19 March, 2021

Things humans are not very good at, no 1


Lol, try having a cup of tea on your own without a Jack Russell up on your shoulders frantic in case you drink all your tea. That is our Ruby, she is beside herself if anyone is drinking a cup of tea. You must hurry up and give her some.

We think this is a Jack Russell trait, our Sparky used to love tea as well, but he could wait patiently, not like madam minx. 

The teacher pointed at me


Wes Penre: Video 164 another slant on forgiveness


Please listen to this video and keep it in mind what actually occurs in the victims. No two people feel the same way, but you are under no obligation to forgive an abusive person. Morally,speaking, I have never and will never be put in the position of forgiving an abuser. My mother was an overt narcissist and everything was her way or the highway, no one had the guts to stand up to her except me. An extremely destructive individual and she knew exactly what she was doing. 

Such an individual will break you down and make you think it is your fault and in some cases will do the accusations in front of other people; who will be too afraid to defend you. You do not owe either the abuser or enablers any apologies, remember that. 

18 March, 2021

Wes Penre: Video 248 Q and A session 69


The latest Q and A from Wes. To read rather than listen to this click on download.  One thing here that I  remember from looking back at older articles and how forgiveness can also possibly free the archons and others from guilt and accountability. 

Also after reading the Operation Trojan Horse eBook, when they author says the Orion’s are violent, hmm that is not totally accurate, and I see a conflict of information which needs further exploration. 

There are factions involved with the Orion’s as Wes pointed out in one of his papers; I just  can’t remember which one though. I will email him on that and get back to you.

Wes just emailed me (and I assume everyone on his contact list) with this video. Perfect timing yay, go Wes πŸ˜€πŸ‘


I have also posted it on its own in case anyone misses it tacked on here. 

I must email a thank you to Wes for this.

17 March, 2021

Autumn squirrel

 Nature’s beauty, a beautiful little squirrel among the autumn leaves welcomes the change of seasons. 

Thank you readers for looking at my new blog

 Gee I am so happy to see that this blog count is jumping up so fast. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has stopped by to have a look. I hope you have enjoyed reading the posts. I will have  to find some cute pictures to add to the warm and fuzzy stuff 😻🐿🐈 

I don’t want everything on here to be serious, just informative with some humour and interesting things to read. 

16 March, 2021

What if


Like most of us haven't lost our shit already πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†

Second reading on Julia Gillard July 2010



This  reading was also done in July 2010. Both of these readings are what is called absent readings.

The sitter or client is not there. I just think or focus on the person as I shuffle the cards.

Ace of Swords                          The Empress                       9 of Wands
Queen of Cups                           2 of Swords
The World                                The Magician
Queen of Swords                       6 of Swords
8 of Wands                                2 of pentacles
4 of Pentacles                            4 of cups

This lay out signifies a Victory by Julia Gillard, with strong ramifications. She knows how to get what she wants and will use all her skills and abilities to achieve this. Timing was to her advantage to take power from Mr Rudd. Julia uses cool intellect to handle people. She is out to win come what may.

There is a look in her eyes that gives her away. Her opponents need to read her eyes to figure out what is going on within her.  She is not the sort of woman to flinch in dangerous situations.
I feel she is learning how to show warmth. This is not a natural trait in her. She is a very strong woman. A match for her male colleagues. Julia plays her cards close to her chest. Not even Wayne Swan truly knows her thoughts. However she can be manipulated by him.
Julia needs to be on her guard at all times. She is only Prime Minister because Wayne Swan wants her to be. I feel when the time is right Mr Swan will push her out of the hot seat.

Julia won't take this lying down, the gloves will come off. I f eel Tony Abbott is also scheming with some Labor MP's  to bring her down. Dirty tricks are being played on her. She must not take her eye off the ball for one minute. I feel the top Labor men don't like her and are plotting her down fall at present.

I see her split with her partner within 2 years of leaving Parliament. She will buy a property up north of New South Wales where she will write a tell all book. A much older man will enter her life later on.
This man is a very spiritual man. He is a very loving man and the best thing that could happen to her.
He will help her open her heart and she will blossom.

I wish her all the best that life has to offer. Please bear in mind we are all on this Earth to learn lessons. Julia is no different and like many of us alive now is here to heal and to  give and receive love. The best of her life is yet to come.

Prediction on Julia Gillard 2010





I have held off on putting this on my blog but now, I feel the time is right. Looking back at notes written prior to the Australian Elections last year. My husband didn't want me to put this on my blog. I should have just done it anyway. As I proved to be correct, the second part of it is unfolding now anyway. But the best for Julia is yet to come, God willing.

26 July 2010

5 of Wands                 The Magician                                   4 of Swords
6 of Cups                    Judgement                                       Justice
7 of Wands                 9 of Wands                                      The Star
The Moon                   King of Cups
The Chariot                Knight of Cups

Julia is surrounded by a group of people in a discussion. She is quite prepared to take on the role of leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP). However the Moon card shows this is not so.

It is an illusion, The Chariot card is in the position of control going out of her life. All is definitely not as it seems on the surface. The Magician card again shows her as a person who is in" Control", knowing what she is doing. But does she really?

Judgement and the 9 of Swords, next to the Magician tells an other storey. Julia is in a position where she is in the spotlight and, is trapped like a rabbit in the car head lights . There is an opportunity for her to free herself from this situation that she finds herself in. She just needs to step " out of the box"
that she placed herself in to, to think clearly.

There is an older man around her offering her support (Mr Swan?)  I feel that he is actually offering her a poisoned chalice. Is she foolish enough to accept this chalice?

The 4 of Swords indicated lying low in wait for the right time to act. There is definitely a "Magic act "going on here, right in front of the public's eyes. Are they being hypnotized in to falling for this spell that she and her co-horts weave for the Australian people?

Everything is carefully timed and choreographed. Labor will be re-elected, but for how long?
There is an air of deception around the Labor party. Julia won't stay long as Prime Minister. I feel she will be sacrificed publicly, by a dark haired man. A young man with light brown/fair haired,  has been groomed to work hand in hand with this dark haired man. This has all been a long time in the  planning. He will come out of the shadows shortly, when the time is right.

Julia knows and suspects correctly what is going on. She has had her time to shine, as the first female Australian Prime Minister.  I am hearing the words "going down in a blaze of glory"  as I write this.

