01 March, 2021

Alex on 2 SER Radio In Sydney January 2, 2018


Today I was most honoured to be interviewed by Mick Radojkovic, on 2 SER Radio in Sydney. You could have knocked me over with a feather yesterday afternoon when I read the email asking me, would I be interested in being interviewed and give my predictions for 2018.

So this morning at 8.45 am, I was on the radio doing what I do. While we were talking  a little ginger cat in spirit popped in to say hello to Mick Radojkovic. Just letting Mick know that his dear little childhood kitty baby is around him in spirit. How beautiful is that.

Even Miss Ruby, my naughty Jack Russel girl managed to get her voice on the radio. The cheek of her, lol. That's a Jack Russell for you.

I wish to say thank you to Mick and the kind people at 2 SER radio for inviting me on to the radio show today. I truly appreciate your time and thoughtfulness.

I am told the interview will be posted on the radio station website some time today for those that missed it.

http://2ser.com/what-is-on-the-cards-for-2018/ This is the link from the radio website about me and the interview. ANNNND cats 😀 Just click on the blue  box to listen.

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