18 May, 2023

Tarot Card of the Month: June 2023, 2 of Swords


                                   Stalemate, Closed off, Defensive, Illusion, Blinded, Avoiding reality 

To me this card is telling us a serious warning is in the air. We see a woman sitting on a stone seat, she wears a grey long dress and a blind fold, (blind justice or blind stupidity). The woman has two swords in her hands and they are crossed at her chest defensivley. Nothing gets in and nothing gets out. In front of her is cold grey ground that looks like cement above her is a clear blue sky and the moon in the corner of the sky.

Behind her is a body of water rippling as the current moves. There are two rocks emerging from the water like little islands offering rest and respite before you can reach the shore of the land in the distance. Two stages of advancement, two steps until the final push? Something seems to be happening in increments or stages. Are we ready for this globally? 

As I said the woman is blindfolded, it is self restricting. She is very aprehensive and defensive unwilling to take a risk. She will protect herself no matter what. To me this feels like the US, a nation that will defend itself come hell or high water. But what does that mean for the rest of the world?  There are more questions than answers really. As I look at the woman on the card, I think is she thinking irrationally, she cannot see what is in front of her due to the blindfold and restrictive thinking, can she trust her sense of hearing, can she use her intuition? In reality she must remove the self  imposed restrictions and be realistic other wise she is not in a position to see the reality or gravity of the situation and therefore is unable to respond accordingly. 

What we are looking at is a world situation unfolding presently. I get the feeling of military and specifically the navies of the world involved  in this scenario,  the grey colour in the card gives me a cold feeling and reminds me of steel ships and submarines. Which conveys to me a feeling of gearing up for the next phase of defence strategies and planning. A bit late in the day if you ask me. Too much time has been wasted foolishly by western nations. As I look at the card, the land in the far off distance feels like Japan. A country that has been very reluctant to get involved in any conflict or war since ww2.  They can no longer stay neutral and will have to defend and protect themselves. They will also assist their allies in logistical and aid rolls, they are willing to do their part for humanity as they are still haunted by their past history.

I do feel June will be an emotional month for many people. The elements of water and air combining (letting off steam) Two sides of a situation in conflict.We must think very carefully in June about where we collectively are going. We cannot sit back and do nothing; thoughts, opinions and conflict, action or inaction or reaction.  We must be vigilant not to take risks or force the hands of others. Money feels tied to this situation we are facing and there is absolutely no room for guessing anything. We also need clear and transparent examination of all facts and figures relating to finances and transactions. 

There are restrictions around debt, restrictions around military spending and that includes how much the US and its allies spend on the war in Ukraine. This money will also be needed for defending nations against China, Russia and their allies. Do we have time and money to gear up for defence? I don't think so. 

A reality check is a must, it's vital over the next two months because this will reveal some cold hard truths. This may unnerve many people, as many people are now starting to realise that something will happen and it's only a matter of time.

There are distractions happening that take peoples minds off the hard politics. Deliberate manufactured distractions are taking place to anger the public and in the mean time laws are being passed by sleight of hand in western countries such as in the US, UK, Ireland, France, Australia, Canada that may be disempowering to some people. Not enough people are actually paying attention to these changes, nor are they paying attention to the US and China making deals. Some sleight of hand deals that mainly benefit China and not the west, this is not accidental benefiting. So the US seems to be saying one thing while at the same time doing deals clearly favourable to China. 

I feel Japan will notice this too and there may be offence caused to Japan by the current US administration. Awkward! Honour and ethics are questioned in the media with regards to this embarrassment. Results and reactions cannot be avoided. So great care needs to be taken and a realistic response is needed. 

Finance is a key issue for June, swindles and deception are to be guarded against and this includes ordinary people being wiser. Be more aware and tech savvy to avoid scams. Laziness is part of the problem with cyber security and avoiding scams so people need to take responsibility in preventing being scammed and or hacked. Always use two step verification and internet security on all devices. Google what companies offer the best security products and also check the country of origin as it also plays a part in a product being safe or of it exposes you to unwanted security breaches and identity theft etc. 

I am drawn to the blue sky in the card and the element of air again, this brings me to the mind, and mental health and well being.The sign Cancer covers the second half of June and the ruling planet or luminary is the moon which is present in this card also warns of emotions, mental health issues, intuition, feminine energy which includes nurturing and domestic life.

 The combination of the elements of air and water in this card keeps popping into my mind as I gaze over the card, I cant seem to shake it off. Astrologically speaking the 4th house rules the home, endings, property, a parent, foundation, and the later part of life. Which all tie into this card for June, interesting when we think about all the symbols in the card and add astrology on top of that. As a side note when I look into my astrology books during my studies, the  book points out that water comes in three forms, liquid, ice and gaseous as in steam or vapour. 

So as you see we can add more depth to the card as we study it. Pretty cool huh. As I am particularly drawn to the gas theme, I feel that there will be something gas related in the media which can cover anything related to natural gas, anaesthetics, or even gas used in a military or terrorist act. I don’t think that the later is going to happen though, it’s just an example of what can be divined in a reading. So please don’t think that I am predicting that. 