Part 2

7 of Pentacles                   5 of Swords                          King of Wands
Ace of Cups                     3 of Swords
Knight of Swords             Queen of Cups
6 of Swords                     The Moon
The Chariot                      7 of Swords
The World                        Queen of Swords

At this stage she feels victorious and on top of everything. Nothing can rock her boat.
She is in for the fight of her life with the election campaign. The World card next to the 5 of Swords and the 3 of Swords tell me that she is only going to be in power for a short period of time. The knifes are out now, within the rank and file of the Labor Party.

I feel Julia trusts the wrong people around her. She is quite strong willed and wont listen to others that try to warn her. I feel This dark haired man will betray her. Julia isn't meant to stay as PM. It is only a stop gap, She is filling in for the next phase. The big guns are to step in and then worse is to come.

I have a bad feeling about this change after she leaves this post. I can't say (don't know) what it is but it has a black feeling about it.    She Knows exactly what the score is!!!

Men in dark suits are controlling everything behind the scenes. I feel these are business men that are involved. There is some sort of alliance formed, Julia doesn't have much of a choice in what is really going on. But she is a big girl and has to just roll with the punches. Such is life in politics.

Part 3

Not a good feeling, this is quite a heavy negative spread.
Julia is suffering a loss. When she thought all was in her favour. Julia has very fixed views on how the job should be done. A lot of deep thinking is going on in her head. There is a short term victory here, but this is a false sense of security.  She is in for a battle for leadership leading to betrayal.
Nothing is ever what it seems with Julia!
Plots and counter plots. In the end she cant trust any one. She must be careful on Twitter,  Face book etc, like all pollies.

Please Remember every Human being has free will. This reading was done in July 2010. Much has happened in that time. There are many people involved in the back ground that we are not aware of.
They also affect the situation that Julia is facing.

2013 Prediction for Australia's Leadership




On 4th November, I had a look at the Tarot cards, to see what is in store for Australia in early 2013.

The Australian Labor party leadership in particular. It is no surprise to anyone that things are about to change. It is quite overdue in fact. The rumblings have been going on for the past 12 months.
I stand by my original prediction about Prime Minister Julia Gillard, things will start to move fast from here on in. As I said, back in 2010, she is only a stop gap or caretaker prime minister.
The picture is a lot clearer now to me.  The man set to take on the new role as prime minister has already entered the stage. Everything is set to happen. This  man is a serious person, prone to worry. He may even have anxiety attacks from time to time. This man will toe the party line to a tee. He does not do things by half measures either.
When I did my original reading he had only just entered Federal Politics.  I believe this man to be Bill Shorten.  I feel that there will be a public announcement in the coming weeks. I do not see Julia Gillard staying on as prime minister to the next election. I feel that pressure will be put on her

to step aside, and the big guns will be out. She won't go quietly, either. Some might say it is pay back, be that as it may, be prepared for a new look to our political landscape for 2013.
There are dirty dealings going on as we all know. That is the murky world of politics, Julia knows the score. She knows what is going on and is trying to save her sinking ship.  The big question is now how much of a danger to Australia is Bill Shorten? I feel he will bow to the US and Israel. But this is not good for Australia. 

I personally have no interest in politics, this was just a curiosity issue for me.  I have no interest in the dark energy that these people are surrounded in.  My interests are  mainly spiritual and the betterment of humanity and the beautiful animals of this world. 

Alex nails it again, Turnbull is now Prime Minister of Australia



Well here I am proved correct again. But really who else will they want to be the sledge hammer?
Right at the end of the reading I say, Turnbull will be the next PM. By now I expect people are waking up to the fact that your vote does not mean squat! Elections are all rigged. But this is by passing the ballot box and being in your face, letting you know what is really happening.

Big business pick the leaders, they put the money down to pay for who they want in office. Looks like many will realise that elections are nothing but a dog and pony show. Twice in a row now we have had an "new leader' put into office in Australia. If that ain't a wake up call I don't know what is.

You did not vote Turnbull in to office, nor Gillard the first time around. Do you honestly think  your vote  counts? Wake up and smell the coffee. Gee I am not a political person, but when upstairs tell me something I listen. We are in for a very tough time so lets not fool ourselves. Don't think your money is safe in the bank either. If you can shift it into silver ingots or little gold ingots that would be smart. Those with money to spare buy property. Do what you can to protect what you have or it will be gone soon.

14 March, 2021

The Riotact: Incredible discovery could hold natural key to treating allergies


This is exciting news for us allergy sufferers, I am mucous city 24/7. I have had allergies for years and always carry an allergy spray in my bag and a heap of Kleenex. Some days a 180mg of Telfast doesn’t even touch the allergies, so I use my homeopathic spray on top of the antihistamine, or on the odd occasion take a second Telfast at night if the allergy is really bad. 

I have developed asthma recently too, no family members on either side of my family have that. So I have no idea how I acquired that, lol. My kids have asthma, but I assumed it came from my husband’s side. 

It is not uncommon for older people to develop allergies as they get older. So I guess some of mine are because I am an old fart now 🀣🀣 You know you’re getting old when you just love things like Deep Heat or Denkorub for arthritis. My favourite perfume at night. 

My only worry now is, what if I develop bad taste in clothes and gaudy colours. Hubby assured me he would put a pillow over my face and make it look like an accident 🀣🀣 Might be a good option if my fashion sense goes out the window. You are better being out the world than out of fashion 🀣🀣

The Baby of the Family || ViralHog

OMG! This is one of my favourite kitten videos. I never get sick of watching this. I love ginger kitties, they remind me of our baby Garfield.

Code brown


 Anyone with fibromyalgia will know this experience! 

Heads up reminder: This is a new duplicated blog


Just reminding readers again that this is my replacement blog to my old one. I no longer post on my old blog  http://alexfulfordclairvoyantmedium.blogspot.com/

For a month or two I will post a reminder or note for new readers that this is a duplicate. All my psychic predictions, articles etc are now on this blog under categories for easy reading. 

13 March, 2021

Quokkas throw their babies at predators to escape, and other Australian animal 'myths'


Here ya go, some fun facts from the animal world πŸ¨πŸΈπŸ¦˜πŸ¦‹ Not one mention of drop bears ha ha ha!

Historic locomotive 3801 makes historic comeback in Sydney


All aboard the Choo Choo train 😻 there is something wonderful about these lovely old trains. I have always loved the old steam trains. As a child I lived near railways and enjoyed seeing trains. In my mid teens there was an old railway bridge near the house that I lived in near Edinburgh. My friends and I used to love standing on the bridge like the railway children in the novel, and we would wave to the train drivers. They would wave back and toot the horn. 

