10 April, 2022

Neil Oliver: During covid much more has been taken from children than might ever be measured


Food for thought and a reality check. Make no mistake this covid-19 was a deliberate act. I will stand my ground on this; as I have always maintained this is a deliberate bioweapon; designed to harm the entire world and has multiple purposes. Both the US and China have blood on their hands with this. This was designed to bring about the global financial reset. That’s no conspiracy theory it is fact and more people are realising this. 

Our future’s have been taken from us, our children are denied a future with freedom and an education. Yet no one will ever be held accountable. No and in fact a war will be made to go global; to stop real questions being asked. Take that as a given, the US will make damn sure of that after all it’s what they always do even to their allies. 

The population cull has already started   and the masses are too dumbed down and trained by MSM to believe anything other than the official narrative. Control the narrative and you control the people, just like control the food and you control the people, Kissinger is on record for that famous speech in 1973. 

The Tavistock institute is one of the most diabolical re-education creations in modern history. Very few ever question their evil agendas. Read up on the social engineering experiments that they have been doing since their creation. The devil’s playground of unspeakable acts of abuse and willful destruction of civilised society. 

So what the hell are parents doing when all of this is happening?  Nothing because they don’t want to be out of step with the masses. Canada is one of the worst countries for pushing filth disguised as education. But hey parents let it slide in western nations by not objecting and not questioning this. Even my parents generation didn’t interfere when this was in the early stages. They would have felt that teachers know best and accepted everything. 

Our children born in the late 80’s and 90’s were the next generation to be exposed to more graphic sexualisation, yet how many parents objected? You want your kids screwed up? Many of the current kids will be suicidal no doubt about it. How many parents are actually aware of this, this abominable social engineering being taught to their children? Who picks up the pieces when these poor children have a full mental breakdown? Who will be accountable? 

Most people have not even worked out the fact that grooming is being taught in a covert way so that parents don’t notice. This has been going on for close to 20 years incrementally in a few countries. Has anyone ever bothered to look into the countries that want to make pedophilia legal (minor attracted)?  Then add the work in progress; the transhuman agenda on top of that, I have often seen transhumanism  thinly veiled in advertising and entertainment on tv, which keeps in with cosmic law. Which means the intention has to be revealed to the public. But if the message is obfuscated it still counts as us being informed. That way it doesn’t violate cosmic law. 

To do away with gender completely is the next step; then once that is in the bag the next step comes. Which they are already pushing, from genderless non binary to  you guessed it AI humanity. Et voila transhumanism; as in synthetic super intelligence. Unless people fight this humanity is over. Keep an eye on infertility over the next 20 years too. 

Much as I am not a fan, look through the archives regarding the sexualisation of children, Tavistock, pedophilia etc.  I have been aware of this stuff since the early 2000’s  and have watched the rapid growth of the psychological abuse and degradation of children and it sickens me to see very little being done to stop the filth peddling in public schools and on children’s tv shows and music. 

Let’s not forget the clothes that young girls are wearing and their parents don't see anything wrong with this. Clothes for boys any young men seem to be getting more effeminate. Even aftershaves are no longer the traditional fragrances and what man wants to smell like he is wearing ladies perfume? 

Children are the most precious thing on this earth and to see this degradation, abuse and the loss of their childhood, freedom and their parents rights to say no to anything that is deemed inappropriate for their children. Is it any wonder that Muslim nations are so anti western world. Don’t get me wrong, I do not approve of the way women are treated in some Muslim countries. We are talking about decency and moral values, these things are not negotiable when we are talking about protecting our children. 


09 April, 2022

The Royal Arms of Scotland


Apparently today is international unicorn day, yeah really! The royal arms of Scotland which you can see below Is actually astrological in significance but they don’t like the public to know that, keeping them dumbed down. Leo is a royal star sign and many royals and born under that star sign. 

Part of what this coat of arms means is Monoceros and Leo constellations harvesting their energy and chaining the energy into the earth. This is occult symbols in your face. 

There is an explanation for the unicorn and the lion  here. https://psychictarotreadingwithalexfulford.blogspot.com/2021/04/monoceros-unicorn.html

Deaths of elderly patients at Shanghai hospital call China's zero-COVID approach into question


We in the western world countries are lucky by comparison; spare a thought for these poor souls. Death is a frightening situation for anyone but to die alone as many people have in the past two years is wickedly cruel. There is absolutely no need for this cruelty, you can bet your arse the rich and powerful are treated much better. I still think of the very start of the pandemic and the child in Italy that died at 8 years old alone. And how the family were treated. 

08 April, 2022

Xylitol effective in preventing and even reversing tooth decay


Worth reading. 



Reading this article one can see the origin of the expression of calling someone a “ Bent Unit” comes from 🤣🤣🤣 Harvesting emotional energy from humans to the non physical beings we know as archons.

Wes Penre: Video 296 Q and A 96


In regards to question 3, you can demand the return the energy that was taken from you. You did not give consent to it being taken because you were totally unaware of this energy being harvested. Also get into the habit of gold lighting yourself and your home each day. It is easy to do and the serious intention makes it powerful. You will find how to gold light yourself, others and your home on this blog under the psychic protection index. Down the bottom right hand side of this blog. You need to do this with firm intentions. 

I do this daily because of what I do for a living. Working with spirit I can’t take chances. Please read the Wes Penre papers and the Wes Penre Videos for assistance in your spiritual awakening and journey. Be firm in your intentions and live as honestly as possible. 

May I also recommend when you meditate, use an essential oil such as Idaho spruce, rose 100% which is in a jojoba base or a high frequency essential oil. Idaho spruce is the highest vibration of all essential oils. It can be hard to obtain outside of the US. So Google essential oils that are a high frequency and then Google essential oils that sell online. If you are near a health food shop that sells these oils go in and have a look at what is available that is of a high frequency. 

07 April, 2022

America Uncovered: Don’t say Gay Bill; does a new Florida law ban schools from saying gay?


Now after watching the video please read the article in the link below. This is getting all too common, but what I find equally revolting is that many men don’t have a problem with a female doing this. Some think it’s funny. Until you have seen the psychological damage done how about you shut your ugly vile mouths. May be you would like to do suicide watch on the poor soul that is the victim, if it’s your child is it funny then huh?


