08 June, 2024

Bill Anders: Nasa 'Earthrise' astronaut dies at 90 in plane crash


What a terrible tragedy, he was still flying at 90, wow. I guess he would rather go this was rather than like many people that die in a nursing home suffering from dementia. I think he was very brave to still be flying at his age. 

05 June, 2024

Smudge the cat tells it like it is


                                              Gotta love his sass! 



The world has lost a very funny and much loved man. Loved by all Australians young and old alike for his quick humour. His long battle with cancer is finally over, may he rest in peace.  

                                                 John Blackman, the voice behind  Dickie Knee

              Dickie Knee was just a stick on a polystyrene ball with a wig and hat, and supposed to be naughty schoolboy,

02 June, 2024

A day without a problem is a blessing

 A day without a problem is a blessing. With too much going on in our lives making us stressed and we forget the little things in life that make us happy. Be it a kind word of thanks or a good deed that happens unexpectedly. That is a blessing, no matter how small it is, it’s something nice to uplift the soul. 

Single older women living in converted tiny homes, cabins at caravan parks amid housing crisis


This is something that really bugs me, and it's the frightening reality for more and more people because our lazy Australian government over decades would not keep up with the demand for affordable housing for people on low incomes. This is a national disgrace, as far as I am concerned. Men, women and children are all entitled to affordable health care and a safe warm roof over their heads as a priority. 

The government deliberately buck passed on this housing shortage for over 30 years allowing it to get out of hand, and then taking in too many newcomers at a rate that the government is unable to cope with. We won't see any improvement any time soon either. This situation could happen to your parents or grandparents who are struggling financially after working all their lives and paying their taxes. How fair is that; when you have contributed to the country all your working life? 

Many women do not even have superannuation to support them either, and if they are lucky to get a little casual job to be able to afford food as well as pay their rent and utility bills, that is as far as the money stretches. Not just that older people also have health problems that may affect them working due to chronic pain etc, but force themselves to do part time work just to keep a roof over their heads. I know women in that situation.

Housing must be made a priority for elderly and the disabled, and the housing must be in areas near amenities such as public transport, medical care and shops. Not all elderly people drive, especially women and these realities must be factored in to building new houses and apartments. 

People on their own also benefit from having a pet for companionship. It is good for one's mental health and general wellbeing. Not just that, there are foster groups that will give you pet food for a pet that you agree to foster because there are so many fur babies needing a forever home.  So that is something to think about when thinking about the homeless and those that are lucky to get accomodation. 

Black Spruce Essential Oil


I came across this article today when looking up spiritual usage of essential oils for my personal use. I am aware of the high frequency of  Idaho Blue Spruce, which is rather expensive and not always available in Australia. The frequency is the highest of the essential oils that I am aware of at a phenomenal 580 MHz. So the Black Spruce would also have a high frequency and is a good option for psychic work, whether you use it in an oil burner or in a massage oil or whatever you want to use it in. Please be mindful of any sensitivity to the oil and read up on the do’s and don'ts of any essential oil that you are using. 


As luck would have it, my new oil guy actually has this oil. Actually, Max was my very first essential oil retailer in Canberra, way back in the late 1990's and he had moved out of town many years ago. So I came across Bonvale Creations and stuck with them until John retired. John actually recommended Essentials of Australia to his customers and what a surprise I got to find out that this was my original supplier. I couldn’t be more pleased. I intend to stay with this supplier until he retires. By that time I will probably retire myself, lol. 

By the way $9.90 for 18mls is pretty good. The oils come in different sizes, just click on the box that says, size and you will see the different options available. 

Enjoy your reading and enjoy your oils.


Awkward Humour to make you wince

Purge kitty, purge! 


27 May, 2024

In South Korea thousands of young people have become recluses, shutting themselves away from society


This is such a sad situation and it is a global issue, however Korea and Japan seem to have the highest  number of young people that are isolated, not to mention the suicide problem also. The added pressure of what society expects of them and parental expectations of getting a good education and career on top of the already burdened person is just that extra pressure to push them over the edge. 

Perhaps a friendly social website specifically designed to attract the targeted audience to help these young people reach out to others in the same situation as a first contact point . It would also have to be tailored to the area where they live in order to meet people from around their town or city. 

 Then using a buddy system as a lifeline once they have established a relationship with someone within the group,  and are a supportive partner to help each other. With the intentions of eventually getting them to meet face to face. This would have to be done slowly over a period of time with psychologists monitoring and assisting them in re-assimilating into society once they are comfortable reaching out online to others in the same situation. 