Even now my friends and I chat on line about those days, full of innocence and fun. I hope many kids today get the chance to have a ride on one of these old trains and enjoy the simple pleasure of waving to the train drivers like kids used to do year ago.

There are railway museums around the country to visit, and they do train rides often, so have a look on the internet to see where one of the historic railways are near you. Last year my husband and I were booked on one of these trains but Covid struck and it was cancelled, but not to worry they will be back soon and we will have our train ride. πŸš‚πŸš‚

PDF Operation Trojan Horse by J A Keel


If the top link doesn't work try this one below


I posted this on the Wes Penre post video 247 on 11 March 2021 as part of something else. I started to read this and felt that it needs to be shared , not so much as for the UFO stuff, but what he says in conjunction to this phenomenon. For those that follow this dark subject; heed my warning as well as Mr Keel's warning. 

If you read this please keep an open mind. But I need to draw your attention to the warnings in this book.

The Trojan Horse comes in many forms as you will discover when reading, BUT, I need to direct you  to The Cosmic Joker, the chapter when he mentions Malcom X and the harbinger of doom that visited him in prison. Look at pages 196/197 onwards. These are very serious warnings; that I have made in posts myself in regards to the Metaphysical world and the dangers, such as spells, magic, trance mediumship etc. DON'T DO IT!

I know of people that have lost all that was dear to them also, such as the family being split by divorce and other unhappy domestic situations and each individual case was due to esoteric stuff but especially channelling and in particular ET's, supposed guides and the usual stuff that I warn against.

How much do you value your life and your mental health? Because that is what you are staring down the barrel of. No if's or butt's. No matter how many people I have told not to do this and they still do. Hell mend you!  as we Scots say, you were warned and cannot say you weren't warned. This boils down to the individuals ego. The damage that could be done is irreparable as is the suffering.

Remember( look at my old blog for this) I was warned at a trance mediumship class to stay away from UFO stuff? Not just that being coerced several times into going on the trance mediumship against my better judgement (I have always disapproved of trans mediumship) and something very bad happened to me, but not the other person. She didn't want to know when I told her what happened to me either she just laughed in my face, but she kept her distance the rest of the weekend, she knew the score. She set me up for this course by badgering me numerous times saying it will be fun! Fun? For whom? It was not for me and it is something that I will never forgive. But hey; Satan looks after his own, her day will come.

Below is the link to my article on ley lines which is valid when looking into the cosmic joker.


Now after reading this chapter on the cosmic joker, can you see what is really going on? These entities play good cop bad cop for entertainment, not for our benefit and sure as hell not to benefit humanity spiritually. It’s all a con job. 

I would never recommend being a professional psychic or clairvoyant, (we are born with our abilities), I honestly wish that I had never chosen this career path. Yes, I see it as a spiritual calling, but it is a poisonous chalice. There is no money in this job unless you sell your soul, something that I would never do. I am a very grounded person that has no interest in fame and fortune, only a normal life. With good people around me, and animals of course; as I love them very much.

Please be wise and mindful when it comes to spiritual or other worldly matters, because nothing is what it seems and that includes religion. Be warned, be empowered, and be safe. Your actions are the emanations of your thoughts, that is why it is very, very important to practice mindfulness and be very carful of what thoughts you hold, they are often inserts by the cosmic jokers, your job is to know the difference between your thoughts and the jokers thoughts. 

A big clue can be a random thought that enters your mind and may be hard to dislodge. It can be something that is out of character with your personality or something that you know is wrong but you keep getting the urge to say or act on that thought. An example being, saying something that you know will hurt someone; and you deliberately go right ahead and say it. Which in turn can open the proverbial can of worms, and often backfires on you.

You then start to wonder why you acted that way and have terrible regrets. So you can see the danger here and need to be aware of your thoughts, your social filter etc, and think of what the outcome can be to others and yourself before you act impulsively or carelessly.

You don't want to have a trojan horse living rent free in your head. Evict it and keep your guard up by being mindful of your thoughts and actions. 

Wikipedia    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Trojan_Horse_(book)

Denmark suspends AstraZeneca covid shots after blood clot reports


Wow, not good. Hopefully there will be a better dose that prevents nasty side effects. This is part of my world psychic predictions for 2021.

11 March, 2021

Cute picture of the day


I just adore squirrels 

Summer in the Northern hemisphere might take up half the year by 2100


What a crock, how about going back to school and relearning science, the planet and the universe work on cycles of varying lengths. The word Might, is not your get out of jail free card when writing garbage like this. It just shows a political agenda when writing this article, ignoring the fact of solid scientific data that confirms thousands of years cycles from the actual environment, core samples of the earth from many areas of the planet, over thousands of years, that show the duration of weather cycles and how often they cycles repeat. 

Note the handpicked  woefully inadequate time frame within the twentieth and twenty-first  centuries, to push this bullshit onto the masses. How about actually reading unedited proper scientific evidence that actually covers thousands of years, Christ on a bike, even a kid’s encyclopaedia that is pre-climate change could inform people about real weather cycles.

How many people actually still have legitimate science books in their homes that debunk this garbage? Smart people hang on to these books, and know that this is a political agenda. The whole Bullshit will eventually collapse and the real facts will come out. 

I just hope all those involved in this climate hoax will be sued and prosecuted for this outrage. I hope that  scientists will not be gagged much longer or have their careers destroyed by an evil political agenda such as this.

Remember the age of Aquarius is a revealer  of that which is hidden, liar liar pants on fire! 




 This link is the written format

Wes comments on information being removed from the internet, however there is a website with books and articles that I have on my original blog, and I have put the link in here   https://www.unicusmagazine.com/THE_WHOLE_TRUTH_Page3.htm  I cannot vouch for any of the truth or accuracy to any of the books, nor do I approve of many of these books. 


This is my 2019 blog post

Avalon Library , Michael Salla


http://galaksija.info/literatura/jk_oth.pdf  Operation Trojan Horse

This UFO Book mentions sightings ongoing for centuries, but my ears pricked up when he mentioned the Orion’s as being the bad guys. Wes Penre says a faction of them are bad and a faction are the good guys. 

Personally I don’t trust any of them as it is all picking a team and I for one won’t be drawn to either side. I think they all are untrustworthy. Too many games being played and we are being set up. There is no real truths to this unless we are free spiritually and not trapped in this reincarnation cycle of control.

Please read the part about Malcolm X and his harbinger of death, (page 196). This part in the book I would say in very interesting and should be noted for the warnings. 