This is pedophilea, just because it’s done by a female doesn’t mean it is not abuse and a criminal offence. 

Neil Oliver: Neil Oliver on Joe Biden and the 'new world order'


There you go, the "new world order" uttered again. Do you think they are deliberately making fools of the public? It sure looks like it doesn't it. Insulting the public's intelligence, sure why not; after all the public are too afraid to stand up and call this out because they are worried about what others think of them. 

 A thought criminal; oh no, gee who'd have thunk it? Hell I was still at school when this started, I remember it well. While the masses were distracted by the game called the cold war, this was carefully fed to us at school and in our homes. Here we are again playing the cold war crap but the game has been drastically change now. Here we are in 2022, so used to the thinly veiled communist plot with political correctness on steroids in all aspects of our lives and our children's lives for at least 50 years yet everyone just lets it slide. 

As for what Neil says on universities in Australia; don't get me started on Australian indoctrination centres pretending to be places of higher education known as universities. I have read for umpteen lecturers, students and admin staff over the years. I see what happens to those that don't obey the propaganda. Same deal in government departments and in public health. They are all made to fall into line with the agenda, smart people leave if they can; because they want to keep their dignity and self respect. How can one actually have self respect and dignity when bowing down to evil?

How can  the western world be so screwed up mentally and morally; that they can no longer think rationally and instead react like communist fanatics? They have been deliberately dripper-system programmed since the 1960's and 70's perhaps a little earlier. Those that made this possible are traitors to their nations, they should have been halted right at the start. But these individuals were under instruction from a very powerful hidden hand to destroy western nations from the inside. Hidden within the government systems and untouchable. Placed there I might add by a cabal of western men with a hatred of  western values. These individuals as I said were put in powerful positions deliberately to bring the nations down morally and economically at the beginning of the 20th century.  

Easy done when the masses watch mainstream tv "news" and trashy social engineering leftist ideology. Allowing themselves and their children to be fed propaganda, lies disguised as news and current affairs followed by  immorality for entertainment.. Down to the point that they have taught themselves to think anti western and the real culprits are untouchable. 

Politicians and those that serve banking, big business, the media giants and secret societies these are the true enemies of the western nations. Traitors to their own nations moral values, beliefs, laws and sovereignty. They are hell bent on destroying everyone and everything. But here is the kicker, they trained the masses to do it for them. 

Many of the public gladly do the bidding of these evil doers and that includes fake conspiracy groups leaders and being angry when told to be angry and protest violently on demand. Encouraging the public to applaud and imitate the perverse of Hollywood and the entertainment industry.  These people must be so proud of themselves to take joy in the destruction of their nations for a commy overlord and their own debasement.  Guess who will be held accountable for this subversion and wilful destruction of their homeland ? That's right the masses they accepted this and made no attempt to stop the evil doers, hell no, they were only too glad and expected reward for being such good bootlickers. 

Now just watch; war is coming next this is it; there is no turning back. This was all pre-planned by the same individuals; as most well read people are aware. This is where things will get frightening. If you think Ukraine is bad you ain't seen nothing yet. But try to work out who is the good guy and who is the real bad guy in all of this is almost impossible for the average person. That is the very difficult part, because the bad guys are on both sides of this, the media leads the public to the conclusions that they want the public to come to. We the public are innocent and naïve. But will be made to take a side in all of this as usual. 

Shortages of food, fuel etc is only the first step along with rates rising and poverty due to the rampant cost of living. These things go in cycles because this reality is designed that way. This is part of the enslavement of souls to keep people in the reincarnation cycle with spiritual debt. Spiritual warfare has always been in existence long before this world existed, but the worse a soul/spirit becomes the lower down in vibrational frequency they descend. Remaining there until they decide to change which can only be done via a spiritual awakening which is a slow process. 

This is all about money, resources and the enslavement of humanity and always has been. Divide and conquer has always been the main tool, but please don't forget there is always a spiritual component in this too and always has been. Communism is anti spirit and this is part of the agenda, like the left hand path of new age witchy poo and spell casting  satanic practices. But, if you are that way aligned then you are held accountable for doing so, no if’s or but’s. You will be accountable.

Lols: Hey Buddy still fighting with the wife?

My bad? 😂😄🤣

06 April, 2022

Getting the front yard ready for winter

 It was one of those now or never mornings, waiting for the summer heat to go away so that work in the front yard could be done. Hubby and I were out the front cutting and pruning, it’s a pet hate really and it can only be done now and then due to health issues and the hot weather. 

The good thing is I have it down to mostly trees and shrubs; including carpet roses and agapanthus. Bulbs don’t come up until winter. Our photinia hedge row is filling up well. That was planted quite a few years back; however some failed to thrive and were removed and new photinia inserted in the gaps. Through the past summer season we have had plenty of rain and that boosted growth. So I am a happy camper to finally see it all growing in unison making it look vibrant and just how I had hoped it would be. 

With just minor changes to be made and hey presto it’s a nice private front yard that is like a little forest. Plenty birds visiting my yard and I can enjoy the company of my feathered friends. Now the leaves are falling the garden will take on a different look and I might have new ideas, lol. I really need to keep it low maintenance as neither of us have the health for heavy gardening. For me a I want a low maintenance picture postcard garden to enjoy without the constant hard work. 

Next task is our back yard, that has run away ivy to kill. It is a banned plant in Canberra and for good reason; being so rampant and invasive. I love ivy but not when it goes crazy overtaking the garden. That is my problem right now. 

The Chinese Pistachio tree has yet to change colour and shed its leaves 

The science behind puppy-dog eyes, and other ways our canines communicate with us ABC


Short and sweet article, but it doesn’t go far enough. Psychic people can and definitely do communicate with dogs on a telepathic level. Feeling their emotions and also knowing things like if the dog is outside and wants to come inside, a psychic person like myself will have a telepathic image of the dog sitting at the door waiting to come back indoors. Other things like wanting a treat is conveyed telepathically too, we see a psychic picture in our minds of the item that the dog wants. Usually the dog is looking directly at the person when the Image is detected. If the human is slow at picking up the signals the dog will stare at the human until the human understands what the dog wants. 

