24 July, 2024

Ponder if you will, or laugh out loud

 With me it’s fill up with water and detergent and forget to put the clothes in because I am too busy multi tasking.  


Wes Penre: Q and A Session 4 July 2024


There are some good comments in this Q and A. St George and the dragon is a thing that interests me. As the dragon bloodline in Scotland is very much alive today, that is both the Hamilton and Stuart royal bloodlines and another one that I don’t remember their name. They are an ancient royal line and obviously are connected to the French nobility which is also connected to the family bloodlines of Jesus and his sister wife Mary Magdalene who was living in Normandy, France. 

These bloodline are connected to the current British royal family and European royal families. 

Astronomy wise there is also the constellation of Draco to be added to the equation. It is blended into mythology as are many astronomical objects. 


23 July, 2024

No readings at present

 Just a quick heads up, to let everyone know that I am unable to conduct any readings for at least a week due to having renovations done in my house. My entire house is packed up as I am having floating flooring installed. I can tell you it has been really stressful, hot on the heals of my husband’s surgery a few weeks ago. 

So I will post an update when I am back to doing readings. There might be another interruption with other work to be done soon after this installation, but hopefully not for long. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs to everyone 


21 July, 2024

The Blog has hit over 100,000 views, thank you everyone

 Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! 

I am eternally grateful to everyone reading my blog, starting over again from scratch has been very slow to gain viewers. After the "little accident" with my original blog, lol. Let's not go back there again. Having over a million views and then I stuffed my blog up by taking advice from someone that I should not have, and that was disastrous. Well here I am crawling over the finish line with a mere 100,000 on this replacement blog,  but a very long way to go still because there is not enough traffic thanks to algorithms.

I have also just had to create a new website also, because I was not happy with the previous website hosts. So that also slows down people finding me again, because they would expect to see my old website and assume wrongly that I have retired. It feels like one step forward and three steps backwards. 

I do want to express my gratitude to everyone for reading my blog as this is who I am, an honest and sincere old school person that shows appreciation from my heart. That is who I am, thank you all.

Warm and fuzzy hugs xxx


20 July, 2024


If the shoe fits, just sayin'! 😂😆

Tarot Card of the Month: August 2024, 10 of Wands


Struggles, being over extended, buckling under pressure, driven to succeed, attainment, originality, creative, knowledgeable 

This card rules Aries, Sagittarius and Leo Astrologically the card relates to the 9th House

Planet: Saturn, the Teacher or great malefic. Ruler of the 9th House of Philosophy, Religion, the higher mind/Superconscious, higher education. It covers long trips such as overseas travel. 

A lone person struggling with too much, he can't see where he is going and his head is facing downwards. Meaning he cannot see what is in front of him and sure to have an accident due to over extending himself. Tripping himself and dropping all his wands.

Notice there is one wand that looks to be touching the ground directly in front of him, which he needs to be aware of. To trip up will have a domino effect and upset his plans. Wands can be seen as something manifesting, coming from the non physical into the physical, this could be a thought coming to fruition in the physical world. In metaphysics, first there is thought which then manifests into physical reality in action or anything even illness because everything carries an energy vibration or signature. However here we are seeing energy in motion as actions driven to succeed in power, politics, political agendas and education mainly. It is original and creative energy.

The month of August is going to be a very busy month globally. Not just with the Olympics going on in France, but many world governments will be taking  action. Plans coming to fruition, political power struggles, intrigues and ideologies clash. Then there is academic struggles in August especially for those seeking higher education and exam results.  Factor in political issues and agendas pushed in educational settings such as universities.

August is a month to be vigilant, do not take on too much otherwise you will end up with a disaster. Keep it simple and manageable.  My guides are telling me to keep an eye on spending too, because there may be a shocker of a power bill or other large bills for some people. So hold off spending until you have paid your bills or you will be sorry. 

Mercury goes Retrograde on 5 August to 28 August just to make things a bit more spicy. Which affects communication of all sorts including words, intelect, reasoning abilities, technology (think the internet as it is part of the communication system),  transportation of people and goods. Mercury's actions are quick, uncertain and can be volatile.  Mercury covers travel, especially short trips (3rd house ruler). 

This is  Murphy's law in action, anything that could go wrong, will go wrong.😂

There is a clear blue sky in this card; which shows there is no clouded judgment, it's all in the open so to speak. This is not a happy openness though, it is conflicts of opinions, beliefs, action, war etc, because this Tarot card is ruled by Saturn (The Teacher or great Malefic) Saturn represents the urge for safety and security. Which aligns with the  9th House of the Zodiac which is also ruled by Sagittarius. Therefore please be mindful with religious differences and philosophies and higher learning settings. Don't poke the bear.

Canada will be in the news in August as the people are unhappy, so expect protests. I see littered streets with what looks like scrunched up newspapers, as the paper is black and white. Though I am not sure if this is in Canada. France as we know is in turmoil and I do not see this issue with the government settled until close to the end of August. 

The Greens look like they are being pushed to the sidelines in August as people wake up to their destructive antics. including their negative effect on other political parties such as labour/ ALP Australian Labor Party. I do not see this being resolved. Times are changing fast and the public are extremely wary of politicians. 

Africa descends further into chaos that no one seems to be capable of putting a lid on. Nor is it in their interests to put a lid on this situation. That old daemon Money and Power is behind the reluctance of course. China has been the latest country to plunder the continent in modern times. 

Russia will up their game in August by pushing the west, but China will be very cautious  with this because they do not want to jeopardise their own agendas. Same old, same old! 

