03 March, 2021

Psychic predictions for the world in 2021

  NOTE: so far there are 13899k hits on this prediction on my old blog. Please look at older predictions and see the accuracies of those other predictions too, both Australian and world predictions. I do both separately every year in October. 


Whoa this looks like a crap year ahead. The world is in a bad shape, as well we know, but this is only it starting to have a financial bite on everyone.

In the UK, I see a security scare in Buckingham Palace. A possible breech of security at the gates. The palace also need to recheck their general security procedures or a major embarrassment is on the cards.

There are more on going struggles with health around the world as expected, especially in the UK. People are fearful and angry. 

I see more health agreements being made and including the USA, Trump will have to stand his ground here.  

I feel there will be false results in a cure for Covid, this can be very dangerous, not all is going well with the research for a cure. I feel there is a lot of deception involved here. Be very wary and do not rush into getting the vaccine or you will be sorry. 

Home life is affected for many people in the UK, the government seems to be encroaching on their privacy due to covid. This raises privacy issues with the public. But remember if you are following the rules you wont have a problem, simples!

UK, USA , Canada: People are feeling the balance of civil liberties and lifestyle is out of kilter. This is leading to more civil unrest and demonstrations.  The government may also underestimate the backlash from the public as they try to get things under control. 

World governments clearly do not have this covid spreading under control. New ideas need to be presented and uniform world wide. 

Wales and England, have more unrest with protestors, this may also include racial tension. As there will be African youths involved in antisocial behaviour. Where are the parents of these youths?

Hardship and homelessness problems over the winter months in the UK.  I see some form of homeless centres, but they are not like the usual ones. The solutions offered are way too slow and ineffective which leads to more deaths over winter. Government being unaccountable yet again.

The cost of heating homes in the UK goes up meaning many cannot afford to heat their homes.  Some will resort to theft/crime to help make ends meet because the government has let them down.

Italy: Sudden political upheaval in parliament, this is due to recent changes. However the politicians seem confused as to what they should be doing and they may need to close parliament briefly to work out the issues. How embarrassing! The situation becomes an absolute shambles 

LONDON: I see a red double decker bus, I would say symbolises London's public transport system. This looks like  cutting services and thus causing industrial action. No winners here.

2021 looks to be yet an other year of uncertainty as summer rolls around in the northern hemisphere, more changes are implemented.

I see an increase of police and military on the streets of Europe. People seem to be on edge and have had enough of the suffering of 2020, as it drags on into 2021. Not an easy time for anyone as hard economic times are starting to affect more and more people.    

Home security will be the most important concern for many people world wide in 2021, and rightly so. Up goes the crime rate along with unemployment.

There is a heavy darkness covering the world in 2021 and people are frightened, the times are getting desperate and this is the vibe that is in the air. Please try to stay calm and do not put yourself in harms way. Take this message onboard for your own safety!

India: More flooding, the cricket though is the thing that will get peoples backs up. I feel there is something going on here, possible cheating, corruption and questionable deals/contracts/agreements.


Canada: I see J Trudeau in the spotlight, it feels like his term in office wont be for much longer. Something is happening and I do not see him staying in office, he will hand over to someone else.

Celebrities' helping the poor, however not all are doing this for true humanitarian purposes. It is good publicity for some.

UPDATE: 4 October 2020

This was written on October 1st but has been in draft, the red bus thing was in the news this morning 😳 I am going to be working on finishing my predictions today or tomorrow at the latest. I am very busy at present so this page will get updated within 24 hours hopefully. Work takes me away from this often so please be patient. 😻

 UPDATE: 8 October 2020 2.15pm

I had an other pot shot at the cards today, not easy. As I have not really been in the mood to do this, but hey it's been a crap year, lol.

Trump is in for more distress next year, he needs to come down hard on the lefties. He is trying to help the US to get back on its feet. However others are making the job difficult. Mr Trump needs to be battle ready in 2021 things are set to ramp up against him and the American way of life. 

I feel the US courts need a shake up as there are political factions that do not hold the country's core values at heart. Trumps selection for the high court as you would have already guessed will be seen as offensive to the democrats, Wah wah, talk about cry babies when they don't get what  they want. How un democratic are these people? This is why the US is screwed.

This is not going to be an easy task because it is deep rooted and many take a generation or two to fix.

It is a good year for car manufacturing in the US and other nations will look to the US for guidance to bring back or introduce car manufacturing. This is the new electric cars.

I see Mr Trump being wild with rage next year. Something or someone is deliberately pushing his buttons. Expect fireworks as he is ready to kick some ass. I feel this is a domestic issue.