This depends on how strong the psychic link is between the human and the dog, but it’s not just dogs that do this cats do too and are much more psychic than dogs. A person that is in tune with their fur child does have that strong bond always. When I go out shopping or I am visiting someone I often get a psychic message from my fur babies asking me to come home. When I get in the door they are all over me to say they missed me; and that is dogs and cats greeting me at the door. It makes me so happy to be with them and life without fur babies is boring, I just love being with them. On the very rare occasion that I have been away overnight I fret for them, no matter how much I may enjoy that rare weekend trip to Victoria I miss my fur babies; but know they are in good hands with a family member. I phone home to ask how things are going of course and I know that my fur babies know that I am checking that all is ok and any medication is given. 

05 April, 2022

Neil Oliver: Burying pandemic data and digging up ancient s***


Just like I always say; everything goes in cycles and cycles within cycles. That is the way this reality works. You can’t hide anything permanently. The age of Aquarius is the great revealer and you will reap what you sow.  

Those vaccines by the way, are mainly targeting the young people. If you are 50 years and older you don’t matter because you are not the ones targeted for transhumanism, kids are. 

Take on me, Alexandra Shankland


My little cousin in Canada Alex Shankland. Alex is the singer for the Canadian band Ellis in Transit.

04 April, 2022

NSW to ban public display of Nazi flags and swastikas


Isn’t it shocking to know ww2 ended in 1945, yet this vile symbol is not yet a criminal offence in NSW. And good people are terrified of  displaying the true spiritual symbol of their faith  in case they are accused of being nazis. Is Australia’s population so ignorant that they can’t tell the difference between a vile flag and a spiritual symbol? What a crazy mixed up world we live in.

The St Brigid’s cross is a similar shape too, traditionally made from a long grass in Ireland and displayed in homes all over Ireland on 1st February. I actually wear this symbol occasionally and would be highly offended is someone accused me of wearing a nazis symbol. 

Spiritual symbols are for peace, love and protection from negative energy or evil. I find sad that Hindus Buddhists and Jains have to need permission to display their peaceful spiritual symbols, yet other faiths don’t have to explain their symbols and justify them to the ignorant. This Indo-Aryan symbol is thousands of years old. Aryan does not mean from Germany. Google Aryan races and you will see that the people of Iran, Persia, the Celts, Slavs, Indian and many more people are in this group and it’s a bit complex. Robert Sepehr is an interesting anthropologist that does great videos on YouTube and he delves into the Aryans and his videos are packed full of interesting facts. 

Aryan means noble one. 


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_race  read this too. You can see the negative origins go back to the 19th century. Hmm some people had a bee in their bonnets. 

Used by Hindus, Jains,Buddhists

Many of our symbols are based on the night sky.

America uncovered: Biden doubles down: Putin can’t remain in power


And now for something completely different!Chris Chapel brings the real deal in reporting the news. Putin is a war criminal but the American government is not squeaky clean either. What about all the regime changes they forced on other nations and death of millions? Installing their preferred person in government that the American government controls. But, Oh look a squirrel! 

 Ya’ll had a gut full yet of dat  pesky virus gift that keeps on giving? Yeah, giving to big pharma and millionaires, Ka Ching, Ka Ching! 🤣🤣 If you haven’t listened to Neil Oliver on this them you need to.

Those N95’s will block up to 0.1 to 0.3 microns, ah, but the pesky little bugs can still get ya. Ain’t that a kick in the pants inconvenient. For a mask to be effective it must have a tight seal around the nose and mouth. If you have facial hair then you can’t get that secure seal. 

Please have a look at this link below. It explains how the masks work and what they can’t do. Ditch the cloth ones though, if you have to mask up, you are better off with N95


Neil Oliver: There are consequences of covid coming, a great wave of them


Neil Oliver is a man that speaks the absolute truth, and nothing but the truth. A man with intelligence,  a strong moral compass and a voice of rational reason.

 As I always say, “Tell the truth and shame the devil”. Many people seem to have lost the critical thinking ability and easily bend to what the media tells them. Anyone that questions the narrative is branded a conspiracy theorist. Welcome to the new dumbed down dystopia for the western masses. Soft communism anyone? 

How the hell can people that went to school, can read and write, hold down a job and walk upright be so thick as to accept the violations and insult to their intelligence and their rights? How can the world public not en mass stand up for honest medical researchers, virologists and doctors that tell the truth but accept lies from the media and our corrupt leaders, yet can spot the BS at elections?

How can those in the medical field know the lies hold  still their  heads up and ignore the truth just so that they can keep working and living a comfortable existence while others live in poverty and they  keep getting paid knowing the truth though some just simply go into denial? How can they accept the discredit others scientists etc? How can people not see the US government’s hand as well as China’s in the preconceived creation of this bioweapon and its implementation? 

The masses of believers of lies and evil aided and abetted  this crime and partook in the wilful harassment and public ridicule  others that rightfully questioned the narrative. This can only happen when the under-educated are the majority; actively participate in the intimidation, persecution and ridicule of critical thinkers. 

You reap what you sow; and so shall yea reap. The destruction  of human lives, children’s health, education and freedom taken, the wilful destruction of the world economy, the loss of freedom and the loss of income and even in some cases the loss of your job, business and all that you have. To allow it all to be taken from you; by evil doers that planned this whole thing yet you don’t call for a full investigation and prosecution of these criminals for crimes against humanity is itself astounding.

Don’t you think that as a clairvoyant I don’t see and feel things coming, I may not have known about covid exactly but the gut wrenching fallout I saw and felt 30 odd years ago? When I can make predictions that are read by people worldwide every year and from reading my blog, where people can read about my visions going back to childhood (example the death of the Shah of Iran in 79 and I was a 15 year old kid ), prophecy and predictions with a high accuracy and yet you can’t see what truth is. 