More spies will come crawling out of the woodwork in August and getting caught. 

Turning back to the image in the card, I notice the man holds the 10 wands in an awkward  way. The wands are held showing most of them at the top and not evenly balanced at the bottom. 

Thus, top heavy like too much power at the top and little below. Is the lower end hidden power behind what is seen publicly? Too many chiefs and not enough Indians as the saying goes. 

The man is facing the right which implies the future. Though this card  also covers past, present and future too. This is aggressive energy here too, it's me first and self serving. Not good with Mercury retrograde biting you on the ass. 

What is the main goal in August? Politics and power, absolute power; driving political change. Notice that one wand touching the ground. There is a single important drive here, everything depends on this one factor. One main power, one main goal to be achieved. 

The card feels very political for August, no doubt about it. And after seeing how July has turned out this is understandable. There has been so much violence, including domestic violence, high crime, poverty, war and political upheaval driving unrest around the world. 

I feel a big name in politics will resign. This feels like a female politician in Europe. She has light coloured hair and is connected to the EU or UN. I am getting pulled to France and Germany with this.

I feel she is offered something too good to refuse. France will have its problems drag on as it seeks a new leader and this could perhaps bring about a new vote. France is now weakened and unstable (volatile) This of course was a deliberate act and action needs to be taken to plug this vacuum quickly before things get worse. The French people are not going to be tolerant for much longer. There is a strong similarity with France and the US with political factions trying to destroy both nations. 

Looking at world events, we see the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, the power seems to be way out of control due to very poor leadership. More focus and adjustment is needed throughout politics, business and everyday life needs. Which seems to be lacking in the respective leaders. 

Remember that bad boy planet Pluto is affecting everything too and its disruptive power will be here to stay until 2044. Pluto in Aquarius is not a happy situation it brings out the worst of humanity,  

Uranus (the freedom urge) the planet that rules Aquarius is humanitarian, scientific and is  known for sudden and unexpected events that are often violent. It is utopian and egotistical, it rules electricity, aeroplanes/ aviation, earthquakes and provides insight into nature's functions.  It is humanitarian and futuristic too and rules inventions. Remember too that Uranus is a breaker of traditions, so adding Pluto into the mix you can bet we will be in for a rough time.

Pluto is known for destroying and reforming  and fusion. Transformation is its thing.

Pluto governs amongst many things, the underworld, it rules the masses, subversion, waste, nuclear power and weapons. It rules obsessions coercion, disappearances, kidnappings. Pluto governs that which was hidden and exposes it, and also things that have been developed in secret.  It also covers dictatorships. An important point to remember is Pluto's actions are slow and deliberate and Pluto spends 12 to 13 years in each zodiac sign or house.   

Whatever happens now has long term effects so please keep that in mind. When the Genie is out of the bottle it ain't going back in.

I wish everyone all the very best and warm and fuzzy hugs



PS: I was debating whether to do a TCOM or not as my house is in an upheaval as we are starting some renovations next week. But I just could not disappoint anyone. 


Protests in Canada 14 /8/2024 


More spies coming out of the woodwork 


Chinese dissident arrested for spying in New York. 


19 July, 2024

Australia is hit by a massive Microsoft outage, as major banks, Qantas, ABC and Foxtel, are struck by huge outages, and computers crash with the blue screen of death


The military have a good response to this YFI-YFI.  You F****d it you, fix it!!

Keep paper money at all times in your purse or wallet because when this happens or cyber attacks happen and you are stuck without money or goods, medicine or food for your family. Never assume anything, be smart and be prepared. 

16 July, 2024

Mercury Retrograde is the astrological equivalent of…

                                  Mercury retrograde is the astrological equivalent of PMS. 

                                                            5 August to 28 August


Wes Penre: Q and A Session 3 July 2024


Q1: That‘s a Yeah, Nah with me. I don’t agree with the person’s question, it’s s just too much disinformation. This is a realm or planet of lies and deception by design. I trust nothing as we have seen so much disinformation in the past 24 years with the turning of the new millennium and it has moved up several notches since the turn of the century.The last 10 years have been rather hyped up by everyone trying to make a name for themselves trying to be experts on everything. 

The spiritual and new age stuff in particular is in overdrive with rubbish aligned with this particular theme.  I always maintain that I am not an expert on anything, I go from personal experience or what ‘seems’ to be reasonable. I may well be wrong on somethings in the areas that Wes Penre delves into, but it is food for thought. I also find this very dark energy, so I don’t want to spend  much time dwelling on this. 

Q2: The term  ‘Out Ethics’, sounds like new speak, lol. Unethical or without ethics why not just use the correct terminology rather than using stupid made up expressions trying to sound cool. ‘ Seem powerful’, that’s exactly it, they seem to be powerful only if you believe them. With billions of people on the planet, how many people would actually believe in magic? Manipulating energy can be done yes, but that depends on what and how a particular energy is being used. If it’s a human being  that is being manipulated then that’s on the individual giving away their person power, and a person that is emotionally and mentally vulnerable.

Yes, there are evil people that do black magic rituals all over the world, and always have been since the dawn of time. But how much is actually the power of suggestion with the use of mind altering substances and how much is unexplained? Tulpa are soulless beings created by thought,  by people that practice the dark arts. These Tulpa are said to carry out the wishes of the person that created them. Those tulpa can and do get out of control too according to the likes of Dion Fortune. These entities are very dangerous when out of control of the person who created them as they take on a life of their own. 

