26 February, 2021

Tarot card of the month: March 2021, Strength


Tarot card of the month: March 2021, Strength



Patience, Trust, Compassion, Diligence, Strength

Number 8 is for new life (alchemy, wisdom through learning experience/fermentation)

Now remember the Lemniscate or infinity symbol is a sealed unit as in temporal world and the non-physical world. Standing it upright, it looks like the number 8 and even part of the DNA chain. Nothing is coincidence here.

Ok as for this card relating to the month of March, the mind is crucial as we move into the change of seasons. And the third month of the year.

As we move in to March the world is slowly moving forward from the pandemic. It will still take a little time to move forward, so be patient, this is imperative.

Things will start to unfold and change like a butterfly from a chrysalis.

Resilience is emphasized for the Northern Hemisphere, people are still struggling with ongoing events, money problems and survival. Governments’ are unpopular, with some under scrutiny and rightfully so. But remember to scrutinize the opposition parties too.

Diligence and common sense are key thigs to observe and reflect on in March.  Still some last-minute chilly weather to come in the northern hemisphere. Then spring starts to warm up. I see spring bulbs appearing mid to late March.  This could indicate a warm summer.

Possible crimes of opportunity as the weather starts to warm up. Do not take risks with your personal safety when outdoors. I see random thefts and muggings, car theft on the rise. Make sure your home and personal property is secure. Be aware of your personal surroundings and use common sense.

I see children coughing, perhaps it is seasonal colds/flu and hopefully not whooping cough. This is small children that I am being shown.


There is a feeling of hopefulness in the air and more people out doors. I feel any hurdles now are only small as life starts to open up and move forward.  I am seeing a chocolate wrapper for some reason. Chocolate makes us feel good and Easter is when we stuff our faces silly with chocolate. Perhaps this is a sign of joy and relief, because we didn’t have a proper Easter last year. People felt let down, don’t blame the bunny though, lol.

For Australia March is more about getting outdoors for barbeques as the weather is ideal. Do expect rain though as March looks to be a rather mixed bag of sun and rain. I feel we will have ample rain over the next few months. I get the feeling of nostalgia, sort of a return to old things of the 1970’s and 1980’s as our weather cools off for winter. It is a nice cozy nostalgic feeling.

Taiwan is worried about things heating up some more with China, they have every right to be worried too. Because China will not back down, they have a taste of power and enjoy flexing their muscles. Which is foolish really, because the whole world is against them.

Remember everything on the planet goes in cycles energetically speaking. And any imbalance of energy must eventually be rectified some way or another. This China situation will result in a push back obviously.

This I feel will go on for years though, but the price that china pays as a nation I feel will be shocking, so be it.  As I said energy must be kept in balance < (look at the Lemniscate and see it’s balanced). The boomerang effect of this energy imbalance will be catastrophic to the Chinese people, it is they whom sadly will pay the ultimate price because of the CCP’s abuse of power or energy. The debt of an energy imbalance affects a whole nation when it comes to war and or war crimes etc. Not something the average human being should have to suffer because of the hands of a few evil individuals. Very sad indeed.




Christmas Humour