17 May, 2022

Health minister Murphy can’t define what a woman is FFS


Check out his body language, the man asking the question did not go far enough and was way to soft on him.What an utter abomination you are Brendan Murphy! How dare you, you are a controlled creature of the NWO that is so damned obvious. You don’t have the courage nor decency to define a real biological  woman, how does your wife feel about that? You are an absolute disgrace and are unfit to head the department of health or any public role.

Misogyny in your bloody face ladies. You can shove your abomination called political correctness up you rear end. This is blatant hatred of women and motherhood, but it goes way much further that this in reality. But the masses are so bloody brainwashed they will actually accept this.  Silence is agreement and consent in this misogynistic abuse of women and humanity. That means you the public are OK with this  Marxist offensive social engineering when you do not object vocally. Is this what you the public really want for your wives, daughters, grand daughters to be subjected to to please a political agenda? How are you going to look women and girls in the face when you allow this abuse to be forced on us collectively.

The absurd thing is that freedom of speech no longer exists politically or for ordinary people because the masses sit back and let this happen. Democracy you say? Human rights you say? Something that you gave away people. It makes absolutely no difference who you vote for because this is an agenda worldwide and those that try to prevent this are silenced.

I shall sit back and watch the world burn and say not in my damned name, will I accept any of this Marxist Satanic abuse of  biological real women or  humanity. But the rest of you…..sure knock yourselves out.

Let’s not start on the worldwide grooming of children in the education system or the next phase trans humanism.  Lets see how the media will dress that one up to make you accept that agenda. Because that is the straw that will break the camel’s back. 

Please do not think that I am anti gay. I am very supportive of gay people and have family members and friends that I cherish dearly. Many of whom are vocal on the peadophile abuse. Most gay people are vehemently opposed to peadophiles. The majority of pedos are straight men.Just keep the politics out of humanity. I have absolutely no tolerance of the human race being politicised. This is anti human beings and against spirit, which we are first and foremost. This garbage is an attack on the sacred divine feminine. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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