Dion created one and she allegedly lost control of it according to her book. Why the hell create something like that in the first place? That is an irresponsible ego that manifests such a creature, and it is not done for peaceful purposes. 

These entities are more along the lines of the terrifying shadow people. I have experienced them and so did my neighbour on the same night. I didn’t even know the woman at the time as she was new in the street. It was a few years later that we were talking and the subject came up. Neither of us had anything out of the ordinary happening on that night either. 

Yes there are dark energy beings, but most people never encounter them, so don’t worry about them. It’s not an area that you want to get involved with either, as it can affect your mental health and wellbeing. So leave it alone please.

Q4: I would not put much stock in this to be frank, this is silly disinformation again. Trump is a walking ego like all politicians, his energy is not nice and neither is his new chosen VP. I don’t like politics and I am not a political person. But I certainly don’t like Biden and his team either. You don’t have to take sides or agree with anyone. Sometimes it’s best to stay neutral and avoid the negativity. 

This world is set up metaphysically for negative energy, it is a low dark energy by design. Yes it is a realm of death and we are entombed in the flesh to keep us enslaved physically and spiritually. You can investigate this should you be interested but it involves a lot of reading, including learning, unlearning and being led down blind alleys. I am speaking from experience over many years, which can be so disheartening. 

14 July, 2024

My heart rate has gone crazy this morning

 Early this morning I woke up around 4.30am with  minor chest pains and my heart was pounding in overdrive. I thought I was having a heart attack as I was going hot and cold, yet it was a freezing cold night of minus 3. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my heart though; as I have seen a cardiologist a few months ago and did the stress test. Angina runs in my family my father and his mother and my great grandmother all had it. I do know that my grandmother had a heart attack at my age, and her mother died suddenly of a heart attack just weeks before my gran get married. 

I am still not feeling good late this afternoon and luckily I have an appointment tomorrow morning with my doctor. There is poor oxygen levels in my blood all day and dizziness, as I have been monitoring my blood pressure with a BP cuff and monitor. I have no idea what is happening or why, this is not like the usual chest pain that I get  occasionally. This rapid heart rate was ongoing as if I had been running and feeling breathless. My finger BP/Oxygen monitor was constantly beeping as my oxygen levels were dropping under 93 as well as my pulse rate dropping. I have had to just sit in a chair or lie down in bed because if I tried to do something I didn’t feel good. 

It couldn’t happen at a worse time because we are getting the house prepared for new flooring next week and it’s only been 4 weeks since my husband had surgery. I just don’t need this on top of everything else that’s happening. Without a proper medical diagnosis though, I automatically think; is this a viral infection in my heart or something like myocarditis. Even drinking tea can cause your heart rate to increase rapidly. I have to be very careful about how much tea I drink because I have suddenly become very sensitive to tea and having to drink more herbal tea without caffeine and I didn’t drink much regular tea yesterday though but it still could be the cause. I am a busy little possum at present with house stuff that can’t wait too although my husband is helping out with everything. 

Let’s hope that it’s all back to normal in a couple of days. I hate being out of action and tend to feel guilty if I’m not feeling well, besides there is so much to enjoy like sitting in the garden with a cup of tea or sitting at the windows watching the birds. That is something that brings me a lot of happiness nature is my passion and I need to see my garden daily 🍄🌺🌳🐦‍⬛🐞

Warm and fuzzy hugs everyone 


Funny Sunday


                                               Lol, memories of feeding my kids

No idea who created this cute picture, but thank you for creating it.

I hope these give you all a smile or a laugh. 

Shots fired at Donald Trump campaign rally


Unbelievable behaviour in the US, this is insane. 


Please read my prediction and warning about 2025. 


Assassin neutralized!  

12 July, 2024

‘Frantic and desperate’: Full-time carer mother faces homelessness


Where is the humanity guys?   This mother and child are unnecessary put through hell thanks to the South Australian government incompetence beyond belief. This should have been escalated immediately, my heart goes out to this poor little boy and his mother who is trying desperately to get a safe place to live and have the  correct care that the little boy needs to survive. This is not bloody good enough Australia, look after the vulnerable and the sick as a priority and human right. How many more people are in this situation  with medical conditions and homeless in Australia? 

05 July, 2024

Getting some laughs in before the weekend starts


                                                That’s for the one above 🤣🤣🤣🤣


04 July, 2024

French ‘Excalibur’ vanishes after 1300 years


There must have been a few people involved to pull this off, perhaps they abseiled down to the sword. No doubt it is a political stunt to provoke a national outrage with the French elections at present. A sword embedded in rock for hundreds of years would not last the ravages of time due to rusting unless it was made using a technique to prevent corrosion. 

All that aside who doesn't love a bit of mythology and hopefully the sword will be returned soon and not into the hands of a collector. 




                                          Swords of the era in Western and Northern Europe. 

02 July, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session #1 July 2024



It can only happen if people don't man up and grow a pair! 

Boomerang not Bumerang!! Spell Check is a great tool, just saying.

What Wes does't mention is when we are in our physical body we are dead. We are entombed, think about the term, "as above and so is below". Literally speaking, in our third dimensional world we think we are alive, while on earth  and when we are dead and in spirit we are upstairs in a higher world we call heaven. Yet, when those in spirit think of us, they see us as being dead. 

There is no up or down per say, we are talking dimensional frequencies that rise and fall on a scale. That puts a different spin on things entirely. Some frequencies are dense realities and the higher the frequency the lighter and less density there is. Then there are positive and negative variations of each dimension.   

