20 May, 2022

‘I feel your country’s anger’ – why the memorial to Britain’s Covid dead will be set ablaze


An occult ritual, sure why not! The place where this is taking place is on a ley line.  I knew this as I started to read the article, because I can feel it. You could say it is a sort of sacrifice. There is no way on earth that this place wasn’t chosen at random. There is careful planning goes into any ritual to get the energy right.

Don’t expect the real reason for doing this to be made public, we are talking about a sacrifice. He says that it’s nothing to do with spiritual bullshit. How about satanic then?  This is not normal and there is no way it’s normal. It is blatant energy harvesting of thoughts and emotions so this is an energy harvest, but what is the real purpose, because it is not benevolent. Maybe to usher in something the elite want like the Jubilee, who knows. 

UPDATE: 21/5/22


Yeah this could do, but I feel it will be way bigger than this though. I am talking deaths, lots. Remember the London Olympics with the hospital show? That was a ritual, but the time delay doesn't matter because it was already uploaded to human conscience. Then everyone rushed to YouTube and were Googling like crazy. Stage management 101. So lets wait and see what comes from this, Fires are a cleansing and one could say to remove something, Someone or many people so keep an eye out for  mass deaths and the like.

You are dealing with the occult so one needs to think like the occult practitioners to see the intention in the ritual.

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