26 March, 2023

WEF Australians


https://www.weforum.org/people/julie-bishop Julie Bishop 

https://www.weforum.org/people/scott-morrison Scottt Morrison 

His photo is here but no text! 

https://www.weforum.org/people/sarah-hanson-young Sarah Hanson-Young 


Canberra member 



Australia has many little poos in the punch bowl. Just keep in mind this “own nothing” only applies to the ordinary people not the rich and the elites. They will never relinquish their wealth and power. This is closer to corporate communism, but there is no difference really because it is all about control of money and power. The masses are just collateral. I can tell you right now the world population will be much smaller in 30 to 40 years from now too. 

This list is ever increasing for the membership of this evil agenda, they are so damned proud of themselves. More like enemies of humanity and traitors to humanity. To be involved in this is like taking the homes and lives of every single person on earth and destroying society as we know it. Corporations and governments against the people. This is psychopathy, willful arrogance and abuse to rip apart the entire structure of society. Yet not one of these individuals involved nor corporations will lose anything, they stand to gain from our loss, yet the average person is so unaware and will laugh off concerns as a conspiracy theory. Sure it’s a conspiracy, a real conspiracy just like how Russia was set up for destruction during world war 1. 

America sent in trained Marxist propaganda agents and the rest is history. If you don’t know about this event happening then can find this information online or in books easily. Communism didn’t fail, it passed the test and then underwent some changes to fit a modern western society. It takes big money to pull this off, it took big money in early 20th century to pull off the dry run. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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