A gentle progression then introduced to meeting each other over a period of 18 months to two years, in a safe welcoming environment. Perhaps then introducing groups of people in an informal setting sharing some food and entertainment such as an interactive game with humour to lighten the atmosphere and without the involvement of technology. Role playing exercises should be introduced once the young people are at a level where they can express themselves to others in the group comfortably so that they can get an understanding of how each other is feeling and respond appropriately. 

Young people also need to be outdoors in nature to feel connected and grounded, using a gentle compassionate approach, which might involve therapy pets such as cats. Cats are a low maintenance and de-stressing option in helping these young people to come out of their shells.  These young people also need to have their lives structured to ensure they have a regular routine such ad getting up in the morning and having breakfast and introducing a daily routine which should have a sensible time to go to bed and sleep through without needing to check social media, Restarting the body clock for regular daily life and preparing to integrate into society at a slow gradual transition. 

It is so heartbreaking to see  so many young people so alone and disconnected from their families, friends and society. The stress of being unable to leave their bedrooms to go to the dentist, the family doctor or just go out to buy food must be so overwhelming that it’s impossible. The stress on parents who are at a loss because they don’t know what to do, in order to help their children must also be extremely overwhelming to breaking point too. Factor in parents aging and the reality of their eventual death, there is no way that these vulnerable young people can cope with such situations. 

How on earth can the young people cope unless there is a gentle intervention programme put in place to assist them? There is no quick fix solution and the government must take action immediately to ensure that these people are protected as well as helped to regain their freedom and mental health. 

25 May, 2024

Roman oyster 'processing site' discovered on banks of Humber


It’s amazing that ancient  artefacts are still being found worldwide to this day. I highly doubt that Oysters played a part in the decision to go to Britain, more likely it was land to be conquered and a logical decision was made. World domination has always been the goal of powerful empires and still is today. 

Obviously there would be commercial interests in any nation to exploit and Britain had plenty resources to exploit including its people. 

Ancient Greek Armor Protected Soldiers in an 11-Hour Battle Simulation


Very interesting article, it would not be cheap in today’s money to replicate 13 suits of armor. I wonder what was done with them after the experiment. 


This article gives you better photos of the full armor, and there are several vulnerabilities in the armor, such as the armpits exposed to an arrow, spear or sword should the soldier raise his arm. The elbows, the inner arm, the side of the body and the back of the knees are vulnerable to injury by sword, spear or arrows, rendering the soldiers incapable of fighting. Of course it would be total mayhem in the middle of a battle at close quarters and fending off a sword at close quarters would not be easy. 

A sword strike at the  right angle of the exposed part of the arm would put an end to the opponent’s fighting ability. And these are highly trained professionals fighting and would be aware of the possible vulnerabilities of the armor. Skill and luck are the key to survival and victory. 

24 May, 2024

Tarot card of the month: June 2024, 8 of Cups


Welcome to the Tarot Card of the month, June 2024. I hope everyone in the northern hemisphere has a lovely summer wherever you live. In Australia and New Zealand we are into the chilly winter weather until September and spring returns, brrrr. 🐧🐧

As I look over the card, I am drawn to the Sun eclipsing the Moon symbolising male energy which is active and aggressive energy and the element of fire dominating the feminine Moon energy which is passive, intuitive and the element of water. Add heat to water and it boils and you get steam and vapor.
The cups represent the summer season.

The sky in this card is clear, not a cloud in sight, the moon gives way to daylight.  Revealing all to the world. But this is an emotional energy here, and a deep emotional and psychological situation is being conveyed to us. As I examine this card I notice the tide seems to be out and the figure on the card is able to step across the rocks in the water to get to the other side. He is on a solitary journey retreating from the world. However there is more here than meets the eye though, and we are watching a transformation take place. 

The solitary figure could be in distress and seeking help, whether from his higher self, his inner light  or seeking a wise person to guide him. He is looking to the future as he is on the right hand side of the card and again that is symbolic of active male energy. This is male versus female energy, is not about men or women. It is an energy of polarities, as we all have a male side and a female side to us energetically and metaphysically speaking. The figure on the card has reached part of his journey, as he has moved from one side of the water to the other via the rocks he used as stepping stones.

He has support at his back which is the cups stacked up in the foreground, notice the yellow colour of the ground and the cups, this is a positive energy and seems like he has luck on his side. This figure needs reassurance though because he is unsure of this support. Is it strong enough to protect him? Can he rely on this support at his back? He doesn't know if these cups or people have his back like they say. Hence the apprehension and the figure is not stopping to rest, instead he keeps walking and there are obstacles in his path that he must negotiate, to get to the higher ground and safety.