Q4 is pie in the sky theory. If you get entangled in a group of souls how easy is it to disentangle from that group? Think about when a person has entity attachments, they can't always be moved without help, I have witnessed this myself. Then it has also been said that there are also people that after death find it difficult to leave their bodies and they also need help leaving their bodies. 

Tough new laws to protect retail workers in Western Australia come into effect


Well this looks like that changing of the guard that I have mentioned in the past, where the end of politically correct laws that are weak and ineffective are now on the turn. The old problem, reaction, solution game moves the other direction, or so it seems.   

However I am rather skeptical on this being enforced correctly though because the people committing the violence do not have the money to pay the fines, which then could become a "mandatory" sentence. Then that depends on how good the solicitor is at playing the mental health card and poor perpetrator, it's not their fault BS to get a lighter sentence. Notice the wording "up to", that does not mean they will get 10 years. 

Get the laws that are there enforced for violent  crime. The premier and the government need to man up and insist that the laws are applied properly by the magistrates. Assault is assault, there is no excuse for any violent behaviour whatsoever, so stop making excuses for violent people and man up and apply the law.

 Domestic violence gets less jail time, that is if the perp actually goes to jail, so what is going to be done there? Its insulting for us women that we are not protected. 

Western Australia and Queensland seem to be the worst states for violent crime because of the court system, and criminals get the upper hand. Because they know how lenient the magistrates are. 

30 June, 2024

Human body healthy frequency rate


Higher frequency in the body, results in better health. It has been shown that a normal healthy body has a frequency of 62–72 mhz. When the body drops below this frequency, we begin to get into illness and disease states. For example, if our frequency drops to 58 mhz, then we are likely to get a cold or flu. If our frequency drops to 42 mhz, we become susceptible to cancer within the body. The lower the frequency, the closer we are to death. Death starts at 25 mhz. The human body should be alkaline to be healthy also, when it turns acidic that is when illness happens. 

Actually this article states that Blue Idaho Spruce essential oil has a frequency of only 428 mhz, yet I have seen it mentioned as 580 mhz, which seems to be the more common number online. Spiritual work needs to have a high frequency, I use Rose essential oil (320 mhz), Frankincense (147 mhz) and Spikenard and was used by Jesus  (I know this has a very high frequency but I can't find my notes on this, so I am googling it).

 Surprisingly some of the oils used for spiritual protection are not that high , but in biblical times I would say the oils used were also as an antiseptic. 

963 mhz is known as the god frequency which activates the pineal gland. Now despite the megahertz of these oils, they have been used in spiritual practices for centuries and obviously do the job Ancient shamans and spiritual practitioners have always known what herbs and oils for their cultures to use for spiritual protection and assisting in their practices. Lets not forget the Catholic church always used incense in resin during certain religious ceremonies. These incenses are to ward off negative energy as well as purification. 

I found this in draft from 2021 😕

Not sure what I did, but the white behind the text is a nuisance, not the first time this has happened on my blog, lol. I think I must have started in WP originally and did a cut and paste. 

Ancient Egyptian 'office workers' had terrible posture just like us, disfigured skeletons reveal


No remedial massages and physiotherapy for these guys. That would be a constant long-term pain to live with. Just spare a thought for ordinary workers back then and their life expectancy though.  

Today’s world of technology means we are often hunched over using a computer, phone, iPad and that pressure on the neck leads to pinched nerves damaged vertebrae, bulging discs and osteoarthritis. Bearing in mind the weight of the human head, which weighs between 2.3 kg to 5kg.The entire body posture is affected and often our skeletal system is out of alignment which causes other health problems. The neck, shoulders, wrists and hands and various levels down the spine are affected. Moving down into the hips and knees. That's lifestyle only and not occupations, of which there are countless that will result in similar injuries. 

Lightening the mood lols on a Sunday


29 June, 2024

Researchers find genetic cause of Raynaud’s phenomenon


Some valuable information finally comes out about this miserable condition. I have no idea who in my family had this disorder, most of them are dead now. Unfortunately people years ago often didn’t discuss their health issues. That is not helping us that need answers, due to the poor attitudes and beliefs of people in the past. 

Thankfully people these days do open up and talk about things, which is  beneficial as well as sharing valuable information about health issues within the family and the medical system. Up until a few minutes ago I had no idea that Reynaud’s was  hereditary, and I have read a lot about it, but this is the first article that I have seen mentioning it is hereditary. For some reason this morning I had an epiphany about my children inheriting this from me and decided to google again, finding this article.This also makes me wonder about Fibromyalgia and a possible genetic link there too. Maybe in the near future scientists will unlock this mystery too.

 Stress and anxiety most definitely affects flair ups in both Reynaud’s and Fibromyalgia, currently I am going into a Fibromyalgia flair up at present. My scalp starts to hurt in random places and my arms start hurting and then the crushing fatigue hits followed by my ability to speak coherently and then I can’t find words to communicate with anyone and my mind shuts down. Having my husband ill and now slowly recovering from his surgery would be just the thing to trigger these disorders. This is why people must set boundaries and not be afraid to tell others to back off and give you space to rest physically and mentally. 


US Supreme Court ruling allows cities to ban homeless people from sleeping outdoors


What does it mean to be human, in the land of the free and home of the brave? A democracy you say 🤔🤥😭 This is abuse of the poor and suffering by a handful of rich, spiritually bankrupt privileged individuals, who are so far out of touch with reality and the suffering or ordinary people. 

