28 March, 2024

Christina Applegate reveals she has 30 lesions on her brain due to battle with Multiple Schlerosis


 My heart goes out to people who suffer from any illness or disability, I hope Christina manages to get some good quality of life in the future ,like many sufferers of this debilitating illness. It is down to how much money is spent on researching though, and that researching takes many years of hard work. Unfortunately anything connected to our autoimmune system is notoriously very difficult or impossible to cure.

My husband lost his best friend to MS  at the age of 28, both of them had been battling life threatening illnesses at the same time. There wasn’t any remission for my husband's friend, it was only 6 months from the diagnosis to his death. Yet many people are lucky to go into remission or the condition runs slowly for years before the person dies. It’s the luck of the draw really. If you can call it that, because it is still a misery to suffer from any illness or disease that eventually claims you life.

 One thing that MS can  be mistaken for before the person is diagnosed is they can appear to look or sound drunk. Slurred speech and poor balance is often missed as the vital clue at the first onset of the disease. If you have these symptoms or anything that is a bit off, please go to a doctor and get checked out immediately. It may not be MS, but it could be any number of things, so when in doubt check it out, is the golden rule. 

Leaving aside this tragic situation for a moment, in assisting your health care, both iridology and astrology are interesting factors to consider. The iris is like a map of the human body where a trained professional iridologist can pinpoint your potential for illness as does astrology. I often went to naturopaths when I was young and, my pregnancies were detected by iridology, as well as other health issues that I had.

I already knew that I was pregnant at both times but had not disclosed that until after the iridologist mentioned it. Another time I was warned by a female iridologist about the potential for becoming diabetic and to alter my diet. Diabetes runs in both sides of my family and the lady doing iridology knew nothing about my family history. She didn't need to because the information is in the iris which is pointed out to the client with a colour photograph of your eyes.   

I keep an iridology chart in my office as a reference tool for general knowledge, because it is a fascinating subject. Iridology has been around for centuries and is a vital tool in natural medicine, which should be considered by conventional medicine as a reliable source of information when diagnosing diseases. You can watch the illness progression from the iris.The upper part of the iris relates to the head, brain and upper body region and the lower part, the lower part of the body. However it is not as simple as it sounds, it is complex.

It may help speed up diagnosing diseases and illnesses, thus improving the chances of survival for many people. A combination of natural and conventional medicine is a great asset in treating health issues. Nothing by itself is perfect but a combination of diagnosis and treatments is much more effective, as well as an open mind with the ability to think outside the box. This is a possible key element in health care that may save more lives due to early detection of illness. 

In the near future light therapy will become mainstream as a mode of health care using different colours of light and frequencies. The health system around the world is going to go through phenomenal changes in our lifetimes  and must change with the times. I pray for a world where we can eliminate illness but we know such a thing is a long way off if ever it happens.  

UPDATE: 27/12/24, I mentioned blue light therapy in this post from 14/9/2022. I didn’t know anything about light therapy when I posted the original post, it was intuitive only. I have no idea what the blue light is for but expect it is to work on the throat and head chakras, blue is a healing colour aligned to the heart chakra too. There is blue in the aura  too , so this blue light may work with the blues spectrum in the auric field. The light therapy will work on the aura or etheric field because all illnesses start in our etheric field. 


Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...