It's just perception though, but still symbolic of only one possibility. Unless one stretches  past the right hand side rock and sails out through an estuary or bay to anywhere one wants. To freedom and a new beginning perhaps. 

In the card that higher ground on the right hand side is a cave where the figure seeks solitude to think and find a solution to his problems. In reality it feels like a political figure going to a large and important building to seek assistance and wisdom. Looking back at the scene in the card one could also say this looks like a big circle looping back to the beginning again. 

To me this says Zelinsky is feeling bewildered and is still seeking help to win this war where no-one seems to make any lasting headway in this war. Mr Zelensky is going cap in hand again and again asking the western allies for more money and weapons to fend off Russia. He cannot keep going like this, there has to be an end in sight.  Luckily the number 8 in this card does signify endings and new beginnings. But will the US, Britain and others come to the rescue again?

The timing could not be any worse with elections looming in the US and now Britain and there are no positive results in two years. This will plunge these nations deeper into debt and a cycle of pumping money in one direction 

Now looking at the cups stacked up in the foreground. There are two levels. There are 5 on the bottom and then 3 on the top, but notice 2 cups are sitting on the left  and 1 is sitting on the right. The top layer to me signifies the US and Britain and on the other side is Russia. There seems more support on the left side or Western side with 3 allies on the bottom row. Not necessarily 5 Eyes but a significant amount of power. On the right is Russia, with Iran and China and nobody wants' this to escalate, meaning steps will be taken to find a solution and transition to cease hostilities. I don't see this ending this year, but we will see light at the end of tunnel as there are gaps in the cards in two spots  indicating  that a breakthrough is going to happen perhaps in 5 to 8 months from now.

An interesting thing about this card is, it covers the dates 19/2 to 29/2 (Russia invaded Ukraine on 24/2/22) and the sign of Pisces. So let's hope that it will be over by February ‘25.That also makes the time from the war breaking out to its ending 3 years in total. I did make a post  a few years ago, before this happened that there would be a conflict or event would last 2 or 3 years, so let's hope this is it.

I don't see all of Ukraine staying in his hands, I feel an enclave will want to be independent of Ukraine. The problem with that is it is a valuable industrial region that the country makes its money from. I don't see Zelensky parting with that easily if at all. 
Surprises are in store for France with new laws passed. This is the start of a new look France and not everyone is happy about that.

The war office in the UK is in the news, and Australia's Anthony Albanese will have a minor health issue, it could be his appendix. This is nothing to worry about  and he will be fine in no time at all.

As I look at the card again I notice the black rocks sticking up out of the water on the left hand side. I feel this is connected to the ongoing issues with China in the South China Seas, nudging even closer to 
other countries borders.
More dirty tricks are to come, and if you look closely at the card, between the man's foot and the cup you will see a small elongated black shape similar to a submarine or a boat. This little glyph or spec looks like a vessel being intercepted, however I do not see this as a trigger for conflict.

 As yet it is still a cat and mouse game being played until Taiwan makes a decisive move some time next year. Taiwan asserting its sovereignty will enrage China  to a dangerous move and we will find the stakes being raised higher by China.   

We will see mothers making their voices heard in June over food insecurity, homelessness and poverty.
The plight of women and children will also be highlighted, not just in Gaza but places such as Africa and other places of suffering.  I see a woman with dark long hair, with a high public profile making a public speech on this issue. I see a woman like Michelle Obama giving the speech on tv. 
Sweden and Norway are also in the news for political reasons.

Thank you for taking the time to read my TCOM, please stay safe wherever you live.

Warm and fuzzy hugs

More law changes in France 


22 May, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session #3 May 2024


I am only just getting around to posting this as I have serious issues going on at present. 

Enjoy the reading, if this is your thing.

Warm and fuzzy hugs peeps 

21 May, 2024

15 May, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 2 May 2024


To grasp all of this you must read all of the Wes Penre Papers which include a massive bibliography to support his writings. This is a very heavy reading, so if you’re not the sort to invest time in this then give it a miss. 

There is no such thing as creator gods. They are geneticists, thus not god, nothing more than some form of intelligent beings, never call them gods because that is ego based. 

12 May, 2024

Mother's Day 2024

I have just seen ungrateful women whining about a getting a bunch of flowers on facebook (whine-book). I don't get anything for mothers' day, I don't even remember when I did. I am a 60 year old mother and grandmother. Never met my so called grandchildren and I don't want to meet my grandchildren because their father is pure evil. 

