17 April, 2021

Wes Penre: Video 252, The Antediluvian Aryan race and the world beneath part6


Every time Wes posts something I always know it’s coming, lol. Two nights running this weekend lol.How freaky that I just sense Wes is posting an article or video. 

Below is another article he has posted, please keep an open mind on this. In the comments section Wes has posted a link about inflammation and blood clots. Please read that, and bear in mind what I wrote last October about the crisis and to be careful. Now it is coming home to roost!


Carbonised Herculaneum papyrus reveals burial place of Plato

  https://www.heritagedaily.com/2024/04/carbonised-herculaneum-papyrus-reveals-burial-place-of-plato/15174 Very interesting article about Pl...