20 March, 2024

WES PENRE: Q and A Session 3 March 2024


I have never had a fear of death personally because it is only a transition from one state of existence to another. But the physical and non physical worlds are both thought reactive and your subconscious can affect your experience in many ways. Think of the expression, "what you think is". Humans are creator beings, so we must learn to control our thoughts lest we create that thought, whether in the physical world or in the non physical world. It is energy in motion (emotion) and this is a very powerful energy.

Just remember that this world is a duality and a very heavy low energy vibration. Currently we are on a heavy down swing which can be seen from not just a spiritual perspective but also a n astrological one, as well as an observational perspective in the current reality that we are dwelling in. 

I won't get into the conversation on Tartaria.  My intuition tells me it is something akin to the flat Earth stuff. I am not interested in any of that, to be frank. I have more important things on my mind. 

Question 4 21 day reprogramming. I have not looked into this, but I do my own thing spiritually. I do not get into any mumbo jumbo. I would look into where your North Node of the Moon and South Node of the Moon are in your birth chart to see how your life is functioning and have a proper astrological chart done by a professional astrologer. That is usually about 41 pages  of detailed reading., use that to guide you as well as your own intuition as a starting point to understanding yourself and dealing with life's challenges. 

One must have a strong sense of self first and foremost, and avoid negative people. These people push your buttons in a negative way, so they are not harmonious to be around. I have removed many negative people  from my life and life is a little easier, other than health issues with my husband. I put my focus into what I am dealing with right now and other things come later. Prioritise your life to flow easier as best you can , depending on your life's circumstances. Only you can decide that, however dealing with trauma, you will need a psychologist and an alternative healer that is properly qualified in assisting in healing trauma. Do not use NLP or Hypnosis, especially if you have neptune in your 8th house in your natal astrology chart. This can be harmful as these individuals are very vulnerable to suggestion.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...