20 May, 2022

Rare monkeypox outbreak


Here we go again. Oh and a “training exercise”, give me a break with the BS. How did Gates know there were going to be more viruses unless they are pre planned? Let’s play scare the world smoke screen while we do something more evil because no one will be paying attention.  I have lost count of the amount of “training exercises “  which were dry runs for events that actually have happened shortly after the drill. People no longer believe the BS either. One possible trigger for this could have been something put into vaccines, to be honest I don’t know. It is only a guess but we know things have happened to people after the vaccines in some cases.  

Perhaps this is something that will be a non event. Just a little something to keep people stressed. I noticed the mention of a vaccine for this too. They also say that they find it hard to tell the difference between smallpox  and monkeypox. 


There was a paywall up on the Sydney morning herald page, but it said in the headlines, gay/bisexual  men, which made me think back to the old days when AIDS was first reported.


9News, Australia.

More to come on this. https://www.9news.com.au/national/monkeypox-case-identified-in-recently-returned-traveller-to-europe-in-sydney/0598188d-d29a-4af2-8d4d-3d4ae2dcd736

3.59 pm 20/5/22 And here we go, lights, camera action!


Well this didn’t take long to happen in Australia did it? How long before it is “out of control”? This is supposed to be difficult to contract, so they say anyway. A man developed this before landing on 16th May. So how long have the world authorities really known about this before going public? Long enough to let people move around, bear in mind it is very difficult to contract.How long before the WHO want everyone vaccinated? 

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