I don’t need to know much about anything; but when it comes to psychic predictions and prophecy this information is given to me in various ways by spirit. I am just a dumb housewife after all, but I am extremely  honest and tell the truth, I have no time for liars and those that harm others. I live by my strong spiritual beliefs and don’t waver from them, I tell it how it is.

The results are there to see in this blog, it is not a nice feeling to be shown what is to come, it is distressing for me, it scares the hell out of me, that includes the death of family members. I have to live with knowing when death is coming quite often; and I get very distressed by this and there is nothing I can do to prevent this or stop the gut wrenching fear; knowing what is to come. Yes, I do literally feel this horrible feeling. I not wish anyone to experience this feeling and the powerlessness. But what scares me most is the human race doing nothing to prevent evil, other than attack people that try to tell the truth such as scientists, doctors and other experts in their fields who are dedicated to helping and saving others lives.

These people may never work again in their professions, ruined by evil doers because no one bothered to listen to and support them in telling the truth. These people could have saved countless lives past and to come. The media ridiculed these good people and shut them down. Where is the freedom of speech for the righteous, honest and truthful?  Where is the right to speak the truth in the saving of lives? The public voice is powerful when it wants to be, but also cowardly and selfish when it wants to be. I don’t forgive this abuse at all and I don’t forget either. 

At the end of life when each individual has their life review, they are going to be sickened by their own actions and their wicked bullying of those that speak the truth, the deliberate violations of other peoples human rights; for selfish reasons and the sick pleasure in the power tripping of such actions. That is forever on your Akashic records so that when you die you will be judged accordingly. We do not have to take to the streets going hog wild to protest, but we can make our voices heard and stand by our morals and self respect.

We have the right to raise our objections and question things, it is every person on this earth's right to question and be heard. It is every person’s right to be given the truth, it is not a crime. But it is a crime to abuse, withhold, pervert and deny any evidence of the truth. It is a crime to withhold medical treatment and prevention of health care. 

It is a crime to lie about medical treatments that have not been proven to work. It is a crime against humanity to medicate with DNA /mRNA altering medications that are experimental and are not proven to be safe, cover up the injury or deaths caused by the medication, vaccination or therapy and to deny that it is in fact gene therapy and not an actual cure for a virus. It is a crime against humanity to lie about this and seal the truth for 75 years to prevent legal recourse. It is a crime against humanity to suppress truth and justice. 


03 April, 2022

Neil Oliver: Who will hold power in the future?


Food for thought and so relevant at this pinnacle point in history. Where does that leave us when it comes to our human rights? At present our human rights are being redrawn into something that benefits big business. 

What are your rights as a driver if you hit a pothole and damage your car?


Just in case peeps 😃 

Robert Sepehr: The origin of the sea people


Always enjoyable and educational. Like I say the universe is made up from mathematics as shown here in the video. Nothing in “creation” exists without mathematics and energy (vibrational frequency,  there is no such thing as the Big Bang). 

The ancient Atlantean people were not squeaky clean like some people like to imagine; they dominated  other cultures and interbreed with their nobility, and their offspring are living amongst us today. They abused technology and caused their own demise, but not before certain people left the continent of Atlantis and reached other lands. Did you know that Atlantis was ahead of our current technology too?

As a child in Scotland, one of my primary school teachers taught us about the Atlantean’s having weather control technology and they used crystals in this technology to manipulate the weather. That was back around 1972 or early 1973. Somehow I don’t think it was part of the school curriculum though, lol. But it remained with me from then onwards and I have come  across this same information  mentioned in books over the years. 

Think of all the royal bloodlines of the world and powerful people that rule this world. It is no great leap of imagination to see where they originated and why the trail was hidden from the world however this is only one part of their history. There is another important component; and that is in the DNA of humanity. A hint in that direction lies with the Dogons,  ancient Native Americans and the connection to the Sky People. The subjugation of Ireland and all the Aryan races needs further examination too because there is something that it being withheld from public knowledge that is also very relevant to this puzzle. Why are the Aryan races persecuted and hated by the Vatican and certain factions of western politics for centuries? All of these things are interconnected and under closer inspection a new picture emerges. 

Robert Sepehr is one of many researchers in the past 120 years to uncover a big part of the hidden history and with technology improving more will be revealed. You have to ask why it was and still is so vital to hide this information and spread disinformation for centuries even contradicting the biblical information which has itself been heavily edited multiple times already as we well known. HIS STORY, exactly is what the word implies, his story.

The real world history is withheld for a reason because the truth is quite a shock to the senses for most people. That information must be revealed gradually and not just sprung on the public. Nothing much has changed since the days of Atlantis to current times, it is business as usual, war and money. Greed and a compulsive dominance over the world population. The interesting thing is that the rulers no matter what century they live in, all follow the stars. Their cult is exclusive and not for the common people, we are seen as profane and unworthy. 

However it is these individuals that have forced ordinary men into acts of war and barbarism since the dawn of time. That obedience to the rulers keeps people in spiritual debt and prevents a spiritual awakening and perpetuates reincarnation due to ignorance. An ignorant population that does not understand the power of spiritual enlightenment is doomed. What the common person thinks of as spiritual enlightenment in current times is false enlightenment and the false light. 

NSW parliament passes new laws bringing harsher penalties on protesters


Everything goes in cycles in this world and it was just a matter of time. 

Daylight savings time starts on Sunday 3rd April in Australia

 Yay more sleep! Cooler weather too 😃 Daylight saving starts on Sunday 3rd April  for Australia yay. 

Winter is on its way after a wet humid summer. Cold nights and being cozy snuggly bunnies again.

Garfield developed the fine art of finding that right cozy spot for a sleep and snuggle.

02 April, 2022

Pope Francis begs forgiveness for abuses Indigenous peoples suffered in Canada at Catholic schools Posted


How dare he!!!  Let there be no forgiveness for these monsters ever. This is going on constantly and they want the public to forgive, not in this reality. Make no mistake this is an occult thing, and there is also a metaphysical reason for soddomy in these cases. The base chakra is the seat of the kundalini or spiritual light and the spiritual light must be handled very carefully; or great harm can come to the person. This kundalini  is what the abusers are spoiling spiritually by soddomy. These evil people know exactly what they are doing, so don’t be naïve in thinking otherwise, they want to steal the energy or spiritual light and innocence of the children. To force the activation of the kundalini energy can cause real psychological damage. The kundalini rising due to trauma is quite common in ritual abuse and the poor children are left to cope with the fallout of being abused as well as their spiritual injuries; hence suicidal thoughts, self harm and drug addiction to block out the pain and trauma. 