There is also a closed off feeling from a world leader here. This leader does not want to listen to what others say; nor is he willing to listen to public opinion. This will cause major problems for the country. Political upheaval short term is guaranteed because of this attitude of refusing to listen to others.  The result of this attitude will be this leader being removed form office suddenly.  The people will have had enough of this leader and are fearful of the danger the country faces. This is an asian nation, so it could be Pakistan, Turkey, Syria or even India. I do feel the internal disruption will settle down quickly after this matter is addressed. 

In the next two weeks we will see results in Ukraine. Hold tight because this push can have an unintended fallout or effect that was not anticipated. 

Watch money through June and July, spend very carefully on food and necessities only, you may want to think about stocking up on winter foods and clothing in advance for winter returning in the northern hemisphere as October could be a month of shortages and difficulties. So please think carefully, needs or wants.

That is what it is coming down to for many of us, is it a need or is it a want?  There is a big difference, and now is the time to educate children about finances too or expect heartache. Children need to know that money is tight and they cannot have things that are expensive because there is food, rent and other important things that must be paid for. Don't sugar coat this, there was no sugar coating in the Great Depression or in both world wars. So we must very carefully explain to children exactly what the situation is without scaring them. 

Take care, and thank you for taking the time to read this.

Warm anf fuzzy hugs


The astrology notes came from the book, The only way to learn astrology book 1 by M March and J McEvers.



 Psychic Scams 


Phone Scams 


Postal Scams

I actually got one in an email on 16 July however it was in a different email address than the one that I use daily. I kept a screenshot of it too. 


Please look at this scam involving motherboards 

Elements of Air,  a gas attack in girls school in Afghanistan (below) I didn’t factor in this not being terrorism but it actually can be a terror act but gender violence is a form of terrorism when there’s a deliberate attack to prevent the rights of girls and women to education and freedom of movement, speech etc. Gender terrorism. 


Element of water, the big push and an act of absolute evil and destruction 


Element of water and metal, China’s navy ship and a US naval ship in the news


US debt ceiling 


Unexpected, this is something the world needs to keep an eye on! 


UPDATE:  18 July, I did say think about stocking up for winter food, this may be a a problem for the northern hemisphere countries shortly 


Late week lols

And bears complain about their privacy!


16 May, 2023

Western Diet Identified as Risk Factor For Alzheimer's Disease, Scientists Warn


There is way too much rubbish and processed food in the western diet especially in English speaking countries. Fast food, highly processed meats which are full of sulphates and other chemicals, high sugar content in food, refined sugar and corn syrup, fats and chemicals. Think about highly processed tinned foods, breakfast cereals and soft drinks. Add chemical fertilisers over the decades that have replaced natural fertilisers and these remove nutrients from the earth and this in turn yields less nutrients in our crops, and we have known this for years now. I have always wondered what these chemicals do to our bodies year after year. Do these chemicals build up in our bodies? What are the long term effects on our bodies from chemical fertilisers in our food chain? 

Feeding children a modern diet that is full of harmful ingredients sets these children up for health problems and behavioural issues. Parents are time poor these days and currently there is a difficulty in affordable healthy food, so to feed their children they have to turn to what they can afford. 

Healthy diets to me are the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Asian diets. But moderation is part of the process in establishing a healthy diet and lifestyle. If we in the western world went back to a pre ww2 diet we would be much healthier, however our lifestyle today makes it very difficult for everyone to do this. I am trying to do this myself and it is not easy for me. Life is busy and time is short nowadays but we need to take matters into our own hands if we are to stay healthy and help prepare for old age by being responsible for our own health by being careful about what we eat. 

As we age the whole cooking thing becomes tiresome to many people so this is where people often get fed up with cooking and take easier options. I do think that the damage is done before we get to the stage of not wanting to cook a meal because we are old and tired. Pinpointing when the risk of plaque building up in the brain is the tricky part. What age should we be getting assessed for memory loss? Are we going to be fobbed off by doctors that just doesn’t have the time to investigate each patient for signs of dementia because there are so many people developing dementia? 

There is a shortage of doctors currently and the western world’s health system is falling apart,  so who knows how long it will be before we get an adequate amount of new doctors to step in to close the gap. Meanwhile people are aging and developing dementia and unaware that they are in the early stages of dementia. It’s a frightening illness and we are unable to control the disease at this stage, and how long will it be before we get a big breakthrough in treating dementia. 

Young Liberals push for mandatory national service in Australia


How dare you or anyone try to make this a topic for consideration. It may well be a media beat up; but not everyone has the mental health to do this and what damn right has some blowhard got to even suggest this? If people are so keen then go do it yourselves don't force this on others violating their civil rights. 

No I don't think anything will come of this, it's just the audacity to mention it that is offensive, and this gets dragged up everynow and then by selfimportant walking egos seeking attention. Don't give them a platform to display their egos.

15 May, 2023

‘You mean there’s nothing?’ The families fighting for their children with dementia


Such a heartbreaking story here, nobody expects this sort of thing to happen to their children. The government need to understand this is a deadly disability and not part of parenting, it is no different to an adult with dementia. Disabilities do not discriminate on age or gender but they decimate families and NDIS will try to avoid helping people at the best of times, the way they assess people in need is very unfair. Lets hope human decency can turn this around for a good outcome for all of those children suffering from dimentia and their families. 