I don't celebrate misery thanks, be thankful for what you have and think yourself privileged! Check your damn privilege and stop whining over a bunch of flowers ladies. 

Do not expect anything and then if something nice does happen see it as a privilege that many don't have.

Do you think women in Ukraine, Palestine or other war zones are thinking about trivial nonsense like this? I hardly think so. Get some bloody perspective in your privileged lives.   

Lightening the mood Sunday

                Bagpus the cat is an iconic British children’ tv character from the 1970’s

                                   🤣🤣 Ohh Yeah, that carpet will trip you, vertigo or not

08 May, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 5 April 2024


When a medium is speaking to your loved ones in spirit please be aware of two things. Firstly as soon as your loved ones dies and your are able to communicate with them straight after physical death depending on the deceased person's energy at that time. Bear in mind a person that has been ill may not have the energy to communicate. Then the lack of awareness of that person that has died so they need time to adjust to being a spirit. I had communication from someone that had died in a car crash right after her death as did her father. I have had my mother and other relatives contact me not long after death. Not so with me father though even though he is a psychic person too that used to astral travel. He had dementia so this would take him time to focus.

But once they move on into what most people believe is the spirit world, you are communicating with their essence only. Yes, the essence of the loved one has memories and communicates with you. I have often had people in spirit that are not at rest come to me including a a famous Australian singer who died in the early 80's. There should be a warm energy when spirit is present too. But not all spirits present this way. That will also depend on the medium's energy at the time of contact too because we are sometimes doing other things and not expecting contact. Or if we have not being doing mediumship for a little while, it takes a little bit of effort to tune in to the spirit's frequency. 

How much that person is able to say is dependent on who is assisting them as they come through. I have seen what looked like men in black suits flanking my great grandmother when I was a small child. One does not forget such experiences ever.  I have seen groups of people that were the families of the deceased come to lend their support and energy to the person in spirit (Essenes) speak to me. I don’t personally have the luxury of time to explore the theories as I am busy caring for my family. 

Men tend to have more time to delve deeper into this but when delving into the spiritual realms one must proceed with caution. Not everything is what it seems to be and not all beings are honest either. Some may have an agenda and some may work in groups to mislead humanity. Always err on the side of caution and follow your intuition. When in doubt don't form an opinion it may lead to confusion and misunderstanding. 

I don't care to get into the whole thing myself but I am a seriously cautious person when it comes to trust especially with the non physical worlds. 

05 May, 2024

Scotland’s People: Forenames


Nicknames and diminutives, are always interesting and how they come about. Some people have completely made up ones, that are even taken from a humours moment or random moments. Others are cultural names that may even mean something different in other countries and languages. 

Some can even sound rude and I have come across many when I was a public servant, in fact some staff members were afraid to say them because of what they sounded like in English or the spelling was similar.

I had a misunderstanding on a nickname of mine given to me by my father from years ago, of course I was a teenager then. One Scottish diminutive of my name turns out to be offensive in England. Eck, which is a diminutive of Alexander and Alexandra which itself is shortened to Alex or Alec. Alec is the way to pronounce Alex in Scotland, and is normally spelled with a ‘c’ at the end of the name not an ‘x’.  But Alec or Alex can be shortened again to Eck. However it’s more commonly shortened to Sandy for a man or Alec. 

I remember a boy at high school being nicknamed Eck. Like the character in the Oor Wullie cartoon, wee Eck. The name may have gone out of fashion with younger people these days, I don’t know because I have not kept up with a lot of things from Scotland. But a miscommunication happened recently and I had no idea that Eck was an insult in the north of England. lol, that took me by surprise so I had to google that one. It pays to sometimes check and clarify things occasionally. 

It was assumed that I was being self derogatory, when I wasn’t, wee Eck is not an insult, it is a term of endearment in Scotland, meaning little Alec and I am very small and using it in humour. If you go by the name Eck in Scotland everyone knows that your full name is Alexander or Alexandra. How times change. 😻🤣🤣 

01 May, 2024

Ancient Origins: Rock Art Discoveries in Eastern Sudan Tell a Tale of the Once ‘Green Sahara’


The entire universe goes in cycles, so this is not unusual not to forget the Earth changes its axis over the centuries. It’s common knowledge that some dry arid parts of the planet were once green fertile land including Antartica. 

Lightening the mood on Wednesday


                                                    Ah, Modigliana from The Feral’s  

30 April, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 5 April 2024


Good to see Anthon Parks getting a mention here. I was reading his stuff before Wes Came along.