This is not just about child abuse though, it is a spiritual attack on spiritual purity and the public have no idea about this not to forget the psychological abuse being done. Read upon the soddomite  gateway in ritual abuse to understand this. The long term harm done to children does make them turn to drugs and self harm/ suicide. This evil has always been a rich man’s commodity but it is so wide spread in modern times and hard to stop this criminal behaviour. 

This is not anything to do with being gay either, it is a Satanic ritual. And has gone on for thousands of years. It is nothing at all to do with being attracted to children.it is a power thing and an attack on humanity at a spiritual level. So there should be no forgiveness.


Read this for more information about forgiveness.



                                                   The asshole planet 😆

                                   Fanaticism, Anarchy, Power and authority

                                  See even astrology recognises assholes!

Update photos of the bees and the possum box


The bees seem to be moving on for winter. This is actually happening in various parts of Canberra at present. People having bees in their gardens and in possum boxes in their yards. It is fascinating to see. 

01 April, 2022

Fantastic Friday


This was so me as a kid, but it was usually meat that I had difficulty chewing. I was hamster chops 🤣🤣

Peanut butter

 Miss Ruby is still having her antibiotics twice a day. I give them to her in a dollop of peanut butter and she takes it like a boss. I just have to mention peanut butter and up go the ears and she runs to the cupboard. I think there will be issues when she finishes the course of medication because she just loves peanut butter, she will be going cold turkey in a few days when the antibiotics are finished, lol. Tonight at bedtime I forgot to give her her pill and Ruby was under the covers as I mentioned to my husband that I forgot to give her her peanut butter.

 Well quick as lightning she got up and sort of morphed out from under the covers and slid quietly onto the floor in a fluid like movement, then off like a frog in a sock to the kitchen. No way was she going to miss out of her peanut butter. Just as well I wasn’t sneaking through to the kitchen to get chocolate for myself  because Ruby just knows. She has a sixth sense when I am on the prowl for chocolate, it’s like saying Bloody Mary three times and Ruby is next to me. She just knows! 

Joke: DAD?

 The farmers son says to his Dad. 

"Why do we keep the big barn full of "Feed.?"

"Oh, the cattle eat that Son.

"What size is the cat then…DAD.?"

Robert Sepehr: The fourth way to enlightenment


More interesting information from Robert Sepehr, like myself Robert doesn’t accept the propaganda and lies that we are indoctrinated with at school, in religion, history, universities, mainstream media etc.

Astrologically and spiritually, humans are only programmed to go so far and then they hit the proverbial wall and have a big evolutionary reset. I have commented on my old blog and on this one about this;  how humans are again currently devolving. And how humans are only allowed to progress to a point and then start to devolve mentality, morally, spiritually and including war and destruction.

 This reality depends on regular resets once an end cycle occurs. This planet has been through this a few times already and there is archeological evidence; as well as ancient texts that mention this. Evidence of Atlantis is suppressed despite Plato and other men in ancient times recording the fact and humans were much more advanced in technology back then than what we are presently. There are people that have past life experiences from Atlantis who remember little fragments of events, and let’s not forget Edgar Casey and his experience in regards to Atlantis and other situations. 

Put it this way, just imagine one day the authorities decided your great grand parents generation didn’t exist but you have letters and items that belonged to them. This happens in modern history as events get air brushed out of history like Tiananmen Square.  Celtic history has also been destroyed to prevent truth coming out about human evolution and that history is back to front with the absurd out of Africa theory, which is downright rubbish as science reveals. 

Now why is it that secret societies are indulging in “spiritual” practices but publicly debunk spirit? Liars and evil people that dictate what the truth should be. Yet indulge in debauchery and the black arts behind closed doors. Yet you will see symbols all around us in public buildings, art, government logos, private companies etc rubbing our noses in it, with open secrets.

Shame none of the self proclaimed gurus knew about the matrix and the soul trap. This is a vital part of understanding why we should not be here or incarnation being to our detriment. This is why I do not get involved with new age rubbish or trendy spirituality. It is not real nor is it a benefit to humanity. I know what is good for me spiritually, as it comes from within and not peddled indoctrination that every Tom Dick and Harry clamours for thinking they are special and spiritual. No these people are mistaking false teachings that lead them to a dead end. No two individuals can do the same spiritual path, we are not the same so our spiritual path is not meant to be the same. Even our energy signatures are different because we are individuals and not meant to be on one path leading to one “godhead “.

As far as I am concerned Gurdjieff is anything but spiritual nor was any aspect of his lifestyle (a person that manipulated and mesmerised others by suggestion, just  like other dubious characters in history; definitely not spiritual) I have not and will not read anything written by him or the rest of the so called spiritual leaders or gurus. I have seen this type of behaviour up close for real in the spiritual community and it is vile dark energy. 

People are gullible in this particular area of society; desperate for a leader to follow. My father was forever having people tell him that he could have his own church and to guide people. He was deeply shocked that people would say this to him. He was not in the slightest interested in doing such an absurd thing and told people that made these suggestions to him, he had no interest nor intention to do such a thing. My father is a very honest man and wouldn’t stoop to doing anything that he felt was wrong. 

It is so very easy to manipulate people to think you are a spiritual leader and an expert in spirituality, which is very disturbing. So please be ware because you can be very vulnerable to suggestion by certain individuals into following these individuals like a sheep, and this can unintentionally end up with a cult like situation.

Many of these gurus and spiritual leaders (manipulators) are dishonest individuals that I would not allow in my home if they were alive today. Tantra mentioned in the video is used in energy harvesting and if any of these people were truly spiritually educated they would know that. They should know that humans are trapped in this matrix and our fall was a deliberate drop in our spiritual frequency and DNA to be put into the third dimension in a physical body (prison or tomb of the flesh)  and we didn’t do it to ourselves it was done to us by what some may call among other names the demiurge and his people. We know them better as dark ET’s and life designers of this polarised universe. 