28 June, 2024

Apple’s strict iPhone rule when you die and the feature you must know


This is something that we all need to think about, and backing everything up in an external hard drive is a must. What happens if you get hacked or your phone stolen? There is a lot of phone hacking around, so keep that in mind too.

I am glad that my dad wasn’t into modern phones or computers, we had plenty of photos to use at his funeral at Christmas time last year, but this man was not much older than me. I make sure that my family can access my phone and devices in case something happens to me, not death, but ill health or any random situation. People die at all different ages and it is important to keep family informed on how to get into your phone and devices if they have to. Not just that you should have a will made if you are an adult, thousands of people die every year intestate (without a will). As soon as my first child was born I had my will made, I don’t take risks of any sort. Plan ahead and plan wisely.

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 3 June 2024


RE: Q1, Astrologically and spiritually speaking yes, there are exit points in our lives, Saturn is the planet of restrictions And it rules the 10th house and the sign of Capricorn. Saturn represents the freedom urge, limitations, responsibility and male authority figures including your father. This planet also helps you with restructuring your life. The key word is The Teacher and it is a hard taskmaster. 

The south node or dragons tail is the other thing to watch out for in a house of endings, but you can’t predict a death with astrology, only after the fact. Tarot cards on the other hand can predict deaths. I avoid that like the plague when reading the cards. 

RE: Q2,  When a loved one in spirit tries to let us know that they are beside us, we will generally feel that someone is watching us. We may also see them in our mind’s eye or clairvoyantly, as that is our psychic senses working and it’s perfectly normal to experience this. Along with this there is usually a warm tingling feeling around our body, that is our intuitive sense working again. This is the body’s natural reaction when spirit is present. We are all bio-electrical beings, we have our physical bodies and the etheric body made up of seven layers governed by 7 main chakras down the meridian core of the body.

As a child I often felt that tingling feeling and the feeling of being watched. The most common time for me to feel this was if I was home alone  after school, especially if there was a thunderstorm. I used to be afraid of thunderstorms, so I put that down to loved ones in spirit trying to let me know it's alright. At these times I could definitely feel spirit presence, one just knows the feeling because it is unmistakable. These spirits are usually grandparents, great grandparents  and other family members in spirit letting us know that they are there to say hello and generally as a comfort us. 

Negative entities are rare and it’s usually because someone is messing with something that they shouldn’t. Reptilians generally smell disgusting like poo. I have only experienced them a couple of times a few years ago. I am definitely not afraid of them now, although my first experience was at a trance medium course that I didn’t want to go to in the first place because I knew something bad would happen and it did.

I have written about it on this blog and my old blog. That stench cannot be hidden either, lol. You may be looking to the person next to you thinking, did you just cut one? I saw this huge smelly being clairvoyantly in my hotel room after the first day at the course. The first thing I noticed after being woken up was the foul stench and a creepy feeling of being watched. As I looked to the side of the bed there was this huge bloody freak of a reptilian with a green and bronze colouring. I nearly pooped myself, but they can’t harm us really because they are not in the same dimension as us. They can only frighten us and nothing more. I don't generally waste my time with this stuff  now. Life is busy with family life and my psychic life. 

Sleep paralysis is not something that I have experienced but I know people that have had very bad experiences, one was a police officer many years telling me of a terrifying experience with a black energy being trying to choke the person as well as the crushing weight on their body. Another person I know was attacked the night her step daughter was killed in a crash, as the young girl came to see her family in spirit form minutes after her death, she unknowingly brought a dark entity with her that proceeded to try to choke her step mother and her father. When my friend came to see me a few days later this entity turned up to. Well, I wasn't going to take that. I just called in my guides and that malevolent entity was taken away. I guess he didn't like the fact that I was stronger than him. I never communicate with these entities either, I am very blunt with beings like that. I just go to work on removing them. Despite what some well intended but misinformed psychics think, you must never even attempt to communicate with these entities or they can gain the upper hand.

I have encountered a few very poorly trained people in the spiritual community that teach , you should ask the entity what is wants. Hell no! Don't ever be as foolish as that. Dark entities are cunning and often will pretend to be a child in spirit. Once they gain your trust then they show their true intentions. What you see on tv shows is theatrical and not real. So please do not be tempted to join in this sort of nonsense. It goes south very quickly. 

Re Q4, No surprises there, it's always the same at the top, this is a controlled environment and of course the top of the heap is controlled by these beings. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then its a cow. If you have to ask then maybe you should try listening to your own inner voice and your intuition. Nothing in this world is what we think it is and that goes double for the non physical realms.

RE Q5, I am always very skeptical on trusting any of this information. I will sit on the fence until I am on the other side of life. I will explore for myself, and if Wes is correct on our recall after we go through the grid, then we may already know intuitively. My rule of the thumb for myself is to trust and accept nothing unless I actually see or experience something for myself, I prefer to be cautious.

26 June, 2024

Callum the Stag: Famous Scottish Stag put down because tourists kept feeding him junk food


Poor Callum, people need to have more common sense than feeding an animal junk food. They are not like us, and have their own unique diets to sustain them in optimal health and each species is unique. Animals have survived on their own with their correct diet and habitats for thousands of years, until modern humans in the 20th century onwards intervened, with absolutely no idea of what animals eat.

Their gastrointestinal tracts are not designed the same as humans gastrointestinal tract, and they are not supposed to be like ours therefore cannot assimilate junk food into their bodies. Most humans don’t even know how to eat healthy as it is. 