14 May, 2023

Yeah, relatable

This I can relate to a little midnight visitor every flaming night after midnight two little eyes staring at me. Due at work at 8.00 am and trying to get back to sleep. Kids grow up and then it’s cat hacking up a fur ball or dogs going to wee on the floor. 🤣🤣🤣


12 May, 2023

Coles apologises for display in Adelaide supermarket


Onya Coles, sensitivity plus 😄😂 I see a humourous side to this as well as a total fail in political corretness and sensetivity awareness. I wonder who was the bright spark that thought women just love housework, lol. Ha ha ha, that has been the best laugh out loud moment of my week.

Flash as a rat

 Flash as a rat with a gold tooth.

As cunning as a shithouse rat.

Two typical Aussie expressions, the top expression is to describe a well dressed person, usually a man that’s rather shifty, the other term speaks for itself. 😂🤣 

‘Straya (Australia) where people are seen as being ridgy didge or true blue😍


Meanings and origins of Australian words and idioms


Some fair dinkum Aussie jargon here to enjoy 😊 I feel old when I look through the list of words that take me right back to the early 70’s. This article is quite an entertaining read as well as educational for those living outside of Australia. 

Road Built 7,000 Years Ago Found at Bottom of Mediterranean Sea


There is no way that our current roads will stand up to the ravages of time like this one even our modern architecture would not survive. I am pretty sure that the discovery of  structures being lost due to erosion is more common than we think worldwide. Over thousands of years there would surely be many such roads, remains of buildings and bridges worldwide that have been lost due to the erosion of land, earthquakes and so forth. We just haven’t found them due to lack of resources, money and time to go digging around both on land and under water.  But any discovery is an exciting find for those that appreciate such amazing discoveries from thousands of years ago. There must be countless treasures that we are yet to find including gold artefacts and every day items of human life that have been lost to the ravages of time and a lack of documentation and maps to say where these yet to be recovered ruins are. 

11 May, 2023

A ticking bomb': This illness is now killing more people than COVID-19 or AIDS


TB has never gone away and is usually due to poor sanitation and poor hygiene. What a horrible thing to suffer from and in war zones it is extremely difficult to obtain adequate supplies of antibiotics and anti inflammatory medications to treat infection. It angers me to see the never ending cycle of suffering in third world countries  of poverty, disease and misery. Obviously it is very difficult and even dangerous in some countries traveling to get medical attention never mind access to clean drinking water and sanitation which as we know are basic human rights. Treatment of  TB is slow usually it’s about 6 to 12 months of continuous treatment. 

 The past three years have demonstrated how easily infection can spread,  but also how quickly people revert back to their usual habits when they think the danger is over. This itself is a concern with preventive disease as people tend to take the attitude of it won’t happen to me. Not just that, many people ignore the possibility of spreading infection to others as we have seen through lockdown, not everyone behaves in a responsible manner to prevent transmission. 

I would not wish this on anyone especially when there are shortages of medicines and a shortage of medical personnel globally. Unfortunately the risk of disease and death is always much greater in times of war and humanitarian crises, we have to just deal with the consequences of life in such circumstances as best we can. I pray that this situation can be resolved soon my heart goes out to all those suffering. 

08 May, 2023

A laugh out loud before bedtime

Some chuckles before bed time is good to unwind 


                                                     Aren’t the squirrels cute😻😻

I hope you have an empty bladder before reading these. 🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪

Something deadly growing inside Candice 'exploded' the moment doctors cut into her


Please take the time to read this article about ovarian cancer. My mother died of this at 61 just weeks after her birthday and three days short of her 40th wedding anniversary. She had no illness in her life until this happened. She was diagnosed at stage 4 when she went to the doctor in pain and had emergency exploratory surgery. There was nothing could be done to help her, six months later she was dead. I saw her go from a size 18 down to a skeleton in that time. This cancer is brutal and there are no symptoms to warn you about this silent killer. A CA125 blood test is available to check for various cancers and you family doctor can do this test. See the link below for more information on a CA125. Most importantly don’t neglect your health, have regular medical checkups. Just because you don’t have a medical history of cancer in your family doesn’t mean that you can’t get cancer. My mother was the only person in my family to have ovarian cancer, she was just unlucky he family live into their 90’s usually. 



This link has the possible signs and symptoms to look out for. 

07 May, 2023

Archaeologists Seeking Cleopatra's Tomb Uncovered a "Geometric Miracle" Tunnel


I find it interesting that there is such an obsession with Cleopatra and ancient Egypt. However what information is relayed to the public is  very sanitised to remove or obscure important elements from history that certain people want to keep hidden. Everything traces back to the cult of Isis when looking at ancient Egypt and their royal families. The photo of the stone heads show someone wearing what looks like a Phrygian cap which is also connected to the cult of Isis. This is a traceable history from ancient Egypt royalties to European royal history and most importantly to British royalty up to present day. The current coronation of King Charles III  has the symbolism that can be traced back centuries to the Egyptian royalty including Cleopatra VII. Think of the cult of Akhenaten and the solar symbolism used to convey a message. 