His work is in French (I call him the French Wes Penre even though he was writing this stuff a few years before Wes)  When the soul is mentioned, I can tell you many years ago I was shown a soul of a new baby being inserted into the baby at the time of birth. It was quite an eye-opener to me. As the lady who was having the reading's father in spirit was present and showed me it happening as he watched the baby  coming into this world. The lady had confirmed that her father had passed away a few years prior.

That is the one and only time that I saw such a thing. The beings present were shrouded in a bright whitish-blue light; which is the standard shield that I see with these beings. No visible features are ever shown. If they were indeed benevolent then why do they always use shielding? They clearly are hiding from us, personally I see that as deceptive.

I don't like the term 3UC because it sounds too Scientology, we are primarily spirit, so I say there are three components to us, Spirit, soul and the physical body. We are complex beings with a vast range of emotions and capabilities.  

David Blunkett says devising 99-year prison sentences is his ‘biggest regret’


WOW, Under a Labour government too, brought in in 2003 and abolished in 2012 because it was against human rights yet there are still almost 3k people in English and Welsh prisons indefinitely. This is highly educated people making highly questionable decisions and not thinking through the heavy impact on people's lives. 

I can understand long sentences for dangerous and violent criminals, but petty crime?? Also locking someone up for something that isn't even a crime is wrong. Retrospective cases need to be examined immediately with almost three thousand people affected, how many are an actual risk to the public?

Not just that how many have ASD and other disorders that are not getting the help or even diagnosed?


26 April, 2024

Conscription in Australia, spirit message

Reading some astrological stuff online and I hear February 2029 Australia will bring back conscription. I just hope that I am wrong on this, information. My right ear had  spiritual energy pressure building up and this came through. Very sad and distressing, not the sort of thing that I like to hear. It just shows me that many humans have no other purpose than to be incarnated and then used as cannon fodder in rich mens evil wars. 

24 April, 2024

Purple Poppy Day 2024


Today is Purple Poppy Day in honour of all tha animals that have served in the military. They didn't get the choice to do this service they were brought in to humanities conflicts. But they have done tremendous work and at times highly dangerous work that took their lives. We must give thanks and great honour to these selfless sentient beings.

I bought the Purple Poppy Day badge last year and wear it with my family of a veteran badge. 
Our love and respect for all sentient beings is vital, no matter if they are involved in the military or a casualty of any conflict caused by humans.  

We must continue to support not just those  humans that serve and protect us in conflict, but all the animals too as sentient beings. Yes they do have souls too, I see them in spirit often. Animals just don't have the complexities that humans have emotionally but they are very sensitive, loving , acutely intuitive and know good people from bad people. Animals are always loyal to the very end because of their pure and unconditional love. We must demonstrate our pure and unconditional love to them too.

Lest we forget 



     This is my first ANZAC DAY without my dad, he passed away on 15 December 2023. I bought this rose last year for my dad


                                                                  Lest we forget

20 April, 2024

More of tarot card of the month for May 2024 (part 2)


I had a constant stream of interruptions yesterday when doing my TCOM. https://psychictarotreadingwithalexfulford.blogspot.com/2024/04/tarot-card-of-month-may-2024-3-of.html

So I wanted to have another look at the TCOM. I did that just now at 12.00pm and it was the Ace of Pentacles that came up, it seems to fit well with what I had written yesterday afternoon. 

Now I have absolutely no intention of doing more that one card for the TCOM every month yesterday and today is an exception. 

Money, Opportunities, Faith and Fate, Drugs, Illusions Deceptions

 A Golden pathway into the future (sitting on the R/H/S of the card) A fertile time to make money is indicated including bitcoin. 
The west is full of drugs and illusion and seems to be under a hypnotic spell of sorts, and people are unable to see reality right in front of them. 
The hand of fate comes through the cloud and it is enormous and overly exaggerated in the card , it is overwhelming in fact. A dazzling show of wealth is displayed though its source of origin is hidden from view by the large cloud. 

As I write this France pops into my head, highlighted in business deals for the month of May. Macron is getting too big for his boots and perhaps someone will tie his boot laces to trip him up. Watch this space for more on Macron in the coming weeks. 
New beginnings and new opportunities for business are indicated for May and there is an urgency in this. We are finally through Mercury retrograde from April, and May is in a phase of playing catchup. May will be a fast month so beware and be warned. 

Everyone is looking for a place in the sun or in the spotlight this month. Is this a wise move though?    
For some yes , but for others, NO. For some it is possible embarrassment, especially celebrities and  those in public life. Please choose your words carefully or you may be very embarrassed publicly. 