This poor stag didn’t stand a chance of survival if he became dependent on food that is not only unhealthy for him, but became addictive to him and his health suffered because of it. Just think of the terrible pain he would be suffering from with the toothache alone. 

Then the gastrointestinal issues and debilitating health caused by careless and thoughtless people. He would be hunted by other stags because he is unhealthy and can’t take care of himself and thus becomes a liability to the pack. Just think of the freezing cold winters and unable to forage for food properly in the wild. Leading to hunger and starvation and not accepted by the rest of his pack. 

Stags are magnificent and majestic creatures, which we Scots call the monarchs of the glen for a reason. Learn to respect them and all animals, the only reason to intervene with them should be for their welfare such as sickness or injuries. Admire them from a safe distance and respect their environment too. 

Shame on everyone that did not respect the rules on not feeding Callum or any wild animals. You are to blame for his poor health and subsequent death. 

People just will not do as they are told and this is the terrible consequences of their ignorance and arrogance. This is animal abuse and the egos of very thoughtless people who don’t stop to think through the consequences of their arrogant actions. I doubt very much if they even care; it’s more like, Oh well, never mind, as they move on to the next thing that amuses them. 

There needs to be a more extensive national media reporting on not feeding human foodstuffs to animals, via TV, radio, internet and government mail to get the message out to the public. Teaching responsibility and respect for all animals because this is the only way to get the message across to people along with massive fines. 

Animal rescue groups take the time to learn what animals eat and how to care for them properly. And if you love animals and would like to help them, then please contact the appropriate channels for advice and training. This is not a job for fun and amusement, it’s heartbreaking at times, but well meaning humans dedicate themselves to helping animals in need and crisis. Not just that there is a shortage of veterinarians due to the high stress levels and suicides because these wonderful people care so much and feel deeply about animals. If you have ever witnessed an animal suffering and being euthanised then you understand. I have had to witness my fur babies, avian babies and rodent babies being euthanised and it’s very distressing. 

Please stop and think about the lives of animals,. In 2019 Australians witnessed horrific bushfires all over the eastern states with animals dying in the millions. Some had to be shot because there was just so many of them burned and in excruciating pain that survived the fires. But couldn’t be saved so they had to be killed to stop their terrible suffering, the military were called in to help in the dreadful duty. Just think of the trauma on those people tasked with such a terrible job to do, it’s not a thing that one can forget. 

I have seen the Canberra bushfires of 2003 up close and personal right in my yard. The dead kangaroos in the streets around me was a horrific sight that I will never forget either.

Please stop and think about the way we humans interact with wildlife and their environment. We are here on this earth to look after the animals both wildlife and domesticated. They are not like us, they are better than us because they are pure and beautiful souls.They trust unconditionally and love unconditionally. Show them the same respect and love because they are worth it. 

22 June, 2024

Saturday needs LOL's


               Can you get the lid off the Vegemite dea? I can’t manage ! And that’s how the fight started 🤪

21 June, 2024

Tarot Card of the Month: July 2024, Ace of Pentacles



                         Planets: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo  Element: Earth

July is an interesting month with the world going through a series of different transformations . THis card shows a very grounding month and of course the card is represented by the element of earth. New ideas and opportunities are indicated for July. The expression grabbing the ball and running with it comes to mind as I study the card. This covers world events as well and world leaders   grabbing opportunities and running with it.

Luck is a big factor here politically especially with the elections in some countries like the UK and France. We know it's goodbye to Sunak in the UK but I feel the Macron of France will get back in by the skin of his teeth with a reduced amount of seats in parliament. People are afraid of any possibility of far right politicians and won't risk their vote. 

Africa goes from bad to worse with conflict and hunger, which is a terrible human tragedy that never ends. Businesses have big opportunities in July as there will be new business agreements, profits will be made and a lot of luck  is guaranteed. 

I hear the word, tomatoes and I feel they will skyrocket in July.Not a good sign for people trying to eat healthy. The ace in the middle of the card tells me two things, one there is a lot of money around this month and two it's will be a scorcher in parts of Europe still and other countries such as the US, parts of Asia and then the weather will turn late August. 

There are plenty of opportunities in July fore making money, and employment. The Houthis' and other like minded  individuals will be stepping up their action, they seem well armed and mean business. The west need to act on this a bit faster and they need to arm up a bit more to keep on top of the situation.I feel they do not use enough hardwear so to speak to stop the attacks. Yes there will be an escalation as it is a long drawn out conflict. The Houthis' are very determined and are well supplied. 

I am drawn to the mountains in the card in side the arched hedge, which signifies a long road ahead with conflicts globally and also the financial situation connected to this ongoing conflict. However the archwaya also alludes to good things for those that are prepared to stretch out for higher success in their careers and securing their future. 

There is more movement of people indicated and some of this is to do with finding employment including students joining the workforce after completing their studies. Mainly in the northern hemisphere and a slight boost to the employment figures. 

I also see young muslim women in this completion of studies and entering the workforce in areas such as academic fields including  medicine and public service and public relations. Expect trade start ups and offering new futures for some lucky young people. As you can see July is a month of opportunities. So grab them as soon as they pop up. 

Please be very mindful of scams and bogus job offers that seem too good to be true. What is offered is not what it seems, so please read the fine print as they say. I get a strong feeling of sleight of hand tactics targeting vulnerable people such as refugees being tricked into things where they are being exploited. So please do a background check before making a decision with a job offer or money scams.

People are also seeking peace during these uncertain times and need to feel safe and grounded in their lives. 