05 May, 2023

May 5 lunar eclipse and a meteor shower

 There is a lunar eclipse and Eta Aquariid meteor shower over this weekend in Australia peaking tonight 5 May to 6 May, which will be exciting for star gazers and astronomy lovers. Get your crystals out on tonight too,  to cleanse and re-energise. There is of course an astrological aspect to a lunar eclipse which you can read about below. 




The flower moon lunar eclipse, I can’t see me getting up at stupid o’clock to see this. 🤣🤣  

Have a wonderful weekend everyone wherever you are in the world. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗🤗 Alex



Just right for me today lol. I am a Virgo Libra cusp 

04 May, 2023

Case Report: Energy Field Changes Approaching and During the Death Experience


Fascinating article. I noticed the mention of angels present at the time of death, the more correct terminology would be soul bearers. 

Aged care workers given historic pay boost in upcoming federal budget


It’s about time but they have to wait until 1st January 2024. In the meantime trying to keep a roof over their heads. Now take care of retail and hospitality workers, they desperately need more work and a higher wage too. Remember these were the front line workers during lockdown too. We must look after these people. We depend on these people every single day, so the government needs to step up and take care of these people and their families too. 

02 May, 2023

Science Alert: Mysterious Surge of Activity Detected in The Brains of Dying People


Interesting how they get lucky catching these experiences at random times. It is a tricky thing to have the scientific equipment in use at the right moment but it may not happen in every single case. I guess it will be a mystery for a while longer. 

30 April, 2023

Mouse Study Reveals An Immune Cell That May Cause Fibromyalgia


Ah, that old pain in the bum Fibromyalgia. Every time I have a blood test done the doctor always finds it puzzling why I always seem to have a low level inflammation in my body. Obviously it’s the fibromyalgia causing it. But after reading this article I thought women are probably more prone due to our hormones. Who knows, but it’s something to be looked into. 

28 April, 2023

This world needs peace above all else

 This world desperately needs peace, love and compassion above all else right now. Society is ripped apart, belief systems are broken and disrespected. Peace, harmony and tolerance is but a burned up old rag at the end of a flagpole. Our collective survival as a species is in doubt and our spiritual survival is in even greater danger. 

How does a supposedly enlightened species get it so wrong again and again we wonder. Right now in modern history we are right back to hitting the reset button on the human race. Not one person can really say they are truly spiritually advanced or even as a member of the human species; have any of us made it to the pinnacle of what a human being is supposed to be. How many times do we have to go through the process of birth and death before we as a species can even begin to be what the original human beings were supposed to be? 

Things will not change unless there is an evolutionary change within the entire species at a spiritual level. Animals don’t wipe out an entire species or several species like we do. It is sad that we find ourselves back at the same point yet again, it feels like we are preparing for our own funerals yet again. 

I yearn for a great spiritual awakening for humanity and for all life but I do not believe that humanity are ever going to be able to transcend to that spiritual pinnacle unfortunately because they hold on to three dimensional thinking which is destructive and limiting all potential that the soul can achieve.

The frequency in the third dimension is way too low and a negative for humanity to be able to make that leap to higher levels of spiritual consciousness. Hence the repetitive cycle and destruction in a never ending suffering. Humanity needs to leave this reality once and for all to even begin to heal itself and evolve. 

27 April, 2023

Funny terms that Aussies use: Flat out like a lizard drinking

 When one is extremely busy and someone asks for your help; the answer is sorry mate, but I am flat out like a lizard drinking. 

Description of a far of bush town, a few miles from Kick-a-tin-along. Funnily I am surprised that the Canberra region of Tuggeranong has not been dubbed this 🤣🤣 in the old days it was the furthest part of town AKA nappy valley back in the early 1970’s. 

Wes Penre: Orion book Q and A session 13


Some good questions in here. Question 2 is something that you need to know, actually as I was reading this and got to the part where Wes mentioned Patreon that word jumped out at me. Because it is representative of the patriarchy matrix. Nothing is by accident as I always say, as there is no such thing as an accident. It is cause and effect, yet we call it an accident because we didn’t intend it to happen, but it is the result of our actions that result in an effect. 

What those that are experiencing in waking up is disengaging from their soul group, and no longer feel connected to others including family members. What Wes says about awakened souls observing, is something that I have said to many clients and friends over the years. We are bearing witness as observers to the human condition and experiences such as war, violence, spiritual decline etc. Do not engage in this destructive behaviour remain detached as much as possible as  witness bearers. On a spiritual level you could say gathering evidence of crimes against humanity, life and spirit. I include the animal kingdom in bearing witness to evil and cruelty against the animal kingdom and nature as well as humanity. 

In regards to question 5. There is the ego at work here, the manipulation of the little freewill of humanity and misuse of energy by such individuals whom I believe have a desire for control and possible destruction of other people for particular reasons. The creation of tulpas is one of these misuses of energy and power and most often used for negative effects. The tulpa can eventually become more powerful than the person that created it and eventually it will turn on them, make no mistake about that. 

Crowley like many of his colleagues ended up in a bad way. He died a drug addict and penniless in France. I can see absolutely no benefit to indulging in the energy manipulation and the mistreatment of others. Focusing instead in trying to be a better person and focusing on raising one’s spiritual vibrations for good. 