The hand of fate can move many ways remember. Also the hand in this card is exaggerated in size as is the pentacle in its grasp. Temptation in May is too enticing for some of us.

May is Taurus and Gemini energy, Taurus is ruled by Venus and they rule the 2nd house of the Zodiac. This covers the first 2 weeks of May. Taurus is an earth and fixed sign and the element of Earth.

The second half of May is the dualistic Air sign of Gemini. Ruled by the planet Mercury. and both rule the 3rd house of the Zodiac.
 So we have stability and versatility working here this month. 

the 2nd house of the Zodiac's key word s here are freedom, earnings, finance and resources. the other house ruled by Venus is the 6th house which covers health, work and service given. both of these are houses of substance. 

The 3rd house covers communication, short trips, the conscious mind, siblings and early education. The 3rd house is a house of relationships. 

So if we add this to the other TCOM for May we can see the communication theme is mentioned again. Mercury being the key here, and it is in forward motion or goes direct from the 26th April. That Taurean energy while it is earthy, fixed it can be stubborn too. 

There is an opportunity for correction if wisdom prevails financially speaking as there is plenty money around. There is stability, but that is down to how sensible those in business and government are. Now that Mercury retrograde is over, there is a rush to make up for lost time. To rush is foolish because mistakes can, or will  be made.

Drugs are highlighted in western countries in May and especially anything affecting the mind. Whether it is medicinal medications or addiction to recreational drugs. 

Now notice the imbalance of the foreground, the archway and the path are off to the L/H/S not centred. It tells me it is future facing and active or dominant energy. The mountains through the archway are obstacles to overcome. The path is bright yellow, just like the yellow brick road in the wizard of Oz. 

Now look at the lilies, is this another deception or illusion? One needs to be wise as to what's on offer here because that larger than life hand coming out of the cloud of mystery could be pure illusion. I personally wouldn't take the risk. I would sit back and watch what unfolds. But the energy of this card is highly tempting. So this is where we must listen to our intuition and not act in haste. This is not, if you snooze you lose. This could be a scam or a trick, so be warned when it comes to making money. it's a straight out scam or con job.

The same applies to geopolitical situations, because someone will be the loser. Think about the second half of May which is ruled by Gemini. A dual Air sign ruled by Mercury, so watch all forms of communication whether it is on a personal level, business or geopolitical. 

Iran will be playing games in May so please stay vigilant. Don't poke the bear and do not take side here, because all is not as it seems o the surface. Politically no government is innocent. Martyrs are being sought out so pay attention to illusions and deceptions  in communication. 

The pentacle in the card has a dual meaning, money and spirit. What happens if the hand suddenly releases the grip on the pentacle? The pentacle comes crashing down. Do you run to catch it or  do you wait to see what happens regardless of your actions? This is a no win situation anyway, so who can say for sure? Because it is illusion or slight of hand in a materialistic form.

Now despite this being and Ace which is generally a good card, the Aces can have a negative meaning. Spiritually speaking, it could be seen as a further fall for humanity in a materialistic world or reality.

 Some of us will choose spirituality above all else. Even though most people do not fully understand what spirituality fully entails. I sure don't otherwise I would not be here. This is not to be confused with the religions of our world or reality. Though spiritual elements are woven into all religions and philosophies. We are spiritual beings with spiritual soul fires; having a physical world experience, and we are challenged to rise above our current state of consciousness in this reality. Which is damned near impossible, like an illusionary game or challenge against humanity collectively. 

Which is something that we must ponder again and again on our journey through life. Slowly and steadily stopping and reflecting at every step of the journey. Wow, this is a truly challenging experience par excellence is it not?  We become more philosophical as we get older, and some of us realise that it is best to sit things out and just observe the world in motion. Tending to our families, those we love and our fur babies. We cannot solve all the problems on earth because that task is unachievable.  But we can  change ourselves and quietly lead by positive example. Thus there is a positive spin to some of us that are willing to take the spiritual route to evolution. Perception is our key. 

What an interesting transformation has just unfolded, the duality in every situation. Clearly demonstrating that the perception of our world is such a tricky illusion. The tarot never ceases to amaze and transform. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs and have a wonderful weekend where every you live

Alex xxx 

Note:  Lilies stand for purity, innocence, joy and spirituality however the negative meaning of lilies can mean death. Lilies are toxic to humans and animals. 

UPDATE: Celebrities embarrassment, not a good look. 



19 April, 2024



We made it to the end of another week of  whatever passes for  the ongoing game of Russian Roulette called life with crazy shit happening in the Middle East right now. We might as well just overdose on laxatives too and be done with it all. 