Sadly Gaza is not going to slow down anytime soon. I see the red cross and the red crescent wringing their hands in despair. Food and medicine are being diverted by crooks again. 

There is also a big divide between people in the west  versus people in the east. It's a very sad situation where people that have done nothing wrong yet are put through suffering in different countries. 

Please look after your families and loved ones and lets pray for a peaceful solution that is workable for everyone fairly.

Blessings, and warm and fuzzy hugs people. Have a wonderful weekend.


20 June, 2024

A big shout out to the surgical team and the nurses who cared for my husband

 I know that I don’t always have kind words to say about the Canberra hospital, but from the moment my husband went in to have his much needed 5 hour surgery procedure last week, on 14 June, the medical care has been outstanding. From the lovely surgeon Dr Jana Balysooriya ( a truly lovely man and so genuine putting our minds at great ease ) the leading surgeon in charge of the procedure right through to every single nurse and doctor in theatre and on the surgical ward. Not to forget the lovely ladies that always have a lovely smile as they deliver meals and cups of tea and coffee. We truly appreciate every one of you, who has been there and we wish to express our deepest gratitude to all of the team. 

This is what makes a good hospital, when everyone is working in unison as a team and communicating with each other. It’s not always the case unfortunately, but from the moment my husband went into surgery the care has been outstanding.

 I am very much a person that likes to acknowledge the hard work and dedication to the patients by the medical professionals and their staff and support staff. Thank you for making this a wonderful experience for us we truly appreciate your care. 

Update: Friday 21 June, A totally sleepless night last night,  and on my feet early this morning. I last slept two nights ago and I am so exhausted now. With everything going on with my husband and trying to keep everything going between home, hospital,  and caring for another family member. Sheesh, I am knackered and I hope that I can sleep tonight. My husband is home and resting in bed so that is good, no more hospital until his staples come out and his drains removed. We are aiming for next Monday for the final part of the journey. This has been a very long journey for us. The hard part was from January to last Friday with non stop complications and screw ups at the hospital. 

Wes Penre: Q and A Session #2 June 2024


Some interesting stuff here 

19 June, 2024

Coldest morning of the year in Sydney, Melbourne as records fall


Well it was colder that that in Canberra this morning, it went down to -6.1 Tuggeranong in south Canberra 

at 7.30 am. I actually live there and every morning I check the weather report and I  check the observations for  overnight temperature too. Click on the image and at 7.30 am today it shows the exact temperature as -6.1.  The journalist is lazy when it comes to checking the figures. 

18 June, 2024

Archaeologists in Crete mystified by 4000-year-old discovery


The past couple of weeks there has been a few discoveries in the news. This one surprised me that it remained hidden for so long. How often do aircraft’s fly over the area I wonder? 

Good Feng Shui advice


For Feng Shui lovers and those new to it. The water element can even be a dvd of waterfalls or water theme DVD on a loop for relaxation. I have a beautiful dvd of Australian waterfalls and flowing water I use the water sound rather than the classical music option. Much as I love classical music, it’s about the energy on a spiritual level for me. 

12 June, 2024

Aunty Flo Dream Interpretations: Furniture


Ah, My go to lady never fails to enlighten me, well most of the time anyway.   I have very lucid dreams every night and I usually turn to Flo and a couple of other websites to help with the very complex dreams that I have. The interpretations are not always possible with my dreams and I often have to figure them out by myself. No doubt many people are in the same boat so to speak, but please give Flo a go for her wise teaching. 

This article strikes a few notes with me, I am going through very serious issues right now. My fear of being widowed is the paramount thing on my mind right now as the time draws closer for  my husband's surgery, which is literally hours away. 

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 1 June 2024


Project Blue beam has been in the mainstream for years I personally am over that rubbish, I just don’t have time for it anymore. Whether it’s real or not I don’t care about it anymore. 

With Q 3 I definitely don’t agree with the astrological view and I am currently studying astrology as well as you know I am a Clairvoyant so I see and know from that perspective very strongly what is happening. 

When doing astrological predictions there are various influences and interpretations to work from and the individual picks from this wealth of data what they feel is the most relevant to the astrological calculations at that point in time. 

In regards to Q 5 comment by Wes, I can tell you from my personal experience also that humans unfortunately do need to eat meat for optimal health as not all the required nutrients are produced by other foods. Also a vegan diet is definitely harmful neurologically as I asked a neurologist about this when I was having my fibromyalgia diagnosed and he said it was harmful. I already knew it was but wanted to hear it from someone that is a neurologist. Yet here we are seeing mainstream media pushing this nonsense and universities are indoctrinating kids into believing that they should become vegan. 

 I was a very strict vegetarian for 10 years until lockdown in March 2020. I was a vegetarian for purely spiritual reasons and I love animals. I still struggle with eating meat and the suffering of any animals deeply distresses me. I have always donated to local animal charities and have adopted cats from animal shelters and will definitely do so again. The narrative in some areas of the spiritual community believe that being a vegetarian gives one a better connection to spirit communication. This was actually stated by someone teaching  psychic development in a group that I was learning with can and I can tell that it is absolutely unfounded. As  a clairvoyant and medium it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever if you eat meat or not, you are born with these abilities and the more you use them the stronger they become. The same goes with being a spiritual healer, I am a natural born spiritual healer and this runs in my family. Both of my parents were healers too as are relatives overseas. 