I have seen such beings in black in the house next door years ago. You will find information on that in my article Lay lines and inter dimensional beings. These beings are always angry too. Please read the full chapter called Cosmic Jokers, it is a brutal eye opener. As I have said in other posts, had I known back when I started my career what I know now, I wouldn’t be doing this work. I strongly don’t recommend this as a career path. Just because you have these abilities, doesn’t mean that you are obligated to use them. It very rarely works out in the individual’s favour. Speaking from years of suffering myself.

10 March, 2021

NSW police fulfil a sweet and simple last wish for Newcastle woman Rita Meredith


Heartwarming story of a former mounted police woman and her last request, so glad that her wish was granted 

Scientists discover Neanderthal skeleton that hints at flower burial


Ah yet again the assumption that Neanderthals were not civilised (comparing them to our ancestors that is). Of course they were a compatible race to homosapien sapiens otherwise no interbreeding would have taken place. All humanoid beings have an inbuilt belief in the afterlife and spirit. I am no scientist but intuition tells me that all humanoids are alike when it comes to life, death and spiritually.

Even animals are sentient beings that have an understanding of death and spirit. I would venture to say that Neanderthals would have also been intuitive. 

https://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/genetics/ancient-dna-and-neanderthals/dna-genotypes-and-phenotypes Check this out, evidence of Neanderthals had O blood group.O negative being the psychic blood line. Most royalties on the planet are O negative. 

ANZAC Day March gets a capacity boost for Sydney commemorations


The ANZAC legend lives on in 2021, after the ANZAC Day parade being cancelled last year for the first time ever, we have permission to celebrate this year. Let’s hope we never see it canceled ever again, no matter what reason.

Remember to scroll down

 Not sure if people have realised this is a scroll down blog. All the articles are on the right hand side of the blog. You will notice the " Blog Archive", then  "About Me", scroll down further and you will see more Labels.

 So you can go right to the subject matter such as Psychic predictions by the year or month, Psychic experiences, Humour etc.

Happy hunting peeps


09 March, 2021

Olive King


  This link above is to the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, they have a fantastic book shop too by the way.


I read Olive King’s biography many years ago, it was a fantastic read and shows the bravery of women during war. WW 1 was a major game changer for women, in the past army wives followed their husbands in to the war,  but doing domestic chores such as laundry and feeding the men. 

They would see horrific things; but along came the modern warfare of the First World War and everything changed. I highly recommend reading any books on the First World War, biographies and first person experiences. 

https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/king-sir-george-eccles-kelso-6957 This is Olive King's father.

Australia is still a relatively young nation by comparison to other nations, however we sure have produces some very interesting and brave  individuals. 

08 March, 2021

Looking at the stats for this new blog

 I checked out my stats for this new blog, most have come in via Facebook or my old blog. However Australia is the top of the stats, where it has always been the US that was the highest viewership. Second is Portugal at present, with the US fourth. 

Normally Australia is in about fourth place and that covers all time with my old blog. Anyway it is very early days and I am not really worried about my stats. I just enjoy sharing things on my blog.

As long as people get something nice out of it that’s great. That is what it is all about really sharing information and corny humour. 

Have a good weekend peeps 

07 March, 2021

The Igigi or Angels

 NOTE: Originally posted in 2017

According to the Wes Penre Papers ”A Journey through the Multiverse", Level One; on page 239, the Igigi were a race of beings that colonized
Mars thousands of years ago and also had a strong presence on earth. Wes believes these beings to be what we call angels, which means god's helpers.

If you recall in the Christian bible; it says angels are god's servants and, do not thank them. One must thank god only (En-Ki/Lucifer, is the god of earth as clearly stated in the bible). I also feel the blue opalescent beings such as the ones in the above image are the supposed angelic beings.

I have seen blue opalescent beings many times; they do not show their faces ever.  I have  these beings in my house often, sometimes standing near my bed at night time. On one occasion when one of  my nephew’s was small; he came to visit with his parents and standing right next to him as he sat at the dinner table, was  a supposed angelic being. It was exactly the same as the other blue opalescent beings that I have seen many times; and whom many people have written about.

Generally they do not communicate with me; they seem to just watch the people that they appear next to. I do not feel these are spirit guides, otherwise I would be told so.

One very interesting experience during a reading that I will never forget was; the client’s father appeared in spirit; and started to show me the birth of his grandchild. This was to let his daughter know that he knew of the birth. To my astonishment I was allowed to witness the “soul bearers” assisting a soul going into the body of a new baby at the time of the birth. These beings were also the same opalescent beings but with a white shimmer to them.

How I know what these beings are, is a strong feeling, Clair-cognizance which suddenly comes over me when the being appears.  But why would any being hide its face or disguise itself? To me, that says there is something else going on. Something I do not like nor trust.

A benevolent being such as a loved one will not generally use a disguise; they show you exactly how they look as you knew them in life. On the odd occasion; though they too will put up a white column of light around themselves, however I don’t know why they would do this. 

I have seen this done by loved ones in spirit, for my clients. My mother has also done this when working with my father; when he was working as a spiritual healer; during public displays of spiritual healing. People would comment to him about seeing a pillar or column of white light next to him. To which he would say that is my wife working with me.  

The reason the spirit gives me usually is; it’s a surprise for the client. I don’t think that is necessary and just becomes a distraction to their purpose of being there. Why do they feel the need for the disguise? If they are honest and well intentioned beings, then no disguise should be necessary.

It is your right to insist that any being shows you exactly what they look like, so do insist on this. This is for your own good and welfare, please remember that. If the being refuses to do so; then you must tell it to leave you alone. It clearly does not come in peace.

I have sat in psychic development groups and meditation circles over the years and these blue opalescent beings have turned up. The last time that I took part in a meditation circle these beings manifested again.

These opalescent beings stood right behind everyone in the group except me. That was because I refused to have them near me. There were more of these beings in the middle of the circle too. As they came closer, I warned them to leave me alone; and told them I knew who they were and do not touch me or take my energy.

As they moved to each member in the group, it looked like they were manipulating the consciousness of everyone taking part in the meditation. I do not call this benevolent; I call it interfering with divine beings. Many of the people have no idea either about the free will factor and whom they are really dealing with. They just innocently go along with the exercise honestly believing that these beings are there; out of pure and unconditional love. I must point out too most of the people cannot even perceive these beings being present.

After the meditation was over I informed everyone including the person running the circle. The people were stunned at what I told them, however the person running the circle just smiled and made no comment, clearly not aware of what this actually meant, or the ramifications of such things.

