16 May, 2022

Some Employers In China Are Reportedly Using Astrology To Screen Job Applicants


Just looking for astrological information on line and I came across this article from 2014 and it reminded me of my old public service days. When a group of Librans all worked in the same section our output was so high that our area office kept asking; why when the four of us were working together this happened every time we worked together. We were happy and productive working as a team that knew our job.

When questioned about this by our officer in charge. I told them it's really simple, we are all Libra and Libra people get on well in a group, which the OIC had noticed often. Libra is a star sign for communication and Libras love to be helpful, the number 9 as in the 9th month of the year is also related to communication among other things. Libra is about balance and harmony as well as officialdom, contracts and agreements etc. It is a dual sign so everything must balance, Libra does not like disharmony.


Astrology is a science and was part of the training for astronomy until someone decided to split them to hide the esoteric knowledge. That is common knowledge in esoteric circles and secret societies for centuries. Astrology is difficult subject to study and it takes many years to learn and you need to be good at maths to be able to calculate without using modern software.  


What I do discount is Virgo's being lazy. I am on the cusp of Virgo and Libra and I am certainly not lazy. May be some are but you need to have a full chart done including the year of birth and time of birth, as that works in perfectly with their Chinese year which is most accurate. The Chinese year of birth will tell you along with the star sign if the people are compatible and diligent.

I always told my manager(s) in the public service to put people together that are going to get along with people that they are astrologically suited to work with. The worst thing you can do is put people together that will not get along and one will always want to dominate others. I have seen that happen more times than you can shake a stick at.  In reality most employers don't care, they just want the work done.  If they were smart and savvy they would look into this. Because there certainly is a difference in production.

Many corporate leaders and politicians use astrologers to help with decision making, but very few will admit to that. Many leaders throughout history sought the advice of an astrologer if the were going to war, to choose the best dates for a victorious outcome.  That still happens to this day and that is the reality despite what is said publicly.

I read for people in all walks of life, so I do come in contact with people in the areas of politics , business, media, the arts, law and academia often.   I have people that would drive interstate to see me, professionals in their field looking for guidance. I am not an astrologer but working as a clairvoyant and reading the cards I can pull out the same results. I would most definitely tell a client if I was unable to do this. These days I conduct all my readings remotely as I normally do worldwide for the past 18 years or so. 

One more thing, I just love Suzanne White's book on Chinese astrology and western star signs. If you can get this book you will see the patterns of behaviour and all sorts of fun things including a compatibility chart. It is not just for relationships and looking up stuff on your friends star sign and birth year. You learn about people and you will also see the jobs that people are suited to. Astrology and star signs are a lot of fun but there is a very serious side of it which must be respected.


NOTE: Looking at my stats today, 9 March 2024, I came across this that someone was reading and after studying Astrology part time over the past year, I can see more to the Libra thing. It is the 7th house of the zodiac which rules partnerships of all kinds, including those that one works with It covers public relations, other people, open enemies and marriage. The ruling planet being Mercury, which represents the intellectual urge and avenue of expression. Mercury doesn't just  communication of the spoken word, but also the written word, clerical work, transmission, opinions, reason, dexterity,intellect, opinion and sensory perceptions,. It covers book keeping, secretarial matters. Mercury also covers travel (especially short trips), transportation, trade,  siblings, children, neighbourhoods, emotional capacity and technique. 

Libra the sign that rules the 7th house is co-operative, companionable, peace loving, judicial, diplomatic, sociable, persuasive, refined. It's key phrase is I balance and key word is harmony. 

This information comes from my first level book , The only way to learn Astrology volume 1 by Marion March and Joan McEvers. This is the gold standard of learning Astrology. There are 6 volumes in this collection.  

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