Learn to trust your instincts and don’t rely on hearsay for your beliefs, again I am speaking from experience here. As I attended a spiritual church to learn about my own personal psychic abilities and how to use spiritual protection. It was during that time I discovered that I was a spiritual healer like my parents, my father was the main healer and the spiritual healers in my family are on my father’s side of the family. My mother was learning to be a reiki master with my father at the time I was starting my spiritual practices. After my mother passed she worked with my father from spirit. 

I must point out though that my father ditched reiki for spiritual healing because it is the pure healing energy that you are born with. Reiki uses an intermediary to channel the healing energy. With spiritual healing it comes directly to you and no intermediary is involved. So basically when my parents decided to learn healing this was just the catalyst for my father to use his own spiritual healing abilities. 

 After spending hundreds of dollars on learning reiki to eventually drop it. It would have been better to just learn how to use his healing abilities through the spiritual church which is much cheaper and less time consuming for a  bit of paper to say that you could do healing rather than using your own power. 

You don’t learn to be a healer you are born with the ability, you do need to learn how to use your powers though and how to ground and attune yourself before and after each healing session. You must always use spiritual protection too. There are many ways to do all three grounding, attuning and spiritual protection, and stick with what you feel is right for you. 

11 June, 2024

'I was following instructions': Chief Minister apologises for parking in disabled spot at private event


Entitlement much? This is the way too long serving Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory,  putting the blame on others for his own actions. Not so good at parking never mind having the arrogance to park in a disabled spot. 

The Goddess Nike on your hot cross buns and clothing


Think of the sports brand Nike when you see that famous tick that we use to mark something as correct, mythology and symbology are very much  strong influences in our world and always will play a role as do the colours used in symbolism and advertising.  Having a powerful effect on our psyche with its own form of branding,  as does religion and astrology influence us on often subtle hidden ways. Nike was the goddess of victory in Greek Mythology . The Nike tick is symbolic of the wings of Nike as in swift victory. She represents victory in music, athletics and military competitions. So this is suggesting a bit of competition for the old Hot Cross Bun in the news article below.  


Basically it's just swapping one myth for another in this news article. The change over from the age of Aries to the age of Pisces symbolically known as a Fish for Christianity, and the cross also represents the earth if you have a circle around it. The cross also represents the four cardinal points; but it also represents spirit becoming physical in mass and matter  metaphysically. As in when a human being comes into being in our world.  The Lamb of Christ /Ram is Aries, the lords are the zodiac houses and the procession of the zodiac which runs anti clockwise in approximately 2000 year cycles. If you go back before the age of the Ram/Lamb it was the worshiping of the Bull as in Taurus.  

We are now leaving the age of Pisces (the 12th house  ruled by Neptune and the sign of Pisces). The 12 house which rules, spirituality, psychic abilities, illusion, deception, seclusion or what is hidden. healing, the subconscious mind, hidden enemies and hidden agendas. It is the last of three houses of endings and is ruled by the element of water. 

The ruling planet Neptune governs All maritime matters, liquids of all kinds, music, movies, the stage, television, glamour, dreams, illusion, delusions, spirituality, ideals, mystical and mysterious, hunches, all things that we take for granted in life without questioning, Neptune also governs fog (water which  comes in three forms, liquid, vapour and ice. Then there is anaesthetics, flattery, the intangible, fragrances, second sight, the love of poetry, colour, and dancing/movement. Drugs, alcohol, addiction, hypochondria, sleep walking, hypnosis, the immaterial and abnormalities. Neptune’s actions are subtle, gradual and sometimes insidious. It is the higher octave of Venus, and the second of the three transcendental planets.

Where you find Neptune is where you deceive yourself and others, it is also where you seek the ideal.

Note: this information comes from the book, The only way to learn astrology (vol 1) by Joan McEvers and Marion March. 

We then move into the age of Aquarius, which is a contested area because most people either don’t agree or actually know when the age of Aquarius actually starts. According to some scholars the new age begins around the 2050’s or else much later in 2100’s.  Studying Astrology, which pointed to it being underway since the 20th century and covers 2100AD to 2800 AD. That's quite a tricky thing but in reading the article it may be something to take into consideration. Nobody can fully predict the  beginning and ending of the age of Aquarius, however the energy can be felt in subtle ways with human behaviour.  

The 11th house of the zodiac is ruled by the cardinal sign of Aquarius and the planet Uranus. Breaking this into what it governs is as follows. The 11th house itself governs, the love you receive from others, goals, hopes and dreams, circumstances beyond your control, friends. Money obtained via your occupation, 

The glyph for Aquarius is two wavy lines like water waves or electrical waves. Aquarius rules science, technology, inventions, it’s humanitarian, progressive, logical and futuristic. It is egotistical and utopian, bohemian  eccentric, intellectual, humanitarian. 

Uranus its ruling planet represents the freedom urge also known as the great discontent. and its key word is the awakener. Uranus rules, inventions, originality, science, magic, the occult, light, law, astrology, psychology, insight into nature's laws, sudden change, revolution, dictators, individualism, ingenuity, rebellion and autonomy. Uranus is a breaker of tradition, its gender neutral and sexless.

Uranus is also renowned for its connection to earthquakes and natural disasters.

Where you find Uranus is where you tend to do the unusual. So this as we can see will usher in a totally different world from what we know. We are already in a totally different world to our grandparents and great-grandparents. So that little tick is a nod that things will change whether people like it or not. Testing the public reaction like an experiment to see the reaction. 


 Hello everyone around the world. It's that time of year again to do my psychic predictions. Kicking off the 2025 psychic predictions st...