01 March, 2021

Down to Earth Moral and Ethical Spirituality

 Just for the record, I am not the sort of Clairvoyant/Psychic that indulges in the Unicorns and Rainbows nonsense. That is commercialism and highly morally offensive to me.

Everywhere you look there is so much commercialism. This work is for spiritual nourishment, guidance and your spiritual empowerment. You will not find spiritual nourishment in unicorns and rainbows and all the trendy angelic (archonic) stuff. What you will find is a lack of true spiritual awareness and guidance. Something that will drain you dry and take the very life force out of you.

When people come to see me they are left with a healing and something that they can feel. That is spiritual energy. They are shown how to be spiritually empowered by pure spirit which comes through from my higher self to their higher self.

Angels if you are honest and look into the real research are actually archons.
I have had first hand experience of these entities and can actually see and feel them. Trust me if you can feel them they will make you feel ill. They drain your energy and no amount of gold lighting will stop that energy drain. You need to go in heavy duty to get rid of them.

My advice to people trying to communicate with these beings is,  please do not do this. You have no idea what you could get yourself into, let alone how to help yourself. Very few people are skilled enough and strong enough to actually help you and it can take several attempts to fix the problem.

Just because you see things on TV or go to psychic events, do not think for one minute that there is no element of risk involved in working with spirit beings.  There is always a risk with anything.
No different than having a general aesthetic when undergoing surgery. There are always risks with anything.

However the risks when dealing with the unseen world could be worse than you could imagine. If however you get an entity attachment, there are several beings, not just one. Not just that , the attachments rip your energy field or aura. Leaving the person open to more psychic attacks and attachments. If you have this happen to you once it will happen again and again. You must take the right steps to have your aura repaired and sealed. The psychic wounds eventually will turn in to physical illness if not taken care of.

Try and tell a doctor that you are having problems with a spirit being and you will find yourself in a mental health unit. Those places are infested with entities by the way. Please leave the spirit communication to those that are trained to do this. It is not for entertainment and it does not mean that you are spiritually awake. You do not awaken in just one life time either, it happens over many lifetimes.

At present there are energy portals open all over the planet. I have said recently that people are behaving like they are mad or have entities attached to them. When portals are opened up to dark entities, humans are like a beacon, and these beings will just zoom into their intended hosts like a moth to a flame.

These portals by the way are on ley lines and are not being used by good entities. Do not be foolish to think they are good guys. The ley lines on earth are all toxic at present. To be toxic means they are attracting evil entities. All the ley lines need to be purged to stop this happening. Mother Earth is very sick at present because of this.

What we see happening as a result of this is violent crimes happening everywhere, road rage, domestic violence, war and all sorts of negative behaviour. Look at the amount of people harming children and animals at present. These are classic signs of what I am talking about.

There are not enough psychic people trained in how to help every one, and not all psychic people can do this, nor want to do the energy work that is needed to help everyone either.

And while we are being fed a diet of watered down spirituality this does us even more harm. At present I am having a lot of dreams with warnings of things to come. Spiritual upheaval and spiritual degradation. Did you know that even using the internet can also bring in negativity?

One must be careful when using this wonderful tool and be discerning as to what they are reading. Not just that but also on guard for taking on negative energy from questionable websites and forums.

People vent their anger way to freely on the internet. Do not let this into your mind and body. Do not engage in negative behaviour on the internet and insulting people. Walk away from negative discussions or you get hooked in to the negativity.

At present (September), there is a lot of energy harvesting taking place, I feel the 23 of September is one of these times for energy harvesting so be mindful. Keep your emotions under control and if you have to, keep away from places and people that have the potential for negative or violent behaviour.

November is also a month to be cautious for negative energy attacks so please head the warnings. I want people to stay safe and be mindful of their actions and the flow on effect.

Reminding you once again about spiritually moral behaviour and responsibility. What you think you create, be very careful.  If you want to be spiritual that is a big responsibility and it is not unicorns and rainbows. It is calling it as you see it, speaking the truth from your heart and not being afraid to tell the truth no matter how uncomfortable it may be for some.

We have choices and me must act ethically and morally lest we be judged for our lack of true spiritual values. Truth always, remember that. It also means the right to protect yourself and the right to say no. You have the right to protect that what is yours also.

Copyright Alex Fulford, September 2017

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