I do not think these general meditations offer anything of true spiritual value.  That wisdom comes from going deep within one’s self, connecting only to ones higher self in complete safety. You do not need to be part of a circle. This is about energy, your energy and you must protect that which is yours.  I also feel that a Clairvoyant person needs to witness what goes on at all psychic gatherings and really needs to be aware; of whom the supposed spirit beings are. This should be done as a public safety measure with a duty of care for all who participate.

 One must use the correct psychic protection prior to commencing such an exercise too. By gold lighting (which is the highest of spiritual protection) the room and yourself, before and after the exercise to make sure you stay cleansed and protected and that nothing comes in to the room that should not be there, nor attaches to you.  

It is important to know, we humans are divine spiritual beings; with the essence of the divine within us. Most of humanity has forgotten this fact. This is because the truth has been removed from their consciousness deliberately by religion and other ways to separate us from the true divine.

So who are these supposed angelic beings and blue opalescent beings? One strong theory is they are the Nephilim or the shining ones; this may also be who the Igigi are. They are mentioned in ancient texts pointed out at the start of this article.

They do have an agenda or they would not be here and to think otherwise could be naive. They most certainly know the laws of the universe and laws regarding duality and how to manipulate them.  Humanity clearly does not.

What I do suspect about these blue opalescent beings is, they could be avatar bodies or light bodies; used by other beings for any number of reasons and not just nano travel. They all look identical with no distinguishing features or markings.

Cosmic Law:

We are told cosmic law or universal law must be adhered to at all times or we and any other star /spirit beings will be held accountable, should they break this law.

Who actually dictates how cosmic law is to function?  Is it the Nephilim or another race like the Annunaki?

 I doubt it was benevolent beings with the highest intentions of pure and unconditional love. Otherwise we would not be locked into the low vibrational frequency of the third dimension with war, poverty, suffering etc, in a never ending cycle for our energy to be harvested by evil intentioned beings.

Free will has been used for millennia to excuse evil existing in our world also. Many believe this was done by intelligent design with one single purpose in mind.

The Earth is a living library for the whole universe to use peacefully, and to learn from. Humans are the rightful custodians of the Earth. That is something I understood as a very small child, It again was a “knowing”.

It is a well documented fact that human consciousness has been hijacked thousands of years ago. How to take back our power and our true spiritual consciousness seems to depend on the individual waking up from the induced state that we currently have existed in for thousands of years.

We need to go back in to the past for the answers to set our souls free, but that is only the beginning of the new journey that each individual soul must make when they are ready.

 It is important to research continuously for good sound information. This is not an area to be taken lightly. It requires dedication to your beliefs and an open mind; which must be flexible.




In the above link, the Pope is admitting Lucifer is the god of Earth. In order to not break cosmic law one must declare the truth and intentions to everyone. There is no rule that says this cannot be obscured though, as long as the information is disclosed that’s all that matters.

Copyright © Alex Fulford 18 April 2017


Blue vapor entities, entity attachments, Igigi? It is possible for these to be one and the same. If so they are in no way benevolent.

Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results



Very interesting stuff here. This is an awkward moment for mainstream science yet again, lol.
Must be a real hassle getting a hat to fit these days LOL.

The Hutchison Effect, The Mahabharata, and Acoustic Levitation


This sure answers many of the questions on the pyramids and other giant structures world wide. We did have very advanced races helping us  thousands of years ago. The truth is hidden from us, but it is being returned to us now by our own thoughts and hard work. There is nothing new in the universe, every thing  goes in cycles, as that is the true nature of all things. 

Originally posted in 2014

Glutathione: The Great Protector


Share this please, you might help save a life.

Mithras/ Mithra


Mithras, the Solar deity was a god that was worshipped around three and a half thousand years ago, throughout Rome, the Roman Empire and Persia.
He was an astrologically based god. Mithras was known under variations of his name. Such as Mithra, Mitra, Itu,Mitu. Under some names, Mithras was worshipped for thousands of years. In a nut shell though, This god is the Sun. The same as many gods of our planet over thousands of years. Same horse, different jockey. The Judeo-Christian hierarchy then usurped this god and used the Sun/ Mithras or call him what you will, to be their "God". They then brought a reign of terror down  all others that did not follow their rule. Rehashed we know the sun in Christianity, as Jesus Christ.

Even to modern times, Mithras is popping up in the RWS Tarot cards. If you look at the Ace of Cups, you will see an M on the cup.  It is written upside down, for some obscure reason. Nothing like been hidden in plain sight.
But why was it not identified by A E Waite?  I have spoken to many about the M on the Ace of Cups, including writers of Tarot books, no one has a definite answer one way or the other. It has been left open for a reason. Unlike other symbols in the Tarot cards.

This God Mithras also was depicted with a lamb, just like Jesus. You have to ask yourself, being a person of the 21st century, how much longer are we going to go on believing in Zodiac signs as gods? Astrology is very important and not to be taken lightly. The ancient people of this Earth knew the truth. They had a healthy understanding of Atro-theology. They lived in harmony with nature and were better adjusted mentally than most people are today. The reason being, they did not have their minds corrupted by the evil religious leaders of the modern world, that being from bible times to the present time. There was no need to fear "God", they knew the truth and were spiritually aware. Far more aware, that the masses are today.

The 12 signs of the zodiac,( well actually there are 13 of them, Ophiuchus:
which sits after Scorpio) are the disciples that we know of in Christianity.
Over the past 2 hundred years many good researchers have had their good names tarnished and their work ridiculed by the Church Inc, for speaking out. For the simple reason that they would be unemployed and lose millions of dollars in revenue should the truth come out. Not to mention all the millions of lives taken by them to keep the masses under control.

If the masses would only read up, on the whole truth, they would be sickened by what has actually taken place, with their consent over the past two thousand years. Now we reach the new age of Aquarius, where these evil controllers of our world have known for Milena that the truth will come out. They know that their reign of terror must come to an end. It is written in the stars. And this is why the church forbid people to read, to be educated and to study the stars. The stars reveal the truth, as it was meant it to be from the very beginning. Instead  all the highest ranking church leaders studied astrology to know how to deal with the masses and keep them under control, by saying that astrology is evil and communicating with  spirit is evil and wrong, and insisted that we only communicate with god through them. Gee, Who died and made the Pope king? As I have written in the past, every single pope had to study astrology. Now why do you think that is? NO, it is not so that they can" know thy enemy". What a foolish thing to believe, yet that is what they tell the simple masses. Did you know that the church also set about destroying technology and discouraged hygiene too. I kid you not.

