen by the public. Brown is also associated with serviceability, humility as in a monks robes, it is also decay, rot, effluence 💩 and depression.  A real sexy colour for turning people off you, lol. 

Brown can be seen as drab like there is an absence of light and happiness, this man is spreading unhappiness to those beneath him in society. He represents authority and stability, lord and master  of all he surveys. Keep this in mind. 

April may seem to some as a bit slow to start, yet there is order being put in place quietly. Immigration issues and the masses are on the agenda for April and how to manage big populations including the movement of large masses.  The weather is warming up now so more people will be outdoors now. I ask you to be vigilant and mindful of your surroundings when outdoors at all times. Emotions may be volatile due to ongoing political issues and wars around the world. 

Climate protesters start up again in the northern hemisphere causing more chaos and the protests over Gaza. So people will be restless by mid April, please keep out of these protest location areas for your safety. Meanwhile the governments sit back and watch what is unfolding and gauge their response. 

BoJo pops back up in the media this month. He is still very unpopular and will remain so. Forests are in the news regarding replanting, regeneration, nature recovery and bushfire recovery strategies. Some of this may turn out to be totally a totally useless impractical exercise due to some of the planned locations. 

Defence of coastlines is a must do from here on in. If this is not started now then expect definite problems to come. Expect the left to be problematic with this to prevent sovereign nations from defending themselves as they rightly should. The left want anarchy, with absolutely no accountability on their part.

There is a hidden purpose within the climate-nature agenda that must be acknowledged. This is a hierarchy masked as helping the earth, those that work the land know how to work the land yet are  being ruled by paper "experts" that have never worked the land in their live. They know absolutely nothing about the land, nature and how to farm.

 As seen depicted on this 2 of wands card, the red cap and the brown cloak and the brown clothes under the man's cloak can be easily seen as peasants working clothes, as they symbolise he works the earth, like a farmer or a real ecologist, nature conservationists that one sees in a national park looking after the wild life and the trees, shrubs and undergrowth. 

This man signifies the corporations manipulating and controlling nature making the lives of those that know the land very difficult due to their corporate ignorance and arrogance.  Everything has a price tag that is in existence, everything has a use by date. So this is orders from the top down, importing, exporting people, goods and the economy. How to extract more bucks from nature and all life until it is no longer useful or viable. The workers reap the harvests for the corporate bosses or controllers. 

The land is not really important to these corporations, it's the revenue they rake in that matters. With this selfish school of thought areas of nature will perish because the focus is only on a quick turnaround. 

 My guides are showing me worm castings. This is something that will be attracting more home gardeners this month, perhaps worm farming will be in big demand again to assist the soil quality in your backyard vegetable gardens. So for some it may be well worthwhile investing in worm castings and wiggly worms if you have the time to invest. 

Funnily as I write this on 24 March, I realise tomorrow is a full moon and it's the worm Moon. Springtime moon for regeneration of plants and life. The Vernal equinox just being on the 21 March too. 

April's full Moon is a pink moon and it falls on the 23 of April. https://www.almanac.com/content/full-moon-april

Looking at the card again I am drawn to the mountains on the card, informing me about a mountainous country in the news in April. This feels like a South American country  where there will be instability. 

America will also be having more serious drama over the US Border issues in Texas. This is the struggle to contain the borders and the ongoing stupidity between the ill-functioning federal government versus the Texan government. People are justifiably getting upset and frightened by this chaos. Please be very careful and avoid this conflict if possible, let the authorities handle this.

I do feel the Texas government will bring in more reinforcements to help deal with this chaos. This feels like military men such a s the home guard increasing their ranks. It will be very difficult to maintain control over this situation, and it could well get much worse. 

Ukraine and Russia still battle it out and Russia is heating up the action currently. However someone is definitely plugging things outside of Russia presently to slow the munition down. I feel  it is Iran that will slow down the munitions to the front line, and will  not be giving them as much munition because they want to use this themselves in the Middle East. 

The Iranians see closer to home affairs as more important and put their weapons to use here. This will eventually cause blow back from the US of course. The time is not quite right yet for this to happen, even though the US, UK and others are  in the region fighting off the Houthi rebels. This push back will be harsh too, so expect more naval battles and more drone attacks.  I would put the time frame around 2027 for things to go to a higher level. This drone warfare is pretty much boys and their toys at present, every kid has them and want to use them. This to the great pearl of ordinary human beings that have nothing to do with conflict. 

Food prices in April in the UK and Europe come under more scrutiny. I feel a scandal over price gouging is in the pipeline, similar to what has happened in Australia. But prices will rise regardless due to different factors as well as greed. People need to be a lot more savvy when shopping buy buying non perishable foods and drains,  especially rice and past must become part of the way to stretch meals further. Eating habits must change to adapt to having less money. Go back to the early 1950's for recipes ad reinvent some with a modern twist using chili, garlic and other spices. 

New women's fashions of this spring will have a 1980's feel to them but revamped. The 80's were great fun in fashion, just ditch the big shoulder pads. 

Well there we go the card of the month is done for the next few weeks. I want to wish those that celebrate Easter next weekend a lovely snuggly Easter and those that have different celebrations a wonderful happy time too.  I just do the chocolate thing and enjoy the season 's flowers. Any excuse to stuff my face and I am there, lol.

Warm and fuzzy hugs and please pray for those  that are suffering right now, whether in a war, homelessness, illness, poverty or loneliness etc . Please also pray for all of the animals that suffer because of humanity. We can learn so much from the gentleness in nature. 

This year is about deception as stated in my  psychic predictions for the world in 2024


UPDATE: 6.40pm 24/3/24, I just saw this come up in the news just now. Logging in Tasmania


Saudi Arabia picked for women’s rights by the UN


https://english.aawsat.com/business/4782971-saudi-arabia-sends-high-ranking-delegation-world-economic-forum-annual-meeting    Switzerland , WEF DAVOS 

Iran launches missiles and drones on Israel  12/4/24


80’s fashion trends for spring 2024


Sounds like a disaster if you ask me, more like a circus than anything else. 

BOJO back in the media 


BOJO in Venezuela


UPDATE: Ecuador in a state of terror 


Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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