04 January, 2022

PerthNow: Coronavirus crisis: Huge blunder as Covax Australia loses test swabs amid record cases in Queensland


https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/queensland-made-rapid-antigen-tests-going-to-us-until-midyear-20211229-p59kny.html  Read the comments in this article. 

Looks like Australia is having a string of disasters with the whole covid fiasco. We can see there is absolutely no control over this virus now. The screw up is letting infected people come into the country in the first place. It makes me feel it is all by design, because no normal thinking government could be this careless or stupid. First it was Delta and then Omicron, after the government was pressured on opening the borders ( eh, who is in charge here, the government or morons?) and I don’t feel these two outbreaks were accidental.

Australia was doing well until this screw up. But someone outside of Australia wants us in the same state as the rest of the world. Our government was doing so well up until then. But I feel someone has a vested financial interest in spreading this to the entire world, making sure that Australians were dragged into this. I said right at the start in 2020; this is a bioweapon; however I have no intentions of going on about any of this because it angers me; and I don’t need that hassle thanks. https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-04-01-covid-vaccines-used-in-worlds-biggest-genocide.html

I will invest my energy elsewhere as there is nothing good to be gained here. Distressing situations scatter a psychic person’s energy and I need to stay focused for clients. 

Please don’t stress over this whole situation, there is nothing anyone can do other than, social distancing, masks and hygiene. Keep that hand washing up; and keep taking your vitamins D, C and zinc and transdermal Magnesium chloride. The human body absorbs magnesium through the skin, to take it in tablet form is a waste of money and time. Read up on Google about transdermal use of magnesium chloride.

Talk to a doctor or a pharmacist about your vitamin needs. As you don’t want to overdose on anything. Vitamin C overdose will only give you loose bowels. But many other vitamins and minerals in excess can be harmful.

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