03 March, 2021

Tarot card of the month: 8 of Swords October 2020


Restriction, Confusion, Powerlessness
The card relates to the month of May and dates 21 to 30

Not a happy card, we are not happy campers, and you guessed it we're not in Kansas anymore Toto.
The year just keeps turning to poop as each month goes by. Is it the beginning of the end? It could well be.   
The lady in the card is out of her depth or comfort zone. She has swords almost all around her, except right in front of her. But because she is wearing a blindfold she is unable to see the road ahead. She is bound tightly and unable to do anything. Her home is behind her in the distance. Which indicates the past.  If she could free herself things would be better, however she can't free herself, other than in her mind.
 Now the mind is something that  cannot be easily controlled by others. That depends on if you share your opinions, feelings etc. Sometimes we need to hide those things from others, because it cant be folly to trust others. Right now is a classic example of that, as many of us feel powerless and severely restricted. 

Everyone is affected in some way by the worlds circumstances but how each individual handles it is different. People feel beaten and down trodden with the changes that are taking place. The new normal, is not a walk in the park and many are slowly coming to realise this fact. 

They ignored the warning signs for so long and now they find themselves trapped.  The question is though, is it their own fault? Is this a betrayal of public trust?  Did they allow this to happen? If so how do the public get themselves out of this mess?

They may not be able to, and need to think about that. This card is ruled by Saturn which tells me that evil is loose, once out it cannot be put back in it's box. The individual must free themselves from the situation. That is no easy task, and must be done carefully and wisely.
A mass revolt is not the answer that some may think. it could well be playing into the hands of evil. This would result in harsher punishment and a crack down on freedom as witnessed in Melbourne. 

There are those in powerful positions that could do something, but chose not to for very selfish reasons. The service to self type, they will only do what is good for them. This year's US election is the clincher also. I feel it will result in a harsh repercussion for the American people. 
So be it, they allowed this to happen, by allowing evil to take control.

To be blunt I do not see a way out of this for America, things have gone way too far, through arrogance, corruption, laziness and giving in to those against American values within the country.  

For the rest of the world I see people trapped by the restrictions that are ongoing and not letting up. Financial and food security in Europe as winter advances  and trade issues cause more restrictions. If only the people would demand the end of the EU dictatorship, but sadly many have been fooled and still think it is a good thing. They cannot see the financial disaster and the social disaster this creates. It does not benefit anyone but those in power and big business as per design. Shall I say it is all in the numbers, literally?

The number 8 in Tarot
It can be positive or it can be negative, but I feel the time to be positive is gone and it is naive to think otherwise . You won't be seeing a positive change for many years to come.

Meanings: Wisdom, learning experience, stability, patience, responsibility caution financial security.

Restriction, self-discipline and self control. The number 8 vibrates to the energy of Saturn. Saturn rules agriculture, civilisation, social order, restrictions. You guessed it, the time is now for forcing the new world order down our throats.  Notice I mentioned food problems in Europe for winter, this could be the start of things and also, not much grown in winter and if restrictions on importing are in place guess what is going to happen? Not enough food.  This is not accidental, NO, not by a long shot and those that are keeping a watchful eye on world events are fully aware of this fact. Cause and effect, this is deliberate so pay attention and  wise up fast or you will regret it.

There is no turning back from this. No dress rehearsal, well actually there was but most people were asleep at the wheel, this is it right now for a few years. You will notice the change in diet, which you have very little control over. Travel well that is never going to be the same with the influence of Saturn travel will be restricted, I honestly cannot say how long for at this stage. 

PS: I recommend people look up the astrological meanings and cycles of Saturn and Jupiter. I am not an astrologer so I do not want to give any misleading information. Also you would be advised to look up the numbers relating to the planets and the star signs . It is all connected as the Tarot cards themselves are infused with these sciences.  

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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