I personally have never fitted in with the majority of people most of my life. But I definitely felt bigger changes in the mid nineties up to current times. I have felt a difference between how I felt back in the late nineties and early 2000’s compared to the past eight to ten years, and in the past three years I’ve felt a bigger difference. I no longer worry about it. I just get on with my life and life’s purpose., which has recently kicked off in a different direction and where that leads me for the rest of my life. I am not at all worried about my end of life because I am firm in my beliefs and intentions. 

My advice to others that like myself;  who no longer vibrate at the same frequency as the majority of humanity is  find joy and happiness in nature, whether it is by getting into gardening, loving your fur babies or spending time in nature. Read books that bring you happiness, watch movies that make your happy and. I do recommend classical music at a soft volume. If something doesn’t bring you happiness then it is not necessary in your life. Listen to your heart and honour your heart’s feelings as knowing what is good for you. Live honestly and from your heart always, but don’t try to impose your beliefs on others because you will definitely alienate yourself even further. 

Human vibrational frequencies like the aura or energy field constantly changes all day and night. But the quantum leap in awakening has a bigger effect in our energy. Yes that will also vary too just like our emotions because it is all energy in motion e-motion. 

If you like essential oils you may want to consider; rose, blue Idaho spruce for the higher energy to boost your energy levels. Use it with a carrier oil like grape seed as it is quickly absorbed into the skin and it doesn’t stain your clothes. I think Blue Idaho Spruce is hard to obtain outside of the US but it is the highest vibration of any essential oils. There is a blog post on this blog to show you the frequencies of a few essential oils. Just scroll down to the bottom right hand side of the blog and you will see the little white box to search the blog. Type in blue Idaho spruce and up will come the posts with the information you want. 


The link to the megahertz for essential oils. Keep the vibes high peeps. 

The Biblical Location Of "Armageddon" Is A Real Place


We have known Megiddo is a real place for many years. It’s not a new discovery, nor is  the clearing of the earth is a new thing. Yes the earth has been wiped out five times ( and in nuclear war  according to some researchers  who believe that this took place in the Middle East) in the past and not only do archaeologists have the proof of the earth being cleared, but astrologers can pinpoint these events too. That is why they use an ephemeris and look at the planets, constellations etc in deeper detail. The reality that we live in is like a computer program which runs in repetitive cycles and always will unless the whole system is brought to an end. As in the supposed “consummation of the ages”.

I have mentioned before that humans are only programmed to go so far, or to evolve only so far and then they hit the reset button. That is a cycle that runs in the thousands of years over and over again. The signs of this cycle reaching a climax are what we are living through presently, from the end of the 19th century this cycle has been picked up speed and perhaps earlier than that including the Industrial Revolution. These events in human history are set in destiny they do not alter. There is always a beginning and an end to all things with cycle of varying degrees including cycles that are slow moving, or cycles that last days, weeks, months, years and centuries. The grand finale if you like, is taking shape currently in human behaviour as we respond to the cycle of existence. Whether it is taken from a spiritual perspective, an evolutionary perspective or a scientific perspective, it all comes down to the same results. We cannot avoid these events and effects on the human condition. Everything is governed by astrological laws that can be proven by scientific means. Humanity has very little freewill and only limited scope to respond to any random act and whether we accept this or not doesn’t matter nor change anything. Events and situations play out regardless and each individual plays out their own programming via their astrological profile from the moment they are born. 

The mention of Tuthmoses the pharaoh is actually Moses in the bible and Jesus is a descendant of Tuthmoses. There are a few researchers that have pointed this out over the past 20 years or thereabouts. Jesus was born into an Egyptian royal dynasty. He definitely was not a poor carpenter and he was much wealthier than many of the elite today. 

25 April, 2023

Untold story of how WW1 Diggers 'stole' a priceless mosaic from the battlefield that's now in Australia's most sacred memorial... but the 'real' owners want it back


The respectful thing to do is return it. Humanity have this concept of taking things from other lands that they don’t have the right to take. It’s very disrespectful and should never be acceptable for anyone to remove anything from another country. Entitled mentality is still theft no matter how much one tries to justify it. It’s worse when there is a spiritual or historical cultural significance. 

Let sleeping dogs lie!

 Let sleeping dogs lie they, say it will be fun they said. In my house Miss Ruby rules the roost, but she is ever so cute and does it in a very adorable way. Making the bed after stripping it to wash the sheets, I have to do the remaking of the bed in stages; mustn't disturb the baby after all. There she is on top of the bed lying on a big European pillow with a soft minky cover on it for more snuggling of course. Oh and don’t be fooled, dogs and cats know what is soft and what isn’t soft. They can tell the difference between a cheap minky cover and one that is like touching air. I kid you not, straight away if you put a soft blanket or jumper on the bed or on a chair, within minutes either a dog or a cat in my house would be in like Flynn. Move over human I have to test the quality and softness of this. 

But when changing the bedding it’s look out for the plush toys, Gingerbread man, Froggie and of course Squirrel. Hidden under the European pillow are two pigs ears, as Miss Ruby likes two on the go at the one time. Meanwhile she is curled up in a ball on top of said  soft minky cover on the pillow. I start putting the sheets and pillowslips on the bed and she gives me that look with one eye. You know the one, one more move and I will tilt mum, but in reality she will growl her displeasure and get up and move if she has to.