You see education, hygiene, spirituality and all that is good for humanity and nature is totally against what these sociopaths want for humanity. They want to corrupt souls. Fear was not part of the ancient ways, love and peace was part of the true spiritual ways. Love of nature, love of humanity as part of nature and spirit. Why would anyone want to destroy something as peaceful and loving as that? To discover all about Mithras and religion in general is going to take you a bit of time. But hey, it sure beats sitting in front of the TV day after day and night after night. What do you have to lose or fear? The truth is what god wants you to have. Our god is not a planet, our God/Goddess is a spiritual entity that is permanently connected to all living souls (us, animals and  all of the planets too!). This link can not and will not be destroyed. They evil ones right at the top of the hierarchy know this, they do not want you to know it. They detest women and the divine goddess too. It is time for humanity to step up and re claim their sovereignty as spiritual beings and live in harmony, love and peace as part of nature as god intended to be.

To help you along the way, please read books by Gerald Massey, Alvin Boyd Kuhn , John Lamb Lash and a list of others as listed in my blog. It will improve your general knowledge and  give you food for thought. You can also get a better understanding of poetry and classical literature such as Shakespeare. Boy there is an other big mystery right there Shakespeare/ Sir Francis Bacon!

Please take the time to read this stuff, you will lose yourself for hours and enjoy the fun of the great mysteries too. I do hope that people do delve into this subject, even if it is only for pleasure. It is so riveting reading this ancient knowledge and will bring about big changes in your lives and your understanding of many things.

Happy reading folks.

As an update to this after reading the Wes Penre papers, I have this entities true name and true nature. I urge  people to self educate and keep updating their knowledge as new things come to light. This is what I do. I am looking through old posts at present adding updates. Nothing stays the same these days nothing is 100% certain in our lives apart from death and taxes as they say.

Mithra or Mithras is non other than the Annunaki serpent clan leader the Lord En-ki or in Gnostic literature Yaldabaoth. He has many names throughout the world.

Copyright © Alex Fulford 22 November 2012

Originally posted on my old blog on 22 November 2012

06 March, 2021

Neil Oliver: There is no longer a political honour code


Actually the world is watching! As a Scottish person living in Australia, I am watching the disintegration of my homeland in absolute disgust. Seeing the situation with Nicola Sturgeon is beyond embarrassing. 

Neil Oliver is very good at summing up what is going on, I would say Scotland is a microcosm of world problems right now. None of the world leaders actually care what the people think. They do what they want or what powerful business men tell them. Social division is rampant all around us at present politically and socially something has to happen to break the stalemate. 

I love the good Scottish honesty from Neil, he is down to earth and unpretentious in an interview. Generally speaking most Scott’s are very down to earth and unpretentious. There is a good saying we have, which I brought my kids up with; tell the truth and shame the Devil. Be honest and no one can call you out on anything. That is my rule in life, honest and unfiltered. I have no time for pretence or BS. 

I wasn’t ready! Right said Fred ; I’m too sexy.

 Ok something different now.

For us oldies out there, remember Right said Fred? I’m too sexy, ( the Fairbrass brothers, Craig and Fred). There were a lot of t shirts out there with this written on them and baby ones with  spoofs, like I’m to sexy for my nappy. Weird  Al Yankovich did a great parody of this with Elmer Fudd. In Australia 2 MMM fm did a great parody too, on the was very popular Doug Mulray show in Sydney back in the early 1990’s.


Good to see young people discovering music of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Music was great back then, Australian music started being noticed overseas too. 

Oh by the way Right said Fred is an expression used in England, I have English in Laws and I often heard my father in law say this. Basically it means,  right let’s get started.  If you watch old British tv shows like Minder from the 1980’s or The Sweeney from the 1970’s, The Bill which ran from the 1980’s through to the late 1990’s, you will pick up funny expressions that are still in use. All very entertaining and amusing tv shows . 

The great reset is a coup by the elite


Of course it’s not a konspiracy, it is happening! The public can’t say they weren’t warned, the information has been in public domain for years, the masses however listen to mainstream news and are being constantly lied to, with the media  making out the public  are socially ignorant and incapable of independent thought as soon as people question anything. News reporters are not innocent, they are wilfully imparting this insult to the public and are condescending towards those that ask questions. Award them no sympathy. 

I also feel people are being manipulated by both sides of the media. Alan Jones is not exactly innocent or short of money himself. Neither are other high profile people in the media; many of whom have the audacity to say we are all in this together.  I feel this is getting people to choose a side. Team A or team B, ( we live in a dualistic reality remember? There are always opposites); there are other options though, instead of controlled opposition. This smells like Freemasonry at it’s best. Both teams win something, but the public are kicked to the kerb as usual; when they are no longer required for an agenda. 

We after all are useful idiots, constantly being manipulated for political gain. We do not benefit from anything. We do get the odd bone to keep us quiet and that is about it. As long as you give your consent to either team, you are following the fateful rules of karma. You can object and disagree with either option, that is what people forget. 

I am actually wondering  what happens to houses that are privately owned by ordinary people, if there is actually any truth in the rumours circulating and hinted at by the UN. No one has outrightly said what will happen to our homes. I think people need to know what is the intention here. If you haven’t any debt and own your own house; How can it be taken from you? Is it actually possible? What about when a person has made a will and intends to leave property to loved ones? Personal items whether they are worth a little money or vast amounts of money, such as jewellery, furnishings, collectable items etc, this is what we need to know. If times are hard people do sell off goods for money, it has always been the way.

Rest assured that these rich bastards will never hand over their assets. Just think about that, what happens to the Queen, Bill Gates, and all the multimillionaires  and multi billionaires assets? You bet they will not be touched, there is no way in hell that would happen. People need to see things in black and white and understand what the full intentions and outcome of this “reset “ is going to be. I would imagine this will happen over a few decades. But we need to see in writing what the full intentions are. Yes it looks like corporate communism, dictated by a few sociopaths. But if the masses stand up, then that can change things without violence.

I have felt this coming for over thirty years and no one would listen, all I can say to those that refuse to listen is, not my circus and not my monkeys; to those that refused to believe me. But here we are, this reset has already started, and  it started long before the media mentioned it. You just haven’t felt the pain yet, but you will. 


 NOTE: This article is taken from my old blog dating back to 2012. I had missed this one when transferring stuff.


Thyroid issues in Celtic people, this is a subject that has sprung into my mind today. Being a Celt, from Scotland, I was wondering if I was predisposed to Fibromyalgia and or Thyroid issues. So I started to google this. I found the names of two Scottish doctors with an interest in this too. Dr Malcolm Maclean and Dr Gordon Skinner. I have put the blurb in the links above into my blog post for others to look at. Lol, no link that I can see to Fibromyalgia.