Looks like many countries around the world trying to get along better next year. However I feel what is seen to be a truce is nothing but a smoke screen on China's part to avoid further scrutiny.

The western media and some non western media in the spotlight because people have rightfully lost trust in them. Mainly USA/ Canada, UK/ Eire, Europe. People want factual information!

World leaders, especially the European, UK, Ireland and US/Canada are struggling to cope with the public distrust and protests with the current health crisis. The WHO are also in the spotlight as people no longer trust them either, add Bill Gates and his toxic foundation to that list. This does not phase Gates one bit. He will just keep on pushing his agenda. But, here we are seeing more nations distrusting him after his African fiasco. 

Expect the WHO to step up its game  in the face of public opposition. Things will turn very ugly and we will see the military and police being deployed to the streets world wide more often to combat unrest. People cannot cope with more lockdowns and the governments need to heed the warnings.

Boris Johnson must take care as his popularity is on the wane.  He will struggle for popularity and control next year up to summer time. His actions may come back to bite him.

With the Brexit situation, this seems like people getting a raw deal. The people of Ulster (Northern Ireland) are terrified of a return to the dark days. They want this situation fixed. I do not see a satisfactory outcome from this. This is all about money and not human lives sadly.

I see soccer back in the news again, however there is ongoing financial downturn that needs to be looked at. This will be due to not enough people going to the matches or they are not permitted to attend the matches being played. This will affect the income for the players. 

As we all expected it is a year of confusion for everyone and economic downturn including sporting and public events. But we all knew this was happening, we just have to live with it.

I still feel an air of deception world wide and it will be hard work controlling world events, and world leaders will resort to drastic measures to keep control.

Stay right away from protests if you know what is good for you. It is going to turn nasty.


Copyright  Alex Fulford  1st to 8th October 2020

List of past psychic predictions  https://psychictarotreadingwithalexfulford.blogspot.com/search?q=list+of+predictions

Update Covid vaccines 



Let’s hope they can tweak the vaccines to make them safer real soon.

https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/johnson-johnson-vaccine-rollout-paused-over-blood-clot-reports/news-story/91167878031ca8f3342c19cfa15d944e Johnson and Johnson vaccine blood clots  April 14 2021

UPDATE 4 June 2021: More blood clots.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9713037/Australians-develop-deadly-Guillain-Barr-syndrome-just-days-having-AstraZenecas-Covid-jab.html   June 23, 2021

UPDATE: President Trump wild with rage prediction


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9130375/Trump-raging-white-trash-mob-look-bad-says-White-House-insider.html.    Trump raging 

UPDATE: Indian cricket players in trouble over possible covid breech

 Cricket suspended in India, due to covid. It took the, long enough,but hey money before lives!

UPDATE: Cost of heating in the UK up

UPDATE UK homeless rate 70000 

UPDATE: Italy 

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/13/italys-government-on-the-brink-as-5-star-threatens-to-boycott-confidence-vote. July 2022 this situation is far from over. It’s not unusual for a prediction to stretch over an extra year. 

UPDATE: Europe, police/ military on the streets due to lockdown protests 

March 20, 2021 Bristol England protests

UPDATE: Northern Ireland Brexit, Good Friday agreement in danger.

Northern Ireland cars set alight , protests 

UPDATE: Riots in Netherlands over lockdown 20/ 11/21

UPDATE: India floods. July 2021

UPDATE: BoJO’s  popularity on the way down 

UPDATE: Justin Trudeau calls snap election for September

UPDATE: Canada , 29/8/2021

UPDATE: Security breech at Windsor castle 25 December 2021

 UPDATE: Red double decker bus, London crashes.
https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-60125408. This is 12 months out of sync 27 January 2022, this can happen because time is not a fixed thing. 

UPDATE: Italy, this is a year late, lol 21 July 2022 Prime Minister resigns and the coalition collapse’s. 

UPDATE: New homeless shelters in the UK for winter … this is a late development for some reason 

Sleep Pod UK this website is dated 2021 right down the bottom. I only found this tonight Australian time 10.02pm 4 July 2023. 
See screenshot below 


Note: I don’t always get the time to recheck older predictions unless it’s something that really stood out in my mind, like this one. As I point out in other posts a prediction can often be out of time synch . However this one was not, I had not seen it come up in the world news on Google until tonight. 4/7/23. 

https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-lancashire-63944808 homeless sleeping pods , looks like there are a few companies making these now. I wish the Canberra government could do something similar. 

UPDATE: Trudeau about to resign January 2025. I don’t know why this has taken so long to happen. No great loss. 

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 4 January 2025

  https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Q-and-A-Session-4%5EJ-2025.pdf Please read these comments carefully and you may need...