Let’s have some warm and fuzzy stuff for a change. Artist Alison Friend has some wonderful artwork with dogs and cats to give us a smile. 

Tarot Card of the Month: May 2024, 3 of Pentacles


Season,  Spring   Sign, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn  Element, Earth  Cardinal point,  East 

Key words: Teamwork, Unity, Confidence, Partnerships

Number 3: Action, ResultsCooperation, Results of previous actions, Creative, Trinity 

Reversed meaning of number 3: Inaction, Non working, Uncooperative 

May opens with the 3 of Pentacles, a young man demonstrates his skills and abilities to his patrons. He is extremely skilled, successful and competent. Showing his patrons that their investment in his education has borne fruit. The apprentice is above the mundane things of the world, he is working at an elevated level with his skills, he doesn’t mix with the ordinary people, he is above them and is well aware of the fact. Notice he is also wearing boots which also tells us that he is above the ordinary people. The ground is unclean and he doesn’t get his feet dirty like a peasant who toils in the field. 

This month’s card is about diplomacy, skill, communication and showing one’s skills and abilities to the world. This card is also interesting when we look at it from a position of world events. Ideologies and partnerships are covered by this card. Nations, corporations, organisations in agreement including the UN, Charities and other aid agencies. This is not an easy month for international relations and diplomacy is going to be difficult as the horse has bolted already. Three world leaders are called into action here and they must be very careful not to escalate tension’s which already have begun to spill over. How things pan out right now is an indication of what we are all globally facing from now on. 

The tarot card shows three people inside a church which represents authority and in some cases benevolence. It also represents structure and stability of society, politics and powerful organisations in dialogue. The Pentacles represent money and spirit, here though it’s about money as in spare no expense in money for war, defence and business. 

Time is of the essence right now for planning, which feels like contingency plans. Some of these plans will be very urgent, as in just out of the blue responses to counter threats and attacks. Things will continue to worsen and I feel December will be crucial in escalation because “someone” will not back down. 

Travel will again be interrupted especially air travel, which is pretty much a given at present. More problems with import and export in zones of conflict, again is just part of the ongoing conflicts. This will boost the price of goods as expected. 

We need a cooling off of tensions between Israel and Iran otherwise the whole region will be in chaos. To be honest I don’t see a cooling off because Israel and Iran have no intentions of cooling off. 

Japan may step in to assist in negotiations to defuse tensions in the pacific region. However Japan wants to be seen as a mediator rather than taking a defensive stance due to their past history. Japan does not want to upset anyone and prefers a humanitarian role.

I hear Chicago and the airport (O’Hare)  in particular, something is happening in or around the airport. I see police involved, this could be as in  negotiation. The tarot card also tells me that negotiation is the primary requirement in May, otherwise things may escalate unintentionally. 

Look at the middle of the card, there are two paths right underneath the pentacles, meaning things can go either way depending on the actions taken. This can also allude to two different factions at play. This needs to be taken seriously because if one takes the wrong path we can be in deep trouble so extreme care must be taken. Plans are afoot here for  sudden changes that benefit two countries in particular.

However another nation is directing the way in which things are going. Actually this particular nation is dictating to the other two nations which way things are going. This is how it is and it’s not negotiable. That nation is Israel, telling the US and the UK how it is, which has the potential to go pear shaped. 

Who is factoring in the innocent lives of millions of innocent civilians here? Irrelevant to what country these civilians live in, just because you were born in a particular country doesn’t make you the enemy. No, but you could well be the innocent victim or collateral. Who is there to defend us innocent civilians of the world and all of the innocent animals of the world? 

There is the possibility of regime change in Iran due to this conflict, but not straight away. I feel the US will, install their preferred leader in Iran at some stage. This tarot card serves as a warning to us of the dangers we face, there is no room for error. This is the time for serious dialogue to prevent the situation going into a deep tailspin that we can’t put the breaks on. 

Politically speaking this card lumps us under one roof with three world leaders calling the shots. A call for unity, except one leader sees himself as being above everyone else. How does that work? It doesn’t and never will. Hedonism is failure and ordinary citizens suffer because of big stupid egos in suits. Humanity is poised on the brink of war and two, wrongs never make a right. 

I do feel the UN will be utterly useless and a total waste of time in trying to secure a peaceful solution,  having a vested interests of their own to boot.  May also brings the WHO into focus at the same time pushing its agenda. The WHO will feel they are being pushed to the sidelines due to the current global situation and will start whining because they are being ignored. People are not in the mood for the WHO, so watch out for the WHO pushing their weight around. This is sovereignty or a medical corporate dictatorship, yet I think that enough people and politicians are now starting to waken up to the reality and will give a big No, to this fiasco. 