There is this fact sheet too to have a look at. At present I am making up a  batch of Australian Bush Flower Essences to treat myself for Fibromyalgia. It looks like it will take a while to kick in. But I have to cut out Night shade foods, Tomatoes and Potatoes, rats I eat a lot of them. I love hot chips and crisps/potato chips. This is quite a rude shock to me. Rice is good, so I will replace spuds with rice. Basmati rice is the best to use.

Looks like a double whammy for me. Last winter I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis all through my spine, but the doctor didn't check me for any other problems. I did tell him about the constant pain in my elbows, wrists and hands as well as my hips and knees.
He must have just thought it is all the same. D'oh, I did not tell him that I have chronic fatigue and memory problems too. Every morning I waken up exhausted as if I have not been asleep. I have no energy to move at all. I takes me all my strength to get out of bed at 7am, I just have to get on with it, just like everyone else.   
I did some googling and put two and two together a few months ago, but never went far with it. In a nut shell, I have Fibromyalgia on top of OA. Lovely....not!

Anyyhoo!, I am ready to take this thing on. I have just run out of steam and not got the energy nor the will power to do much at present. But, I am determined to do fix the problem. I do believe that this can be cured. Without man made drugs too. It is not a quick fix though, nothing is  though is it.

I read that 5% of the population have this and mostly women. I do recommend seeing a naturopath or homeopath. Try to find one that works with the Australian Bush Flower Essences too and Russ Tox. I believe that these combined with the right diet will cure this condition.
As I always say do your homework, here is the link for the ABE, they can be sent world wide if you take a good look at the website. You may like to follow them on Facebook too.

NOTE: I had an email from a cousin informing me that both he and his mother also have this condition, and that it can also be triggered by trauma too, such as a car accident. More work needs to de done on this.

Link to the original post


05 March, 2021

Milton Black Astrology report for March 2021


Fourth earthquake struck New Zealand


Update from this morning’s post 

Woo Hoo I am all caught up on my blog transfer

 OMG, OMG... I am finally all caught up with the blog transfer. Now I can slow down. What a giant pain in the bum it has been.

A dreamy garden


Simplifying my garden again, but it is laboriously slow because I don’t like gardening in the hot weather. I am looking at planting  more Amaryllis as I only have a few. My neighbour has a massive display of mixed Amaryllis with Agapanthus in the front yard under shady trees. It looks fantastic, and as a I am trying not to be a slave to gardening I am looking at options for a simple easy care garden that doesn’t require much water and labour. 

Due to getting older and health issues, I need to be ruthless with the garden yet again. Gardening is always a work in progress anyway. I have ordered a heap of Amaryllis to plonk in a patch in my back yard, in an area that gets a lot of sun, but has shady tree branches in the middle of summer. It’s a huge pain in the bum at present. I just wish winter was here already so that I can get set about my tasks. It’s not hard work, just time consuming. I just want to be able to sit in the garden and enjoy it. But a couple of more tasks and hopefully it will be a big weight off my shoulders. 

My ideal garden is a dreamy, whimsical and lush old world looking garden, where I don’t have to do anything, lol. A pipe dream, except I have to prune carpet roses. Carpet roses can really take over if you ignore them. I have been avoiding mine all through summer because I don’t like the heat. I had trimmed my front yard carpet roses last spring, but they have shot up thanks to all the rain this summer. We are in an La Ninia weather cycle, so that means plenty rain after the drought broke this year. 

The garden has gone wild with the rain and humidity, growth is everywhere I look, and so are the chores to do, lol. But I need to be practical and ruthless in keeping the work down in the garden. If I could only get a week of cold weather I would be happy. I would be out there, getting the work done. 

My mass planting of scabiosa, turned into a disaster as it became long and straggly, so I ripped that out a couple of days ago. This is usually a drought hardy flower, but I think the overhanging tree branches made the flowers stretch up for sunlight. So scratch that flower from the list of easy care flowers and plants. I have tones of seed scattered in the garden from the dried heads of the scabiosa flowers. That will be a pain to clear out for sure.

I think it is going to be, agapanthus, roses, seaside daisies and amaryllis, with seasonal daffodils and scented violets in the cooler weather. I still have some bald patches in the backyard to infill too  but it must be tough, no care required and not invasive. 

I still have to get roses out of big stone pots, that I thought would have been done last winter, but time was not on my side, due to numerous other things happening. I might decide to get rid of some completely as I don’t think I have enough garden spots that will be suitable. Still I have had the roses for years, it is not a bad thing if some are gotten rid of. Gone are the days of propagating plants for fun. Downsizing is the thing now. Having said that, I saw some lovely Abutalon plants at a street market a few days ago. I just adore Abutalons. I have two in my back yard and love to see the nectar eating birds hovering around them.

Ain’t nature grand. Just in an average suburban garden, there can be a world of pleasure, observing nature at its finest. Just by planting bird and insect attracting flowers and shrubs; a world of vibrant colour and joy awaits you. Sure it is trial and effort but it is so worth it. To be able to sit with a cup of tea and just watch nature unfold before you. I get so much joy and pleasure in my garden or just looking at it from a chair by the window. 

Knowing contentment comes from my garden and feeling nature around me gives me a sense of joy. I don’t need big fancy holidays overseas. I need nature, I feel grounded and very content with nature.

Vibrant green leaves and flowers make the soul sing, seeing birds and insects like butterflies, bees, ladybugs and dragonflies make it even better. There is harmony and joy in the simple nature of a well planted garden. A garden that makes you feel joyful and wanting to linger that bit longer and lose track of time. That is a good garden, to be savoured as it nourishes the soul. 

Copyright © Alex Fulford 21 February 2021

Sci-Fi Short Film “Slaughterbots” | DUST


Scary implications if it these get into the wrong hands. I saw this video last year sometime, and it popped up again yesterday.

UPDATE: 2023, drones are a big game changer in a terrifying way. Modern warfare is unlike anything most people have thought about. How do civilians protect themselves let alone soldiers? Colossal losses of life at a rapid rate and the sheer terror of war will traumatise humanity for a very long time. A nightmare scenario that needs to be controlled. How far should drones be used in warfare and still protect civilians under the Geneva convention? 

War is a failure of humanity and this world is set up with everything deliberately set against humanity. One single action can entrap and enslave a human being spiritually; and manipulate them into things they never agreed to, nor do they understand the metaphysical realities that result from a single action and why we were really put on this earth. Reincarnation is not in our best interest, it goes against true spiritual principles and values. 