I read souls for a living, I read a person’s energy from a photo whether they are a person that lived a hundred years ago of are a person that is alive right now. This is an ability which is a part of the psychic sense known as  clairtangence. I read personal items, photos etc, and none of your Blavatsky’s, Besant, Fortune and the rest of them are not what they are presented as. I know this by reading a photo of them and I look right into the person’s eyes as I am reading the photos. I can describe the personality of the individual.

As for being spiritual, you do not need these individuals to tell you if you are spiritually awakened or spiritual, never mind the fact that they are not qualified to judge either.  Who has the right to tell you if you are spiritual or anything of that nature? 

Leaning takes decades of dedication to your spiritual path. There are no short cuts, delusion is up to the individual though. Yes you will learn things that after you gain more wisdom, you will dismiss earlier things  that you believed and that is part of the process. I have been there myself and continue to evolve spiritually. Don’t take your path to spiritually as something that if you fail you will be seen as inferior, because that is not the case. Just be honest and follow your heart as best you can. Your intentions are what counts as is your sincerity of purpose. It is a private journey of the individual soul, it is unique, it is you. Go forth and experience life and spirituality in your own individual way.

YOUTUBE: Alex talking about early psychic experiences


I will do a few little videos in a row now; and then you can get the feel of my work in a down to earth manner. 

31 March, 2022

YOUTUBE: Tarot card of the month video: April 2022, 8 of Swords


Here is my new video for TCOM. I am just about to do some new videos on my psychic experiences now. So stay tuned to YouTube. TTFN or Ta Ta for now as Tigger says 😺

https://psychictarotreadingwithalexfulford.blogspot.com/2022/03/tarot-card-of-month-april-2022-8-of.html  The written version posted on  18march 2022. 

NOTE: At 7.34 mins I said the  federal elections for Australia will be held on 21 May 2022. The official announcement by the government was made on 10 May 2022. This is not mentioned in my written version of the Tarot card of the month, I had no idea of what I was going to say moments before I started the video either. This was just a spontaneous comment with my guides. So I was quite surprised by this myself as the words came out my mouth. 

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-21/who-is-anthony-albanese-australias-new-prime-minister/101076902. Albanese wins the elections 

30 March, 2022

Toxic plant warning time again


I am lucky my dog doesn’t bother with these plants. But I do keep a vigilant eye on her. Hellebores are toxic too. 


Good night kitty

Isn’t this sweet, mummy cat putting her kitten to bed. This picture reminds me of Tabitha Tiwichit from Beatrix Potter stories with her naughty kittens. I don’t know who the artist is but they have won my heart. (As soon as I find out the artist’s name I will add it, I don’t want to be in trouble for copyright issues.)

WES PENRE: Video 295: Q&A Session #95

https://wespenrevideos.com/2022/03/29/video-295-qa-session-95/ Video


The transcript or written format.

Take onboard what Wes says in his answer to question one. As a clairvoyant medium I do not actively channel these days. What is given to me during readings from spirit, from doing psychic predictions, including tarot card of the month etc, comes to me automatically. Where that comes from though if it is not from my higher self, or a beloved in spirit, then it would come from what appears to be from  the spirits that work with me in spirit such as my soul group. But there are instances that a discarnate being does try to influence me. I do not tolerate that at all and tell them to leave me alone. No one can honestly say with 100% accuracy who they are really in touch with unless it is someone from our family and friends; or in my case as a clairvoyant; a person in spirit that is passing on their messages to my client.

Even if you see the face of a relative or someone that you know in spirit, you must always be wary because some beings can mimic your loved ones. At present I keep seeing a man that I used to work with back in the 1980's. He has come through in my dreams a lot of late and I know that he died in a car accident around the age of 45. A good friend that worked with both of us also had told me recently that he kept popping into her mind recently too. I have no doubt that it is him in spirit because he knew us over many years and was trying to make contact. That is normal when a person dies, they seek out people they knew to pass on a message. Once that is done the person in spirit moves on. 

 On question two, Yes I agree the planet has been wiped several times, but this time is going to be different, because they are moving to AI takeover which suppresses spirit. Preventing a full spiritual awakening. No one can say what will happen this time around because it is still a work in progress. However the other day, I got this weird feeling as I was reading the news about Ukraine and Russia and the possible use of Nukes; I had a weird feeling that some star race that are already here will come forward and try to stop this. I do not feel that it is stopping war as such more like a radiation leek that does not benefit these beings.

I found that rather odd, why did I have that feeling? I have no idea, perhaps it was my subconscious. But any Nukes being used I feel could thwart plans for some agenda.

 That false bliss mentioned in answer to question three, I have observed this in psychic circles and see the faces of these people have a look like the look of there are not fully here; away with the fairies so to speak like the Christian  religious fundamentalists that always have that weird smile whenever they talk to someone. They are so unnatural and I would describe them as having some sort of mania.However press their buttons and they go hog wild. 

Question four; be very careful with this one! Read very carefully; what Wes says about us being deliberately triggered in the spirit world / beyond life area. This is straight out psychological manipulative  abuse and guilt tripping. Which is needed by these beings in order to feed from our emotional energy. This is an artificial spirit world we are talking about (a soul trap); just the same as this is an augmented reality to enslave souls, very few souls can evolve here and that can take thousands if not millions of years; if at all. We do not belong here at all.

One must read the Wes Penre Papers; all five levels of learning ; complete with an extensive bibliography,  which are free on the internet in pdf format and on this blog. There are also his extensive videos on his website and YouTube and other platforms. Other writers do back up this information over many years starting with the Gnostic texts; which the link is on my bog or just google Gnostic texts; and as I mentioned the bibliography that he has provided of course.

Question five: That's a yes and a no from me; I agree with much of this however I am rather cautious in accepting all of this. I do agree with the ancestral link to all health issues;  that one inherits and the abuse that is experienced during an incarnation. But, we have a very, very limited scope in which to react as everything is heavily controlled similar to a computer program, free will is yet another hoax on humanity. The concept of a freewill universe put out by the investors of the New Age movement is not actually free will at all; it is so narrow a tightrope with very little chance to be much more than a puppet. 

