06 April, 2021

Reminder: Heads up, this is a duplicate blog I no longer post on my old one

Just a reminder/ heads up notice to let people know that this blog replaces my old one http://alexfulfordclairvoyantmedium.blogspot.com/  I no longer post anything on the old blog since February 2021. 

The old blog will not be deleted, it will just be left as is. This new blog has everything labelled or tagged on the right hand side below TOTAL PAGE VIEWS. It is much easier to find articles and blog posts. Everything that is transferred is in chronological order, apart from the very odd ones that I accidentally missed. I have the original post dates with the articles and the blog link that clearly show when the article such as predictions were originally done.

Please take the time to go through the labels individually. I feel the old blog prevented people finding articles as I didn't know how to label or tag when that blog started. Big learning curve for me, lol. The Virgo side of me just loves organising and labelling  things for ease of use.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...