01 December, 2021

A big thank you to everyone that is reading my new blog

 Wow, the stats are starting to improve on my new blog. I would like to thank everyone that stops by to read my blog. I truly appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog.

It is only nine months old and building up a new blog takes time. My old blog had a good amount of traffic. However I suspect that most of the people that read this new blog didn’t know my old blog. 

https://alexfulfordclairvoyantmedium.blogspot.com/. Nothing gets posted on this old blog because I stuffed it up, lol. 

I work in a cafe and this is the one question from customers that shows a complete lack of respect

  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13669581/Liam-LeMercier-cafe-respect-customer.html Hospitality is a tough gig, these people work ...