Today she is determined not to move, the top half of the bed has the pillow slips on the pillows, the fitted sheet is on and the flat sheet and thermal blanket are on the bed, just waiting for madam to shift her bum. But nope, Miss Ruby works on her time not mine, lol. Got to love her though because she is just so cute.

The bed making in my house is like being a nurse, where the patient is bedridden and nurses actually change the bedding with the patient still in the bed if they are too ill to be physically moved. It’s a tough gig I tell you and Miss Ruby wants all her pigs ears and any biscuit put right back where it was, she just knows you know 🤣🤣🤣🐶 I must admit she is not the only dog or cat in our house over the years to be this precious. But I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. I am such a big sook (softie) with my fur babies. I like them to enjoy their creature comforts. Ah, the joys of life 😍😍🐾🐶

24 April, 2023

The 'red line' warning sign all parents should be aware of: 'Knew something was off'


Assumption is the mother of all screw ups. When in doubt check it out, go to the hospital and get tested. 

I know of a few people that dismissed serious symptoms and they are no longer in this world. Also a mother’s intuition should tell her something isn’t right. Don’t waste time debating whether it’s serious or deadly. I would rather be told by the doctor that I was mistaken than arranging a funeral. Yes on the very rare occasion doctors can get it wrong too, so if you are still feeling that your child or family member has a serious medical condition then politely ask for a second opinion. My family have experienced both situations, so I don’t sit back and do nothing. Be wise and be safe. 

Australia news live: implementing defence strategic review will cost $19bn, Marles says


Both federal governments have let things slide woefully over the years, a bit slow off the mark there boys. Get your act together fast and stop faffing around like naive imbeciles. 

23 April, 2023

Is this the first look at a lost civilisation linked to Atlantis? Archaeologists in Spain uncover 2,500-year-old statues that may resemble the faces of an ancient society that mysteriously vanished


I find it rather arrogant to believe that Plato made up the story of Atlantis. This man was a well educated and respected scholar. Just because it doesn’t fit the official narrative put out to the public doesn’t make it a fairytale. There are many other historical accounts of Atlantis around the world and there are people that have had past life experiences that can describe life back then. There are people with a vested interest in suppressing history for a reason. Awkward questions rise when things are exposed.

 Just like in medieval times the Vatican suppressed knowledge of America’s existence. The Catholic church had vast knowledge of the world but forbade others from visiting the Americas for valid reasons. Just like the suppression of the fact that the Scandinavians had been to the Americas centuries before everyone else, that too was ridiculed by the academic elite. Yet they couldn’t deny it any longer by the 1990’s. There are things about Atlantis that certain people don’t want us knowing such as bloodline connections and evidence of technology that was around that can’t be explained currently. What about the giants skeletons that have been found worldwide Nordic looking giants yet the Smithsonian tries to suppress that. There is nothing worse than ignorant people and liars. The truth wins in the end.

Astrology in a teacup


I love this tea cup from T2 my dear husband bought me this cup months ago just as I was starting my Astrology studies. As soon as I saw it, it just said; perfect for Astrology. I see the stars and the universe in this pattern. The pattern is called Moroccan and I find it enchanting in blue. Lately I have been attracted to the colour blue in clothes and seeing this cup it just seemed perfect. My husband just seems to intuitivley know what to buy me at random moments too. We are both dual star signs too so that synchronicity is strong. 
Being a big lover of tea I love cups and teapots. They are just so personal and intimate. Just perfect to relax the mind body and spirit in higher esoteric journies. The Kaleidoscope pattern with stars is a powerful and transcendant pattern that I can slip into energetically. So it is aim for the stars for me on an esoteric level.
If you are interested, T2 has the pattern in a few colours. 

RECIPE: ANZAC biscuits

 As ANZAC Day is approaching here is a recipe for traditional ANZAC biscuits. This came home from primary school with one of my children decades ago. I have no idea where the recipe came from, no doubt from the good old Australian Woman’s Weekly. 

1 cup of rolled oats1 cup of plain flour 

1 cup of sugar (I use brown sugar)

3/4 cup of coconut 
125 grams  (4 oz) of butter 
2 tablespoons of golden syrup ( our measurements are different to US measurements but but not sure about Canadian measurements)
1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda 
1 tablespoon of boiling water 

Combine oats, flour, sugar and coconut in a bowl. Combine butter and golden syrup in a pan and stir over a low heat until melted. 
Mix soda with boiling water then add to melted butter mixture. Add to the dry mixture and stir. Place tablespoonfuls onto lightly greased baking trays. You can alternatively use baking paper instead of greased baking trays. Allow room for spreading. Cook slowly in oven for 20 minutes at 150 centigrade. Remove from oven and loosen when warm, then cool on trays. 

NOTE This is Australian/UK metric measurements so if you live in the US please google the translation of these measurements into your country’s measurements or the recipe won’t work out. 

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anzac_biscuit. Historical account of the biscuits 🍪 

22 April, 2023

Australian stage and screen icon Barry Humphries has died aged 89


Rest in peace Possum, you have taken a large chunk of our hearts. Australian entertainment won’t be the same without you. 



