04 March, 2024

Home from hospital

 Today I was so happy to have my husband back home from hospital, it’s been a long few days with all sorts of issues happening. He is not 100% yet because he must have surgery, this will take a bit of planning because it is a complicated procedure due to his other health factors. 

So it’s now being put on an urgent waiting list,  as his condition is deemed “no longer life threatening”. Delightful to hear, yet how long that waiting will be remains to be seen. The care he has been given was mostly excellent, yet understandably there are some frustrations due to shortages in hospitals these days that are beyond one’s control and we must just accept that fact. So here is hoping that the surgery is not too far away and it goes smoothly when the time comes. 

I am just so grateful that he is home and resting, our dear little Ruby, our Jack Russell is over the moon that daddy is home. She too has missed her other favourite human. Hopefully now we can have a belated 60th birthday celebration at some stage over the coming days. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs everyone

Update: Here we are on 19 March and my husband is still unwell and bedridden, having lost a significant amount of weight and muscle mass. He can barely eat, but one good thing is some of his blood tests are moving in a positive direction, slowly but steadily. I knew that it was going to be at least May before we see some positive results. Having had his gallbladder and kidneys damaged by other health issues has made life extremely challenging. The doctors are pondering whether to remove the gallbladder or not, meantime his health is not improving. 

His other health problems including multiple abdominal surgeries make removing the gallbladder dangerous, yet with the gallbladder being blocked and unable to function properly puts his life in jeopardy. Clearly a decision must be made soon before things take a turn for the worse. We are acutely aware that surgery is potentially dangerous for him, but what is the option when faced with the current circumstances. 

UPDATE 2 April 

Well hubby is still unwell, his rapid weight loss has stabilised however his intestines keep twisting and pinching, blocking the digestive tract. I don’t think that this will be able to be resolved by surgery as it is such a high risk situation due to multiple abdominal surgeries over the years. This reduces the structural integrity of the abdominal cavity. 

Meanwhile food keeps gets trapped in an intestinal pocket and rots, eventually it is brought back up the digestive tract which is extremely painful and causes bruising to his insides. Still no word from the hospital after the family doctor has sent two urgent requests for my husband to be seen asap. I do feel the life threatening situation has passed though, but that may not stay this way. Given how quickly his health can take a bad turn unexpectedly. 

Major nation’s postal service to stop delivering letters
