16 March, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 2, March 2024


With question 6, all people born in the 1950’s to the 1970’s have Uranus, "the awakener" in their Astrology charts. No, it does not mean that we are all evolved spirits or we would not be here. That comes down to the individual's birth chart and time of your birth. We are all unique however the planet  Uranus is a generational thing and is futuristic and humanitarian oriented, it covers the following, science, technology, UFO/UAPinventions, astrology, the occult, light (the false light of Lucifer), originality. It  is  intellectual, eccentric and bohemian. It rules x-rays, airplanes, insight into nature's laws. Uranus governs, free will, sudden change which is often sudden, unexpected and violent.  It governs individuality, utopian ideas, dictators and revolution. 

Uranus is a breaker of tradition , it is genderless and neutral and has a 84 year cycle.Where you find Uranus in your chart is where you tend to do the unusual. In anatomy it rules the higher nervous system.  body electricity and the ankles.

Uranus rules the 11th house of the zodiac and the sign of Aquarius.The 11th house covers hopes and wishes, friends, circumstances beyond your control, and love received. The 11th house is a fixed sign house and is one of the houses of relationships. 

Also the 9th house of the zodiac, which is the third house of life will also play a role in spiritual development and awakening depending on what planets are in the 9th house at your birth and what angles and aspects to other planets and houses in your chart. The 12 house is also a major part of spiritual development. 

Jupiter is responsible for spirituality in Western astrology

The 12 th house also is the most spiritual of the 12 houses, ruled by pisces and the planet Neptune, Neptune rules spirituality. It is also the house of limitations, frustrations, hidden strength and the subconscious mind. The 12th house is also a mutable house meaning that it gets on with others easily. 

I highly recommend buying the first volume of , The only way to learn astrology , by Marion March and Joan McEvers. It is very easy to understand and it can shed a little light on things about yourself. 

Major nation’s postal service to stop delivering letters