It is 105 years since the end of WW1 and 78 years since the end of WW2, it is now 50 years since the end of the Vietnam war and in between these wars other wars and conflicts  have happened. War and conflict is still with us and always will be. Please do not let the RSL or ANZAC Day die out. 
Every life lost matters, both human and animal lives. Uphold the principles and values of what this means to our nation and our people. To allow this to fade away would be unthinkable and unacceptable to those that gave their lives and freedoms so that we can live. War will for ever be the curse of humanity never forget that. 
Educate the youth of our nation, teach them honour, dignity and respect. Teach them to respect all life. Including the animals caught up in war and conflict. 
Please support our services and keep our RSL's running as the place for our service men, women  and their families to meet and to honour the memories of those that are no longer with us.
Lest we forget!

This is the link to the Canberra Services Club for those that are interested in visiting and joining. 

21 April, 2023

Funny terms that Aussies use: Spanish Athlete

 Funny expression of the day Spanish Athlete; someone that is a Bull sh*t artist.

Wes Penre: Orion book Q and A session 12


As I keep saying this is a done deal, locked in place. It’s up to the individual to make a judgement call on whether or not they want to exit the grid at the end of physical life. As far as those that want to live off grid are concerned, there are some things to keep in mind also if you drop out of society and you become ill; if you need medication or surgery that may not be possible if what Wes is saying actually happens.Thus you won’t survive off the grid too easily. Even having an abscess in your gums can make you very ill and kill you if you’re unable to successfully treat this infection yourself. Just like in the days before we had antibiotics. So living off grid does have serious consequences if what Wes is proposing is true, but this is up to the individual and if they can find a  good peaceful community that has good alternative medicine available to stop infection.

You will need to have books on not just basic first aid but also herbal medicine books, buy a snake bite first aid kit too; if you live in an area with snakes. Give a thought to books on basic carpentry and building, repair manuals etc. There won’t be electricity unless you have solar panels. How about a woman giving birth off grid without proper medical care especially if she has complications. Will she be allowed into a hospital or what about children that need medical attention such as in the case of asthma, appendicitis or fractures? What sort of transportation is available in an emergency to you if living off grid? How far away is a hospital or a doctor? And will the hospital or doctor be willing to treat you if what Wes is saying actually does happen. 

In Australia and other countries that have venomous snakes and spiders where one need’s access to antivenin quickly, will off grid people be able to get medical treatment? Give serious consideration to the risks associated with going off grid. I have no idea what I will do in the future other than going through the holes in the grid at the end of my life. I live a very quiet and spiritual life as it is, very boring lol.

Tarot card of the month: May 2023, The Star


As I picked this card, I went huh? My mind was blank and I thought what the hell am I supposed to make of this card. Well as I started to look at the card and my pen or scribbling stick in hand , lol. My  guides started to inform me. Just as well cause I had nothing to quote Seinfeld, I got nothing!

Card number 27 of the Major Arcana, The Star. One big bright golden yellow star surrounded by seven white smaller stars. Notice there is one white star that is not sitting in the grouping. It is sitting on the left and almost touching the mountain in the distance.

No clouds in the sky, there is a tree on the right hand side of the card behind the woman. The tree has three distinctive branches and a bird sitting on the branch closest to the woman. The woman kneels at the edge of the water, and there is one foot resting on top of the water. It is not immersed in the water as in immersed in consciousness, the knee of her other leg is on the fertile green grass as in being grounded.  

As we see the woman appears to be pouring water into the pond or body of water and also is pouring water onto the ground as if she is feeding the grass to keep it hydrated, so that it doesn't die.

This is Aquarius the water bearer of the zodiac sign which is ruled by Uranus. Aquarius being an air sign and as fixed sign which in astrological terms is succedent and covers the 11th house in the zodiac.

So basically what the whole thing is warning us of is sudden surprises and situations that may be beyond our control.  This card shows us concentrated energy to create balance, mental force and concentration. I think these are key words for the month of May; to bear in mind too. 

The element of water represents the unconscious mind, Uranus represents the unexpected in this reading, please be aware that Uranus also covers sudden and unexpected violence.  But here in this card I feel this is connected to concentrated power spreading throughout the world. I feel this is connected to globalism, the EU  (the stars), WEF, NATO/UN and power spreading. I feel the expansion of authority, power and global politics. Financial power reshaping our world is currently taking place.

I also feel a careless waste of money and resources under one authority. Notice how big the woman is in this card, she dominates the card. Notice the flowers in the grass, 10 of them sitting at gapped  intervals. yet behind the woman is a cluster of flowers. To me these flowers are countries around the world. Which ones are benefitting here? Which ones are protected and which ones are left to decay? This can be reversed too because the 10 flowers or countries sitting individually could also be seen as being under control and their very survival depends on the woman depicted on the card. In other words under the firm control of a super power or globalist cabal dictatorship. See the picture and perspective?

This card also tells me of a cycle playing out globally. But this cycle is like a magic trick involving sleight of hand.  Just look at the water pouring from the jugs; is this an illusion being performed? Does the water come from the pond or body of water in the foreground or from another unseen source? This must be considered as it could be something being added to the mix so to speak.