We can only be the best that we can be while in the incarnation and not to make things worse for ourselves and others. One thing that comes to mind is; what did any animal do to deserve the mistreatment and sometimes horrific abuse at the hands of humans and others?  To me an animal is an innocent soul and does not deserve mistreatment because they are full of  pure unconditional love.   


TheEpoctimes: Lack of evidence to support claims that face masks stop transmission


We all knew this but were forced to comply. How many other controls will we be subjected to in the next few months or years? Get used to it because more is on the way. 

28 March, 2022

Bibliotecapleyades: United Nations exposed


Most people are aware of the shonky dealings of the UN, so here is something to read to put you in the picture. The new world order has been planned for over a hundred years. 

ABCNEWS: What is mitochondrial donation, and what do you need to know about it?


It makes one wonder how safe this is and the long term effects. I don’t think that I would want to be in this situation, what will the baby’s health be like? It is a very big risk to take. 

27 March, 2022

Freemasons anyone? So in your face


How many people can decode this?  The signs are all there if you know where to look. I am not just talking about this painting though, which is a message  Ukraine is a Freemason event and not what the masses think. 

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eug%C3%A8ne_Delacroix Aw don’t ya just love the Freemason  hand sign allegiance to Lucifer.

Notice the Phrygian cap on the figure, now look at this link below. Symbols and colours peeps, coded messages always, it is  not  just a political cartoon or a picture to look at this is a statement!  The broken crown and the head of a sheep (constellation of Aries)  the snake and the eagle. The hidden powers that can destabilise a nation on a whim, the power that decides when to wage war and who the enemy will be. 

This is treacherous and most definitely the hallmark of evil that dates back thousands of years to an evil bloodline that seeks world domination. The people that decide who lives and who dies, what nations will be the powerful ones and which ones will be pawns to this evil. 


Robert Sepehr: Ancient Native American History


This is a rather important video, but please read the comments too. Our world history is not what we are told by mainstream historians, it is politicised for a reason and I lay the blame at the feet of the Vatican first.  But gradually some of the truth is coming out into public domain. Up until the 1990’s no one would admit that the Vikings or Celts had traveled to the Americas, yet many Indigenous American words have Irish roots and both races were in the Americas before Columbus. The Vatican knew exactly where the Americas were and Australia too. There are also folk legends in the Indigenous American race that mention the ancient Celts and ancient Vikings  

Here in Australia ancient Egyptians had been here and there is cave art  near Newcastle, NSW to show this fact. An Australian Cockatoo was given to a pope in the 1500’s and the article is on my other blog about that. The NSW government actually closed off the site where Egyptian cave art was discovered saying it is Aboriginal sacred ground so no one must go there. 

Which is true because if tourists flocked there it would be desecrated, this spiritual ground protects the ancient art , but the government really just want to cover this up and have disinformation released to keep people away from the fact that Australian was known about hundreds of years ago by Europeans and ancient Egyptians before that. Let’s not forget that the ancient Egyptians went all around the world and that is an even deeper story; because that only came about thanks to Atlanteans, European and Irish seafarers traveling to Egypt over a long time and sharing knowledge. That history has been heavily suppressed but alternative historians like Connor MacDari and Ignatius Donnelly, Anna Wilkes and many more have already uncovered much of this information. But people refuse to accept that we have been deliberately lied to and the usual suspects are in the Vatican and it blows the lid off of their version of events.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXGsYFblCqQ Part one of Steven Strong's Videos on Ancient Egyptians in Australia. He is not the only one talking about this either, follow his videos for further information.

We are living in a time when some truths are revealed because there is overwhelming evidence to back up the claims. But not everything will be released, this is just the way it is unfortunately.  For example the Atlantis connection was known as far back as the times of Aristotle and Plato. Yet taken as a fairy tale, but remember so was the now known fact that the Vikings went to the Americas. History is written by the victors and always needs to be questioned and forensically examined.

26 March, 2022

Nine news: Pet dogs being given up across Victoria in unprecedented numbers


I wondered how long before this happened. Just so damn predictable, humans suck! 

Young woman was abandoned by 'friends' after epilepsy diagnosis


Seriously? Wow, what kind of friends do this to their friend in times of suffering? Selfish ones that's what sort! This young woman can still have a normal life as long as she takes her medication, there is absolutely no reason to avoid a person with a medical condition or in a wheelchair. An unpleasant personality will put others off you and that is perfectly valid, but not a medical condition. 

If people have a negative reaction to your health issue or disability the problem is them; and not you remember that. Know that you are not the problem; the problem is how selfishly they think and feel. Insecure and immature people, that are not very nice.  It has nothing to do with the person that is ill or has a disability. Selfishness is an obnoxious social disability, but who casts selfish people aside? Not like minded individuals; because they need validation from their ilk. 

Learn about the person’s medical condition and work around the condition so that the person can still socialise and not miss out. Don't just assume anything, ask the person directly. Learn something about their health issue and learn how to be supportive and be a good friend. Mental health is the biggie here too and people do lose friends; again by assumption. Assumption being the mother of all F***ups! 

25 March, 2022

Unknown symbols written by the lost 'painted people' of Scotland unearthed


In Photos: Scotland's Cave of the Dead


Australia's blood types are becoming more positive, and that might change how some emergency transfusions are done


Interesting, big change in the national demographics would be the result of emerging blood group dominance. Hey doc, will I be able to play the piano after my blood transfusion? 

Yes, sure you can.   Oh good because I couldn’t before 🤣🤣 

Ba ha ha ha!

This! 👆 more that I care to admit 🤣🤣

TheRiotACT: Secretive ACT Health has betrayed the public’s trust


Oh no, say it ain’t so 🤣🤣 did we expect anything else, come on now! Yet the sycophants keep opting for comrade Barr. 

23 March, 2022

More happiness is needed

 I need to move away from depressing topics and find more uplifting things to post. I know that I have said so in the past but; because we are seeing and living with too much negative situations all around us; we need to find things to bring happiness.

