11 December, 2021

Wes Penre: Video 284 Q and A session 89



In regards to #6 to assist in lifting your vibrational frequency, apart from meditation essential oil’s are very important. In particular Rose and Frankincense. Because Rose essential oils are expensive, they are generally sold in a 3% jojoba oil. Essential oils  have a vibrational frequency as do we; and most things in our reality, even rock. It is energy in motion remember, so everything in the universe has a frequency and mathematics also makes up our universe and our reality. 

Google the megahertz of essential oils and you will see many websites complete with little charts showing the oil and it’s frequency. This is something that the ancient metaphysicians knew thousands of years ago. But this knowledge was not for the masses. The masses were and still are seen by these individuals as unclean, profane and uneducated. So knowledge was in the hands of the priest classes and those that were members of cults such as the Cult of Isis. 

Our bodies and brains have their individual vibrational frequency too. Hence the use of the essential oils for lifting our energy higher, which is usually done for communicating with spiritual beings. The ancients used the oils to communicate with “god”. 

Vibrational frequency of essential oils; Rose 320 MHz , Frankincense 147 MHz. The highest known essential oil frequency is Blue Idaho Spruce which is 520 MHz. 

The human body only vibrates at 60 to 90 MHz due to being locked into the low and negative frequency of the earth in the third dimension. The "god frequency" or "Frequency of the god's" is 963 MHz which activates the pineal gland. Notice the numbers there this is no coincidence and deliberately calculated to this frequency.

You can look through the internet and find a lot of information on this subject matter but it is a very heavy subject and it will blow your mind. I also recommend that people that are really interested , start from the basics and read the entire Wes Penre Papers, watch the videos and also read works from John Lamb Lash, Cameron Day, and old writers such as Connor MacDari, Ignatius Donnelly, E. Valentina Straighten, even some of Anton Parks . There are many more writers of note that I can't recall right now but there are quite a few people of note.  Many writers include biographies and name their sources of information , Wes provides a hell of a lot of  verifiable sources in every chapter or level of learning from where you can go read for yourself. You are your own teacher and student, but the intent and want has to be there to start with.

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