Nothing is fully explained because to do so will reveal the deception. Notice the bird upon the tree branch, the bird is a messenger from up high. In the tarot birds are always messengers and that includes from spirit. Here though this is a physical world messenger from a lofty position of power; giving orders to the body below to carry out the instructions given. This is thinking outside the box, but only to a point. I now direct you to the lush green lands, fertile and lush productive lands full of abundance.

To supply great abundance to the entire world, yet this fair maiden has all the power to control this land, who will she bless and who will she deny? All is not clear, because what you see in front of you is clearly not what you think it is. Who actually benefits and who doesn't? The have's or the have not's?

I can tell you that the have not's are us ordinary people the general population of the world. This is a new evolution of sorts and the world is forever changed, there is no going back to life as it was pre 2020. We see before us a carefully measured world. There is a mathematical feel looking at the numbers but more precisely it is numerology involved because each individual number has a positive as well as a negative meaning and operates on a vibrational frequency of its own. 

I see the numbers 1,2, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 27 as I scutinise the card.1 big yellow golden star, 6 white stars in a formation plus 1 white star out of formation. Together makes 7 white stars. The card number is 27 and you can add the 2 and the 7 and in numerology it is 9. 10 flowers in sporadic gaps, 1 woman, 1 bird, 1 tree, 1 mountain, 2 jugs of water, 3 lot of water (trinity or body mind and spirit),  1 vast green landscape. It looks like an inventory broken down like that, or assets. 

Now to me the woman represents a global power  or cabal. Under a quasi spiritual belief system she is seen as a particular goddess, that we are not privy to know about as the masses are seen as profane. I will leave it at that as I don't feel the deeper esoteric stuff should be brought into this, it’s only just an observation that strikes me. 

May will be a month of gathering, harvesting and manifesting for many, it is time to grow up and open ones eyes and stay vigilant because something big is transpiring. This month it starts being rolled out slowly, I am particularly feeling the last two weeks of May here. Watch for sudden announcements and  warnings in the media. But I stress; do nothing, just watch and stay safe. The time is to be used wisely and prepare. Intuitive people will know what to do and stay safe, gather what you can and hunker down in place. Something big and shocking is coming. At this stage that is all that spirit is telling me, but it is on!

I feel travel is connected to this, movement of people is important. People could be drawn to take sides here. My advice is do not take sides, just watch and wait then you will be better informed and safe. That is all that I am being given at this stage.

Warm and fuzzy hugs


PS, I am in the dark as much as anyone as I am being given this information. I feel though that we need to make sure we have food and resources to tide us over. The clue here is monetary as in a financial crisis and not by accident. You can look through both my blogs on the financial crisis, to me I see it as a revolving door where financial crises are rolled out reversed and rolled out again, sleight of hand! 

You can find the tag for Tarot card of the month at the bottom on the right hand side of my blog as well as my psychic predictions. 

UPDATE: Movement of people 

19 April, 2023

18 April, 2023

Ex-Celtic star Kieran Tierney's favourite Scots pub torched as police probe 'wilful' fire

As a child in the early 1970’s, I lived directly across the road from this establishment, my father used to drink here. This was an iconic pub in the region with a long history. So it is very sad to see this happen to the building, one of the original owners has not long passed away. I am sure she will be looking on from the spirit world with great sadness at this destructive act. I do feel that the police will catch the individuals that did this. I believe two people are involved. 



 Strive to be the best human being that you can, then you can say that you tried. Your soul knows the truth. 

Toxic PFAS chemicals used in packaging can end up in food, study finds


Everything that is supposedly “green “ turns out to be dangerous and toxic. This again highlights the hiding of true dangers in green products. If I go on a picnic I use stainless steel cutlery and have a proper picnic hamper with washable plates and cups. I keep a small set of stainless steel cutlery for two in my car and bpa fee plastic cups in my car to use at anytime, just in case I stop at a takeaway for lunch and wash them when I return home. 

People need to look into the good old tried and true ways of taking items from home when going on a short road trip or picnic. Bring a bag or container for the dirty dishes and that way you don’t have rubbish left in the environment. For the off chance of an impromptu meal keep a small amount of cups and cutlery in the boot or trunk of your car. No chance of eating with toxic chemicals on disposable cutlery or disposable cups etc. Think how cheap china plates can be purchased in the supermarket these can be washed and reused. Just store them wrapped in cheap tea towels to prevent breakage in a box in the back of the car. Kids just love a surprise picnic and this way all you need to do is just buy the food and off you go. 

15 April, 2023

Hey it's Saturday



                                       Damn Genies can make themselves invisible too! Crafty buggers

                                            But Tea is good 24/7 

14 April, 2023

In this world

In this world you don’t need permission to be you. In this world you don’t need permission to breathe. In this world you don’t need permission to feel. In this world you don’t need permission to just be. Feel free to just live, breathe and feel life within you. Express joy, express yourself, express life, express spirit. Give yourself permission to live unconditionally and evolve into who you want to be. 


PDF: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite

https://www.labirintoermetico.com/02Tarocchi/Waite_Pictorial_Key_to_the_Tarot.pdf#page7   You can still buy this in paperback or hardback if...