The simple things in life are often the best they say. There is so much joy from nature such as watching a butterfly or enjoying flowers. More importantly our families, fur babies and friends. These simple things in every day life that we take for granted must never be just taken for granted. Have we not learned recently from Ukraine how fast they can be taken away from us? Have we not witnessed this in the Middle East and in many countries where suffering never stops? 

We need to live in the moment and make the best of everything. A smile from a stranger, helping someone by just holding a door open at the shops with a smile on our face. Say thank you to shop assistants, smile at them and mean it. Make their day a bit nicer, because they are also doing it tough, most retail staff don't work full time; therefore struggle to make ends meet. So give them a smile and be on your best behaviour when you make your purchases.

Pay if forward in any way you can. Don’t worry about things that you have no control over. Just live in the moment. Find things that make you feel good, simple things. The things that money can’t buy are the most important things in life. Meditate and find your still centre, practice this until you can easily slip into the zone. It helps to keep us grounded and deal with life. 

Appreciate nature, even if it is a photo in a book, a picture on a wall. If you get pleasure from looking at the picture then just go with it. If you don’t have a garden to enjoy, you can have indoor low maintenance house  plants. You would be surprised at how much pleasure you can get from indoor plants. 

I started off knowing nothing about plants but always loved plants. One night back in 1995, when I arrived in Canberra with my young family, I just happened to pick up a garden encyclopaedia that my husband bought years before we married. I just started to get engrossed in the book and learning botanical names of flowers, shrubs and trees that interested me. Eventually being able to rattle off the botanical and common  names. When I moved into my current house I really got the garden bug and almost 30 years later I still get pleasure and so much peace in my garden. 

So it is important to find the things that bring joy and peace within. Sure I still struggle but when I go into my garden I feel grounded. I forget the world out side and focus on my local universe, my reality.

You can still care about what is going on in the world; but you the individual can’t change what is happening in the world; you can’t right the wrongs in the world. But you can right your world. Live from the heart. Live in peace, be compassionate, help where you know you can; but don’t allow yourself to be drained and dragged down into despair. Reach out when you need help though, it’s not easy but someone will surely be there at the time. Allow others to reach out to you for help as you may be the one person in that persons time of despair. Don't ignore a cry for help. 

Teach the person in need how to find happiness, something to focus on to lift them out of the despair. That will produce happiness for both of you. Teach them to find their happy place to live in the moment. That is a powerful tool, don't underestimate it.

Joe Biden’s ‘new world order’: a throwaway line goes viral with conspiracists… again!


The media are lying yet again. The exact words; "This is the new world order" have been said by various public officials on live tv here in Australia. I have seen them on our national news last year; I don't normally waste my time watching tv news because of the biased sanitised rubbish they spout. One of these public officials was American, one was British and some were Australian. People have recorded these public comments. You will see one on my blog with NSW health minister Brad Hazzard casually saying the same words. Dated September 2021.

Crikey are hardly a reputable website and not one for accurate information. I just saw this come up on NEWS.COM.AU website. I question NEWS.COM.AU for actually posting this if they want to be seen as a trustworthy source of news articles. 

The words in question can be said in a flippant manner; but as anyone with a brain in their head or has a background in metaphysics knows words are like a spell and they carry a vibrational frequency. The intent of the words is right there and cannot be denied. Why are so many public figures suddenly using those exact words or phrase? You don't come out with words like that just by chance. People are not stupid, they are afraid. We know what's coming, anyone that stands in the way is seen as an enemy and quickly ridiculed. There is no free speech, there is no truth, there is no free will, there is no freedom!  

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z5VtVARMag  Biden is a very poor public speaker for a President, but casually drops the words like they have no meaning. This is today's news 23 March 2022 Australian time. The others said the exact same words in  September 2021. Perhaps there are others that have said those words sooner I can't remember though, I thought I first heard this stated publicly in the news back in 2020, I can’t be sure.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVIPy_TAog4  Kerry Chant at 3.21; utters those same words, "New world order" September 18 2021. 

https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/australia-s-covid-19-inquiry-presents-a-roadmap-for-a-new-world-order-20200522-p54vd3.html   This from  May 2020. I thought sure I had head this in 2020 as well.

What are the chances of at least three  public officials uttering the exact same words unless they are scripted? 

https://www.ynetnews.com/health_science/article/s1nvpe5ik  News headline


A screen shot of Bloomberg and the Irish Times using the same words in this search using the particular phrase. Interesting is it not? Hypocrisy and thumbing their nose at the general public as usual. So it is rather interesting that mainstream media use the phrase yet the public cant use it without being harassed and made a laughing stock. Perhaps if more people Googled the phrase they may find many more articles discussing this NWO. Just avoid the conspiracy websites, some are just controlled opposition yanking your chain, because they can.  

I can't imagine how it must feel to be a paid journalist to stoop so low as to do the bidding of evil tyrants. No morals or ethics, willing to mislead and insult the public on demand for a few bits of silver by their overlords in the supposed free western world. I could not think of anything so demeaning or degrading in any profession as to have to treat the public with such distain and callous disregard for voicing their opinions and their right to free speech. You reap what you sow, and so shall yea reap!


Nine news: Wallets, IDs scatter mountainside where China Eastern plane crashed


What a horrible tragedy, I saw this on the news last night. It’s absolutely shocking, seeing the plane nosedive with all those poor people. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. They authorities say it could be sabotage, it just horrifies me to think that some people are capable of doing such things to innocent people.

I hope the truth comes out, families need answers and closure on this. As if the world doesn’t have enough pain and suffering at present. 

21 March, 2022

Bees up close and personal

  Not what I expected to have in the garden all summer. No flaming way am I touching this. Let winter hurry up so they can pack their little suitcases and go on a holiday somewhere else. I expect the possums will be glad when they move out too. I wonder what will happen to the honey after the bees clear out. I might have a visit from Winnie the Pooh!

I find all these bees creepy like an Alfred Hitchcock movie. I just hope the weather cools down soon. 



 Hello everyone around the world. It's that time of year again to do my psychic predictions. Kicking off the 2025 psychic predictions st...