The UN and other aid agencies will be trying to mobilise in the Middle East in May, however there will be problems due to ongoing trust issue, conflicts and politics. One needs to ask who has the power and authority here? This feels like it will be a testing ground from here on in as to who had the actual authority and power in times of conflict. The rules are changing and are confusing around military conflict and civilian casualties. 

I hear the words “Lucky colours” and red, green and white. I don’t know what this is about, I take it as a political statement rather than ordinary lucky colours. Iran has these colours in its flag as does Palestine with its black, red, white and green. I will leave it at that because I don’t get involved in politics and especially not situations as horrible as this. 

The take away from this reading is, humanity is clearly incapable of learning lessons about war, death and suffering. There are no winners in conflict, we know that. It is better to be humane rather than having blood on one’s hands, but one must use common sense in the self defence of your home and homeland. Teamwork, communication and diplomacy are a big ask when dealing with big egos. 

I want to send my blessings to everyone right now, if we don’t come together as a spiritual species then all that can come of us is war and suffering. Your call humanity! 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 


UPDATE: I wasn't quite happy with this, so I did another one today 20/4/24 and it was a learning curve for me personally, lol. 


UPDATE: Iran, 20th May 2024. This is still unfolding. 


UPDATE: Iranian air crash no sign of life. This will open a vacuum and things will change again. I don't rule out foul play here. 


UPDATE: O'Hare airport, Chicago. Lol, I didn't expect this.


Woman’s dies in freak accident at O’Hare airport , august 2024. What a horrible accident, how on earth does this happen? 


16 April, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A April 2024


Regarding the so called channeled messages, avoid them because most are not worth the paper they are written on. Speaking from experience and from experience within the spiritual community. The information is generally from within the matrix, for want of a better word. As I sarcastically refer to the beings controlling the matrix, the shit stains of the universe. They are evil and notorious liars that manipulate humanity to do their bidding, which is definitely not in humanity’s best interests. 

Not one of the entities that people channel are benevolent. I have seen the damage these beings do including splitting up families. The chosen person that channels these beings ends up with mental health issues and alone. People foolishly turn over their free will to these beings thinking that they are pure and loving beings, which is the total opposite in reality. They use your own emotions and loving nature and turn it against you. They also need your absolute trust in them, never, ever trust anyone or anything completely or you will live to regret it! As I have said before, I have witnessed the damage done to people because of their gullible nature. Act in haste and repent at leisure, is  the saying. 

13 April, 2024

‘Shocked’: Disbelief as native Aussie animal spotted in the UK


It’s not every day that a Kookaburra wakes up the locals in Scotland, they are lucky it’s not galahs or cockatoos squawking, because they are loud and make a real racket, lol. I often hear a Kookaburra early in the morning where I live. 

I recall my first morning waking up in Australia as a 10 year old child and hearing their call. I rushed into my parents bedroom to tell them that I just heard a Kookaburra, because I had been learning about them at school in Scotland before coming to Australia and discovering the fantastic new environment with gum trees and eucalyptus trees. However I didn’t get to see kangaroos, wombats or koalas until I moved to Canberra. In Sydney I lived in a built up suburb so there wasn’t any chance of seeing the real wildlife. 

It would be interesting to see how this kookaburra has adapted to the environment in Scotland. There are botanical gardens in Scotland that have Australian shrubs and trees so perhaps the bird could be relocated to a botanical garden or else returned to Australia which would be better for the bird. 

On a funny note, kids in Australia have a little alternative rhyme to the original version that they say, Kookaburra sitting on the electric wire, jumping up and down with his arse on fire. I remember hearing kids in primary school saying this around 1973 and by the time I had children, it was still popular. I don’t think there is a single Aussie that doesn’t know that rhyme. 🤣🤣🤣

‘Relentless’: Expat’s hilarious outback clip


Ah, The great Australian salute! Shooing away the flies, though in the outback it’s worse than in cities. Ever tried using Aeroguard? Spray yourself head to toe and keep the can with you to reapply as needed.

The fly and mosquito net is a must have in Australia for bush walking along with a hat for sun protection. Long sleeves and trousers are also recommended to protect you from bites from snakes and spiders. You can also buy snake gators (guards)  your legs. Smart people carry a snake bite kit when bush walking. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrGNml_e5NU An advertisement for Aeroguard , lol


 Hello everyone around the world. It's that time of year again to do my psychic predictions. Kicking off the 2025 psychic predictions st...