Only through true loving and benevolent gnosis can one reject the evil that humanity has been enslaved in for millennia. By choosing real spiritual gnosis can the individual soul be set free from our earthly tomb. As long as humanity resides in the flesh and on this earth the tears will never end. 🌹πŸͺ·πŸ’œπŸ•―️


NewsWorld First case of H5N8 bird flu in humans


Facebook acting like dictators with news ban W A premier says


You can stick Facebook up your arse Zuckerberg ! No such thing as freedom of speech these days, with dictators like you.  I am getting off Facebook because I am not willing to tolerate this crap. 

If  people have moral values and ethics the only thing to do is stick it to Zuckerberg. This is all about control and I will not tolerate this. You mess with Australia but get in bed with China.... I hope you get fleas Zuckerberg! 

Wes Penre: article 11 The antediluvian aryan race and the world beneath part 3


Don’t forget to scroll down to the bibliography at the end for more information.

AMA president slams nebuliser use at holiday inn after covid quarantine outbreak


I am surprised that the general public were not told about this danger much sooner. Small children and elderly people often use a nebuliser for asthma.

There should be signs up everywhere warning the public in hotels and other places of this  danger. Perhaps constantly advertising on all media; to help people be more aware of the danger. What if you have a compromised immune system and happen to be in quarantine at the same time as an infected person? It is also possible to come in contact with an exposed person like a shift worker or security guard when they are off duty while you are out shopping.

Wes Penre book, Spiritual handbook for the 21st century


This is the new name for  book Beyond 2012, a handbook for a new era. Now in paper format, and some updates.


This is the Synthetic super intelligence eBook in paperback too.

Wes Penre: video 243 Q and A


Question 6 to me is the most important one. This is what I focus on.

Take a look at the link below and follow the links that I added. Notice the date that I posted the article! 


Yoda’s surname finally revealed


The Super Bowl


Calm Koala: Quite a calm koala': marsupial gets behind the wheel after being rescued from Australian freeway


Awww a cute fur ball causes mayhem. If he was so calm he may just have eaten gum leaves, which would have an effect like being stoned. 

Wine tasting

  Hold me back 🀣🀣 That’s me in five minutes 🀣🀣

Eclampsia in the Real Organism: A Paradigm of General Distress Applicable in Infants, Adults, Etc.


I was looking through my iPad at things that I had saved and clicked on a link and started looking through articles and found this. This is a very interesting article and women should read this in regards to becoming pregnant. I was quite ill with morning sickness with my second baby and my body couldn’t handle pregnancy very well all through my three pregnancies. I almost lost my second baby, but did lose my third at  12 weeks just going into the 13th week. 

With the first pregnancy I only had morning sickness from week six to week twelve and it disappeared. My second pregnancy morning sickness started at week six and continued to the day before I was induced. I couldn’t keep any food down.  Bear in mind I was working full time as a social security officer, had a small child and had to be up by 6.00am and drive an hour to work after dropping my baby off at a babysitter. I got home from work close to 7.00pm ate dinner, cleaned up and went to bed. I have never had a normal pregnancy. My first one the placenta was very low, the baby was sitting up high right up to the moment that I was induced. The baby was in distress at the time of his birth and pooped all over the doctor.  I have never seen an old fart move so fast, lol.

Each pregnancy after that had problems, including a cyst in my eye that was caused by hormones and had to be lanced. Not it wasn’t scary like it sounds. But the eye specialist told me it would happen in any further pregnancies. He was right because with the third pregnancy, it came back along with a few other problems.

My great grandmother died of eclampsia giving birth to my grandfather, she was only young. I actually take after that side of the family in looks and personality.  Even though I have never seen her in a photo, I can describe her. Spooky huh? I know that an aunt in my family strongly resembles her too. 

Note: Take into account the push for a vegan diet, do you see the problem after reading this article about the intelligence level of children if they are not being given a proper balanced diet every day? 

A dumbed  down society is not going to rebel against authoritarian rule. A world like ours depends on worker drones and an educated class to rule them. They do not want the masses educated and intelligent or they may rise up. Think communist countries and the poor, they never have a chance to rise up if they are malnourished and working in low paying jobs.



I wonder where they will get the stem cells from. They haven’t disclosed that. Perhaps from aborted foetus, and then grow more. It just feels wrong ethically.

Company aims to produce thousands of humanoid robots in 2021


Creepy as F! I shared an article about Sophia last year but looks like there are going to be thousands of these creepy things coming soon.


Neuralink could begin human trials for brain implants this year


Still think he is a good guy and on humanity’s side ? 🀣🀣 This is an evil abomination and the minute this thing is implanted you are no longer human.

You will find this  man would never allow himself or his loved ones to be “chipped” but is fine with mere nobodies being ‘borged.

Yes you read that right; as in cybernetic organism. Ask yourself what does it do on a spiritual level?  This  is the new race of human beings after all. Such a person can be controlled, programmed and have their emotions void, their reasoning altered etc. Thoughts are backed  up in the cloud and will become part of the hive mind complex. This is not in humanity’s best interests. And people think the sun shines out of his arse! 

Our DNA can already programmed, that is a well known reality already. This is the worst thing that could be done to humanity. Don’t expect there to be condemnation over this, big money is involved here and shareholders don’t care about morality or ethics let alone our souls and spiritually. 

Think Synthetic super intelligence. You will find that eBook in my blog, this is the death knell of humanity, but the way most people behave may be it’s not a bad thing. The lack of true spirituality is almost non existent on our planet as it is. But, this will kill what is left eventually if allowed to happen. 


 This is from 2017


Synthetic super intelligence PDF book

Evil is real don’t be fooled, a Native American traditional (Dine) teaching


I just came across this just now. I can relate to what he says. I stick to a very strict spiritual path.

New Zealand’s Maori women have more to contend with than ordinary sexism


I wish them well in this situation, I pray the wrong will be made right.

Robert Sepehr video , Mystery of the planetary gods


Follow Robert’s videos and follow him on Facebook 

Neil Oliver interview


Listen to this, this is heart-breaking and what the world is turning into. 

Originally posted 4 February 2021

Captain Sir Tom Moore dies


RIP, you did a wonderful service to humanity in your life.

This is why Winnie the Pooh was invented




Please click on the link. This is quite an interesting subject. I have been dying to see his latest information.


This is the video link, but where it says download, that is it all in written format.

Smudge sets the mood for tonight